Montana becomes first state to completely ban TikTok

So, there it is....the arrogance, and stupidity of your reply, along with the personal attack makes you not worth the time to respond to....Have a good night.

As is your SOP, you dish it out and then whine when it comes back.

Run along now!
As is your SOP, you dish it out and then whine when it comes back.

Run along now!
The app can be prohibited in app providers like Google play store. Order hub servers to ban the ip addresses.

There are many limitations on speech including time and place. Look at all the restrictions during WWII.
Backwards thinking? To cede your personal liberty and freedom to choose to the state? Look, you're trying to impose moral values and behavior by decree here.
That's what communists and fascists do. Your examples are hindsight..well ya..duh! :)
What do you think happened to Anthony Weiner?
What missiles or rockets have been fired at US ships? Be specific and provide links please, because you sound like you're talking outta your ass again.
i already provided the link to the story, this was a recent even t
i already provided the link to the story, this was a recent even t

Then tell me the thread and post number where the link is, or repost it here. What US ships have had missiles or rockets fired at them? None that I know of, which is why I asked for the link.

And no.....................balloons are not drones. Drones are self propelled, balloons aren't.
By the way..................for all you yahoo's out there who are screaming about TikTok being banned in MT, I've got several simple solutions to take care of it...................

1) If having TikTok is so important to you, don't move to Montana.

2) If you must move to Montana, but still feel a need to take TikTok with you, either (a) put your phone on autopay before moving, or (b) have a relative in another state where TikTok isn't banned get you a phone from their state and have them mail it to you. Then, put the phone on autopay, and the internet overlords will think that you are in another state because of the area code of the phone number the cell phone has.

Better yet........................quit bitching about TikTok being banned in MT. While I personally don't use it (or most of the social media sites for that matter), I don't think a TikTok ban is of any kind of importance at all. Yeah, keep it off of official government phones and computers (but then again, government phones and computers have regs about what can and can't be put on them and I agree with that), but banning it in one state and not another isn't going to make much difference one way or the other if someone really wants to have it on their social media. And TikTok is pretty much a non issue for me as I don't see anything appealing about it that I can't already get from other places like Facebook. And the only reason I have Facebook is so that relatives and friends can find me if they need me.
Then tell me the thread and post number where the link is, or repost it here. What US ships have had missiles or rockets fired at them? None that I know of, which is why I asked for the link.

And no.....................balloons are not drones. Drones are self propelled, balloons aren't.
this thread 178

yes balloons are a type of drone

the chinese spy ballon was one.
this thread 178

yes balloons are a type of drone

the chinese spy ballon was one.

I went to post 178, and it clearly stated that it was fired at the OCEAN, not at any specific target that could have been a US vessel. So, you're wrong on that one. And, Japan's vice military defense minister even said this (from your link btw)....................

Japanese Vice Defense Minister Toshiro Ino said the missile landed outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone and that there were no reports of damage to vessels or aircraft in the area. He said the missile likely showed an irregular trajectory, a possible reference to North Korea’s highly maneuverable, nuclear-capable KN-23 missile that was modeled on Russia’s Iskander missile.

No reports of damage to any aircraft or ships, and no indication that anything was specifically targeted. Fail. NK has NOT fired missiles at any US Navy vessels or any US flagged civilian ships. NK knows that if they specifically targeted ANY US ships, they would be turned into a smoking crater quite quickly. All NK has done is test fire missiles and rockets into the ocean, not at any specific targets.

As far as balloons and drones being the same? You fail yet again.....................

What is a drone?​

A drone is an unmanned aircraft. Drones are more formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems. Essentially, a drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously using software-controlled flight plans in its embedded systems, that work in conjunction with onboard sensors and a global positioning system (GPS).

UAVs were most often associated with the military. They were initially used for anti-aircraft target practice, intelligence gathering and, more controversially, as weapons platforms. Drones are now also used in a range of civilian roles, including the following:

Drones can pick and choose their flight path. Balloons must depend on the whims of whatever way the wind is blowing. Granted, a balloon can change it's altitude to achieve a certain wind direction, but they are unable to guide themselves, they must depend on the wind to carry them where they go. Drones do not have that problem as they are self powered and can fly wherever they are programmed to go, or wherever they are guided by a drone operator.

You might want to go back and do some research before spewing out bullshit like NK has fired missiles and rockets at US vessels or that drones and balloons are one and the same. When you say such stupidity, you sound like an idiot.
I do. But nobody is talking about banning TikTok for just children, it is adults as well. Just the way you like it, total control by your beloved nanny state

There is no problem you do not think the Nanny state is not the answer for.

And I remember when you tried to pass yourself off as a libertarian! Those were good times

Golfing Gator: Duh, dar, duh, what's a child? Duh, dar, dar, dar .... Go ahead and say kids should be able to buy alcohol and 5 year olds should be able to drive cars, stupid racist fuck.

Leftists always pick issues to suddenly believe in freedom that makes no sense, like you think fucking CHILDREN should have the same freedoms as adults. That while you give adults no freedom
I already explained this to you, you're just too stupid and racist to grasp it. Libertarians believe in rights for ADULTS you stupid racist fuck. Remember when you tried to pass yourself off as a Republican? LOL, what a stupid douche.

Yes, Libertarians believe in rights for ADULTS, and MT is taking away rights for ADULTS...and you support them doing so.

And no, I have never tried to pass myself off as a Repub on any forum you have been on. I have not been a Repub since 1992.
Yes, Libertarians believe in rights for ADULTS, and MT is taking away rights for ADULTS...and you support them doing so.

And no, I have never tried to pass myself off as a Repub on any forum you have been on. I have not been a Repub since 1992.
I'm a libertarian, not a Libertarian, racist shill. Try again.

I do like a leftist racist dick trying to tell me what I think as if you know anything about libertarians. God you're an idiot
Golfing Gator: Duh, dar, duh, what's a child? Duh, dar, dar, dar .... Go ahead and say kids should be able to buy alcohol and 5 year olds should be able to drive cars, stupid racist fuck.

Leftists always pick issues to suddenly believe in freedom that makes no sense, like you think fucking CHILDREN should have the same freedoms as adults. That while you give adults no freedom

LOL, and pknopp loses her cookies because the racist doesn't know the difference between a child and an adult either. Funny how you leftist asses suddenly become libertarians with children after you advocate one Stalinist Democrat policy after another. It's priceless

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