Monica Lewinsky reveals a plan to launch a “cultural revolution”.

Aaaand liberals admit they are hypocrites, but they really do not admit they are hypocrites.

I wonder if moonglow could come up with ONE major accomplishment Hillary has had while serving as a senator, secretary of state, or whatever office she has held.

They already have not named one thing obama ever did that made him so qualified in their eyes to be president. Other than him being black and a democrat. They have to be told that those are not actual accomplishments. Yes, I had to convince some moron left winger that those are not accomplishments.

So, they cannot handle the FACT that that proves they are HACKS. When the people that vote for these losers cannot even name ONE thing other than superficial shit, that is the actual definition of hacks.

Which means what? I would say 90% (I am being kind with that too) of liberal voters are nothing but hacks. The other 10% know exactly what they are doing. Meaning, they know the goal of the democrat party is to take down the America they hate. Yes, those are the ivy league know it all cocksuckers, and the one that resides in the white house now.

Pathetic liberals are all pathetic. 100% of them.
I lived in the state that the Clintons come from. I hate them both..The only reason I voted for him was so he could get out of Arkansas and never come back...
Money and power attract low self esteem types that will give themselves up just to bask in the glow.
I wish her well but she has a long history of making self-defeating choices. A lot of women make the mistake of sleeping with a married man/the boss but has never done much of anything else. And he wasn't her first. Why didn't she learn from her mistakes? And, why hasn't she ever done anything else with her life?

Women need to learn that they will always pay a higher price and, no matter who the man is, he will never ever leave his wife.
According to reports from audience members, the theme of Lewinsky’s speech was public humiliation and privacy in the age of the internet.

Multiple attendees say Lewinksy teared up as she discussed her “shame.”

Monica Lewinsky joins Twitter and launches a mission to end cyberbullying
And she is blaming Drudge, not herself for her past that brought notoriety. :lmao:

In her 2,500 word speech she blamed her humiliation on the Drudge Report, Internet, Ken Starr, the NY Post's Page Six, everybody except for the married President with whom she had sexual relations. :more:

Monica Lewinsky Drudge Ruined My Life Truth Revolt
Monica's a piece of crap, just like both Clintons and lots of others on the left concerning Willie "junkyard dog" Clinton's out-of-wedlock sexual escapades with an employee.

Recall that Monica tried to get her "good friend" Linda Tripp to lie under oath, commit perjury, for which she would have her ass in a sling if caught. Realizing her "friend" didn't give a rat's ass about her with such a suggestion, Tripp decided to record their subsequent conversations. Which eventually led to, along with a well aimed blue dress stain, the whole world knowing Monica and the Cigar King were outright scheming liars.

Stick your victimhood up your fat ass, Monica.
I heard they had their affair for 2 years. I had no idea.
I find her behavior as disgusting as his. And I find Hillary to be weak in character to put up with Bill. She must think she needs him to make it.
I find it odd in our society how a single girl who gave no marital vows is a social outcast and the married man who broke vows, perjured himself and lied to his constituents is regarded as hero by half the population. I used Clinton and Lewinsky as an example, but you see it all the time with a married man and single girl. One of my single female friends cheated with a married man. He was forgiven by his wife and friends and she was never spoken to again. It's BS as she never gave any vows.
If women didn't get a CLUE about how the that Democrat party isn't FOR THE WOMAN with the way they treated Monica Lewinsky, then they will never get a clue ever and deserves to be treated like shit by that party and the vile people in it
Really, you believe that shyt!? Well goodness, it's so refreshing to know that the GOP has never ever had sex scandals....Heaven can't wait for all the GOP angels to return home..

The GOP doesn't use the "War On Women" by the other Party as their campaign slogan.
Yeah, blame the intern that was bamboozled by the President of the United States.
She jumped to the head of the line, she was no victim.

Power differential makes her a victim.

Any CEO caught doing what B.J. Clinton did would be fired.

He's a serial sexual predator, and that's OK with Dems.

Not with me.

While I agree with you....she's not innocent by any means.
What was she 22 at the time? Even the most dunderheaded bimbo knows it's wrong to screw around with a married man,particularly when he's the president.
Well for sure 22 is so worldly when you put her up against a 50something man who was PRESIDENT at the time.

total ABUSE of his power and abuse of the woman all rolled into one
Well for sure 22 is so worldly when you put her up against a 50something man who was PRESIDENT at the time.

total ABUSE of his power and abuse of the woman all rolled into one

Like I said. I agree with you.
Be she shares in the blame,because you cant convince me that someone like Monica didnt know the score when she was an aspiring politician herself.
If she thinks she's going to "capitalize" off of this she might want to think again.

All I want from her IS to BURY the CLINTONS UNDER mounds of DIRT

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