Monica Lewinsky reveals a plan to launch a “cultural revolution”.

If she thinks she's going to "capitalize" off of this she might want to think again.

All I want from her IS to BURY the CLINTONS UNDER mounds of DIRT

She wont. She still loves Bill and the democrat party.
Hell,she blamed Drudge for ruining her life. We all know it had nothing to do with her penchant for presidential penis:suck:.
Will that cultural revolution include a brothel in the White House, or maybe in Congress - so that politicians don't have to commute to cheat on their wives or find a male escort? :popcorn:
And herself.
According to reports from audience members, the theme of Lewinsky’s speech was public humiliation and privacy in the age of the internet.

Multiple attendees say Lewinksy teared up as she discussed her “shame.”

Monica Lewinsky joins Twitter and launches a mission to end cyberbullying
And she is blaming Drudge, not herself for her past that brought notoriety. :lmao:

In her 2,500 word speech she blamed her humiliation on the Drudge Report, Internet, Ken Starr, the NY Post's Page Six, everybody except for the married President with whom she had sexual relations. :more:

Monica Lewinsky Drudge Ruined My Life Truth Revolt
I wish she'd just go away...

So does Hillary!
Yeah....Hillary doesn't want the voters to be reminded of this optic.

She will forever be known as the girl who gave Clinton blow jobs in the Oval Office. Clinton probably doesn't feel the least amount of guilt about it either.

Yeah....Hillary doesn't want the voters to be reminded of this optic.

Oh, the only people who ever cared about that "Optic", were never going to vote for her anyway.

Now, here's the thing. I do think that in 2008, Democrats listened to you folks on the right do nostalgia for the 1990's and thought. "Man, we don't want to live through that shit again. Maybe we should nominated this Obama guy."

But watching you go even more apeshit over Obama, they probably figure, "Meh, they'll go nuts no matter who we elect, might as well get one that will fight back!"
Why doesn't she speak out on how wrong it is to have sex with a married man, your boss, employed by the public to do more important things?

Yeah, blame the intern that was bamboozled by the President of the United States.
Yer shitting us....You mean a 24 year old woman is incapable of controlling herself while in the presence of a man 30 years her senior AND her boss?
Personal responsibility anyone?
Yeah, blame the intern that was bamboozled by the President of the United States.
She jumped to the head of the line, she was no victim.

Power differential makes her a victim.

Any CEO caught doing what B.J. Clinton did would be fired.

He's a serial sexual predator, and that's OK with Dems.

Not with me.
I don't think Lewinsky is a victim at all. Bill Clinton is a skirt chasing philanderer.
Jeez ya think if POTUS was gonna cheat on his wife he'd have gone up the ladder a bit
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I hope she spills her guts and BURIES both the Clintons who ruined her life with their disgusting actions

I didn't have SEX with that woman, Monica Lewinsky
Trust me when I tell you this. Hillary has already given her husband the old "Bill you'd better do something to shut that bitch's mouth?
or .....

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