Monsanto Tribunal Judges slam Monsanto over violation of human rights

ToddsterPatriot is the perfect example of a public school education. I thank my lucky stars I ditched that shit and got my GED I was losing brain cells sitting in their class rooms literally learning NOTHING every day. Want an education? GO TO THE LIBRARY! Learn anything you want with books OR you can use the internet.

You got a GED? That's hard to believe.

So why are GMOs bad? Spell it out. If you can spell. LOL!
Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body....what could POSSIBLY go bad!? You are a fucking retard. If nature intended chemicals to be in our bodies then they would come like that from nature. I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's. Cancers,Alzheimer's,etc etc. Yeah GED good enough diploma. Amazing I managed to pass that shit with flying colors and only went to 9th grade aka I didn't need 3 more years of PROPAGANDA pushed on me...I wasn't learning a fucking thing....I had common sense so I knew most of it was bullshit.
The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide.

And then they smoked a huge bowl.

Let us know when you get cancer, i'm sure they'll tell you it's genetic.

You should stop eating food that was modified by humans.
Enjoy your wild fish and acorns.
Oh how the ignorant will suffer.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

Bayer produces pesticides called neonicotinoids. It is in a lot of the food seeds. It is a systemic poison. When an insect bites the plant, it dies. Then you eat that plant. Honey bees take that nectar & pollen, they eventually die & it poisons the entire hive.

Neonics have been found in 29% of baby food.

Ignorant fucks like you are the problem. You thin k we should sacrifice our environment for short term profits.

California officials want to add glyphosate, the main chemical ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, to the state’s official list of known carcinogens. This could significantly curb the weed killer’s use – not just in California but nationwide – but expect Monsanto to wage a fierce fight against the proposed regulation.

California is following the lead of the World Health Organization, which declared earlier this year that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. In response, regulators worldwide are taking steps to protect people from the chemical. Colombia has banned glyphosate use on coca plantations and France ordered it removed from the shelves of home and garden stores.

California Moves To Protect Citizens From Monsanto’s GMO Weed Killer
The old excuses are wearing out rapidly and Bayer plus a few others have jumped in to take Monsanto's place.

When the medical police tell everyone oh don't worry those are just conspiracy theorist it never fails where the truth comes out decades later. It's just a shame that a few million die before they get caught first and or before zombied out zombies finally realize those companies lied the entire time.

Just like the case of Erin Brockovich...................look how many got ill and nobody would listen because the big powerful corporations kept saying oh go back to sleep those ppl are crazy.........

Same bs with Fracking.

Just like the case of Erin Brockovich...................

Exactly. The same kind of lawsuit BS divorced from reality.

You should research why you can't stop relying on your Governmental parents like EPA, FDA...... and how brain cancer could be setting in already.

Maybe this is causing you to think factual information is untrue.......... They are looking forward to making big bucks off your health lmao..

Chromium-6: 'Erin Brockovich' chemical threatens two-thirds of Americans
Nearly 200 million Americans across all 50 states are exposed to unsafe levels of chromium-6 or hexavalent chromium, a heavy metal known to cause cancer in animals and humans, according to a new report released Tuesday by the nonprofit research and advocacy organization Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Chromium-6: 'Erin Brockovich' chemical threatens two-thirds of Americans

View attachment 122199

Is the toxic 'Erin Brockovich' chemical in your drinking water?

View attachment 122200

'Erin Brockovich' Carcinogen in Tap Water of More than 200 Million Americans

This week in a piece for Slate about cancer clusters, like the one made famous by the movie Erin Brockovich, I describe how they almost always turn out to be illusions — examples of what the epidemiologist Seymour Grufferman called “the Texas sharpshooter effect.” Here is how I described it in my article: Stand way back and blast the side of a barn with a shotgun and then find some holes that are crowded together. Draw a circle around them and you have what looks like a bull’s-eye.

The pollution that was blamed for the malignancies may be very real — the Brockovich case involved a metal called hexavalent chromium or chromium 6 that had been discharged during the 1950s and 60s into the drinking water of Hinkley, a small town in the Mojave Desert. The people who lived there were naturally afraid of what the chemical might be doing to their health. But long after the movie was gone from the theaters and the residents and their lawyers had received a $300 million settlement, a 12-year epidemiological study was completed. No elevation of cancer was found.

Erin Brockovich - Fire in the Mind


Wow. Aren't you the fox news listener. Ummmmmm. Yes, believe the corporations because they always have out best interest in mind.
When the medical police tell everyone oh don't worry those are just conspiracy theorist it never fails where the truth comes out decades later. It's just a shame that a few million die before they get caught first and or before zombied out zombies finally realize those companies lied the entire time.

Just like the case of Erin Brockovich...................look how many got ill and nobody would listen because the big powerful corporations kept saying oh go back to sleep those ppl are crazy.........

Same bs with Fracking.

Just like the case of Erin Brockovich...................

Exactly. The same kind of lawsuit BS divorced from reality.

You should research why you can't stop relying on your Governmental parents like EPA, FDA...... and how brain cancer could be setting in already.

Maybe this is causing you to think factual information is untrue.......... They are looking forward to making big bucks off your health lmao..

Chromium-6: 'Erin Brockovich' chemical threatens two-thirds of Americans
Nearly 200 million Americans across all 50 states are exposed to unsafe levels of chromium-6 or hexavalent chromium, a heavy metal known to cause cancer in animals and humans, according to a new report released Tuesday by the nonprofit research and advocacy organization Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Chromium-6: 'Erin Brockovich' chemical threatens two-thirds of Americans

View attachment 122199

Is the toxic 'Erin Brockovich' chemical in your drinking water?

View attachment 122200

'Erin Brockovich' Carcinogen in Tap Water of More than 200 Million Americans

This week in a piece for Slate about cancer clusters, like the one made famous by the movie Erin Brockovich, I describe how they almost always turn out to be illusions — examples of what the epidemiologist Seymour Grufferman called “the Texas sharpshooter effect.” Here is how I described it in my article: Stand way back and blast the side of a barn with a shotgun and then find some holes that are crowded together. Draw a circle around them and you have what looks like a bull’s-eye.

The pollution that was blamed for the malignancies may be very real — the Brockovich case involved a metal called hexavalent chromium or chromium 6 that had been discharged during the 1950s and 60s into the drinking water of Hinkley, a small town in the Mojave Desert. The people who lived there were naturally afraid of what the chemical might be doing to their health. But long after the movie was gone from the theaters and the residents and their lawyers had received a $300 million settlement, a 12-year epidemiological study was completed. No elevation of cancer was found.

Erin Brockovich - Fire in the Mind


Wow. Aren't you the fox news listener. Ummmmmm. Yes, believe the corporations because they always have out best interest in mind.

Yeah my bad I misunderstood what you meant. =)
The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide.

And then they smoked a huge bowl.

Let us know when you get cancer, i'm sure they'll tell you it's genetic.

You should stop eating food that was modified by humans.
Enjoy your wild fish and acorns.
Oh how the ignorant will suffer.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

Bayer produces pesticides called neonicotinoids. It is in a lot of the food seeds. It is a systemic poison. When an insect bites the plant, it dies. Then you eat that plant. Honey bees take that nectar & pollen, they eventually die & it poisons the entire hive.

Neonics have been found in 29% of baby food.

Ignorant fucks like you are the problem. You thin k we should sacrifice our environment for short term profits.

OMFG not you too

Neonics have been banned in other countries.

I guess you see no problem with eating food containing pesticides.
The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide.

And then they smoked a huge bowl.

Let us know when you get cancer, i'm sure they'll tell you it's genetic.

You should stop eating food that was modified by humans.
Enjoy your wild fish and acorns.
Oh how the ignorant will suffer.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

Bayer produces pesticides called neonicotinoids. It is in a lot of the food seeds. It is a systemic poison. When an insect bites the plant, it dies. Then you eat that plant. Honey bees take that nectar & pollen, they eventually die & it poisons the entire hive.

Neonics have been found in 29% of baby food.

Ignorant fucks like you are the problem. You thin k we should sacrifice our environment for short term profits.

OMFG not you too

Neonics have been banned in other countries.

I guess you see no problem with eating food containing pesticides.

Dozen of other Countries have BANNED GMO foods, they've sent US imported foods packing because they were GMO.
The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide.

And then they smoked a huge bowl.

Let us know when you get cancer, i'm sure they'll tell you it's genetic.

You should stop eating food that was modified by humans.
Enjoy your wild fish and acorns.
Oh how the ignorant will suffer.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

Bayer produces pesticides called neonicotinoids. It is in a lot of the food seeds. It is a systemic poison. When an insect bites the plant, it dies. Then you eat that plant. Honey bees take that nectar & pollen, they eventually die & it poisons the entire hive.

Neonics have been found in 29% of baby food.

Ignorant fucks like you are the problem. You thin k we should sacrifice our environment for short term profits.

OMFG not you too

Neonics have been banned in other countries.

I guess you see no problem with eating food containing pesticides.

Sorry, Monsanto: GMO Crops Now Banned in 38 Countries, Grown in Only 28
Countries that are a part of the European Union had an option to opt-out from growing GM crops through a European Commission rule passed in March 2015. The ban was especially aimed at Monsanto’s corn MON 810, since other varieties of corn or other plants are widely rejected across Europe.

In the Americas 4 countries have bans in place:
Belize, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

There are also 4 countries in Asia who have banned GM crops:
Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

And two countries in Africa who have done the same are:
Algeria and Madagascar.

Links to detailed reports on each country are available on Sustainable Pulse.

Currently there are 28 countries that grow GM crops:

The USA is the biggest grower with 73.1 million hectares of maize, soybean, cotton, canola, sugarbeet, alfalfa,

Sorry, Monsanto: GMO Crops Now Banned in 38 Countries, Grown in Only 28
As a beekeeper, I know how difficult it is to keep bees today vs 15 years ago.

I went to a talk by a well known bee expert. After his talk, he was asked where is the best place to keep bees, he said "away from agriculture".
Neonics are a threat. Roundup is a threat. Monsanto & Bayer are threats.

Honey bees are responsible for pollinating 1 out of 3 bites of our food supply.
As a beekeeper, I know how difficult it is to keep bees today vs 15 years ago.

I went to a talk by a well known bee expert. After his talk, he was asked where is the best place to keep bees, he said "away from agriculture".
Neonics are a threat. Roundup is a threat. Monsanto & Bayer are threats.

Honey bees are responsible for pollinating 1 out of 3 bites of our food supply.

Yes and GMO is doing a job on the bees without a doubt.
I remember an article a few weeks ago where something like 37 million bees found dead. I can't recall what caused it though.

and these idiot scientist who think creating some bs fake bee will works just the same no the hell it won't Man can not recreate perfection when it's a fkn robotic pos thing.
ToddsterPatriot is the perfect example of a public school education. I thank my lucky stars I ditched that shit and got my GED I was losing brain cells sitting in their class rooms literally learning NOTHING every day. Want an education? GO TO THE LIBRARY! Learn anything you want with books OR you can use the internet.

You got a GED? That's hard to believe.

So why are GMOs bad? Spell it out. If you can spell. LOL!
Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body....what could POSSIBLY go bad!? You are a fucking retard. If nature intended chemicals to be in our bodies then they would come like that from nature. I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's. Cancers,Alzheimer's,etc etc. Yeah GED good enough diploma. Amazing I managed to pass that shit with flying colors and only went to 9th grade aka I didn't need 3 more years of PROPAGANDA pushed on me...I wasn't learning a fucking thing....I had common sense so I knew most of it was bullshit.

Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body

You realize that chromium occurs in nature, don't you? From Luke/Cr(VI) Handbook/L1608_C03.pdf


I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's

You have a vibrant imagination.
The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide.

And then they smoked a huge bowl.

Let us know when you get cancer, i'm sure they'll tell you it's genetic.

You should stop eating food that was modified by humans.
Enjoy your wild fish and acorns.
Oh how the ignorant will suffer.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

Bayer produces pesticides called neonicotinoids. It is in a lot of the food seeds. It is a systemic poison. When an insect bites the plant, it dies. Then you eat that plant. Honey bees take that nectar & pollen, they eventually die & it poisons the entire hive.

Neonics have been found in 29% of baby food.

Ignorant fucks like you are the problem. You thin k we should sacrifice our environment for short term profits.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

You think organic means no chemicals? LOL!

But the headlines–promoting the widespread myth about organic farming–are flat out not accurate. The truth is, all farmers use pesticides. And these chemicals–some of which are among the most dangerous pesticides used by farmers today–are all with the approval of the US Department of Agriculture.

In fact, Consumer Reports backtracks from its misleading “Organic Farming: Without Pesticides” headline in its own info-box, which, like the overall article, is a mishmash of conflicting statements and cherry picked factoids. It notes, “Federal law prohibits the use of almost all synthetic pesticides on organic farms” and then a few paragraphs later, it contradictorily states, “Only 10 synthetic insecticides are approved for use on organic farms.”

Myth busting on pesticides: Despite demonization, organic farmers widely use them | Genetic Literacy Project
ToddsterPatriot is the perfect example of a public school education. I thank my lucky stars I ditched that shit and got my GED I was losing brain cells sitting in their class rooms literally learning NOTHING every day. Want an education? GO TO THE LIBRARY! Learn anything you want with books OR you can use the internet.

You got a GED? That's hard to believe.

So why are GMOs bad? Spell it out. If you can spell. LOL!
Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body....what could POSSIBLY go bad!? You are a fucking retard. If nature intended chemicals to be in our bodies then they would come like that from nature. I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's. Cancers,Alzheimer's,etc etc. Yeah GED good enough diploma. Amazing I managed to pass that shit with flying colors and only went to 9th grade aka I didn't need 3 more years of PROPAGANDA pushed on me...I wasn't learning a fucking thing....I had common sense so I knew most of it was bullshit.

Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body

You realize that chromium occurs in nature, don't you? Chromium Files From Luke/Cr(VI) Handbook/L1608_C03.pdf


I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's

You have a vibrant imagination.

OMFG so does FLUORIDE FOOL................. ever hear of CHEMICAL COMPANIES ADDING that magical little word " EXTRA" which isn't natural , and isn't a natural amount. wonder you are so easily lead around by gov. lovers can't think ...........
Last edited:
37 Million Bees Found Dead After GMO Fields Were Planted Nearby

There are close to 20,000 different species of bees in the world. You are probably familiar with bumble bees and, of course, honey bees.

Why Are the Bees Dying?
The simple answer for why bees are dying in mass numbers according to many experts is genetically modified organisms or GMOs—plants that have been genetically modified, in this case, with a pesticide.

“These neonicotinoid pesticides are a newer class of chemicals that are applied to seeds before planting. This allows the pesticide to be taken up through the plant’s vascular system as it grows, where it is expressed in the pollen and nectar.” (5)

One Canadian beekeeper, Dave Schuit, states that since GMO corn was planted in a field near his farm, he has lost close to 37 million bees, which represents about 600 hives. He says, “Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions.” (6)

37 Million Bees Found Dead After GMO Fields Were Planted Nearby
37 Million Bees Found Dead After GMO Fields Were Planted Nearby

There are close to 20,000 different species of bees in the world. You are probably familiar with bumble bees and, of course, honey bees.

Why Are the Bees Dying?
The simple answer for why bees are dying in mass numbers according to many experts is genetically modified organisms or GMOs—plants that have been genetically modified, in this case, with a pesticide.

“These neonicotinoid pesticides are a newer class of chemicals that are applied to seeds before planting. This allows the pesticide to be taken up through the plant’s vascular system as it grows, where it is expressed in the pollen and nectar.” (5)

One Canadian beekeeper, Dave Schuit, states that since GMO corn was planted in a field near his farm, he has lost close to 37 million bees, which represents about 600 hives. He says, “Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions.” (6)

37 Million Bees Found Dead After GMO Fields Were Planted Nearby
The great thing is the gullible and stupid are just helping the cleanse the world of their gene pool. Works for me!
37 Million Bees Found Dead After GMO Fields Were Planted Nearby

There are close to 20,000 different species of bees in the world. You are probably familiar with bumble bees and, of course, honey bees.

Why Are the Bees Dying?
The simple answer for why bees are dying in mass numbers according to many experts is genetically modified organisms or GMOs—plants that have been genetically modified, in this case, with a pesticide.

“These neonicotinoid pesticides are a newer class of chemicals that are applied to seeds before planting. This allows the pesticide to be taken up through the plant’s vascular system as it grows, where it is expressed in the pollen and nectar.” (5)

One Canadian beekeeper, Dave Schuit, states that since GMO corn was planted in a field near his farm, he has lost close to 37 million bees, which represents about 600 hives. He says, “Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions.” (6)

37 Million Bees Found Dead After GMO Fields Were Planted Nearby
The great thing is the gullible and stupid are just helping the cleanse the world of their gene pool. Works for me!

And yet they can't put it together how easy they are to sell BS lies too. All off the backs of their own health, their kids health, and their grand kids health. They'd rather fear truth accept bs and turn their heads the other way.
ToddsterPatriot is the perfect example of a public school education. I thank my lucky stars I ditched that shit and got my GED I was losing brain cells sitting in their class rooms literally learning NOTHING every day. Want an education? GO TO THE LIBRARY! Learn anything you want with books OR you can use the internet.

You got a GED? That's hard to believe.

So why are GMOs bad? Spell it out. If you can spell. LOL!
Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body....what could POSSIBLY go bad!? You are a fucking retard. If nature intended chemicals to be in our bodies then they would come like that from nature. I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's. Cancers,Alzheimer's,etc etc. Yeah GED good enough diploma. Amazing I managed to pass that shit with flying colors and only went to 9th grade aka I didn't need 3 more years of PROPAGANDA pushed on me...I wasn't learning a fucking thing....I had common sense so I knew most of it was bullshit.

Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body

You realize that chromium occurs in nature, don't you? Chromium Files From Luke/Cr(VI) Handbook/L1608_C03.pdf


I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's

You have a vibrant imagination.

OMFG so does FLUORIDE FOOL................. ever hear of CHEMICAL COMPANIES ADDING that magical little word " EXTRA" which isn't natural , and isn't a natural amount. wonder you lead around gov. lovers can't think ...........


Where are all the deaths caused by natural chromium and natural fluoride?

ever hear of CHEMICAL COMPANIES ADDING that magical little word " EXTRA" which isn't natural , and isn't a natural amount.

Only the "extra" is bad for you?
The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide.

And then they smoked a huge bowl.

Let us know when you get cancer, i'm sure they'll tell you it's genetic.

You should stop eating food that was modified by humans.
Enjoy your wild fish and acorns.
Oh how the ignorant will suffer.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

Bayer produces pesticides called neonicotinoids. It is in a lot of the food seeds. It is a systemic poison. When an insect bites the plant, it dies. Then you eat that plant. Honey bees take that nectar & pollen, they eventually die & it poisons the entire hive.

Neonics have been found in 29% of baby food.

Ignorant fucks like you are the problem. You thin k we should sacrifice our environment for short term profits.

It's called organic when the food is not GMO & grown with chemicals & many intelligent people buy organic food.

You think organic means no chemicals? LOL!

But the headlines–promoting the widespread myth about organic farming–are flat out not accurate. The truth is, all farmers use pesticides. And these chemicals–some of which are among the most dangerous pesticides used by farmers today–are all with the approval of the US Department of Agriculture.

In fact, Consumer Reports backtracks from its misleading “Organic Farming: Without Pesticides” headline in its own info-box, which, like the overall article, is a mishmash of conflicting statements and cherry picked factoids. It notes, “Federal law prohibits the use of almost all synthetic pesticides on organic farms” and then a few paragraphs later, it contradictorily states, “Only 10 synthetic insecticides are approved for use on organic farms.”

"'Organic food is the product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilisers, pesticides; growth regulators and livestock feed additives. Irradiation and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or products produced from or by GMOs are generally prohibited by organic legislation."
ToddsterPatriot is the perfect example of a public school education. I thank my lucky stars I ditched that shit and got my GED I was losing brain cells sitting in their class rooms literally learning NOTHING every day. Want an education? GO TO THE LIBRARY! Learn anything you want with books OR you can use the internet.

You got a GED? That's hard to believe.

So why are GMOs bad? Spell it out. If you can spell. LOL!
Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body....what could POSSIBLY go bad!? You are a fucking retard. If nature intended chemicals to be in our bodies then they would come like that from nature. I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's. Cancers,Alzheimer's,etc etc. Yeah GED good enough diploma. Amazing I managed to pass that shit with flying colors and only went to 9th grade aka I didn't need 3 more years of PROPAGANDA pushed on me...I wasn't learning a fucking thing....I had common sense so I knew most of it was bullshit.

Gee...Chemicals made in a laboratory being put into your body

You realize that chromium occurs in nature, don't you? Chromium Files From Luke/Cr(VI) Handbook/L1608_C03.pdf


I can only imagine the diseases we could eradicate with the banishment of GMO's

You have a vibrant imagination.

OMFG so does FLUORIDE FOOL................. ever hear of CHEMICAL COMPANIES ADDING that magical little word " EXTRA" which isn't natural , and isn't a natural amount. wonder you lead around gov. lovers can't think ...........


Where are all the deaths caused by natural chromium and natural fluoride?

ever hear of CHEMICAL COMPANIES ADDING that magical little word " EXTRA" which isn't natural , and isn't a natural amount.

Only the "extra" is bad for you?

You are being such a dufis there's no hope for you. That's too bad. As a humanitarian who hates to see ppl get fkd over some you just have to let go. Because, there is no hope or nothing you can put in front of them that helps them connect the dots. Sadly you are one of them.

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