Monitoring Our Corporate Oligarchy

Feb 20, 2013
Dedicated to the three or four here who "get it," this thread is for you. For partisan flag-wavers, shove off!

Capital City | Mother Jones

[ame=]Wall Street OWNS Washington D.C. - YouTube[/ame]
Essentially there are three narratives dominating this nation's zeitgeist.

The GOP narrative, the Democratic narrative and the non-partisan narrative.

86 registered million democrats - 55 registered million republican - 28 million "others"

35% of this nation potential voters are not even REGISTERED to vote.
This issue highlights a major flaw in our constitution. Jefferson saw it coming, as did others, but failed to prevent it. We need to separate economic power and state power just as we did with religion - and for many of the same reasons.
This issue highlights a major flaw in our constitution. Jefferson saw it coming, as did others, but failed to prevent it. We need to separate economic power and state power just as we did with religion - and for many of the same reasons.

Fascist corporatism

Fascism's theory of economic corporatism involved management of sectors of the economy by government or privately controlled organizations (corporations). Each trade union or employer corporation would, theoretically, represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. This method, it was theorized, could result in harmony amongst social classes.[30] Authors have noted, however, that de facto economic corporatism was also used to reduce opposition and reward political loyalty.[31]
Don't worry...the corporate masters WILL eventually piss us slaves off enough to revolt. Maybe when CEO pay hits 500 times us serf's pay, but right now celebrities are eating bugs.
Don't worry...the corporate masters WILL eventually piss us slaves off enough to revolt. Maybe when CEO pay hits 500 times us serf's pay, but right now celebrities are eating bugs.

Oh, it's gonna happen - it has in most every society with an oppressive oligarchy of one form or another (if these goddamned partisan sheep would wake up, it might have happened already).

American Corporate Oligarchy « The Last Lost Empire
Don't worry...the corporate masters WILL eventually piss us slaves off enough to revolt. Maybe when CEO pay hits 500 times us serf's pay, but right now celebrities are eating bugs.

And they have us serf's just-a fighting with each other while they all divvy up the money
Don't worry...the corporate masters WILL eventually piss us slaves off enough to revolt. Maybe when CEO pay hits 500 times us serf's pay, but right now celebrities are eating bugs.

And they have us serf's just-a fighting with each other while they all divvy up the money

CEO (with 10 of 12 cookies) to Teabagger: "that union guy is trying to take your cookie".
Don't worry...the corporate masters WILL eventually piss us slaves off enough to revolt. Maybe when CEO pay hits 500 times us serf's pay, but right now celebrities are eating bugs.
You're right about the boiling point theorem in contemporary American politics. But I doubt if that point will ever be reached because those who rule us aren't stupid. They will not allow that point to be reached, which accounts for the Obama presidency.

Obama's job is to monitor the political temperature and prevent its reaching the boiling point and thus far he's done a commendable job. He's managed to keep the banks, Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, the corporatocracy, and the tax-evading plutocracy functioning flawlessly while tossing just enough scraps to the vanishing middle class to hold the temperature just below the boiling point.

When Bush was installed as President he managed to accomplish the tasks assigned to him by the shadow government but his stupidly compulsive egoism got the better of him and he ran off the tracks. So we were given the choice of McCain and Obama in 2008, and Romney and Obama in 2012 -- three easily controllable, compliant and cooperative prospective tenders of the political thermostat. (Notice that Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel were eliminated early in the nomination farce.)

What we can expect from Obama for the next 44 months is a continuum of his familiar style of one step backward for every step forward. He will keep the lid on -- but that's all we can expect from him. That's his job and he's pretty good at it.
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Wall Street doesn't own Washington. The relationship between Wall Street and Washington is mutual at best. All the wealth in the country is centered at Washington D.C.. The fact that the highest median income in the country is now currently Washington D.C. should tell everyone something.
This issue highlights a major flaw in our constitution. Jefferson saw it coming, as did others, but failed to prevent it. We need to separate economic power and state power just as we did with religion - and for many of the same reasons.


How could The Founders have known the American white trash nutball would come to embrace the concept of the corporate "person", the ultimate marriage of money to power?

The only unConstitutional excrescence that comes close to the corporate "person" usurping natural born persons' rights, is the fake-liberal perversion of rights, elevating group rights above individual rights.
Do you enjoy tech and science advancements? You should be for more corporations and design/research departments.
Do you enjoy cheap food, shoes, clothes, etc. You're probably for corporations. If not why not?

Sure, little stores may make good stuff but the reason they can't compete is simple economics. Mass producing things and not having to buy new equipment every few days is why.

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