Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

we have enough murderers
look at these EIGHT!!!
The suspected members of the Dominican “Trinitarios” gang
don't try to make out the hispanics like some do of Native Americans:
''''they go to church and pray, hand out flowers, help granma, etc'''
Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle sentenced to time served
it's not just murder, but crime/fraud/SSN fraud/etc
SSN fraud is prevalent with illegals
so gadamn what if some are good people--we have enough problems to deal with
cut legal and illegal immigration
Social Security benefits stolen by hackers, leaving families with bill
Identity fraud cost Americans $17 billion last year.

8 gang-affiliated men charged with murder in fatal stabbing of Bronx teen

so there are only six in that picture... but never mind.

again, as long as there are crappy jobs that Americans don't want to do, even in a recession, there will be a demand for undocumented laborers.

Deal with it.
Is that a justification for the State’s failure to protect Molly and so many others, who are victims of crime committed by illegals?

The State’s number one job is to protect the rights of the people. It fails repeatedly. The State needs to be put on trial.
Her father should have insisted instead of a "fit bit" she carry a snub nose .38. or at least a stun gun. I don't care if you're in rural Iowa or the middle of downtown Denver, a woman running alone at dusk in shorts and a flimsy top gets noticed. According to the little turd who grabbed her, she ran from him but maybe she hit him and it pissed him off. If a woman decides to hit man, she better know where to hit him...count 3 buttons down on his plexus or in the throat or stab at the eyes with her keys and run like her life depends on it because it probably will.
Don’t matter Mollie is dead and apparently the family feels honored that she was chopped up by an an illegal immigrant. It would have been just horrible if a racist white American had done it! Just horrible.
The Hispanic community was apparently very supportive during the search for Mollie, and since she knew the guy, this was apparently not a family that had any issues with Hispanics, regardless of their status as citizens. He wanted to make that clear, on behalf of his daughter. Do you have any questions now?

Two questions.

Was she a victim?

Was the comment about food a passive aggressive dig at white people?
Are you being a tad sensitive about white people food? lol
I will let her family answer the other question; they knew her best and as they said, what she would want to be remembered as.
Lefties ALWAYS use spicy food as justification for multiculturalism. Always.

As if we can't figure out how to put peppers into things.
------------------------------------ good point and its accurate . My MOTHER cooked from cook book recipes 70 years ago a year before i was born . It was better than importing the third worlders for some refried beans IMpure.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.
If he wasn't here, she would be alive or at least had the honor of being killed by a true American -- which in that case, her chances of being murdered by one of them are greatly higher..

But we need to build a wall, suspend issuing visas to people from undesirable countries and start throwing these employers in jail for knowingly hiring illegals -- well, disregard that last part..
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me?

The difference being this particular perp is an invader, not a native.

It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.

You're not much of a deep thinker, huh? The crime is a matter of the entirety of illegal immigration, not every individual invader, though they be equally out of place.

Stop babbling the usual Democrat racist nonsense. There's no xenophobia. It would be the same were we invaded by hordes of poor, ignorant lily-white Laplanders.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me?

The difference being this particular perp is an invader, not a native.

It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.

You're not much of a deep thinker, huh? The crime is a matter of the entirety of illegal immigration, not every individual invader, though they be equally out of place.

Stop babbling the usual Democrat racist nonsense. There's no xenophobia. It would be the same were we invaded by hordes of poor, ignorant lily-white Laplanders.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me? I understand that we try to assign blame in these things but you're getting way too specific if you go much farther than the perp himself. It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.
so we should import murderers--we don't have enough??
????? No. I did not suggest that. I suggest that these incidents should not irrationally move the needle on how we deal with illegal immigrants because this happens to be a cute young girl that the gop fell in love with. Statistics on this scale always have outliers. You wouldnt base policy on the outliers only unless you are retarded. The father is correct to say that this isnt primarily an immigration problem.
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me? I understand that we try to assign blame in these things but you're getting way too specific if you go much farther than the perp himself. It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.
so we should import murderers--we don't have enough??
????? No. I did not suggest that. I suggest that these incidents should not irrationally move the needle on how we deal with illegal immigrants because this happens to be a cute young girl that the gop fell in love with. Statistics on this scale always have outliers. You wouldnt base policy on the outliers only unless you are retarded. The father is correct to say that this isnt primarily an immigration problem.
That is exactly what you suggested! It’s all Trumps fault for wanting to secure the border. We Americans are racist and xenophopic and we should all be honored to sacrifice a cute white girl on the alter of illegal immigration! There! Happy now?
Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me?

The difference being this particular perp is an invader, not a native.

It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.

You're not much of a deep thinker, huh? The crime is a matter of the entirety of illegal immigration, not every individual invader, though they be equally out of place.

Stop babbling the usual Democrat racist nonsense. There's no xenophobia. It would be the same were we invaded by hordes of poor, ignorant lily-white Laplanders.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me?

The difference being this particular perp is an invader, not a native.

It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.

You're not much of a deep thinker, huh? The crime is a matter of the entirety of illegal immigration, not every individual invader, though they be equally out of place.

Stop babbling the usual Democrat racist nonsense. There's no xenophobia. It would be the same were we invaded by hordes of poor, ignorant lily-white Laplanders.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
"Virtue signalling"??? Is this like "cucks" and "feminazis," "antifa," and the rest of the garbage emanating from the backroom of the white-trash alt-right, who never will come out and and clearly identify themselves and what kind of Americans they are? This poor woman's parents are Americans who are commonly decent Americans trying to get through an awful time in their lives without allowing their daughter's horrible death, her dignity, and her legacy to be prostituted in order to further the arguments of the most gutter-level political activists and morons. The people who seek to do this have not a shred of honor, dignity, or patriotism.
Dignity? Being chopped into pieces in honor of illegal immigration is dignity? We should start awarding plaques or something!
"Virtue signalling"??? Is this like "cucks" and "feminazis," "antifa," and the rest of the garbage emanating from the backroom of the white-trash alt-right, who never will come out and and clearly identify themselves and what kind of Americans they are? This poor woman's parents are Americans who are commonly decent Americans trying to get through an awful time in their lives without allowing their daughter's horrible death, her dignity, and her legacy to be prostituted in order to further the arguments of the most gutter-level political activists and morons. The people who seek to do this have not a shred of honor, dignity, or patriotism.

Yes, I remember Gold Star mom Cindy Sheeran trying to prostitute her dead Army son to her cause for the Democrats.

His fellow soldiers and friends stepped up and buried her, 'scuse the pun.
"Virtue signalling"??? Is this like "cucks" and "feminazis," "antifa," and the rest of the garbage emanating from the backroom of the white-trash alt-right, who never will come out and and clearly identify themselves and what kind of Americans they are? This poor woman's parents are Americans who are commonly decent Americans trying to get through an awful time in their lives without allowing their daughter's horrible death, her dignity, and her legacy to be prostituted in order to further the arguments of the most gutter-level political activists and morons. The people who seek to do this have not a shred of honor, dignity, or patriotism.

When anyone "clearly identifies" themselves as a proponent of immigration laws, then they open themselves up to violent harassment and intimidation.
"Virtue signalling"??? Is this like "cucks" and "feminazis," "antifa," and the rest of the garbage emanating from the backroom of the white-trash alt-right, who never will come out and and clearly identify themselves and what kind of Americans they are? This poor woman's parents are Americans who are commonly decent Americans trying to get through an awful time in their lives without allowing their daughter's horrible death, her dignity, and her legacy to be prostituted in order to further the arguments of the most gutter-level political activists and morons. The people who seek to do this have not a shred of honor, dignity, or patriotism.

Yes, I remember Gold Star mom Cindy Sheeran trying to prostitute her dead Army son to hewr cause for the Democrats.

His fellow soldiers and friends stepped up and buried her, 'scuse the pun.

A mother who lost her son, whom she went through pregnancy and painful birth with, shed her own blood to bring him into the world, who raised him, is not supposed to confront the two whores who are responsible for his murder and demand answers? It was bush and cheney who prostituted and killed her son. What they took from her is unimaginable.

We should honor people like her. People who seek to dishonor the death of Mollie Tibbetts, even as her family fights to preserve her dignity, are disgusting and against the values of our nation, and, basically, are scum.

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