Mom shot in front of her 4 kids

Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.

I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Jesse Jackson is racist. Right?

Is he? Does he make generalizations about a specific race? If he does, then yes, he is.
Racism card is played too much. It lost it's punch. Yes, he made it about anyone with NOT white skin. That makes him a racist in your eyes? No. It makes him smart enough to admit it. Out loud. No different than anyone else being frustrated with the latest crap going on and venting about it.
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.

Therein is your see one person doing it and then everyone of that race is doing it. You hate Obama so much you are willing to condemn all blacks....that's not even sensible. And, I'm white, and I'm not racist, so again, you generalize.
I don't hate obama. I think he is very charming. He just sucks BIG time as a president. Oops. He's black. Therefore I am racist. Okey dokey.

Fine, many conservatives claim he sucks big time, but are unable to specify what he has done that makes him suck. He brought our country back from the brink, where GW Bush put it, he worked with obstinate Republicans that won't agree on anything he does or says. He has provided affordable health care for Americans, and even though it is doing well, conservatives refuse to accept that. He has reversed the DADT policies that used to give the military a means to fire people, etc., etc. But just not liking Obama does not make you you're just being silly.
Jesse Jackson: "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."

He said what every person under the sun feels in the same situation..but are too chickenshit to say out loud. He said it, though. So he was not a chickenshit to utter it where all could hear. That makes him a racist, right? No? Yes?

I'd like to see a link.......
THEY kill their own?
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
THEY!!! THEY!!!!! YES!! THEY!!!!!

Fuck off.

You are mentally unstable and deranged. One minute you are as sweet as can be. The next your are a raging looney tunes bitch.

If you can't handle the heat, then STFU in the first place. Otherwise, deal with it.
And there it is, folks!!! OFF she goes!
I must apologize, Wolfsister. I told you I accepted your apology the last time you threw mud clods at me. But in essence, I really didn't. I didn't forget it. I knew then that you were full of fake bullshit. Oh, you gave pretty excuses, but...I knew then. And easy to push you off the deep end yet again because you see me as a crazy bitch over relations we ALL are forced to deal with in our own ways. No, I won't call you on your own past that I didn't agree with. Not my style. But it sure is nice to show folks just who YOU really are.

You are too stupid to understand how the world works. You really do not get it. It has nothing to do with what you think of me because I don't give a shit. It has to do with how you view the world and how ignorant you are about it. Every comment you have made in this thread proves it.

Bye now.
Jesse Jackson: "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."

He said what every person under the sun feels in the same situation..but are too chickenshit to say out loud. He said it, though. So he was not a chickenshit to utter it where all could hear. That makes him a racist, right? No? Yes?

I'd like to see a link.......
A link to what? His comment? Try google.
And THAT, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. They are Obamaites. Therefore, all blacks are persecuted, all whites are racist.

Therein is your see one person doing it and then everyone of that race is doing it. You hate Obama so much you are willing to condemn all blacks....that's not even sensible. And, I'm white, and I'm not racist, so again, you generalize.
I don't hate obama. I think he is very charming. He just sucks BIG time as a president. Oops. He's black. Therefore I am racist. Okey dokey.

Fine, many conservatives claim he sucks big time, but are unable to specify what he has done that makes him suck. He brought our country back from the brink, where GW Bush put it, he worked with obstinate Republicans that won't agree on anything he does or says. He has provided affordable health care for Americans, and even though it is doing well, conservatives refuse to accept that. He has reversed the DADT policies that used to give the military a means to fire people, etc., etc. But just not liking Obama does not make you you're just being silly.
Oh come on, Mertex. Any disagreement about ANYTHING makes just about everyone silly that tries to sway the other. I am not going to debate Obama's policies with you or anyone else. The topic is that mom shot to death and like the vid of the black thug beating the FUCK out of the old black man...nobody did a damn thing to stop it. THEY stayed silent out of fear or just being entertained to see it. Who knows. What set me off was seeing the vid of the thug and old man....then reading about the mom and her 4 kids. The proverbial straw. So I came here and bitched. I was surprised to see 31 alerts to my vent thread. But again..I am also blessed because I saw again what I saw once before and this going back with pretty excuses of Woe Is Me's and I'm Sorry bullshit.

I will vent. Rant. Bitch. Complain. Laugh. Joke. Discuss. Share. and those that don't like what I have to say can put me on ignore because they sure as hell are on mine now.
Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.

I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Jesse Jackson is racist. Right?

Is he? Does he make generalizations about a specific race? If he does, then yes, he is.
Racism card is played too much. It lost it's punch. Yes, he made it about anyone with NOT white skin. That makes him a racist in your eyes? No. It makes him smart enough to admit it. Out loud. No different than anyone else being frustrated with the latest crap going on and venting about it.

And, true, that some may call out racism where there is none, but that doesn't mean that there isn't racism and that all call-outs are bogus. There is still a lot of racism....and no, it has not lost it's punch. I'm still disappointed to hear people that are otherwise gentle, kind and intelligent come up with racist shit. And, if Jesse Jackson said that, then he is an idiot, to demean his own race.

And, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with Jesse Jackson.....on many issues.....but I don't demean all blacks because of him. And, the fact that you've had a bad experience with blacks that you feel afraid of all of them is sad.
THEY kill their own?
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
THEY!!! THEY!!!!! YES!! THEY!!!!!

Fuck off.

You are mentally unstable and deranged. One minute you are as sweet as can be. The next your are a raging looney tunes bitch.

If you can't handle the heat, then STFU in the first place. Otherwise, deal with it.
And there it is, folks!!! OFF she goes!
I must apologize, Wolfsister. I told you I accepted your apology the last time you threw mud clods at me. But in essence, I really didn't. I didn't forget it. I knew then that you were full of fake bullshit. Oh, you gave pretty excuses, but...I knew then. And easy to push you off the deep end yet again because you see me as a crazy bitch over relations we ALL are forced to deal with in our own ways. No, I won't call you on your own past that I didn't agree with. Not my style. But it sure is nice to show folks just who YOU really are.
Why yes. THEY do. I see you still are on a rampage. This time...lets see just how far you will go with your indignant rage.

I'm on no rampage. You said THEY. I pointed it out. You can read what you want into it. The fact that you are being do defensive says it all.
THEY!!! THEY!!!!! YES!! THEY!!!!!

Fuck off.

You are mentally unstable and deranged. One minute you are as sweet as can be. The next your are a raging looney tunes bitch.

If you can't handle the heat, then STFU in the first place. Otherwise, deal with it.
And there it is, folks!!! OFF she goes!
I must apologize, Wolfsister. I told you I accepted your apology the last time you threw mud clods at me. But in essence, I really didn't. I didn't forget it. I knew then that you were full of fake bullshit. Oh, you gave pretty excuses, but...I knew then. And easy to push you off the deep end yet again because you see me as a crazy bitch over relations we ALL are forced to deal with in our own ways. No, I won't call you on your own past that I didn't agree with. Not my style. But it sure is nice to show folks just who YOU really are.

It's what she does. ALL THE TIME. She's insane.
I will vent. Rant. Bitch. Complain. Laugh. Joke. Discuss. Share. and those that don't like what I have to say can put me on ignore because they sure as hell are on mine now.

That's true, you can vent and say whatever you want, and others are going to interpret what you say and come back and tell you....that's how it works. If you don't like being called out, don't make those kinds of posts.....otherwise, everyone else is entitled to the same rights here on this board and you can put them on ignore if you don't like what they say.
Thats a crock of shit and you KNOW it. Beep. Try again.
There is no way in hell you would lock up yourself in your car or feel uncomfortable to store your bike in a white neighborhood BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF. No way. But you damn sure would in a black one. And you know this but it would make you RACIST to say otherwise, mertex. You DON'T want to be what you are so eager to make ME out to be. You and YOUR ILK. Hey. I like that. ilk. It goes along with THEY.

I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Jesse Jackson is racist. Right?

Is he? Does he make generalizations about a specific race? If he does, then yes, he is.
Racism card is played too much. It lost it's punch. Yes, he made it about anyone with NOT white skin. That makes him a racist in your eyes? No. It makes him smart enough to admit it. Out loud. No different than anyone else being frustrated with the latest crap going on and venting about it.

And, true, that some may call out racism where there is none, but that doesn't mean that there isn't racism and that all call-outs are bogus. There is still a lot of racism....and no, it has not lost it's punch. I'm still disappointed to hear people that are otherwise gentle, kind and intelligent come up with racist shit. And, if Jesse Jackson said that, then he is an idiot, to demean his own race.

And, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with Jesse Jackson.....on many issues.....but I don't demean all blacks because of him. And, the fact that you've had a bad experience with blacks that you feel afraid of all of them is sad.
What makes you think I had bad experiences with blacks or are afraid of them? If I were afraid of them, or disliked them, I would not invited them in my home, or be a roomie, or go to their weddings or in general hang around them.
The problem, mertex, is you nor anyone else can change what anyone else thinks or feels that will suit YOU. And that means general *you*. If that could be done, we all would be robots. People ARE kind and gentle...until something pushes their button. Race, lately, has pushed many buttons. The difference is..some insist to group thinking or else. Others just need to say what they are feeling and thinking and be allowed to but are NOT allowed to without the pile on of name calling, trolling, and general nastiness by others.
I will vent. Rant. Bitch. Complain. Laugh. Joke. Discuss. Share. and those that don't like what I have to say can put me on ignore because they sure as hell are on mine now.

That's true, you can vent and say whatever you want, and others are going to interpret what you say and come back and tell you....that's how it works. If you don't like being called out, don't make those kinds of posts.....otherwise, everyone else is entitled to the same rights here on this board and you can put them on ignore if you don't like what they say.
I have. And I will. Problem solved.
And..."calling out" is another bullshit word. It's "do as I say, or else". Say it for what it is.
I live in an all-white neighborhood, Gracie, and I lock my car and we have a gate.......and we've had break-ins in our neighborhood, and I doubt that the robbers were black, as the ones that have been caught have all been white. So, your assumption that all blacks are ready to steal your stuff is BS. And, if you think I'm racist, show me where I have ever said anything racist.....I don't generalize and claim that every one of a particular race is untrustworthy.
Jesse Jackson is racist. Right?

Is he? Does he make generalizations about a specific race? If he does, then yes, he is.
Racism card is played too much. It lost it's punch. Yes, he made it about anyone with NOT white skin. That makes him a racist in your eyes? No. It makes him smart enough to admit it. Out loud. No different than anyone else being frustrated with the latest crap going on and venting about it.

And, true, that some may call out racism where there is none, but that doesn't mean that there isn't racism and that all call-outs are bogus. There is still a lot of racism....and no, it has not lost it's punch. I'm still disappointed to hear people that are otherwise gentle, kind and intelligent come up with racist shit. And, if Jesse Jackson said that, then he is an idiot, to demean his own race.

And, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with Jesse Jackson.....on many issues.....but I don't demean all blacks because of him. And, the fact that you've had a bad experience with blacks that you feel afraid of all of them is sad.
What makes you think I had bad experiences with blacks or are afraid of them?

Well, when you think that everyone agrees with Jesse Jackson, and thinks that any black walking behind them is going to attack them, and thinks that everyone shudders at the thought of turning around to see a black person walking behind them, what else is there to think? Why would you claim that Jesse Jackson is saying what "everyone" thinks? I don't agree with Jesse Jackson.

If I were afraid of them, or disliked them, I would not invited them in my home, or be a roomie, or go to their weddings or in general hang around them.

Okay, so you don't hate or dislike all blacks. Maybe you need to change your grammar and say "some" instead of "they".....because "they" insinuates "all of them"!

The problem, mertex, is you nor anyone else can change what anyone else thinks or feels that will suit YOU.
I'm not trying to.....I'm just calling out what I see as racist, which is ignorant, because no one has any say so on what race one is born into, and no race has a monopoly on crime and wrong doing, and to claim so is just not sensible.

And that means general *you*. If that could be done, we all would be robots. People ARE kind and gentle...until something pushes their button.Race, lately, has pushed many buttons.
Race is an inanimate object, it cannot push buttons. People that are racist and people that are sensitive to racism are the ones pushing the buttons. Which side you take defines what kind of person you are.

The difference is..some insist to group thinking or else.
There are some things where society or majority makes the rules. Racism is not looked upon as good by society as a whole, and people that exhibit racism are going to be called out as ignorant for doing one has to think the way that group thinks, they can be racist, but then they have to suffer the consequence of being called out as such.

Others just need to say what they are feeling and thinking and be allowed to but are NOT allowed to without the pile on of name calling, trolling, and general nastiness by others.

I haven't called you any names. I have said that what you have posted seems racist. If you are not racist, then maybe it's the way you word your comments.
I will vent. Rant. Bitch. Complain. Laugh. Joke. Discuss. Share. and those that don't like what I have to say can put me on ignore because they sure as hell are on mine now.

That's true, you can vent and say whatever you want, and others are going to interpret what you say and come back and tell you....that's how it works. If you don't like being called out, don't make those kinds of posts.....otherwise, everyone else is entitled to the same rights here on this board and you can put them on ignore if you don't like what they say.
I have. And I will. Problem solved.
And..."calling out" is another bullshit word. It's "do as I say, or else". Say it for what it is.

Or else what? It's not like I'm going to change anyone......but I will "call out" racist comments. And, you probably won't see this comment, amirit?
2,400 black on black murders a year...Yet, I am evil for wanting them to help themselves???? You leftist assholes are evil to the core and love to see 40 years of hard work flushed down the toilet.

Your president will be remembered as one of the worst in the history of this country. The piece of shit should be imprisoned.

Are you even remotely aware of how many white on white murders happen each year?

Check out the FBI statistics and you'll find that the percentage (per capita) of white on white crimes is far less that black on black and black on white crimes. Don't shoot the messenger.


Based on those stats Blacks KILL ~440 per year compared to 190 for whites killing blacks. Whites are 5 times the black population. Yet, you on the left be it on this board or on my t.v tell me that whites are slaughtering blacks??? You ignore the outright slaughter of over 2,400 blacks by other blacks per year.

You do realize that you liberals are doing great harm doing what you're doing? You're ignoring the real issues and trying to start a war.
I will vent. Rant. Bitch. Complain. Laugh. Joke. Discuss. Share. and those that don't like what I have to say can put me on ignore because they sure as hell are on mine now.

That's true, you can vent and say whatever you want, and others are going to interpret what you say and come back and tell you....that's how it works. If you don't like being called out, don't make those kinds of posts.....otherwise, everyone else is entitled to the same rights here on this board and you can put them on ignore if you don't like what they say.
I have. And I will. Problem solved.
And..."calling out" is another bullshit word. It's "do as I say, or else". Say it for what it is.

Or else what? It's not like I'm going to change anyone......but I will "call out" racist comments. And, you probably won't see this comment, amirit?

You will be silent when a black says something racist. You're a hypocrite and fire starter. Your mind is closed.
I will vent. Rant. Bitch. Complain. Laugh. Joke. Discuss. Share. and those that don't like what I have to say can put me on ignore because they sure as hell are on mine now.

That's true, you can vent and say whatever you want, and others are going to interpret what you say and come back and tell you....that's how it works. If you don't like being called out, don't make those kinds of posts.....otherwise, everyone else is entitled to the same rights here on this board and you can put them on ignore if you don't like what they say.
I have. And I will. Problem solved.
And..."calling out" is another bullshit word. It's "do as I say, or else". Say it for what it is.

Or else what? It's not like I'm going to change anyone......but I will "call out" racist comments. And, you probably won't see this comment, amirit?
Why wouldn't I see what you are saying? So no, you arenotrite. That's the problem. Assumptions.

I am me. I hafta live with me. I am fine with me. What anyone else thinks is on them, not me. No, you are not going to change anyone, mertex. All you are doing is being you. And that is ok too. No, you have not called me names. When that is done, that means one lost the "battle" and that is the only thing left to resort to. We all have our flaws. To use those flaws because of a disagreement is pretty lame in my opinion. And again, that is me, my thoughts, my feelings about it. I don't insist on anyone else changing how they post, what they post to amuse ME. They are them. I am me.
Do whatever floats yer boat. I do.
I think Muddy said it best in another thread. I might use it as a sigline.

"We cannot discuss this. We would be racist if we did". Or something like that.

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