Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

This could be a long-lost sister of mine. I was adopted afterall :) Been making chocolate chip cookies since just before this past summer for the residents here, the ladies in the rental office, and the 8 person maintenance team. After 14 years here, I bake fairly often and always have far too many to give away to just Mom and my brother and his wife. And seeing the maint. people maintaining the beautiful grounds here I figured a thankyou gift one day would be nice so baked an extra large batch. Been doing it every Friday since. After a while though I realized only getting to do it once a week was inadequate as you really go become addicted to the positive expressions of glee and gratitude so I added cupcakes every Tuesday. The reactions of children is very much like that of adults I've noticed. The praise I get from the complex owner in particular is always great.

But I too have had a few kids say they're not allowed to accept them any more. Actually, only one. No reason given, but guessing, her Mom's quite large, and the girl herself is a little big I think so that's probably why. But I have taken to making the cookeis at least using a healthier recipe using white wheat flour and salt-free butter among other tweaks. Tried egg whites for the cupcakes once but they came out pretty puny and the cholesterol savings of 3 eggs over 30 or so cupcakes is insignificant.

It is indeed a great way to meet neighbors, but here it very much is a closer community. The apartment building itself is circular with all the recreational stuff on the interior. Along with my unit on the ground floor opening right onto the pool area. People walk around the walking path exercising and I admit I do ambush them every Tuesday and Friday asking if they'd like a cupcake or cookie. :) Has become an impromtu tradition already and rain or shine, hot or cold, sick or well I make em for the people here. Growing up, I had a 'cookie lady' on our culdesac who baked for the kids as well, and it stands out in my mind as one of the happiest things about my childhood. I knew even as a young teen I'd be doing it myself as an adult. So I know how this cookie-lady must feel being shut-down. In all likelyhood, it's just a health thing. I'd hope a compromise can be reached and whichever kid can't have one just doesn't have one so as not to spoil the experience for all.
With all the talk about 5 & 6 year olds, I think the following from the OP will shed some light..

It looks like she was making them for teen-agers when they finally shut her down.

exactly. a teenager and even a younger kid is perfectly capable of understanding what food allergy is and what consequences it will be for him/her if he eats the allergen.

I developed an allergy to peanuts (and other nuts) when I was 8 years old. I knew I would get violently sick if I ate any. So from then on, I had to ask if there were nuts in anything the other kids brought to school for parties. If they couldn't answer, I didn't eat it.

On a side note, my evil sister took great delight taunting me about it. Every year, her birthday cake had to have nuts on it so I couldn't have any. I got even with her later when she developed an allergy to strawberries. :lol:

I've had to accomodate allergies giving out my own baked goods here. One lady is allergic to chocolate so I made chocolate free stuff with her in mind. A germ warfare lab has nothing on me when ensuring not a chocolate atom cross-contaminates things. :)
You have never had kids in grade school. Lol

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sure I did. A 5 or 6 yo is perfectly capable not to do what is forbidden and what is dangerous for his life.

If you explain it to him, not assume that your kid is brainless dependent on you paving the road for him until he is 40.

You haven't met most boys, and I also know it is impossible to over protect my son. Most six year old boys have no concept of what is dangerous, even ones that are older. I had four brothers, my mom spent most of her time in the ER.
My son is six and he has already had two screws in his arm, glue on his hand, stitches in face, and his big toe nail drained because he dropped a hammer on it.
Mothers trying to over protect their children isn't a new trend and it's not a partisan issue.

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except my son at that age was the most incapable to be controlled of all others I met.
But still he knew that some things which are dangerous for life he can not do.
That is not only the food allergies, that is the whole bunch of issues.
There are areas where you can protect and there are ones which you have to trust the issue into his hands - no matter how crazy it sound to you now.
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint

My neighbor's child has an egg allergy and someone who ate eggs could be walking down the aisle of the bus and breathe eggs into the air and her child can go into shock just from the allergy.

Why does this woman feel so needy that she has to make cookies for everybody and be friends with everybody?

Try an experiment. Walk up to someone and start talking. See how close you can get to them without them backing away. Everyone has their space and when you invade it, people get defensive.

Why does this woman feel she has to be friends with someone and why does she need to give cookies to be friends? Isn't she confident in herself that she isn't enough to be a friend without the cookies? The rule of friendship is to let people come to you if they like you.

Teaching kids to be friends is something you do in Kindergarten. You put two kids in a sandbox and tell them to be friends. With adults, five minutes isn't enough to know if people should be friends or not.

I've also worked in a kitchen as a cook once and the employees didn't always keep the kitchen clean but people ate there anyway. I can go into any restaurant and if I can see the kitchen if the door is open, I can tell if there are health code violations or not.

Have you ever gone to a deli, eat their food and get immediately sick? Maybe someone didn't wash their hands or maybe they breathed on your food?

People who do good things don't always have a pure motive and sometimes they have an agenda. Should we teach our kids that their friendship can be bought by cookies or should we teach kids to not talk to strangers?

What do you know about this person? Has anyone done a background check on this person? In this day and age, you can't trust everyone. You have to get to know people and you are only seeing this person in a snapshot (when she gives cookies) and not 24 hours a day when she might have a bad side that you don't know about.
and I met plenty of boys as I was a babysitter when I first started to work in this country. I don't like girls to care for :)
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint

My neighbor's child has an egg allergy and someone who ate eggs could be walking down the aisle of the bus and breathe eggs into the air and her child can go into shock just from the allergy.

Why does this woman feel so needy that she has to make cookies for everybody and be friends with everybody?

Try an experiment. Walk up to someone and start talking. See how close you can get to them without them backing away. Everyone has their space and when you invade it, people get defensive.

Why does this woman feel she has to be friends with someone and why does she need to give cookies to be friends? Isn't she confident in herself that she isn't enough to be a friend without the cookies? The rule of friendship is to let people come to you if they like you.

Teaching kids to be friends is something you do in Kindergarten. You put two kids in a sandbox and tell them to be friends. With adults, five minutes isn't enough to know if people should be friends or not.

I've also worked in a kitchen as a cook once and the employees didn't always keep the kitchen clean but people ate there anyway. I can go into any restaurant and if I can see the kitchen if the door is open, I can tell if there are health code violations or not.

Have you ever gone to a deli, eat their food and get immediately sick? Maybe someone didn't wash their hands or maybe they breathed on your food?

People who do good things don't always have a pure motive and sometimes they have an agenda. Should we teach our kids that their friendship can be bought by cookies or should we teach kids to not talk to strangers?

What do you know about this person? Has anyone done a background check on this person? In this day and age, you can't trust everyone. You have to get to know people and you are only seeing this person in a snapshot (when she gives cookies) and not 24 hours a day when she might have a bad side that you don't know about.

it is the asshole who banned the fun for everybody who is needy, not the bake lady.
This food thing is a common problem across the country. The PC nazi libtards have been trying to shut down home produced goods. They don't want you handing out home produced anything. They want you to have to pay taxes, and be government managed. Bartering or god forbid, handing out food, must be banned.

This is more of a common sense issue that parents should be able to help their children decide whom is appropriate to be friends with because it is a safety issue and it should be common sense.
You have never had kids in grade school. Lol

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sure I did. A 5 or 6 yo is perfectly capable not to do what is forbidden and what is dangerous for his life.

If you explain it to him, not assume that your kid is brainless dependent on you paving the road for him until he is 40.

You haven't met most boys, and I also know it is impossible to over protect my son. Most six year old boys have no concept of what is dangerous, even ones that are older. I had four brothers, my mom spent most of her time in the ER.
My son is six and he has already had two screws in his arm, glue on his hand, stitches in face, and his big toe nail drained because he dropped a hammer on it.
Mothers trying to over protect their children isn't a new trend and it's not a partisan issue.

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I'm so sorry about your son's injuries.

There are other factors here people are not taking into consideration. The kid, for example does decline the cookie, as he knows he's not supposed to -- so, a kid on a bus with 40 - 50 kids eating cookies, besides (go back to your elementary days) the ones who are different get picked on,

some allergies are so severe just touching the crumbs could put one at risk.

A kid can't carry an epi-pin with him/her on a school bus, and you think schools are going to start carrying them on all their buses?

No, it's obvious, for liability and safety sake, the school made the choice to not expose themselves to what could become a tragic situation, and potential high tag lawsuit.
exactly. a teenager and even a younger kid is perfectly capable of understanding what food allergy is and what consequences it will be for him/her if he eats the allergen.

I developed an allergy to peanuts (and other nuts) when I was 8 years old. I knew I would get violently sick if I ate any. So from then on, I had to ask if there were nuts in anything the other kids brought to school for parties. If they couldn't answer, I didn't eat it.

On a side note, my evil sister took great delight taunting me about it. Every year, her birthday cake had to have nuts on it so I couldn't have any. I got even with her later when she developed an allergy to strawberries. :lol:

I've had to accomodate allergies giving out my own baked goods here. One lady is allergic to chocolate so I made chocolate free stuff with her in mind. A germ warfare lab has nothing on me when ensuring not a chocolate atom cross-contaminates things. :)


so would the baker lady as well. People who already do things for others - and nobody is pushing her to bake cookies for others - will accommodate other people needs, because it is the way they are - not selfish.
Unlike the selfish asshole who complained.
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint

My neighbor's child has an egg allergy and someone who ate eggs could be walking down the aisle of the bus and breathe eggs into the air and her child can go into shock just from the allergy.

Why does this woman feel so needy that she has to make cookies for everybody and be friends with everybody?

Try an experiment. Walk up to someone and start talking. See how close you can get to them without them backing away. Everyone has their space and when you invade it, people get defensive.

Why does this woman feel she has to be friends with someone and why does she need to give cookies to be friends? Isn't she confident in herself that she isn't enough to be a friend without the cookies? The rule of friendship is to let people come to you if they like you.

Teaching kids to be friends is something you do in Kindergarten. You put two kids in a sandbox and tell them to be friends. With adults, five minutes isn't enough to know if people should be friends or not.

I've also worked in a kitchen as a cook once and the employees didn't always keep the kitchen clean but people ate there anyway. I can go into any restaurant and if I can see the kitchen if the door is open, I can tell if there are health code violations or not.

Have you ever gone to a deli, eat their food and get immediately sick? Maybe someone didn't wash their hands or maybe they breathed on your food?

People who do good things don't always have a pure motive and sometimes they have an agenda. Should we teach our kids that their friendship can be bought by cookies or should we teach kids to not talk to strangers?

What do you know about this person? Has anyone done a background check on this person? In this day and age, you can't trust everyone. You have to get to know people and you are only seeing this person in a snapshot (when she gives cookies) and not 24 hours a day when she might have a bad side that you don't know about.

it is the asshole who banned the fun for everybody who is needy, not the bake lady.


We're received year old candy from people. Not everyone does what is in our best interests.

Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint

My neighbor's child has an egg allergy and someone who ate eggs could be walking down the aisle of the bus and breathe eggs into the air and her child can go into shock just from the allergy.

Why does this woman feel so needy that she has to make cookies for everybody and be friends with everybody?

Try an experiment. Walk up to someone and start talking. See how close you can get to them without them backing away. Everyone has their space and when you invade it, people get defensive.

Why does this woman feel she has to be friends with someone and why does she need to give cookies to be friends? Isn't she confident in herself that she isn't enough to be a friend without the cookies? The rule of friendship is to let people come to you if they like you.

Teaching kids to be friends is something you do in Kindergarten. You put two kids in a sandbox and tell them to be friends. With adults, five minutes isn't enough to know if people should be friends or not.

I've also worked in a kitchen as a cook once and the employees didn't always keep the kitchen clean but people ate there anyway. I can go into any restaurant and if I can see the kitchen if the door is open, I can tell if there are health code violations or not.

Have you ever gone to a deli, eat their food and get immediately sick? Maybe someone didn't wash their hands or maybe they breathed on your food?

People who do good things don't always have a pure motive and sometimes they have an agenda. Should we teach our kids that their friendship can be bought by cookies or should we teach kids to not talk to strangers?

What do you know about this person? Has anyone done a background check on this person? In this day and age, you can't trust everyone. You have to get to know people and you are only seeing this person in a snapshot (when she gives cookies) and not 24 hours a day when she might have a bad side that you don't know about.

After 15 years if she (or I) wanted to bake a poison cookie someone'd have keeled over by now. Don't be so paranoid geez.

When people say how good the cookies are that I shold sell them I politely inform them that'd defeat the whole purpose. I remember growing up with neighborhood mothers baking stuff for all the other kids as one of the best things about my childhood. I simply wanna complete the karmic circle doing the same and hopefully giving some kids the same memory. If I charged for them, then I'm just another capitalist dick. :)
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This food thing is a common problem across the country. The PC nazi libtards have been trying to shut down home produced goods. They don't want you handing out home produced anything. They want you to have to pay taxes, and be government managed. Bartering or god forbid, handing out food, must be banned.

This is more of a common sense issue that parents should be able to help their children decide whom is appropriate to be friends with because it is a safety issue and it should be common sense.

by banning the possibility to chose whom to associate with for other kids?

the asshole complainer is a selfish brat who thinks only about herself, not even her kid, as the kid could become the target of bullying when the group of kids will learn ( and they will) whose mom was the party pooper.
My neighbor's child has an egg allergy and someone who ate eggs could be walking down the aisle of the bus and breathe eggs into the air and her child can go into shock just from the allergy.

Why does this woman feel so needy that she has to make cookies for everybody and be friends with everybody?

Try an experiment. Walk up to someone and start talking. See how close you can get to them without them backing away. Everyone has their space and when you invade it, people get defensive.

Why does this woman feel she has to be friends with someone and why does she need to give cookies to be friends? Isn't she confident in herself that she isn't enough to be a friend without the cookies? The rule of friendship is to let people come to you if they like you.

Teaching kids to be friends is something you do in Kindergarten. You put two kids in a sandbox and tell them to be friends. With adults, five minutes isn't enough to know if people should be friends or not.

I've also worked in a kitchen as a cook once and the employees didn't always keep the kitchen clean but people ate there anyway. I can go into any restaurant and if I can see the kitchen if the door is open, I can tell if there are health code violations or not.

Have you ever gone to a deli, eat their food and get immediately sick? Maybe someone didn't wash their hands or maybe they breathed on your food?

People who do good things don't always have a pure motive and sometimes they have an agenda. Should we teach our kids that their friendship can be bought by cookies or should we teach kids to not talk to strangers?

What do you know about this person? Has anyone done a background check on this person? In this day and age, you can't trust everyone. You have to get to know people and you are only seeing this person in a snapshot (when she gives cookies) and not 24 hours a day when she might have a bad side that you don't know about.

it is the asshole who banned the fun for everybody who is needy, not the bake lady.


We're received year old candy from people. Not everyone does what is in our best interests.


so? did you throw it away or you ran to the city council so the candy giving should be banned for everybody?
a 1st or a 2nd grader is pretty capable of understanding that he/she is not permitted to eat the cookie because he/she might die.
If you explain it to the kid and not guard the 5-6-7 yo from the very reality of his condition FOR LIFE.

And the whole bus of kids and the driver and the mom who baked the cookies should not be punished because one kid MIGHT have food allergy and his parents are too stupid to explain to him that he can not have a cookie if he has allergy.

that is the whole point here - the PC gestapo - because one possibility of inconvenience, ALL have to suffer.

As much as an inconvenience I find this policy apparently there is a need, although I do find it very curious that the same kids who have allergies eat lunch in very close proximity to the rest of the school population.
Not true. Quite a number of schools do have separate tables / areas for those with food allergies.

I pull lunch duty with my son (2nd grade) the separate table is in very close proximity to the rest of the population. Been doing lunch duty with him for years, same set up different schools.
This food thing is a common problem across the country. The PC nazi libtards have been trying to shut down home produced goods. They don't want you handing out home produced anything. They want you to have to pay taxes, and be government managed. Bartering or god forbid, handing out food, must be banned.

This is more of a common sense issue that parents should be able to help their children decide whom is appropriate to be friends with because it is a safety issue and it should be common sense.

by banning the possibility to chose whom to associate with for other kids?

the asshole complainer is a selfish brat who thinks only about herself, not even her kid, as the kid could become the target of bullying when the group of kids will learn ( and they will) whose mom was the party pooper.

My values teach that you ask the parent first before you give someone something.
As much as an inconvenience I find this policy apparently there is a need, although I do find it very curious that the same kids who have allergies eat lunch in very close proximity to the rest of the school population.

Not true. Quite a number of schools do have separate tables / areas for those with food allergies.

I pull lunch duty with my son (2nd grade) the separate table is in very close proximity to the rest of the population. Been doing lunch duty with him for years, same set up different schools.

My son's school just doesn't allow peanuts in the building. There is a sign on his hallway that says peanut free zone. Extreme yes, but the school district was sued when that kid died a few years ago.

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it is the asshole who banned the fun for everybody who is needy, not the bake lady.


We're received year old candy from people. Not everyone does what is in our best interests.


so? did you throw it away or you ran to the city council so the candy giving should be banned for everybody?

Did you ever hear of the restaurant Jack in the Box?
On the subject of food allergies, was a thing on the news yesterday, some study I htink saying if mothers during the pregnancy eat peanuts, the child will be more resistant to them, or less likely to develop the allergy. Just googled it, here's the story:

Eating peanuts in pregnancy lowers allergy risk for child - Medical News Today

"Allergic reactions to peanuts and tree nuts can range from mild to life-threatening. But new research suggests that pregnant women who are not allergic to the nuts/legumes and who eat more of them during pregnancy lower the risk of their child developing an allergy to the food."

"This is according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics."

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