Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

This is a very good thing. Its at this point that she is given funding to help raise the child. Also, I've always felt those who are Willi g to adopt should be given a chunk of money for doing the right thing. Anything else is not, repeat not pro life. Pro life doesn't end at birth.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

You're a phoney. You just admitted YOU would be willing to murder that 'human being' if it were conceived by rape.
Nope not a phoney just know I would NEVER want my daughters or wife to carry a rapists child in them and neither should anyone else.
This is a very good thing. Its at this point that she is given funding to help raise the child. Also, I've always felt those who are Willi g to adopt should be given a chunk of money for doing the right thing. Anything else is not, repeat not pro life. Pro life doesn't end at birth.
Make it easier and cheaper to adopt and I would adopt a baby boy tomorrow. Me and my wife want another son. We got 3 daughters and 1 son...
Make it easier and cheaper to adopt and I would adopt a baby boy tomorrow. Me and my wife want another son. We got 3 daughters and 1 son...

Look into "adopting" a pregnant teen. You'll be able to provide her with prenatal care, good nutrition, and a safe place to live so she can continue her education until she gives birth. There are agencies that can facilitate this for you.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

You're a phoney. You just admitted YOU would be willing to murder that 'human being' if it were conceived by rape.
Nope not a phoney just know I would NEVER want my daughters or wife to carry a rapists child in them and neither should anyone else.
This is a very good thing. Its at this point that she is given funding to help raise the child. Also, I've always felt those who are Willi g to adopt should be given a chunk of money for doing the right thing. Anything else is not, repeat not pro life. Pro life doesn't end at birth.
Make it easier and cheaper to adopt and I would adopt a baby boy tomorrow. Me and my wife want another son. We got 3 daughters and 1 son...

Look for an agency that uses sliding fees...Bethany and Adoption Together come to my mind off the bat. With one of ours we went through the Church and it cost us next to nothing.
That's why PP opposes mothers seeing ultrasound, it changes many minds and of course their revenue walks out the door

Indeed, such technology may be the thing that urns the tide against the savage practice of abortion. Modern medical imaging is making it more difficult to dehumanize and depersonalize the innocent victims of this brutal and murderous practice; and to hide the truth that these are not mere inhuman blobs of tissue, but actual living human beings who are being slaughtered.
Perhaps giving a $10000 dollar check to those who adopt would encourage more to do this.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

You're a phoney. You just admitted YOU would be willing to murder that 'human being' if it were conceived by rape.
Nope not a phoney just know I would NEVER want my daughters or wife to carry a rapists child in them and neither should anyone else.
This is a very good thing. Its at this point that she is given funding to help raise the child. Also, I've always felt those who are Willi g to adopt should be given a chunk of money for doing the right thing. Anything else is not, repeat not pro life. Pro life doesn't end at birth.
Make it easier and cheaper to adopt and I would adopt a baby boy tomorrow. Me and my wife want another son. We got 3 daughters and 1 son...

Look for an agency that uses sliding fees...Bethany and Adoption Together come to my mind off the bat. With one of ours we went through the Church and it cost us next to nothing.
Thanks will do!
To have sex or not have sex is everyone's choice. If a human is made from that sex that should NOT be a choice. Do you get a choice AFTER you drink and drive and kill someone? Nope. You DO get a choice to drink then drive..

Are you going to throw a woman in prison and force her to carry a baby to term she doesn't want?

Would you throw someone in prison for abusing and ultimately killing a toddler that she never wanted in the first place?

Child abuse is child abuse; and murder is murder, no matter the age of the victim. I find it one of the most shameful things about our culture that we so willingly tolerate and even embrace the abuse and murder of the youngest, most innocent, and most defenseless of children. Any rational society would rightfully recognize this as among the most serious of crimes, calling for the most serious of punishments.

And no, not prison for murdering a child. That should be an automatic death penalty for all who willingly had any part in it.
That's why PP opposes mothers seeing ultrasound, it changes many minds and of course their revenue walks out the door

Indeed, such technology may be the thing that urns the tide against the savage practice of abortion. Modern medical imaging is making it more difficult to dehumanize and depersonalize the innocent victims of this brutal and murderous practice; and to hide the truth that these are not mere inhuman blobs of tissue, but actual living human beings who are being slaughtered.

I remember seeing my ultrasounds, game changer actually seeing the baby move and active
Do you advocate the death penalty for women who have abortions? Would you make that the law?

Yes, absolutely. And for anyone else who has a willing part in it.

There are few crimes that ought to be seen as greater than the murder of an innocent, defenseless child; and if anyone deserves to be put to death, it would be anyone who willingly participated in such a crime.
To have sex or not have sex is everyone's choice. If a human is made from that sex that should NOT be a choice. Do you get a choice AFTER you drink and drive and kill someone? Nope. You DO get a choice to drink then drive..

Are you going to throw a woman in prison and force her to carry a baby to term she doesn't want?

Would you throw someone in prison for abusing and ultimately killing a toddler that she never wanted in the first place?

Child abuse is child abuse; and murder is murder, no matter the age of the victim. I find it one of the most shameful things about our culture that we so willingly tolerate and even embrace the abuse and murder of the youngest, most innocent, and most defenseless of children. Any rational society would rightfully recognize this as among the most serious of crimes, calling for the most serious of punishments.

And no, not prison for murdering a child. That should be an automatic death penalty for all who willingly had any part in it.

Like I told the other one, go ahead and make that the platform of this election. Maybe the GOP will manage to win four states on that message.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
This is why we must have legislation that requires an ultrasound before an abortion is given. No one is being coerced, the woman can still opt for termination murder of her unborn baby.

Reasonable people would agree with this compromise; unreasonable people are simply vicious baby murderers.
Money would be a great deterrent to abortion but el cheapo people might not back the idea. Hypocrites.
Like I told the other one, go ahead and make that the platform of this election. Maybe the GOP will manage to win four states on that message.
Liberals would politicize it. No. It would be best to keep it a secret like Obamacare was from the people until we won the power to impose it. If democrats can do it, then so can we.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.

As usual you miss the point.

That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

What you're arguing is when a human being has rights...most importantly, the right to live. When you start arguing when a human being has rights, when do you stop? When it's only people of certain colors, sexes, religious creeds?

No someone should not be forced to view the ultrasound of that human being. But they do need to understand to have an abortion performed will kill a human being.

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