Montage: The Ten Dumbest Things Said about the San Bernardino Attack


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Liberals are stupid, but never has their stupid been more obvious than since the San Bernardino terrorist attack. Here is the hall of shame of liberal stupidity:

  1. Senator Tim Kaine saying the atrocity proves America is addicted to guns.
  2. Former FBI assistant director, Tom Fuentes – later joined by CNN's Harry Houck – speculating an anti-government "right-wing group" is behind the attack.
  3. MSNBC reporting (almost as soon as the shooting began) that the city of San Bernardino houses a Planned Parenthood.
  4. A gun-control activist insisting Congress could stop these tragedies, it simply chooses not to.
  5. George Stephanopoulos portraying President Obama as another victim in the tragedy.
  6. President Obama arguing the feds are powerless to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns. (Which is untrue.)
  7. An MSNBC guest arguing armed self defense, including armed guards, provides no security benefit.
  8. Chris Matthews wondering if the attack can be traced back to the American revolution.
  9. NBC's Kerry Saunders suggesting the Christmas party that was attacked could have served as a "trigger" for the gunmen.
  10. Senator Tim Kaine arguing that, much like terrorists themselves, critics of increased gun control are the "voice of evil."
The top ten are ridiculous. Thoughtless dumb statements! Come on folks, think about it. Terrorism is all about terrorizing others, usually by means of killing them.
11. "This guarantees TRUMP WILL WIN!!!!11!...just like the other 1,001 times we said it..."
The top ten are ridiculous. Thoughtless dumb statements! Come on folks, think about it. Terrorism is all about terrorizing others, usually by means of killing them.
Wow that's contradictory, it's impossible to terrorize the dead.
It turns out that there was another witness who saw suspicious activity at the Farooks' residence but chose not to report it to authorities for fear of being accused of racism. That makes two witnesses who could have prevented this tragedy but decided not to say anything for fear of being seen as engaging in profiling or racism.

Now we're finding out that Farook may have had contact with Muslims who were being investigated by the FBI for possible terrorist activity.

And this guy's "wife" was a "bride" from Pakistan via Saudi Arabia. He went over to Saudi Arabia to pick her up. Yeah, uh-huh. Can you say "buy a bride"? That tells you volumes about the guy.
It turns out that there was another witness who saw suspicious activity at the Farooks' residence but chose not to report it to authorities for fear of being accused of racism. That makes two witnesses who could have prevented this tragedy but decided not to say anything for fear of being seen as engaging in profiling or racism.

Now we're finding out that Farook may have had contact with Muslims who were being investigated by the FBI for possible terrorist activity.

And this guy's "wife" was a "bride" from Pakistan via Saudi Arabia. He went over to Saudi Arabia to pick her up. Yeah, uh-huh. Can you say "buy a bride"? That tells you volumes about the guy.
Trump did the same thing twice! .
A thousand bucks to the politician that introduces a single piece of CONSTITUTIONAL legislation that would have prevented this attack.

In t h e meantime, they say stupid, pointless shit that sounds wise and profound.
A thousand bucks to the politician that introduces a single piece of CONSTITUTIONAL legislation that would have prevented this attack.

In t h e meantime, they say stupid, pointless shit that sounds wise and profound.
The top ten are ridiculous. Thoughtless dumb statements! Come on folks, think about it. Terrorism is all about terrorizing others, usually by means of killing them.
Wow that's contradictory, it's impossible to terrorize the dead.

No it isn't! It is very possible to inflict terror on someone without killing them. Try reading a dictionary once in awhile.
The top ten are ridiculous. Thoughtless dumb statements! Come on folks, think about it. Terrorism is all about terrorizing others, usually by means of killing them.
Wow that's contradictory, it's impossible to terrorize the dead.

No it isn't! It is very possible to inflict terror on someone without killing them. Try reading a dictionary once in awhile.
So you agree. It's impossible to terrorize the dead.
Speaking of reading.
The top ten are ridiculous. Thoughtless dumb statements! Come on folks, think about it. Terrorism is all about terrorizing others, usually by means of killing them.
Wow that's contradictory, it's impossible to terrorize the dead.

No it isn't! It is very possible to inflict terror on someone without killing them. Try reading a dictionary once in awhile.
So you agree. It's impossible to terrorize the dead.
Speaking of reading.

Did you see it said "usually" killing? Sometimes a person can be terrorized and live. Ever had anyone scare you out of your wits? Terror doesn't ALWAYS lead to death. Duh!
It turns out that there was another witness who saw suspicious activity at the Farooks' residence but chose not to report it to authorities for fear of being accused of racism. That makes two witnesses who could have prevented this tragedy but decided not to say anything for fear of being seen as engaging in profiling or racism.

And yet I'm certain you'll argue that non-Muslims stockpiling weapons and acting suspiciously are well within their Second Amendment rights, and anyone reporting them deserves exactly what they get...
It turns out that there was another witness who saw suspicious activity at the Farooks' residence but chose not to report it to authorities for fear of being accused of racism. That makes two witnesses who could have prevented this tragedy but decided not to say anything for fear of being seen as engaging in profiling or racism.

And yet I'm certain you'll argue that non-Muslims stockpiling weapons and acting suspiciously are well within their Second Amendment rights, and anyone reporting them deserves exactly what they get...

When you see a bunch of white guys in camo they've been hunting.
How many camel jockeys do you see hunting?
I've never seen a single one in forty years of hunting.
The top ten are ridiculous. Thoughtless dumb statements! Come on folks, think about it. Terrorism is all about terrorizing others, usually by means of killing them.
Wow that's contradictory, it's impossible to terrorize the dead.

No it isn't! It is very possible to inflict terror on someone without killing them. Try reading a dictionary once in awhile.
So you agree. It's impossible to terrorize the dead.
Speaking of reading.

Did you see it said "usually" killing? Sometimes a person can be terrorized and live. Ever had anyone scare you out of your wits? Terror doesn't ALWAYS lead to death. Duh!
Lol way to rationalize!
It turns out that there was another witness who saw suspicious activity at the Farooks' residence but chose not to report it to authorities for fear of being accused of racism. That makes two witnesses who could have prevented this tragedy but decided not to say anything for fear of being seen as engaging in profiling or racism.

And yet I'm certain you'll argue that non-Muslims stockpiling weapons and acting suspiciously are well within their Second Amendment rights, and anyone reporting them deserves exactly what they get...

When you see a bunch of white guys in camo they've been hunting.
How many camel jockeys do you see hunting?
I've never seen a single one in forty years of hunting.
Ever hunt in the middle east?
If not your response is meaningless.
It turns out that there was another witness who saw suspicious activity at the Farooks' residence but chose not to report it to authorities for fear of being accused of racism. That makes two witnesses who could have prevented this tragedy but decided not to say anything for fear of being seen as engaging in profiling or racism.

Now we're finding out that Farook may have had contact with Muslims who were being investigated by the FBI for possible terrorist activity.

And this guy's "wife" was a "bride" from Pakistan via Saudi Arabia. He went over to Saudi Arabia to pick her up. Yeah, uh-huh. Can you say "buy a bride"? That tells you volumes about the guy.

Here is a great example of the insidious effects of Political Correctness. People afraid to speak up.

And, while the Obama Fools are straining to make this a Work Place Violence case and to bullshit Sane People by claiming that the Lunatic Muslim is a U.S. citizen---they are missing the fact the the alien wife was probably the leader of this particular murderous Jihad. Her husband was doing o.k. until he came across her.

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