Montana becomes first state to completely ban TikTok

Is Tik Tok burning the archives like Twitter is now doing? A few months ago, visitors could tune into Twitter hashtags to read the archives. Now it forces them to subscribe. Why is Twitter doing ahistorical, fascist nazi book-burnings at this time, and will Tik Tok do the same?
Settle down, spaz. This is an adult conversation. That ^ retard shit isnt going to cut it here.
Of course you do, you need the Govt to keep you safe. They use this to control you.

Going all the way back to Bush's Axis of Evil the Govt is always finding a new boogie man to keep you living in a constant of fear so they can keep taking away your freedoms to keep you safe.

How is it that most of the rest of the world can get by just fine without the need to do this sort of thing?
well yeah, one of the major reasons we have a Govt is to help keep us safe from foreign threats. It is true, that we as a society, have a social contract with Govt, in which we give up some of our God given soveignity up for that protection.

That's how Govt works, and that's how Govt gets power, from the people.

Well, actually there have been foreign threats to the United States, well before Bush, Saddam, North Korea and Iran...actually we had threats dating back to our founding.
well yeah, one of the major reasons we have a Govt is to help keep us safe from foreign threats. It is true, that we as a society, have a social contract with Govt, in which we give up some of our God given soveignity up for that protection.

That's how Govt works, and that's how Govt gets power, from the people.

Well, actually there have been foreign threats to the United States, well before Bush, Saddam, North Korea and Iran...actually we had threats dating back to our founding.

Saddam and NK were never and are not threats to the US. NK is a boggie man used to keep you in line. What the fuck is NK going to do to the US. What has NK done to any other nation? What country has invaded the most sovereign nations in the last two decades? Is it NK? Is it Iraq? Is it Iran?

Iran was not a threat till the CIA allowed (maybe even helped) the Shah to be overthrown....then we gave Iraq tons of weapons, including Chem weapons to use on Iran...then all of a sudden we decided Iraq was a threat to the US.
“Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill Wednesday banning TikTok in the state.”

Clearly un-Constitutional, conservatives will attempt to defend it regardless.

I hate when leftist white nationalists pretend you're libertarians, you suck at it.

One of the few legitimate functions of government is national defense. Go back to your leftists drivel and stop pretending you give a shit about free speech
While I think there might be some merit in banning TikTok, the only trouble with this is that it will be totally unenforceable short of checking everyone's cell phones, phone by phone. And, if that was to happen, there would be serious Constitutional violations that went along with checking people's private phones.

Here is an article, and one of the things that can make it very troubling as far as enforcement................

Montana will make it unlawful for Google and Apple's app stores to offer TikTok within the state, but will not impose any penalties on individuals using the app. The ban is to take effect Jan. 1, 2024, and is almost certain to face legal challenges.

So.....................while they can make it unlawful for internet providers to offer the app within the state, how are they going to stop it? Simply stop phones and computers with a Montana area code from accessing it? Simple to overcome, all a person would have to do is go buy a phone in another state, and they will continue to be able to access TikTok. Most cell phones can be used no matter where you are in the country, and many can do so without any roaming charges. I know that a friend of mine sent me their old smart phone (I didn't have one at the time), which was bought in SC, and I used it for over a year in TX. The phone number was based in SC, but the bill came to me in TX. There are lots of people right now who bought their phone in one state and for whatever reason are using it in another.

The only way a TikTok ban would be effective is to have it banned in all 50 states, over the whole country, and even then, it's questionable if it could be enforced.

Same thing with guns by the states where they have strict gun rules, people who want them simply drive to another state, purchase them, and bring them back to wherever they live. Same with black market guns. They buy them in quantity in one state, take them to the place where it is hard to get them, and sell them for a profit.

Bans like what Montana wants to do with TikTok will NOT work on a state by state basis. All states (and the country) need to impose the ban, otherwise it won't work since we can freely travel from state to state without any restrictions and get stuff in one state and bring it back to another.
Saddam and NK were never and are not threats to the US. NK is a boggie man used to keep you in line. What the fuck is NK going to do to the US. What has NK done to any other nation? What country has invaded the most sovereign nations in the last two decades? Is it NK? Is it Iraq? Is it Iran?

Iran was not a threat till the CIA allowed (maybe even helped) the Shah to be overthrown....then we gave Iraq tons of weapons, including Chem weapons to use on Iran...then all of a sudden we decided Iraq was a threat to the US.
Saddam isnkr currently a thread but was. NK certainly is.

The Shah was an ally we didn’t over throw the Shah.
Saddam isnkr currently a thread but was.

He never was.

NK certainly is.

How is NK a threat to the US. What can they possible do to the US.

The Shah was an ally we didn’t over throw the Shah.

He was starting to get friendly with the USSR. I do not think we overthrew him, but we allowed the revolt to happen thinking he would survive it and learn the errors of his ways. Others think we were even more actively involved than that and they make a compelling case.

In any case, none of these places are a threat to the US any more than a t-ball team is a threat to beat the Red Sox at baseball.
He never was.

How is NK a threat to the US. What can they possible do to the US.

He was starting to get friendly with the USSR. I do not think we overthrew him, but we allowed the revolt to happen thinking he would survive it and learn the errors of his ways. Others think we were even more actively involved than that and they make a compelling case.

In any case, none of these places are a threat to the US any more than a t-ball team is a threat to beat the Red Sox at baseball.
1) sure he was, he attempted to murder our president
2) if they got a nuclear weapon…or attacked japan or south korea
3) yes i agree we could beat them
1) sure he was, he attempted to murder our president
2) if they got a nuclear weapon…or attacked japan or south korea
3) yes i agree we could beat them

1. That is what we are told.

2. They have had a nuke since 2006. How many countries have they attacked since then?
Right, so according to you we should allow the political and commerical tools of communist/fascist nations on our soil to avoid becoming communist/fascists ourselves. :cuckoo:

No evidence that's happening. Just your paranoia.
By supporting banning Tik Tok, you are subscribing to communism/fascism.
Settle down, spaz. This is an adult conversation. That ^ retard shit isnt going to cut it here.
Dipshit, we can take it one word at a time to prove to other readers that you are full of reactionary low-IQ bullshit. After all, badger2's posts are in your mother tongue, and you seem not to have the balls to admit to Twitter's fascism. You would have made a great nazi. You make a great nazi.
No evidence that's happening. Just your paranoia.
By supporting banning Tik Tok, you are subscribing to communism/fascism.

But I'll bet you'll defend banning the POTUS from Twitter, or any others that go against your political ideology, i.e. that you claim 'lie'. Then you're willing to throw freedom and liberty out the window.
1) oh a conspiracy theorist i see
2) no they haven’t had nuclear weapons since 2006

1. Not at all, I just do not blindly trust every single thing the Govt tells us.

2. Timeline: North Korean Nuclear Negotiations


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