Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

This is more of a common sense issue that parents should be able to help their children decide whom is appropriate to be friends with because it is a safety issue and it should be common sense.

by banning the possibility to chose whom to associate with for other kids?

the asshole complainer is a selfish brat who thinks only about herself, not even her kid, as the kid could become the target of bullying when the group of kids will learn ( and they will) whose mom was the party pooper.

My values teach that you ask the parent first before you give someone something.

my values teach me that if you do not want your kid take anything from others - you teach YOUR KID not to take it, not impose your bigotry on others.
I understand the concern of a parent, but when you think about it it's redundant. If your child buys food from a vending machine, or eats the school lunch you're assuming the exact same risks.
This food thing is a common problem across the country. The PC nazi libtards have been trying to shut down home produced goods. They don't want you handing out home produced anything. They want you to have to pay taxes, and be government managed. Bartering or god forbid, handing out food, must be banned.

This is more of a common sense issue that parents should be able to help their children decide whom is appropriate to be friends with because it is a safety issue and it should be common sense.

by banning the possibility to chose whom to associate with for other kids?

the asshole complainer is a selfish brat who thinks only about herself, not even her kid, as the kid could become the target of bullying when the group of kids will learn ( and they will) whose mom was the party pooper.

I could call it a liberal value that they think a village can raise a child.
Untill you pay for food, clothes, health care, be there 24 hours for my kid, etc, etc, you dont care more about other peoples kids than your own.
The local NPR in MN did a story on her, interviewing the 'Cookie Lady," Ann Tabat.

In the MPR blog written by the interviewer, Bob Collins, there are some comments by "the Cookie Lady." Now, I know you have to take that at face value, as one and the same, but considering the local nature of the blog, I'm inclined to believe it is her.

The interest of the kids getting home safely is the primary concern, and she doesn't sound bitter -- unlike some of the RW wackos here..

Here is one of the "Cookie Lady's comments:

In suburban isolation, | cookie lady | built community at the school bus stop | NewsCut | Minnesota Public Radio News
Cookie Lady Ok, I guess I was little naïve about all the controversy this stirred up. The cookies at the bus stop has been a fun little tradition that we have enjoyed but EVERYONE who has weighed in here and EVERYONE in my school district and at the bus stop has is in agreement that their only goal is that the kids arrive home from school safely. As long that happens, no problem.

The only kids who are not getting cookies now are the ones still on the bus and have not yet arrived home safely so it in the Nut Allergy Mom's interest, the bus driver's interest, my interest and everyone else's that harm not come to the children until they reach their bus stop and home.

The school did not "shut me down". The anonymous mom did not shut me down. It was necessary to enforce a policy that allowed all kids to get home safely.

And, as much as I enjoyed getting to know the kids and the neighbors this was not going to go on forever, I thought this was just a nice little human interest story and as my daughter told me "Frankly Mom you're just not that interesting."

She's right. And I apologize for that "idiot" comment. That was uncalled for. Now let's just be kind and tolerant to the people who cross out paths. I know I have some room for improvement there!
On the subject of food allergies, was a thing on the news yesterday, some study I htink saying if mothers during the pregnancy eat peanuts, the child will be more resistant to them, or less likely to develop the allergy. Just googled it, here's the story:

Eating peanuts in pregnancy lowers allergy risk for child - Medical News Today

"Allergic reactions to peanuts and tree nuts can range from mild to life-threatening. But new research suggests that pregnant women who are not allergic to the nuts/legumes and who eat more of them during pregnancy lower the risk of their child developing an allergy to the food."

"This is according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics."

the problem is that the allergies can develop and not be an inborn feature.

It is a serious problem and if the kid has allergies of any kind he/she should know from the very early age that he/she can not take any food from others and can not eat any food outside the house. EVER.
It is not impossible to teach and it is actually a life saver to teach.

You can not ban the whole humankind from using the ingredients which will affect your kid. and that is what this idiot is doing ( if the issue is food allergies).
She doesn't know the details of the complaint, but we know one thing for certain, it wasn't any right wing conservative bitching about free cookies. That much is a given.

some leftard nutjob, that's for sure.
Or maybe some parent who has a kid with a food allergy.

Then that parent has the responsibilty to teach said child to not accept cookies from other people.
I understand the concern of a parent, but when you think about it it's redundant. If your child buys food from a vending machine, or eats the school lunch you're assuming the exact same risks.

No. Individuals aren't inspected by the health department. You don't know if she washes her hands or if she is supervised. You don't know if the food is made in a home with a dog or a cat. You don't know if her kitchen has cleanliness issues.
I never rode the school bus, my family always lived close to the schools we attended. So I'm not sure why the big fuss. I never once was given a cookie before or after school since they were forbidden. It was against the rules to eat between meals. It was against the rules to take anything from a stranger.
My jr. High years I rode my bike, and yet no one gave me anything just for peddling my ass to an from school. I didn't expect anything either. When I drove a car to school I never was given any cookies. No big deal.

Some of you idiots claim it's a leftist thing to ruin anything of fun or to build values, you are fools. But don't let me stop your hate fest, it's what your God commands you to do.
I understand the concern of a parent, but when you think about it it's redundant. If your child buys food from a vending machine, or eats the school lunch you're assuming the exact same risks.

No. Individuals aren't inspected by the health department. You don't know if she washes her hands or if she is supervised. You don't know if the food is made in a home with a dog or a cat. You don't know if her kitchen has cleanliness issues.

Would you like stats on how many 'inspected' food products have resulted in people flaling over dead from food poisoning, or cross-contamination of allergens? At least from a cookie-lady (or man) you know where the food comes from. I don't know where my food comes from I buy at the store. I like to think it's taken care of, but I'm not so naive' to think it's perfectly safe.

"CDC estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases."
CDC - 2011 Estimates of Foodborne Illness
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After 15 years of doing it, how many 'didn't get home safely?' :)

Yes, those Toll House Cookies can cause kids to get lost, have memory lapses and allow child predators on the bus.

It's a wonder there hasn't been more news of kids not getting home safely from bake sales and school birthday parties. To think of the potential losses, it staggers the mind.
This is more of a common sense issue that parents should be able to help their children decide whom is appropriate to be friends with because it is a safety issue and it should be common sense.

by banning the possibility to chose whom to associate with for other kids?

the asshole complainer is a selfish brat who thinks only about herself, not even her kid, as the kid could become the target of bullying when the group of kids will learn ( and they will) whose mom was the party pooper.

I could call it a liberal value that they think a village can raise a child.
Untill you pay for food, clothes, health care, be there 24 hours for my kid, etc, etc, you dont care more about other peoples kids than your own.

you are displaying a typical leftard idiocy - YOU teach YOUR kid how to say "no, thank you" and not forbid everyone else to have fun because of your kid.

That is what is wrong with this country - selfish brats like you, who want to impose restrictions on everybody because you have to have restrictions - so nobody can have fun if I can not.

How does it go with the rule of loving your neighbor as yourself go?
In the cookie-lady's case, her 15 year track record is infinitely more reassuring her product is sanitary or else someone would have suffered some sign it isn't.
After 15 years of doing it, how many 'didn't get home safely?' :)

Yes, those Toll House Cookies can cause kids to get lost, have memory lapses and allow child predators on the bus.

It's a wonder there hasn't been more news of kids not getting home safely from bake sales and school birthday parties. To think of the potential losses, it staggers the mind.

I work near a metadon clinic. How would you feel if one of them were baking cookies for your kid? We had to put locks on doors that didn't have locks because they were wandering our building where they shouldn't be.
This is just another example of Big Government Nannies thinking they need to save us from ourselves. If home cooking is so risky that one cannot give away cookies, then why are parents allowed to serve home cooked meals to their children? Why not just give everyone MRE rations?

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