Mom shot in front of her 4 kids

This is an example of self a righteous statement----and a lie too
"we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists"

Actually all you offer is lip service and bumper sticker platitudes.

Yep, because you know all about me and my life, your can offer your lip service of obtuseness.

Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?

Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?

Are you obtuse? The slogan, which I have nothing to do with, is in reference to so many blacks being killed by policemen in questionable circumstances.

Do black lives not matter to you?

Nothing to do with ? You don't support those chanting this racist and exclusionary drivel ? How about the Pakistani school children who were massacred ? Why are they not mentioned on your signs ? Do they not matter ?
This is why all this is so fucking stupid. Say one thing THEY think is wrong, and you are automatically a racist. All this hoopla yet nobody mentions children that are killed DAILY by some schmuck or lots of schmucks. The Taliban... THEY kill THEIR own too.

We all know what this is about anyway. Brownie points to show support even when THEY know its mostly bullshit support. Guilt. Pretense.
Yep, because you know all about me and my life, your can offer your lip service of obtuseness.

Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?

Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?

Are you obtuse? The slogan, which I have nothing to do with, is in reference to so many blacks being killed by policemen in questionable circumstances.

Do black lives not matter to you?

Nothing to do with ? You don't support those chanting this racist and exclusionary drivel ? How about the Pakistani school children who were massacred ? Why are they not mentioned on your signs ? Do they not matter ?

All lives matter...but in Ferguson, apparently black lives don't matter, that's the reason for the signs. Can't dumb it down for you any more than that. It's a way of telling racist people that black lives "also" matter....which apparently is too hard for you to comprehend.
Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?

Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?

Are you obtuse? The slogan, which I have nothing to do with, is in reference to so many blacks being killed by policemen in questionable circumstances.

Do black lives not matter to you?

Nothing to do with ? You don't support those chanting this racist and exclusionary drivel ? How about the Pakistani school children who were massacred ? Why are they not mentioned on your signs ? Do they not matter ?

All lives matter...but in Ferguson, apparently black lives don't matter, that's the reason for the signs. Can't dumb it down for you any more than that. It's a way of telling racist people that black lives "also" matter....which apparently is too hard for you to comprehend.

Of course, all lives matter, but there is also a thing CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Grabbing for an officers gun will get you very dead...This is something you can't comprehend.
Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?

Are you obtuse? The slogan, which I have nothing to do with, is in reference to so many blacks being killed by policemen in questionable circumstances.

Do black lives not matter to you?

Nothing to do with ? You don't support those chanting this racist and exclusionary drivel ? How about the Pakistani school children who were massacred ? Why are they not mentioned on your signs ? Do they not matter ?

All lives matter...but in Ferguson, apparently black lives don't matter, that's the reason for the signs. Can't dumb it down for you any more than that. It's a way of telling racist people that black lives "also" matter....which apparently is too hard for you to comprehend.

Of course, all lives matter, but there is also a thing CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Grabbing for an officers gun will get you very dead...This is something you can't comprehend.

Which remains to be proven.......which you can't comprehend. If Brown did reach for the cop's gun, the cop shouldn't have been able to do what he did.....a trial needed to prove it.
If you're a typical conservative, you claim you want the Constituion be upheld at all times, but you want to be able to provide passes whenever it suits your fancy.......hypocritical.

he public has been scrutinizing the manner in which officials handled evidence, particularly the officer’s gun, immediately following the incident.

According to official documents, supervisors allowed Wilson to drive himself back to the police station after the shooting where he washed blood from his hands, and placed his own pistol into an evidence bag without it being checked for fingerprints – all of which some experts say is anything but orthodox.

Evidence handling in Ferguson shooting case under fire emphasis on gun
Mother Murdered in Front of 4 Young Children - AOL On

Like I said....they kill their own. Are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal blacks who murder black women? No? Why not?

Going by your reasoning, are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal 2 year olds who murder their mothers? No? Why not?

Seems kind of silly doesn't it, since not all two year olds kill their mothers.

2-year-old kills mother at Idaho Wal-Mart with her own gun - LA Times
Black lives don't matter to the black community. That is fact. I feel so sorry for this woman's kids because of some asshole within her own community not respecting a innocent life.

Remember these stats...93% of 50% of all murder are black on black. or 46.5% of all murders in this country are blacks killing black people...

Liberals could care less about innocent black people. When liberals get their way and chase off the police = more innocent blacks dying by the hands of monsters within their community
Black lives don't matter to the black community. That is fact. I feel so sorry for this woman's kids because of some asshole within her own community not respecting a innocent life.

Remember these stats...93% of 50% of all murder are black on black. or 46.5% of all murders in this country are blacks killing black people...

Liberals could care less about innocent black people. When liberals get their way and chase off the police = more innocent blacks dying by the hands of monsters within their community

Actually, I think a lot of them care...but it's uncomfortable for many of them to have these scenarios highlighted because they worry about it enforcing racists views. It's unfortunate, because instead of a debate about how to truly help the black community, there is a lot of deflection taking place...including labeling people racists in an attempt to avoid the discussion.
Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?

Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?

Are you obtuse? The slogan, which I have nothing to do with, is in reference to so many blacks being killed by policemen in questionable circumstances.

Do black lives not matter to you?

Nothing to do with ? You don't support those chanting this racist and exclusionary drivel ? How about the Pakistani school children who were massacred ? Why are they not mentioned on your signs ? Do they not matter ?

All lives matter...but in Ferguson, apparently black lives don't matter, that's the reason for the signs. Can't dumb it down for you any more than that. It's a way of telling racist people that black lives "also" matter....which apparently is too hard for you to comprehend.

Or it could be that in Ferguson and other places there really are that many young black men out there breaking the law and hurting other people out there, whether they're black, white, etc. I for one do know there are many good black people out there, and that their lives matter as well. I also know that more than a few people are either overlooking the crimes performed by some dead/arrested young black men, or they downplay it or point it at the people upholding the law. That's not to say that all cops are good but please, no way was Mr. Brown a saint and a culmination of his own actions did ultimately lead to his death. Perhaps these protesters should take issue with those who influence some young black men to behave like violent animals. Fight back against the drug, misogynistic, violent, ignorant, and ghetto influences that haunt their communities. Young boys and girls need forthright mothers and fathers who are there for them and love them. In my opinion they need that nuclear family, and fortune smiles upon those within any community who had that.
Black lives don't matter to the black community. That is fact. I feel so sorry for this woman's kids because of some asshole within her own community not respecting a innocent life.

Remember these stats...93% of 50% of all murder are black on black. or 46.5% of all murders in this country are blacks killing black people...

Liberals could care less about innocent black people. When liberals get their way and chase off the police = more innocent blacks dying by the hands of monsters within their community

Black lives don't matter to the black community. That is fact. I feel so sorry for this woman's kids because of some asshole within her own community not respecting a innocent life.

Remember these stats...93% of 50% of all murder are black on black. or 46.5% of all murders in this country are blacks killing black people...

Liberals could care less about innocent black people. When liberals get their way and chase off the police = more innocent blacks dying by the hands of monsters within their community

Actually, I think a lot of them care...but it's uncomfortable for many of them to have these scenarios highlighted because they worry about it enforcing racists views. It's unfortunate, because instead of a debate about how to truly help the black community, there is a lot of deflection taking place...including labeling people racists in an attempt to avoid the discussion.

Of course they care.....people who generalize don't understand or don't want to understand the problems this country is having due to some that still hold on to racism. White men also kill their wives, as do men in other races or make it seem that all people of a particular race or color are bad because of what some in that race do is ignorant, which is why I'm going to ignore the blathering of "Matthew".
It's not a good thing to generalize, as in demonizing a whole group based on the actions of a few within it. Even if there are a ton of freaking idiots within, say, the Michael Brown support group, there's undoubtedly some who aren't so bad. Same with every group. Better to qualify your words so you can better engage in meaningful discussion with others.
Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?

Are you obtuse? The slogan, which I have nothing to do with, is in reference to so many blacks being killed by policemen in questionable circumstances.

Do black lives not matter to you?

Nothing to do with ? You don't support those chanting this racist and exclusionary drivel ? How about the Pakistani school children who were massacred ? Why are they not mentioned on your signs ? Do they not matter ?

All lives matter...but in Ferguson, apparently black lives don't matter, that's the reason for the signs. Can't dumb it down for you any more than that. It's a way of telling racist people that black lives "also" matter....which apparently is too hard for you to comprehend.

Or it could be that in Ferguson and other places there really are that many young black men out there breaking the law and hurting other people out there, whether they're black, white, etc. I for one do know there are many good black people out there, and that their lives matter as well. I also know that more than a few people are either overlooking the crimes performed by some dead/arrested young black men, or they downplay it or point it at the people upholding the law. That's not to say that all cops are good but please, no way was Mr. Brown a saint and a culmination of his own actions did ultimately lead to his death. Perhaps these protesters should take issue with those who influence some young black men to behave like violent animals. Fight back against the drug, misogynistic, violent, ignorant, and ghetto influences that haunt their communities. Young boys and girls need forthright mothers and fathers who are there for them and love them. In my opinion they need that nuclear family, and fortune smiles upon those within any community who had that.

There are many white, brown and black young men out there breaking the law and hurting other's not just blacks.....and we're talking about what happened in Ferguson, which has been handled in a way that is unorthodox to the way we do things here in the United States. Whether Brown deserved to die or not is not for one policeman to decide. The whole problem arose from the way it was handled......very bias. If indeed Brown did all the things the cop said he did, it would have been ironed out if it had been handled appropriately, and the cop would have been exonerated. That is why people are protesting, because some are quite comfortable with the way it was handled, which has been criticized by law experts from everywhere. You wouldn't like it if all of a sudden black cops were taking matters into their own hands, killing white young men, accusing them of doing something criminal and everybody just being okay with why would anyone expect the people of Ferguson or the United States to do so.
Oy. I see my comment flew right over some heads. I think I will let them continue to sail off into the blue yonder.

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