Monica Lewinsky says she has PTSD! Ugh. Can she just go away?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Another mewling article from Monica Lewinsky. Ugh. This woman has become a spokesperson for what reason again.

Monica Lewinsky: Emerging from “the House of Gaslight” in the Age of #MeToo

So the gist of the article is that she talks about how she met Ken Starr in person (that was plot convenient) and gave him an opportunity to apologize, which he didn't.

Then she drops this little gem.

To be blunt, I was diagnosed several years ago with post-traumatic stress disorder, mainly from the ordeal of having been publicly outed and ostracized back then. My trauma expedition has been long, arduous, painful, and expensive. And it’s not over. (I like to joke that my tombstone will read, MUTATIS MUTANDIS—“With Changes Being Made.”)

Well, there goes any sympathy I had for the woman. No, PTSD is what you get when you are a battlefield and people are trying to kill you. It's not because someone said bad stuff about you on TV, you self-absorbed twit!!!

Ms. Lewinsky, 99% of the bad stuff that happened to you was because of your own making. The 1% that wasn't was just as much the Clintons (who called you a stalker and lied about you) as it was Mr. Starr.

Did Starr abuse his powers? Absolutely. SO has every other Special Counsel.

I tried to read the article but got bored. Who is the Man in the Hat? I just don't care.
I tried to read the article but got bored. Who is the Man in the Hat? I just don't care.

Well, it was Ken Starr. We are to believe that she randomly met Ken Starr in a restaurant.

I personally find this highly unlikely.
Funny you bring her up Joey. On a related subject, I was thinking how different the Feminists treated BJ Bubba and Monica versus how they treat The Don.

I wonder Joe if you can see the blatant bias?
Funny you bring her up Joey. On a related subject, I was thinking how different the Feminists treated BJ Bubba and Monica versus how they treat The Don.

I wonder Joe if you can see the blatant bias?

Oh, I think the Feminists treated Clinton differently because Clinton's presidency was a net win for the 99.999999% of the women who weren't involved with him sexually.

Reproductive rights were protected, family and medical leave happened, etc.

Come to think of it, so did the whole country that wasn't listening to Hate Radio at the time. They didn't care, the economy was good.

Here's the thing. The women molested by the Don have come out and complained about it. Monica didn't want to talk about this and Starr had to pretty much threaten to throw her whole family in jail to get her to talk.

So while I think her PTSD mewling is a bit much, Starr's behavior was still shitty.
You can
Funny you bring her up Joey. On a related subject, I was thinking how different the Feminists treated BJ Bubba and Monica versus how they treat The Don.

I wonder Joe if you can see the blatant bias?

Oh, I think the Feminists treated Clinton differently because Clinton's presidency was a net win for the 99.999999% of the women who weren't involved with him sexually.

Reproductive rights were protected, family and medical leave happened, etc.

Come to think of it, so did the whole country that wasn't listening to Hate Radio at the time. They didn't care, the economy was good.

Here's the thing. The women molested by the Don have come out and complained about it. Monica didn't want to talk about this and Starr had to pretty much threaten to throw her whole family in jail to get her to talk.

So while I think her PTSD mewling is a bit much, Starr's behavior was still shitty.
You can justify anything for your beloved D Party.
Another mewling article from Monica Lewinsky. Ugh. This woman has become a spokesperson for what reason again.

Monica Lewinsky: Emerging from “the House of Gaslight” in the Age of #MeToo

So the gist of the article is that she talks about how she met Ken Starr in person (that was plot convenient) and gave him an opportunity to apologize, which he didn't.

Then she drops this little gem.

To be blunt, I was diagnosed several years ago with post-traumatic stress disorder, mainly from the ordeal of having been publicly outed and ostracized back then. My trauma expedition has been long, arduous, painful, and expensive. And it’s not over. (I like to joke that my tombstone will read, MUTATIS MUTANDIS—“With Changes Being Made.”)

Well, there goes any sympathy I had for the woman. No, PTSD is what you get when you are a battlefield and people are trying to kill you. It's not because someone said bad stuff about you on TV, you self-absorbed twit!!!

Ms. Lewinsky, 99% of the bad stuff that happened to you was because of your own making. The 1% that wasn't was just as much the Clintons (who called you a stalker and lied about you) as it was Mr. Starr.

Did Starr abuse his powers? Absolutely. SO has every other Special Counsel.

This is the problem, you give anything a title to describe what some legitimately experience, and it will be exploited and/or applied to a much broader set of situations.

It started out as a diagnoses given to soldiers, was formerly known as "Shell Shock". It had some legitimate applications, as people saw some heavy stuff, experienced it and came back broken. It made sense for some due to the level of violence, fear, stress and what have you that they went through.

Then one day I remember reading that a police officer was applying for benefits based on this diagnoses. I thought to myself, "well, yeah I can see that". Going to scenes of murdered children and car accidents. It can't be easy and you can never fully be prepared for it.

Then it was firemen, ER nurses, social workers, fast food cooks, the whole gamut. The words and term lost all meaning. Listen to the old WW2 nurses, they still cry from time to time sharing their stories of horror, but they learned to get through it. I do believe everyone reacts differently to stress, but it has to be from a legitimate life threatening or altering situation. Now Monica.

Here's what I think, as I have experienced myself. Life isn't going right for someone, or you are outright screwed over by someone else in life, and you think back to why you were screwed over, you think back to the abuses against you, abuses you had generally put behind you, but because of your plight in life or a reminder (sometimes a constant reminder) you remember that situation. So in some respects she is reliving it again. It's not totally behind her after so many years even though it should be.

I don't know if PTSD is accurate, but I suppose it can be if you have to relive it in the media, or if that's what you are known for in life. If she had found a job, pursued a career and lived happily ever after, this is all behind her. I don't know what she is doing right now but meeting Starr, if legitimately random, would be somewhat traumatic and definitely a reminder.

I went through some heavy stuff in life, but it was all behind me when I graduated school and focused on my career, when things went bad, yeah you're reminded. You get angry and feel resentment. Than my wife and I would talk and you are reminded, "damn, what I went through in life is rare, it's excessive and its not normal". I remember a good friend of mine years ago said "whenever people at school would complain about their lives, I would think of what you went through and I wouldn't have as much sympathy for them".

Anyways, bottom line, my personal opinion is PTSD is too broad a term now, it might just be "constant reminder because I can't move past it" disorder. For me, I didn't want to be seen as a victim of my poverty and childhood experiences, I had moved past it. There are female victims who I read about in university who had the same attitude and I shared it, they would say "I don't want counselling, I just want to move on with my life".

When you cannot move on from her circumstances, which she and many cannot; it costs her. As it were it also costs the Clintons, the Democratic Party, the often fake liberals and the media, as they are also reminded "remember how you treated this woman? Yeah, you have no moral ground to stand on". Indeed it is true.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
Another mewling article from Monica Lewinsky. Ugh. This woman has become a spokesperson for what reason again.

Monica Lewinsky: Emerging from “the House of Gaslight” in the Age of #MeToo

So the gist of the article is that she talks about how she met Ken Starr in person (that was plot convenient) and gave him an opportunity to apologize, which he didn't.

Then she drops this little gem.

To be blunt, I was diagnosed several years ago with post-traumatic stress disorder, mainly from the ordeal of having been publicly outed and ostracized back then. My trauma expedition has been long, arduous, painful, and expensive. And it’s not over. (I like to joke that my tombstone will read, MUTATIS MUTANDIS—“With Changes Being Made.”)

Well, there goes any sympathy I had for the woman. No, PTSD is what you get when you are a battlefield and people are trying to kill you. It's not because someone said bad stuff about you on TV, you self-absorbed twit!!!

Ms. Lewinsky, 99% of the bad stuff that happened to you was because of your own making. The 1% that wasn't was just as much the Clintons (who called you a stalker and lied about you) as it was Mr. Starr.

Did Starr abuse his powers? Absolutely. SO has every other Special Counsel.

This is the problem, you give anything a title to describe what some legitimately experience, and it will be exploited and/or applied to a much broader set of situations.

It started out as a diagnoses given to soldiers, was formerly known as "Shell Shock". It had some legitimate applications, as people saw some heavy stuff, experienced it and came back broken. It made sense for some due to the level of violence, fear, stress and what have you that they went through.

Then one day I remember reading that a police officer was applying for benefits based on this diagnoses. I thought to myself, "well, yeah I can see that". Going to scenes of murdered children and car accidents. It can't be easy and you can never fully be prepared for it.

Then it was firemen, ER nurses, social workers, fast food cooks, the whole gamut. The words and term lost all meaning. Listen to the old WW2 nurses, they still cry from time to time sharing their stories of horror, but they learned to get through it. I do believe everyone reacts differently to stress, but it has to be from a legitimate life threatening or altering situation. Now Monica.

Here's what I think, as I have experienced myself. Life isn't going right for someone, or you are outright screwed over by someone else in life, and you think back to why you were screwed over, you think back to the abuses against you, abuses you had generally put behind you, but because of your plight in life or a reminder (sometimes a constant reminder) you remember that situation. So in some respects she is reliving it again. It's not totally behind her after so many years even though it should be.

I don't know if PTSD is accurate, but I suppose it can be if you have to relive it in the media, or if that's what you are known for in life. If she had found a job, pursued a career and lived happily ever after, this is all behind her. I don't know what she is doing right now but meeting Starr, if legitimately random, would be somewhat traumatic and definitely a reminder.

I went through some heavy stuff in life, but it was all behind me when I graduated school and focused on my career, when things went bad, yeah you're reminded. You get angry and feel resentment. Than my wife and I would talk and you are reminded, "damn, what I went through in life is rare, it's excessive and its not normal". I remember a good friend of mine years ago said "whenever people at school would complain about their lives, I would think of what you went through and I wouldn't have as much sympathy for them".

Anyways, bottom line, my personal opinion is PTSD is too broad a term now, it might just be "constant reminder because I can't move past it" disorder. For me, I didn't want to be seen as a victim of my poverty and childhood experiences, I had moved past it. There are female victims who I read about in university who had the same attitude and I shared it, they would say "I don't want counselling, I just want to move on with my life".

When you cannot move on from her circumstances, which she and many cannot; it costs her. As it were it also costs the Clintons, the Democratic Party, the often fake liberals and the media, as they are also reminded "remember how you treated this woman? Yeah, you have no moral ground to stand on". Indeed it is true.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
Most of us have experienced tough times. It is part of life. Now...granted some get really shit on, like Monica, but you have to move on.

Forgive and forget. Easy to say. Tough to do.
Bill Clinton, as a married man, takes advantage of a young intern and becomes the most popular figure in the Democratic party. Monica is ostracized by liberals. The war on women... Think about that for a moment...
Bill Clinton, as a married man, takes advantage of a young intern and becomes the most popular figure in the Democratic party. Monica is ostracized by liberals. The war on women... Think about that for a moment...

Um, sorry. She was 23 years old. That's old enough to vote, own a gun, enlist in the military, drive a car, get a drink.... all the aspects of adulthood. I happen to think well enough of women to hold them accountable for their actions.
Another mewling article from Monica Lewinsky. Ugh. This woman has become a spokesperson for what reason again.

Monica Lewinsky: Emerging from “the House of Gaslight” in the Age of #MeToo

So the gist of the article is that she talks about how she met Ken Starr in person (that was plot convenient) and gave him an opportunity to apologize, which he didn't.

Then she drops this little gem.

To be blunt, I was diagnosed several years ago with post-traumatic stress disorder, mainly from the ordeal of having been publicly outed and ostracized back then. My trauma expedition has been long, arduous, painful, and expensive. And it’s not over. (I like to joke that my tombstone will read, MUTATIS MUTANDIS—“With Changes Being Made.”)

Well, there goes any sympathy I had for the woman. No, PTSD is what you get when you are a battlefield and people are trying to kill you. It's not because someone said bad stuff about you on TV, you self-absorbed twit!!!

Ms. Lewinsky, 99% of the bad stuff that happened to you was because of your own making. The 1% that wasn't was just as much the Clintons (who called you a stalker and lied about you) as it was Mr. Sta
Did Starr abuse his powers? Absolutely. SO has every other Special Counsel.

I find it amusing when she talks about cyber bullying. she was not cyber bullied in 1997-98. she was stalked because her "Friend" Linda Tripp decided to make her life public when she conspired with lucianne Goldberg to go after bill Clinton for the Arkansas mafia.

yet she never talks about the fact that it was her so called "friend" who hung her out to dry.
Bill Clinton, as a married man, takes advantage of a young intern and becomes the most popular figure in the Democratic party. Monica is ostracized by liberals. The war on women... Think about that for a moment...

she walked into his office with a pizza and picked up her skirt.

that is not being victimized.

you people crack me up.
Bill Clinton, as a married man, takes advantage of a young intern and becomes the most popular figure in the Democratic party. Monica is ostracized by liberals. The war on women... Think about that for a moment...

Um, sorry. She was 23 years old. That's old enough to vote, own a gun, enlist in the military, drive a car, get a drink.... all the aspects of adulthood. I happen to think well enough of women to hold them accountable for their actions.

Look at you excusing Bill Clinton for cheating on Hillary and using his position of power to take advantage of a woman. I guess Bill Clinton really did grab her pussy. You liberals are all disgusting.
Bill Clinton, as a married man, takes advantage of a young intern and becomes the most popular figure in the Democratic party. Monica is ostracized by liberals. The war on women... Think about that for a moment...

she walked into his office with a pizza and picked up her skirt.

that is not being victimized.

you people crack me up.

Oh yea, Clinton grabbed her pussy and she liked it. I forgot. And to think Hillary was OK with it all so she could someday be President. Guess that didn't work out for her. lol
Yes she was an adult and she apparently did this on her own volition, though others claim they did not, some even suggesting it involved violence and force.

It doesn't matter. When you are in a position of authority you do not cross lines. He was her boss. No matter what your position, you don't abuse your authority.
Yes she was an adult and she apparently did this on her own volition, though others claim they did not, some even suggesting it involved violence and force.

It doesn't matter. When you are in a position of authority you do not cross lines. He was her boss. No matter what your position, you don't abuse your authority.

no one suggests it had anything to do with violence or force.

no one suggests it wasn't her call.

and no one says it had anything to do with a lack of power .... she said she went to DC to "get her presidential knee pads".

does that sound like a victim to you? the only one who victimized her was her "friend" Linda.
Look at you excusing Bill Clinton for cheating on Hillary and using his position of power to take advantage of a woman. I guess Bill Clinton really did grab her pussy. You liberals are all disgusting.

Here's the thing. Whatever happened between Clinton and Lewinsky was between two consenting adults.

What Trump did with all the women he's assaulted wasn't consensual.

It doesn't matter. When you are in a position of authority you do not cross lines. He was her boss. No matter what your position, you don't abuse your authority.

YOu know what, I haven't worked for a boss yet who didn't abuse his authority.

He was a consenting adult with another consenting adult. The thing is, it wasn't like we didn't know he cheated on his wife. We knew that in 1992 and we knew that in 1996, and we elected him anyway, because we weren't voting for "Husband of the year".

Now, I voted for Bush in 2000 because he wasn't the kind of guy who cheated on his wife. Two wars, two recessions, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage later, and I kind of figured out that it wasn't that big of a deal.

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