Montana becomes first state to completely ban TikTok

well not's limited to foreign adversaries, and certain technologies.

but I fall to see how that's a problem

And who gets to decide what country is a "foreign adversary"?

The Sec of Commerce.

An adversary is merely one's opponent in a contest. That could apply to every country that offers the same services/products that we do.
I have the answer. Its YOU who doesnt know the difference. You literally just asked me because you didnt know.

If you had an answer you would give it.

But instead you do this cute little tap dance
He’s trolling for the libs….but he’s independent, just ask him, he’ll tell you😂
Oh i know. He ALWAYS claims to be independent, yet he ALWAYS defends the DNC and ALWAYS attacks the GOP.
And who gets to decide what country is a "foreign adversary"?

The Sec of Commerce.

And adversary is merely one's opponent in a contest. That could apply to every country that offers the same services/products that we do.

They are an adversary for one reason. They impede our war mongering. We start a war somewhere, be it an actual war or trade war and China steps in an opens trade.
They are an adversary for one reason. They impede our war mongering. We start a war somewhere, be it an actual war or trade war and China steps in an opens trade.

They are fooling themselves if they think this will be limited to just China or Cuba.
He’s trolling for the libs….but he’s independent, just ask him, he’ll tell you😂

The libs are just as against TikTok as you fake conservatives.

There is so little difference between you all.
Twitter does collect information on you.
These people don't realize that damn near once they sign on to the internet that everyone is collecting information on them and definitely every social media site. How dumb can they be?
Didn't Joey Xiden ban it from phones for Govt employees? Don't recall you claiming the First Amendment was violated then....

What's wrong with the State of Montana flowing Joey Xiden's example?
Montana is banning it from everyone just not government employee's. That's the difference.
“Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill Wednesday banning TikTok in the state.”

Clearly un-Constitutional, conservatives will attempt to defend it regardless.

You sound like one of the 'Biden 12'.

Nice job completely skipping over the fact that the CCP is using TikTok to spy on / collect information / intel on Americans.


How is the weather in Beijing this morning?
And who gets to decide what country is a "foreign adversary"?

The Sec of Commerce.

An adversary is merely one's opponent in a contest. That could apply to every country that offers the same services/products that we do.
the govt does yes, just as they do now
the govt does yes, just as they do now

And your blind faith they will only do the right thing is why we are in the position we are now with the Fed Govt and state Govts running amuck
Tik Tok is apparently controlled by our Red Chinese enemies. During WW2, the government didn't allow German propaganda to be spread in Montana either.
But they could make counterfeit German money @ Appleton, Wisconsin. Is the Chinese fentanyl eater, George Floyd, connected to this?
Why ban Twitter? If Twitter is doing what Tik Tok does with our information, then yes, ban them too.
Is Tik Tok burning the archives like Twitter is now doing? A few months ago, visitors could tune into Twitter hashtags to read the archives. Now it forces them to subscribe. Why is Twitter doing ahistorical, fascist nazi book-burnings at this time, and will Tik Tok do the same?
And your blind faith they will only do the right thing is why we are in the position we are now with the Fed Govt and state Govts running amuck
Honestly, I think they do a pretty decent job of aknowledging who are foreign adversaries....the issue is dembots keep voting for people compromised by them, like Joey Xiden
Honestly, I think they do a pretty decent job of aknowledging who are foreign adversaries....the issue is dembots keep voting for people compromised by them, like Joey Xiden

Of course you do, you need the Govt to keep you safe. They use this to control you.

Going all the way back to Bush's Axis of Evil the Govt is always finding a new boogie man to keep you living in a constant of fear so they can keep taking away your freedoms to keep you safe.

How is it that most of the rest of the world can get by just fine without the need to do this sort of thing?

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