Monica Crowley: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
A history of peddling debunked theories won’t guarantee you a spot in Trumpland — but it apparently doesn’t hurt.

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he’s chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications. If her conspiracy theory-pushing past is any indication, she’ll fit right in with several of Trump’s administration picks.

Crowley promoted a debunked theory that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post,Snopes and other sources.

A CNN report found Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News.

In August, Crowley called Abedin’s parents “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity.” A month later, she wrote that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.

But Crowley’s unsubstantiated claims aren’t limited to targeting Abedin. She was a vocal proponent of the birther movement, often calling President Barack Obama’s citizenship into question. In 2008, she suggested Obama lied about his blackness.

“[Obama is] not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”

Crowley isn’t the first Trump pick with a history of peddling conspiracy theories.

More: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers

Wow, it looks like we'll have to depend on Russia and North Korea for more reliable news in the future - because we won't be able to believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump Administration. Sad...
A history of peddling debunked theories won’t guarantee you a spot in Trumpland — but it apparently doesn’t hurt.

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he’s chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications. If her conspiracy theory-pushing past is any indication, she’ll fit right in with several of Trump’s administration picks.

Crowley promoted a debunked theory that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post,Snopes and other sources.

A CNN report found Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News.

In August, Crowley called Abedin’s parents “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity.” A month later, she wrote that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.

But Crowley’s unsubstantiated claims aren’t limited to targeting Abedin. She was a vocal proponent of the birther movement, often calling President Barack Obama’s citizenship into question. In 2008, she suggested Obama lied about his blackness.

“[Obama is] not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”

Crowley isn’t the first Trump pick with a history of peddling conspiracy theories.

More: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers

Wow, it looks like we'll have to depend on Russia and North Korea for more reliable news in the future - because we won't be able to believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump Administration. Sad...

Hey Lacooter, did you hear---------->Trump wants to take away tax free status from Indian casino's? Oh yes, pay YOUR fairshare-) We are supporting this, and I know you won't mind because of the fairness issue. See, we are all about being fair! We aren't so bad, now are we.

CYA at work, since casino money is going to dry up quick-)
A history of peddling debunked theories won’t guarantee you a spot in Trumpland — but it apparently doesn’t hurt.

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he’s chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications. If her conspiracy theory-pushing past is any indication, she’ll fit right in with several of Trump’s administration picks.

Crowley promoted a debunked theory that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post,Snopes and other sources.

A CNN report found Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News.

In August, Crowley called Abedin’s parents “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity.” A month later, she wrote that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.

But Crowley’s unsubstantiated claims aren’t limited to targeting Abedin. She was a vocal proponent of the birther movement, often calling President Barack Obama’s citizenship into question. In 2008, she suggested Obama lied about his blackness.

“[Obama is] not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”

Crowley isn’t the first Trump pick with a history of peddling conspiracy theories.

More: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers

Wow, it looks like we'll have to depend on Russia and North Korea for more reliable news in the future - because we won't be able to believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump Administration. Sad...

The HuffPo....98% chance for Hitlery....awesome.source.

Monica is great though, stoked to!
A history of peddling debunked theories won’t guarantee you a spot in Trumpland — but it apparently doesn’t hurt.

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he’s chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications. If her conspiracy theory-pushing past is any indication, she’ll fit right in with several of Trump’s administration picks.

Crowley promoted a debunked theory that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post,Snopes and other sources.

A CNN report found Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News.

In August, Crowley called Abedin’s parents “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity.” A month later, she wrote that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.

But Crowley’s unsubstantiated claims aren’t limited to targeting Abedin. She was a vocal proponent of the birther movement, often calling President Barack Obama’s citizenship into question. In 2008, she suggested Obama lied about his blackness.

“[Obama is] not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”

Crowley isn’t the first Trump pick with a history of peddling conspiracy theories.

More: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers

Wow, it looks like we'll have to depend on Russia and North Korea for more reliable news in the future - because we won't be able to believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump Administration. Sad...

Hey Lacooter, did you hear---------->Trump wants to take away tax free status from Indian casino's? Oh yes, pay YOUR fairshare-) We are supporting this, and I know you won't mind because of the fairness issue. See, we are all about being fair! We aren't so bad, now are we.

CYA at work, since casino money is going to dry up quick-)

Really? Would that also include taxing churches and other religious institutions? NA Casinos are located on sovereign Indian lands. That would be like taxing Cuba or Mexico. BTW, what does that have to do with the thread topic? Anyway, you don't seem to know much about taxing NA casinos. Maybe this will help...

Native American Casino And Tax Rules That May Surprise You
When it comes to conspiracy theory, no one can come near the current Democrap Party!
A history of peddling debunked theories won’t guarantee you a spot in Trumpland — but it apparently doesn’t hurt.

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he’s chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications. If her conspiracy theory-pushing past is any indication, she’ll fit right in with several of Trump’s administration picks.

Crowley promoted a debunked theory that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post,Snopes and other sources.

A CNN report found Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News.

In August, Crowley called Abedin’s parents “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity.” A month later, she wrote that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.

But Crowley’s unsubstantiated claims aren’t limited to targeting Abedin. She was a vocal proponent of the birther movement, often calling President Barack Obama’s citizenship into question. In 2008, she suggested Obama lied about his blackness.

“[Obama is] not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”

Crowley isn’t the first Trump pick with a history of peddling conspiracy theories.

More: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers

Wow, it looks like we'll have to depend on Russia and North Korea for more reliable news in the future - because we won't be able to believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump Administration. Sad...
So you think you see a conspiracy of conspirators?
When it comes to conspiracy theory, no one can come near the current Democrap Party!

Please provide some "credible" examples that can be verified as factual.
Here's one: Obama's bizarre claim the Wikileaks emails influenced the election. It is a fake news story planted by the Obama WH that has developed into a conspiracy theory of the Democrats.
A history of peddling debunked theories won’t guarantee you a spot in Trumpland — but it apparently doesn’t hurt.

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he’s chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications. If her conspiracy theory-pushing past is any indication, she’ll fit right in with several of Trump’s administration picks.

Crowley promoted a debunked theory that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post,Snopes and other sources.

A CNN report found Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News.

In August, Crowley called Abedin’s parents “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity.” A month later, she wrote that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.

But Crowley’s unsubstantiated claims aren’t limited to targeting Abedin. She was a vocal proponent of the birther movement, often calling President Barack Obama’s citizenship into question. In 2008, she suggested Obama lied about his blackness.

“[Obama is] not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”

Crowley isn’t the first Trump pick with a history of peddling conspiracy theories.

More: Trump Is Assembling An Impressive Team Of Conspiracy Theory Pushers

Wow, it looks like we'll have to depend on Russia and North Korea for more reliable news in the future - because we won't be able to believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump Administration. Sad...

Hey Lacooter, did you hear---------->Trump wants to take away tax free status from Indian casino's? Oh yes, pay YOUR fairshare-) We are supporting this, and I know you won't mind because of the fairness issue. See, we are all about being fair! We aren't so bad, now are we.

CYA at work, since casino money is going to dry up quick-)

Really? Would that also include taxing churches and other religious institutions? NA Casinos are located on sovereign Indian lands. That would be like taxing Cuba or Mexico. BTW, what does that have to do with the thread topic? Anyway, you don't seem to know much about taxing NA casinos. Maybe this will help...

Native American Casino And Tax Rules That May Surprise You

Wait, wait, wait! That Indian land rule is archaic. It was created long before modern times, was it not! It gives some people an unfair advantage, doesn't it. Wouldn't you call that INDIAN Privilege? Free tax breaks on their land, etc, just because they are Indian?!?!?!

Shame on you Lacooter, you are a hypocrite-)

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