Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

I worked in a kitchen and most people aren't washing their hands every 20 minutes like they are supposed to so why do you think this woman is any different? If it is wrong for one, it is wrong to accept it from the other.

I don't care where you worked.
If you do not want your children to take food from strangers - you teach them not to do it, not impose restrictions on others who do not have your germ-phobia. Period.

Too bad. The school makes up the rules for what is best and not you.

no, it does not.

but your mentality of a leftard is a perfect example of a nanny-state needy mindset.
Moonglow - pay attention :)
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint
PUBLISHED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013 | UPDATED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013

A Minnesota mother dubbed the 'Cookie Lady' who has been baking treats for the kids on her children's bus for 15 years has been shut down by an anonymous complaint. Every Friday, Anne Tabat has met the school bus in her subdivision with a basket of cookies. It began as a thank you to the bus driver. And, Tabat said, she couldn't give the driver a cookie without giving one to every child on the bus.

Tabat said the cookies were also a way to get to know her neighbors. 'I didn't live in the suburbs until I turned 40,' she told Minnesota Public Radio.'Look at the way these houses are designed here. They're not designed with a friendly neighborliness community in mind. I haven't been in most of the houses in my neighborhood.

'People live such busy lives; you don't talk to your neighbors, you don't know your neighbors.'

But for the first time in many years, Tabat wasn't at the bus stop yesterday. She received a phone call from the school this week telling her someone had complained and that she should cease and desist the dispensing of cookies. She said she never really had a straight answer about the specifics of the complaint.

'She (the woman who complained) didn’t bother to know me, the bus driver, or anything about the cookie-bus thing. I don’t care if I get shut down, the kids are going to live,' she said.

'I woke up the day after this and thought ‘let’s have a protest, let’s sign a petition,’ but the person this would fall back on would be the bus driver.

'Whatever you do I don’t want anything to stick to the bus driver because this was meant to thank the bus driver.'

Tabat said it was soon time to end the tradition - the last of her three kids will graduate high school soon - but she wanted to stop baking on her own terms.

'I know all these well-meaning people who do kindly gestures but they backfire because they’re not thinking about things like that. That’s not what this is about,' she said.

Read more: Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint | Mail Online
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What are the odds that the anonymous moron is some intolerant, arrogant left wing, know it all bitch?

the school cant ban her from giving out cookies on a public street...or tell her who she can and cant give cookies to....on a public street.

Who ever is making the complaint..... they should tall their kid not to take the cookie. Its pretty simple. Its called personal responsibility for your own actions over nanny state control.
And you'd be the one of the first ones to complain because your property taxes shot through the roof because the school was warned of a potentially dangerous situation, did not take appropriate action, and had their pants sued off to the tune of millions after a tragedy occurred.
So the mother is a heroin addict? Funny they left that out of the story. How weird.

So everyone you don't know has good intentions then and Megan's law doesn't exist? Megan's law exists for all the trusting parents out there.

I'm more worried about the shitty education kids are getting than Phantom Cookie Killers.

Maybe you ought to lock your kids up and feed them through a hole in the door. Better safe than sorry.

I've had the Verizon installer steal from our house. We're also missing a camera from our house. If everyone had good intentions, I wouldn't have problems. Right?
some have problems with this simple concept and would rather impose restrictions on others than teach their own kids to be responsible.

This isn't the 70s where my mother could leave me in a car unsupervised and not get arrested.

There are different norms now and one of them is being a parent to protect your children and to be that mom or dad your kids need.

it is because of the people like YOU it is not 70s anymore when your mom was leaving you in the car alone and was not getting arrested.

YOU and the people like YOU who want to impose restrictions on OTHERS because of YOUR phobias instead of taking the personal responsibility and teaching your kids what to do and what not to, that we have this PC gestapo controlled life in every area.

Exactly. Wanted to Rep you but couldn't.

the school cant ban her from giving out cookies on a public street...or tell her who she can and cant give cookies to....on a public street.

Who ever is making the complaint..... they should tall their kid not to take the cookie. Its pretty simple. Its called personal responsibility for your own actions over nanny state control.
It was on the school bus, doof.

The school bus is an extension of the school.
And you'd be the one of the first ones to complain because your property taxes shot through the roof because the school was warned of a potentially dangerous situation, did not take appropriate action, and had their pants sued off to the tune of millions after a tragedy occurred.

So we shouldn't take precautions to avert tragedy is what I learned.
Who ever is making the complaint..... they should tall their kid not to take the cookie. Its pretty simple. Its called personal responsibility for your own actions over nanny state control.

Apparently it is not that simple.

we have the whole bunch of examples here on the thread who would like YOU to be restricted on what YOU can do so their phobias are not disturbed.

This is a typical leftist gestapo mentality.

If I can not have fun - you should not have one as well.
This is the starting point of my cookie recipe taken from the Mrs. Fields website:

"Mrs. Fields" recipe:

1 cup (2 sticks) softened butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 twelve-ounce bags semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla.

3. In another bowl, mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.

4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

5. Stir in the chocolate chips.

6. With your fingers, place golf ball-sized dough portions 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

7. Bake for 9-10 minutes or just until edges are light brown.

It's my version of the delicious Mrs. Fields cookies that are crispy around the edge and chewy in the middle. Be careful not to cook these too long. I know it becomes tempting to keep cooking these because they don't seem to be done after 10 minutes, but they will continue to cook for awhile after you take them out of the oven, and when cool, will be nice and chewy.

Authentic recipe:

Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 sticks (1 cup) salted butter
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a medium bowl combine flour, soda, and salt. Mix well with wire whisk. Set aside. In a large bowl with an electric mixer, blend sugars at medium speed. Add butter and mix to form a grainy paste, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Add eggs and vanilla extract, and mix at medium speed until just blended. Do not overmix. Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until just mixed. (Again, do not overmix.)

Drop the dough by rounded tablespoons onto an un-greased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake low and slow for 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer cookies immediately to a baking rack or cool surface.

After much tweaking and experimentation, mine now is:

5 cups white wheat flour
3 cups brown sugar (use light brown, and dark brown, don't notice any difference)
1/4 cup white sugar (basically just to say yes, there's some sugar in it)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
6 tablespoons vanilla (imitation or extract, seems about the same)
4 eggs
4 sticks salt-free butter (have tried 2 and 3 stick versions, but at least once someone marvelled over my use of real butter so settled on 4)
2 23oz bags of Toll-House chocolate chips. Use semi-sweet and milk chocolate variations. The milk chocolate ones smellconsiderably different but taste pretty much the same to me. Maybe a foody would have a preference.

Bake at 350-375F (dial on the oven's old so who knows what the real temp is heh.)

Bake about 12 mins then check, because I'm baking them to give away I usually error on the side of caution and overbake them a bit rather than taking them out and trusting they bake a little more. If not done (with no soft or moist looking part keep baking until done.)

Cool until rigid then distribute.
So everyone you don't know has good intentions then and Megan's law doesn't exist? Megan's law exists for all the trusting parents out there.

I'm more worried about the shitty education kids are getting than Phantom Cookie Killers.

Maybe you ought to lock your kids up and feed them through a hole in the door. Better safe than sorry.

I've had the Verizon installer steal from our house. We're also missing a camera from our house. If everyone had good intentions, I wouldn't have problems. Right?

You are one who does not deserve liberty, as you cast it aside like so much cookie dough.

I'm glad I have no concept of your psychosis in my own life. Go live in a bubble and call it done.
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint
PUBLISHED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013 | UPDATED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013

A Minnesota mother dubbed the 'Cookie Lady' who has been baking treats for the kids on her children's bus for 15 years has been shut down by an anonymous complaint. Every Friday, Anne Tabat has met the school bus in her subdivision with a basket of cookies. It began as a thank you to the bus driver. And, Tabat said, she couldn't give the driver a cookie without giving one to every child on the bus.

Tabat said the cookies were also a way to get to know her neighbors. 'I didn't live in the suburbs until I turned 40,' she told Minnesota Public Radio.'Look at the way these houses are designed here. They're not designed with a friendly neighborliness community in mind. I haven't been in most of the houses in my neighborhood.

'People live such busy lives; you don't talk to your neighbors, you don't know your neighbors.'

But for the first time in many years, Tabat wasn't at the bus stop yesterday. She received a phone call from the school this week telling her someone had complained and that she should cease and desist the dispensing of cookies. She said she never really had a straight answer about the specifics of the complaint.

'She (the woman who complained) didn’t bother to know me, the bus driver, or anything about the cookie-bus thing. I don’t care if I get shut down, the kids are going to live,' she said.

'I woke up the day after this and thought ‘let’s have a protest, let’s sign a petition,’ but the person this would fall back on would be the bus driver.

'Whatever you do I don’t want anything to stick to the bus driver because this was meant to thank the bus driver.'

Tabat said it was soon time to end the tradition - the last of her three kids will graduate high school soon - but she wanted to stop baking on her own terms.

'I know all these well-meaning people who do kindly gestures but they backfire because they’re not thinking about things like that. That’s not what this is about,' she said.

Read more: Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


What are the odds that the anonymous moron is some intolerant, arrogant left wing, know it all bitch?

the school cant ban her from giving out cookies on a public street...or tell her who she can and cant give cookies to....on a public street.

Who ever is making the complaint..... they should tall their kid not to take the cookie. Its pretty simple. Its called personal responsibility for your own actions over nanny state control.

They are kids and can't see the dangers. That is why they are kids. Until they are 18, they made decisions like a child and not an adult.
I'm more worried about the shitty education kids are getting than Phantom Cookie Killers.

Maybe you ought to lock your kids up and feed them through a hole in the door. Better safe than sorry.

I've had the Verizon installer steal from our house. We're also missing a camera from our house. If everyone had good intentions, I wouldn't have problems. Right?

You are one who does not deserve liberty, as you cast it aside like so much cookie dough.

I'm glad I have no concept of your psychosis in my own life. Go live in a bubble and call it done.

Is my camera at your house?
Riddle me this, nanny stater: what's to prevent the kids from trading food amongst themselves? If the allergic kid is so sensitive, how on earth can his parents allow him to associate with anyone unsupervised?
They are kids and can't see the dangers. That is why they are kids. Until they are 18, they made decisions like a child and not an adult.

LOL :lmao:

the typical display of the leftard idiocy and why do we have the problems in this country the way we do

you do not teach kids any personal responsibility until 18 and then you suddenly expect them to know out of the blue how to function and be happy with life.
Know lots of people over 18, way over, who still make decisions like children. :)

exactly because of the stupid parents like Chuck who think the lessons of life are magically learned the day after you turn 18.

this actually would be hilariously funny if that won't be so extremely sad.
This is the starting point of my cookie recipe taken from the Mrs. Fields website:

"Mrs. Fields" recipe:

1 cup (2 sticks) softened butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 twelve-ounce bags semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla.

3. In another bowl, mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.

4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

5. Stir in the chocolate chips.

6. With your fingers, place golf ball-sized dough portions 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

7. Bake for 9-10 minutes or just until edges are light brown.

It's my version of the delicious Mrs. Fields cookies that are crispy around the edge and chewy in the middle. Be careful not to cook these too long. I know it becomes tempting to keep cooking these because they don't seem to be done after 10 minutes, but they will continue to cook for awhile after you take them out of the oven, and when cool, will be nice and chewy.

Authentic recipe:

Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 sticks (1 cup) salted butter
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a medium bowl combine flour, soda, and salt. Mix well with wire whisk. Set aside. In a large bowl with an electric mixer, blend sugars at medium speed. Add butter and mix to form a grainy paste, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Add eggs and vanilla extract, and mix at medium speed until just blended. Do not overmix. Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until just mixed. (Again, do not overmix.)

Drop the dough by rounded tablespoons onto an un-greased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake low and slow for 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer cookies immediately to a baking rack or cool surface.

After much tweaking and experimentation, mine now is:

5 cups white wheat flour
3 cups brown sugar (use light brown, and dark brown, don't notice any difference)
1/4 cup white sugar (basically just to say yes, there's some sugar in it)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
6 tablespoons vanilla (imitation or extract, seems about the same)
4 eggs
4 sticks salt-free butter (have tried 2 and 3 stick versions, but at least once someone marvelled over my use of real butter so settled on 4)
2 23oz bags of Toll-House chocolate chips. Use semi-sweet and milk chocolate variations. The milk chocolate ones smellconsiderably different but taste pretty much the same to me. Maybe a foody would have a preference.

Bake at 350-375F (dial on the oven's old so who knows what the real temp is heh.)

Bake about 12 mins then check, because I'm baking them to give away I usually error on the side of caution and overbake them a bit rather than taking them out and trusting they bake a little more. If not done (with no soft or moist looking part keep baking until done.)

Cool until rigid then distribute.

My township has to send a neighbor's kids to a private school that starts at $37,000 a year because they can't provide a safe place for her kids because someone on the bus might have eaten eggs and breath on her kids sending one of them into antiPhylactic shock that could cause death.

Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactic Shock: Symptoms and Common Triggers
Riddle me this, nanny stater: what's to prevent the kids from trading food amongst themselves? If the allergic kid is so sensitive, how on earth can his parents allow him to associate with anyone unsupervised?

Excellent point.

The little girl here who is apparently forbidden from accepting my cookies or cupcakes now just says she's not allowed. And I respect her mother's choice and don't ask her if she'd like one any more. Simple solution not requiring a court injunction or a ruining of it for all.
Riddle me this, nanny stater: what's to prevent the kids from trading food amongst themselves? If the allergic kid is so sensitive, how on earth can his parents allow him to associate with anyone unsupervised?

or live everyday unsupervised at all?
This is the starting point of my cookie recipe taken from the Mrs. Fields website:

"Mrs. Fields" recipe:

1 cup (2 sticks) softened butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 twelve-ounce bags semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla.

3. In another bowl, mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.

4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

5. Stir in the chocolate chips.

6. With your fingers, place golf ball-sized dough portions 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

7. Bake for 9-10 minutes or just until edges are light brown.

It's my version of the delicious Mrs. Fields cookies that are crispy around the edge and chewy in the middle. Be careful not to cook these too long. I know it becomes tempting to keep cooking these because they don't seem to be done after 10 minutes, but they will continue to cook for awhile after you take them out of the oven, and when cool, will be nice and chewy.

Authentic recipe:

Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 sticks (1 cup) salted butter
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a medium bowl combine flour, soda, and salt. Mix well with wire whisk. Set aside. In a large bowl with an electric mixer, blend sugars at medium speed. Add butter and mix to form a grainy paste, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Add eggs and vanilla extract, and mix at medium speed until just blended. Do not overmix. Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until just mixed. (Again, do not overmix.)

Drop the dough by rounded tablespoons onto an un-greased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake low and slow for 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer cookies immediately to a baking rack or cool surface.

After much tweaking and experimentation, mine now is:

5 cups white wheat flour
3 cups brown sugar (use light brown, and dark brown, don't notice any difference)
1/4 cup white sugar (basically just to say yes, there's some sugar in it)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
6 tablespoons vanilla (imitation or extract, seems about the same)
4 eggs
4 sticks salt-free butter (have tried 2 and 3 stick versions, but at least once someone marvelled over my use of real butter so settled on 4)
2 23oz bags of Toll-House chocolate chips. Use semi-sweet and milk chocolate variations. The milk chocolate ones smellconsiderably different but taste pretty much the same to me. Maybe a foody would have a preference.

Bake at 350-375F (dial on the oven's old so who knows what the real temp is heh.)

Bake about 12 mins then check, because I'm baking them to give away I usually error on the side of caution and overbake them a bit rather than taking them out and trusting they bake a little more. If not done (with no soft or moist looking part keep baking until done.)

Cool until rigid then distribute.

My township has to send a neighbor's kids to a private school that starts at $37,000 a year because they can't provide a safe place for her kids because someone on the bus might have eaten eggs and breath on her kids sending one of them into antiPhylactic shock that could cause death.

Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactic Shock: Symptoms and Common Triggers

And you think that is how it should be? Jeebus.

The parents should be responsible for their children, not the township.

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