Mom shot in front of her 4 kids

THEY kill their own?

Yes. When you are talking about THEM then THEY is a proper pronoun.

I'm not talking about the use of pronouns and I think you know that.

Another one that doesn't recognize racist comments......geez.....they must be bred with a gene that bleeps out racism recognition.

I think we're all just getting super sick of this PC crap. We prefer to say it like it is instead of walking on eggshells all the time.

I don't think racists have ever walked on eggshells......they just usually guard themselves as to who to expose their hate and racist vitriol.....but now it seems they are coming unhinged.

For Liberals (like yourself) any time a white person even mentions that a black person committed a crime (or did anything wrong at all) he or she is automatically a "racist." Nobody can even looked cross-eyed without the Liberal kooks slobbering all over themselves.
We can discuss it. I discuss race all the time and I am never called a racist. Wonder why?

You're not a racist because you're an apologist for the bad actions and attitudes of the black race. You're actually rewarded with gold stars and pats on the back. Don't DARE say anything negative about blacks or you WILL be deemed a racist. It's what Political Correctness is all about (something you are really good at).
We can discuss it. I discuss race all the time and I am never called a racist. Wonder why?

You're not a racist because you're an apologist for the bad actions and attitudes of the black race. You're actually rewarded with gold stars and pats on the back. Don't DARE say anything negative about blacks or you WILL be deemed a racist. It's what Political Correctness is all about (something you are really good at).

First of all....I don't call people "blacks".

Next...I have honest discussions with black people all the time. We discuss things negative and positive regarding the black community.

I don't run around telling people that know their situation very well that their race is lazy or thuggish or vote based on looking for handouts.

You arrogant assholes think that all the black community needs is a good talking to. Then they'll all pull themselves up by their bootstraps and start voting republican. Silly nutter.
Here everyone is so concerned about ethnicity, who is a racist, bigot.... and I don't see one word about the CHILDREN and resulting scar it will leave.
I think Muddy said it best in another thread. I might use it as a sigline.

"We cannot discuss this. We would be racist if we did". Or something like that.

Only whites can be racists! When will you learn? :ack-1:
Ok. Whatever they wanna think about me is fine. It doesn't make it true, but it's fine if it floats their boats.

I don't consider you a racist and I know I'm not. But ... like you say, they will believe what they want. I have no hatred for anyone at all based on race. I will speak up when racists like Obama and Sharpton fan the flames and whip the inner city into a foaming lather. I'm opposed to racism even when it's blacks showing hatred towards whites.
I think Muddy said it best in another thread. I might use it as a sigline.

"We cannot discuss this. We would be racist if we did". Or something like that.

Only whites can be racists! When will you learn? :ack-1:
Ok. Whatever they wanna think about me is fine. It doesn't make it true, but it's fine if it floats their boats.

I don't consider you a racist and I know I'm not. But ... like you say, they will believe what they want. I have no hatred for anyone at all based on race. I will speak up when racists like Obama and Sharpton fan the flames and whip the inner city into a foaming lather. I'm opposed to racism even when it's blacks showing hatred towards whites.

Yer funny.
I think Muddy said it best in another thread. I might use it as a sigline.

"We cannot discuss this. We would be racist if we did". Or something like that.

Only whites can be racists! When will you learn? :ack-1:
Ok. Whatever they wanna think about me is fine. It doesn't make it true, but it's fine if it floats their boats.

I don't consider you a racist and I know I'm not. But ... like you say, they will believe what they want. I have no hatred for anyone at all based on race. I will speak up when racists like Obama and Sharpton fan the flames and whip the inner city into a foaming lather. I'm opposed to racism even when it's blacks showing hatred towards whites.

Yer funny.

Glad yer so easily amused.
America is coming out of the closet of shame. They can only endure so long, now white America is starting to push back. And rightfully so.

Oh please, "starting"? That's ignorant. They started way back when they thought buying black slaves was okay.

Why would white liberals feel an incessant need to defend blacks unless they (white liberals) don't believe that blacks are intelligent enough or equipped to defend themselves? Honest question!!

It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?

I think everyone is aware that bleeding heart liberals see victims everywhere. They are convinced "victims" bear no responsibility for their situations. It's what keeps the cycle turning.

And self-righteous greedy conservatives don't have empathy for anyone.....they think everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and the poor are poor only because they are lazy....

This is an example of self a righteous statement----and a lie too
"we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists"

Actually all you offer is lip service and bumper sticker platitudes.
Oh please, "starting"? That's ignorant. They started way back when they thought buying black slaves was okay.

Why would white liberals feel an incessant need to defend blacks unless they (white liberals) don't believe that blacks are intelligent enough or equipped to defend themselves? Honest question!!

It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?

I think everyone is aware that bleeding heart liberals see victims everywhere. They are convinced "victims" bear no responsibility for their situations. It's what keeps the cycle turning.

And self-righteous greedy conservatives don't have empathy for anyone.....they think everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and the poor are poor only because they are lazy....

This is an example of self a righteous statement----and a lie too
"we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists"

Actually all you offer is lip service and bumper sticker platitudes.

Yep, because you know all about me and my life, your can offer your lip service of obtuseness.
Why would white liberals feel an incessant need to defend blacks unless they (white liberals) don't believe that blacks are intelligent enough or equipped to defend themselves? Honest question!!

It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?

I think everyone is aware that bleeding heart liberals see victims everywhere. They are convinced "victims" bear no responsibility for their situations. It's what keeps the cycle turning.

And self-righteous greedy conservatives don't have empathy for anyone.....they think everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and the poor are poor only because they are lazy....

This is an example of self a righteous statement----and a lie too
"we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists"

Actually all you offer is lip service and bumper sticker platitudes.

Yep, because you know all about me and my life, your can offer your lip service of obtuseness.

Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?
I don't think racists have ever walked on eggshells......they just usually guard themselves as to who to expose their hate and racist vitriol.....but now it seems they are coming unhinged.

For Liberals (like yourself) any time a white person even mentions that a black person committed a crime (or did anything wrong at all) he or she is automatically a "racist." Nobody can even looked cross-eyed without the Liberal kooks slobbering all over themselves.

Prove me where I have done that. Do you generalize, much? It's comments like these that make it obvious "Like I said....they kill their own".

Who is "they" in the OP? Obviously she is talking about blacks, and that is a generalization because unless you are obtuse, you would recognize that blacks are not the only ones that will kill their own - children, wife, mother, father, etc., etc. You can find that in every race.

I could also say that you are always looking cross-eyed at every black.....why do you hate them so much? Are you afraid they are going to take your job? Going to smear their blackness on you? Going to take over the country and make you a slave? What is it?
It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?

I think everyone is aware that bleeding heart liberals see victims everywhere. They are convinced "victims" bear no responsibility for their situations. It's what keeps the cycle turning.

And self-righteous greedy conservatives don't have empathy for anyone.....they think everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and the poor are poor only because they are lazy....

This is an example of self a righteous statement----and a lie too
"we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists"

Actually all you offer is lip service and bumper sticker platitudes.

Yep, because you know all about me and my life, your can offer your lip service of obtuseness.

Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?

Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?
I think everyone is aware that bleeding heart liberals see victims everywhere. They are convinced "victims" bear no responsibility for their situations. It's what keeps the cycle turning.

And self-righteous greedy conservatives don't have empathy for anyone.....they think everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and the poor are poor only because they are lazy....

This is an example of self a righteous statement----and a lie too
"we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists"

Actually all you offer is lip service and bumper sticker platitudes.

Yep, because you know all about me and my life, your can offer your lip service of obtuseness.

Do all lives matter or just the black ones ?

Do you ask because for you only white lives matter?

The slogan "black lives matter" is exclusive. Why are you excluding people from your concern ?
Where's the outrage when a black person kills a white person?

This is why the outrage when a white man who kills a black man is both hypocritical and manufactured.
All lives—not only black ones—matter.
They kill their own every fucking day. Children caught in driveby shootings; old men being robbed by punks; mothers being murdered in front of their children. THEY KILL THEIR OWN. And over stupid shit, too. New tennis shoes, a radio, sunglasses. Name it, THEY will KILL THEIR OWN to possess it.

Make of it what you will. THEY KILL THEIR OWN. Pick a color, slap it on there. THEY. THEM.

I refuse to tippyfuckingtoe around here any more.

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