Mom shot in front of her 4 kids

America is coming out of the closet of shame. They can only endure so long, now white America is starting to push back. And rightfully so.

Oh please, "starting"? That's ignorant. They started way back when they thought buying black slaves was okay.

Why would white liberals feel an incessant need to defend blacks unless they (white liberals) don't believe that blacks are intelligent enough or equipped to defend themselves? Honest question!!

It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?
You realize after the last 6 years of claiming everyone is a racist if they do not kiss Obama's feet has left the word having little to no meaning? Claiming an Hispanic was white after being caught in a situation of claiming the shooter was white was bad too. Then we have all the ignoring of black on white and black on black crime while decrying legal shootings or arrests as proven by decisions of Grand Juries and every one claiming these juries were racist. The word does noit mean what you rejects are claiming it means.

One is NOT a racist for defending themselves no matter the skin color. One is not a racist for disagreeing with a President no matter his skin color. One is NOT a racist for pointing out that black on black crimes is at an epidemic level and no one is doing anything about it.
THEY kill their own?

Yes. When you are talking about THEM then THEY is a proper pronoun.

I'm not talking about the use of pronouns and I think you know that.

Another one that doesn't recognize racist comments......geez.....they must be bred with a gene that bleeps out racism recognition.

I think we're all just getting super sick of this PC crap. We prefer to say it like it is instead of walking on eggshells all the time.

I don't think racists have ever walked on eggshells......they just usually guard themselves as to who to expose their hate and racist vitriol.....but now it seems they are coming unhinged.
Being anonymous gives them a kind of courage.
America is coming out of the closet of shame. They can only endure so long, now white America is starting to push back. And rightfully so.

Oh please, "starting"? That's ignorant. They started way back when they thought buying black slaves was okay.

Why would white liberals feel an incessant need to defend blacks unless they (white liberals) don't believe that blacks are intelligent enough or equipped to defend themselves? Honest question!!

It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?
Are you an armchair shrink or something? Some kind of mercenary for victims? What are your fees or do you do it for free because that is what you think will give you brownie points OR make you feel better about yourself? Personally, I think you and YOUR ilk are hypocrites. Bet you walk on the other side of the street sometimes...or lock your car doors....or avoid bad neighborhoods. :lol:

No, I'm am not an armchair shrink, just a human having respect for other humans. And it does make me feel better to be compassionate than being full of hate for people over something like the color of their skin. I'm not a hypocrite.....those who claim they are not racist and then post racist shit are the hypocrites. And if I lock my car door is not because I'm afraid that some Black person, or Hispanic, or Asian is going to break in......whites steal, too, in case you're not aware of it. And, there are white bad neighborhoods too, so your comment makes no sense at all.
Mother Murdered in Front of 4 Young Children - AOL On

Like I said....they kill their own. Are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal blacks who murder black women? No? Why not?

Well, why don't you start the march, since you're the one making the point?
Well, why don't you?

Because I'm not the one complaining that there isn't one.
You're just complaining to complain. I asked a question in the OP. And here come the whiners all ready to pounce.

You generalized....insinuating that "all blacks" kill their own....maybe you didn't mean to say it that way, it's all about grammar, sometimes.
If I have to tippy toe around people who have been around me for a few years to make them understand my intent, then why bother? Think what you will and grammar be damned.
Well, why don't you start the march, since you're the one making the point?
Well, why don't you?

Because I'm not the one complaining that there isn't one.
You're just complaining to complain. I asked a question in the OP. And here come the whiners all ready to pounce.

You generalized....insinuating that "all blacks" kill their own....maybe you didn't mean to say it that way, it's all about grammar, sometimes.
If I have to tippy toe around people who have been around me for a few years to make them understand my intent, then why bother? Think what you will and grammar be damned.

Well, sometimes you think you know someone and you really don't. I wouldn't have expected you to same something like "they" meaning all blacks, but you did. I thought you were above that. If you didn't mean all of them, then you shouldn't say "they".
America is coming out of the closet of shame. They can only endure so long, now white America is starting to push back. And rightfully so.

Oh please, "starting"? That's ignorant. They started way back when they thought buying black slaves was okay.

Why would white liberals feel an incessant need to defend blacks unless they (white liberals) don't believe that blacks are intelligent enough or equipped to defend themselves? Honest question!!

It's not just blacks that liberals defend.....we defend every human being that is being victimized by racists.

Why do you hate blacks so much?
Are you an armchair shrink or something? Some kind of mercenary for victims? What are your fees or do you do it for free because that is what you think will give you brownie points OR make you feel better about yourself? Personally, I think you and YOUR ilk are hypocrites. Bet you walk on the other side of the street sometimes...or lock your car doors....or avoid bad neighborhoods. :lol:

No, I'm am not an armchair shrink, just a human having respect for other humans. And it does make me feel better to be compassionate than being full of hate for people over something like the color of their skin. I'm not a hypocrite.....those who claim they are not racist and then post racist shit are the hypocrites. And if I lock my car door is not because I'm afraid that some Black person, or Hispanic, or Asian is going to break in......whites steal, too, in case you're not aware of it. And, there are white bad neighborhoods too, so your comment makes no sense at all.
Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.
Mother Murdered in Front of 4 Young Children - AOL On

Like I said....they kill their own. Are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal blacks who murder black women? No? Why not?

THEY kill their own?
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
Mother Murdered in Front of 4 Young Children - AOL On

Like I said....they kill their own. Are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal blacks who murder black women? No? Why not?

THEY kill their own?
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
THEY!!! THEY!!!!! YES!! THEY!!!!!

Fuck off.
Meanwhile...just finished reading about a 76 year old mexican that was tackled to the ground by a cop, then tazed....because the sticker on his car said it was expired. Cop didn't give the guy a chance to explain he was driving a work car owned by the company. Cop just wanted to beat up an old man. Currently, the cop is being investigated for going overboard. Whatcha wanna bet they come back with "he was just doing his job?"

I saw that article too, and yep, we have some bad apples. That's not to mean that all cops are bad, but a few are making it seem like it. The fact is, and you can see many threads in this forum, where there are many racists that truly do hate people just because they happen to not be white like them. That is sad....and exposing them is a good thing. I always thought you were more compassionate, but some of your posts regarding blacks don't seem that way.

And those that defend cops as being infallible will probably come back and say "he was just doing his job" - not me....every situation has to be looked at individually.
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.

Nope, This shit that you are flinging at THEM has been going on for a lot longer than Obama has been President.
Mother Murdered in Front of 4 Young Children - AOL On

Like I said....they kill their own. Are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal blacks who murder black women? No? Why not?

THEY kill their own?
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
THEY!!! THEY!!!!! YES!! THEY!!!!!

Fuck off.

You are mentally unstable and deranged. One minute you are as sweet as can be. The next your are a raging looney tunes bitch.

If you can't handle the heat, then STFU in the first place. Otherwise, deal with it.
Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.

I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Mother Murdered in Front of 4 Young Children - AOL On

Like I said....they kill their own. Are there going to be any protestors marching against criminal blacks who murder black women? No? Why not?

THEY kill their own?
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
THEY!!! THEY!!!!! YES!! THEY!!!!!

Fuck off.

You are mentally unstable and deranged. One minute you are as sweet as can be. The next your are a raging looney tunes bitch.

If you can't handle the heat, then STFU in the first place. Otherwise, deal with it.
And there it is, folks!!! OFF she goes!
I must apologize, Wolfsister. I told you I accepted your apology the last time you threw mud clods at me. But in essence, I really didn't. I didn't forget it. I knew then that you were full of fake bullshit. Oh, you gave pretty excuses, but...I knew then. And easy to push you off the deep end yet again because you see me as a crazy bitch over relations we ALL are forced to deal with in our own ways. No, I won't call you on your own past that I didn't agree with. Not my style. But it sure is nice to show folks just who YOU really are.
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.

Therein is your see one person doing it and then everyone of that race is doing it. You hate Obama so much you are willing to condemn all blacks....that's not even sensible. And, I'm white, and I'm not racist, so again, you generalize.
Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.

I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Jesse Jackson is racist. Right?
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.

Therein is your see one person doing it and then everyone of that race is doing it. You hate Obama so much you are willing to condemn all blacks....that's not even sensible. And, I'm white, and I'm not racist, so again, you generalize.
I don't hate obama. I think he is very charming. He just sucks BIG time as a president. Oops. He's black. Therefore I am racist. Okey dokey.
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.

Therein is your see one person doing it and then everyone of that race is doing it. You hate Obama so much you are willing to condemn all blacks....that's not even sensible. And, I'm white, and I'm not racist, so again, you generalize.
Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.

I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Jesse Jackson is racist. Right?

Is he? Does he make generalizations about a specific race? If he does, then yes, he is.
Jesse Jackson: "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."

He said what every person under the sun feels in the same situation..but are too chickenshit to say out loud. He said it, though. So he was not a chickenshit to utter it where all could hear. That makes him a racist, right? No? Yes?

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