Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

By using it to support you anti immigrant hate mongering.
Anti-ILLEGAL alien....

Why is this so difficult for you.

We can do nothing to bring Mollie back because of your pro ILLEGAL alien policies, but there are future Mollies out there, DESTINED TO DIE.

We'd like to prevent that.

Why do you fight that?
Because you the American are the problem in her mind. And to her, evidently, the illegal is not illegal, the US has no border, nor any laws that must be followed. So next time one of these libtards declares that we are a nation of laws just laugh in their smarmy faces!
Are you usually such a tard? Seriously? You barely read anyone's posts, you make unsubstantisted claims about people and fail to provide proof and you clearly do not read posts because you think you know what tbey are saying. You are just the kind of person who will politicize a young girls murder, think you are better than her family who doesnt hate hispanics or immigrants and who doesn't like to people like you using her death to score political points. What makes you any different then the "libtards" you hate? Nothing. You just pick a different death to support your generic hate mongering against immigrants. Keep up the good work . Maybe someday you will experience a horrible loss and see it politicized by people who know nothing about you, who dont even care enough to try to learn and who see your loss as nothing but a convenient political opportunity.

In the meantime do you think it might be possible to support good immigration policy without using a tragedy like this to score political points? Maybe policy thsing people enforces border control with forced family seperations or denying people their legal rights? How about focusing on expedited deportations of those who have committed violent crimes? Common sense stuff we should all be able to support. But wait..i guess not, were dealing with tards here.
By using it to support you anti immigrant hate mongering.
Anti-ILLEGAL alien....

Why is this so difficult for you.

We can do nothing to bring Mollie back because of your pro ILLEGAL alien policies, but there are future Mollies out there, DESTINED TO DIE.

We'd like to prevent that.

Why do you fight that?
Because you the American are the problem in her mind. And to her, evidently, the illegal is not illegal, the US has no border, nor any laws that must be followed. So next time one of these libtards declares that we are a nation of laws just laugh in their smarmy faces!
Are you usually such a tard? Seriously? You barely read anyone's posts, you make unsubstantisted claims about people and fail to provide proof and you clearly do not read posts because you think you know what tbey are saying. You are just the kind of person who will politicize a young girls murder, think you are better than her family who doesnt hate hispanics or immigrants and who doesn't like to people like you using her death to score political points. What makes you any different then the "libtards" you hate? Nothing. You just pick a different death to support your generic hate mongering against immigrants. Keep up the good work . Maybe someday you will experience a horrible loss and see it politicized by people who know nothing about you, who dont even care enough to try to learn and who see your loss as nothing but a convenient political opportunity.

In the meantime do you think it might be possible to support good immigration policy without using a tragedy like this to score political points? Maybe policy thsing people enforces border control with forced family seperations or denying people their legal rights? How about focusing on expedited deportations of those who have committed violent crimes? Common sense stuff we should all be able to support. But wait..i guess not, were dealing with tards here.
Before you get to call me a tard why don’t you tell us why they are immigrants? Why aren’t they illegal immigrants? Do we get to have laws? Are we to follow them? Are we allowed borders? Are we allowed a country? Do you know how many years children have been separated at the border? Hint fuckface! It did not start with President Trump. Now was this white girl chopped up by an illegal or wasn’t she? Can you answer? And then fuckface tell us why discussing this on a message board is making it political. Now I know you are a mod but who the fuck made you God? I shall wait fir some enlightening answers. I do not know about the rest of the conservatives on this board but I For one are am sick and tired of all this double standard racism and being called a racist and being called a xenophobe and being called whatever the fuck you libtards decide we taxpaying Americans are so you can feel all above it all so why don’t you take your fucking moral high ground and put it where the moon don’t shine?. Here’s betting you will not answer the questions. Here’s betting you will threadban me because I spoke! Go!
Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me? I understand that we try to assign blame in these things but you're getting way too specific if you go much farther than the perp himself. It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.
so we should import murderers--we don't have enough??
????? No. I did not suggest that. I suggest that these incidents should not irrationally move the needle on how we deal with illegal immigrants because this happens to be a cute young girl that the gop fell in love with. Statistics on this scale always have outliers. You wouldnt base policy on the outliers only unless you are retarded. The father is correct to say that this isnt primarily an immigration problem.
That is exactly what you suggested! It’s all Trumps fault for wanting to secure the border. We Americans are racist and xenophopic and we should all be honored to sacrifice a cute white girl on the alter of illegal immigration! There! Happy now?
Trump didn't have to do it the way he did, with all that talk about how criminal they are. It could be addressed without any of that .... grainbely is right.
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.
You could say "had he not been there..." about literally any rape/murder. Are you fucking kidding me?

The difference being this particular perp is an invader, not a native.

It is inhuman and unamerican to project this crime onto all illegal immigrants. It's also plain stupid.

Stop trying so hard to justify racist xenophobia.

You're not much of a deep thinker, huh? The crime is a matter of the entirety of illegal immigration, not every individual invader, though they be equally out of place.

Stop babbling the usual Democrat racist nonsense. There's no xenophobia. It would be the same were we invaded by hordes of poor, ignorant lily-white Laplanders.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Who here thinks fucking expediting deportation actually works? Some of our murderers have snuck back in five or six times! You know why? Because fucking Americans make them do it. It’s all the Americans fault not theirs! Right Coyote?
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.
Well hell why have fucking borders at all? Huh? Shit man. Right?
The difference being this particular perp is an invader, not a native.

You're not much of a deep thinker, huh? The crime is a matter of the entirety of illegal immigration, not every individual invader, though they be equally out of place.

Stop babbling the usual Democrat racist nonsense. There's no xenophobia. It would be the same were we invaded by hordes of poor, ignorant lily-white Laplanders.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.

This one was an illegal who if hadn't been here Mollie would still be alive

Why can't ignorant leftists grasp that?
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.
Well hell why have fucking borders at all? Huh? Shit man. Right?
Well, with borders...we still have to contend with our own toxic males raping and killing girls and women. Just like that "father" who killed his wife and girls in Colorado. Same number of deaths as in Benghazi.....and yet.....crickets.....
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.

This one was an illegal who if hadn't been here Mollie would still be alive

Why can't ignorant leftists grasp that?
And if we are going to play game...this is one person that if he'd been aborted, he wouldn't have been there and Mollie would still be alive.
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.
Well hell why have fucking borders at all? Huh? Shit man. Right?
Well, with borders...we still have to contend with our own toxic males raping and killing girls and women. Just like that "father" who killed his wife and girls in Colorado. Same number of deaths as in Benghazi.....and yet.....crickets.....

It was all over the news and threads were on here about it ya lying sack
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

The last sentence of your paragraph is a lie YOU made up, since you know nothing about this woman or her family. You’re just pissed that they won’t play along with your racist, xenophobic agenda.

You certainly live up to the “trash” moniker you have given yourself.
I wish there was a way I could rate your post higher than 'winner'.

Well said.
How many rape/murders include breaking and entering or trespassing or something similar? That's very similar. They were there illegally so if only they hadn't done the crime to get there in the first place the whole thing would have been avoided.../vomit. No. It's not the lack of a wall that caused the psycho to kill. Making their displacement the primary wrongdoing would be an error.

Racism and Xenophobia are definitely part of it. The anti immigration angle was elevated by trump's rhetoric in the campaign. He claimed that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly violent criminals and welfare dependents. He claimed immigrants are attacking our culture which is in line with white nationalist opinion. Put it all together and it's clear that these people have a problem with other races and cultures coming to our country impacting our way of life with their inferior version. They demand immediate and total assimilation, which is impossible, and they use that as an automatic defamation.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
NO ONE IS SMILING at her death. Hear that? It was a tragic death and a terrible crime. One man committed this crime; it does NOT reflect on his race or his countrymen or the other undocumented immigrants who are here. It reflects ON HIM. Him alone.
Respect the family's wishes and stop turning the poor girl into a political football.
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.
Because the Obaboons give more protections to illegals than they do their own citizens.
Why won't the trumpanzees admit this was another case of an aggressive, toxic male trying to force himself on a woman and when she resisted, "punished" her by killing her viciously? Those kinds of toxic males come from all countries.
Well hell why have fucking borders at all? Huh? Shit man. Right?
Well, with borders...we still have to contend with our own toxic males raping and killing girls and women. Just like that "father" who killed his wife and girls in Colorado. Same number of deaths as in Benghazi.....and yet.....crickets.....
Either stop lying or GFY. You know the Colorado killings were covered extensively.
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
NO ONE IS SMILING at her death. Hear that? It was a tragic death and a terrible crime. One man committed this crime; it does NOT reflect on his race or his countrymen or the other undocumented immigrants who are here. It reflects ON HIM. Him alone.
Respect the family's wishes and stop turning the poor girl into a political football.
Does the family post here? Do we still have freedom of speech?
No! Really, we are grateful she was chopped up by someone who had a right to walk across the border and slaughter her! You honored by that? You should be. Triumph is yours! It’s all Trumps fault! Yay!
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
NO ONE IS SMILING at her death. Hear that? It was a tragic death and a terrible crime. One man committed this crime; it does NOT reflect on his race or his countrymen or the other undocumented immigrants who are here. It reflects ON HIM. Him alone.
Respect the family's wishes and stop turning the poor girl into a political football.
He was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here! Right?
No. He doesnt have a right to cross the border. I'm hoping they investigate how he got here and look at sensible ways of addressing it if its doable. The fake papers he probably had and his way in were probably already known system weaknesses before this with a number of policy and enforcement changes on the table for improvement. So what does this really change?

We can review this without throwing a fit, turning this poor girls tragic death into a circus, and projecting the violent behavior onto all illegal immigrants by pushing harder for immediate blanket poor policy.
No we can’t. We are no longer allowed safety or borders or opinions! Let them all in and shut up about it, the more cute white girls that are murdered the better!
We are no longer allowed safety or borders? Does that mean Trump's ICE initiative is not working? Or that things were safer during Obama's administration?
Nope! You libtards will not allow Americans to have borders or safety! When an illegal crosses our borders and murders one of us evidently we are just supposed to smile and nod. Maybe throw in a well done for good measure!
NO ONE IS SMILING at her death. Hear that? It was a tragic death and a terrible crime. One man committed this crime; it does NOT reflect on his race or his countrymen or the other undocumented immigrants who are here. It reflects ON HIM. Him alone.
Respect the family's wishes and stop turning the poor girl into a political football.
He was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here, he was not supposed to be here! Right?
We know that.
He snuck into the country, he lied about who he was, he stole someone’s identification, he was not supposed to be here. Right?

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