Montana becomes first state to completely ban TikTok

Care to elaborate?
I already did...I posted an article that lays out why tic tok is horrible for US citizens to be involved with, plus, I don't see a difference with state doing this, and a state banning certain lenders in their state from doing business...Also, struth makes a valid point, in that Federally, the Congress has the constitutional mandate to regulate interstate commerce...Likewise, a State can regulate within their state...If you don't like what they do, don't live there.
They are an adversary for one reason. They impede our war mongering. We start a war somewhere, be it an actual war or trade war and China steps in an opens trade.
Oh, maybe you should live there, since they're so magnanimous....
I already did...I posted an article that lays out why tic tok is horrible for US citizens to be involved with, plus, I don't see a difference with state doing this, and a state banning certain lenders in their state from doing business...

Predatory lenders can be shown to cause a qualifiable harm to people, everything bad about TikTok is just feelings.

Also, struth makes a valid point, in that Federally, the Congress has the constitutional mandate to regulate interstate commerce...Likewise, a State can regulate within their state...If you don't like what they do, don't live there.

Just because they can does not mean they should. Wait till the RESTRICT Act comes on line and the list of things we are not allowed to do electronically grows with each passing administration
Predatory lenders can be shown to cause a qualifiable harm to people, everything bad about TikTok is just feelings.

Just because they can does not mean they should. Wait till the RESTRICT Act comes on line and the list of things we are not allowed to do electronically grows with each passing administration

90% of the Federal government Constitutionally should be defense, and that's the one thing you Democrats oppose them doing
90% of the Federal government Constitutionally should be defense, and that's the one thing you Democrats oppose them doing

I am all for them doing defense. I just do not think we need to be the police force for the world to defend our nation.

Some kid in MT using TikTok has nothing to do with defense and everything to do with control, which is what you want.
90% of the Federal government Constitutionally should be defense, and that's the one thing you Democrats oppose them doing

Defense is fine. Defense of this country doesn't include Iraq, Syria, etc.
I am all for them doing defense. I just do not think we need to be the police force for the world to defend our nation.

Some kid in MT using TikTok has nothing to do with defense and everything to do with control, which is what you want.

TikTok has nothing to do with defending the world, try to focus.

China is attacking our children through TikTok, it's nothing to do with free markets. Leftists really just need to stop with the you're a libertarian suddenly bull shit, you're nothing of the sort
China is attacking our children through TikTok, it's nothing to do with free markets.

If only those children had parents to tell them no. But since they do not we need the Fed Govt to step in and be the nanny and save our children from themselves.

What a good little drone you are.
If you come up with a cogent thought let me know

I'm asking you to back up your position that anyone has been against actual defense of this country militarily.

Examples please.

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