Montrezl Harrell and Luca Doncic


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
Harrell used nasty racial slurs against Doncic, and nobody cares. Watching Inside the NBA, Kenny Smith was telling people about how racism doesn't count unless you have power over somebody. I've heard this BS a lot over the last 4 years. Does this mean two kids on a playground can spout racist things at each other and it is just fine, because neither has any power? Can a black person say antisemitic things to a Jewish person? Are Asians fair game? What if the white person has no power, can he call someone the N-word? If you say no because the word has past history, guess what, racist stuff against other people doesn't have such a great history either. Making exceptions for racist behavior is idiotic. You can't qualify it until it is ok.
Harrell used nasty racial slurs against Doncic, and nobody cares. Watching Inside the NBA, Kenny Smith was telling people about how racism doesn't count unless you have power over somebody. I've heard this BS a lot over the last 4 years. Does this mean two kids on a playground can spout racist things at each other and it is just fine, because neither has any power? Can a black person say antisemitic things to a Jewish person? Are Asians fair game? What if the white person has no power, can he call someone the N-word? If you say no because the word has past history, guess what, racist stuff against other people doesn't have such a great history either. Making exceptions for racist behavior is idiotic. You can't qualify it until it is ok.

Yes you are absolutely right. Because by their own logic you can take a racist white person and make him not racist anymore. How could you do that? simply relocate him to China where he is now a member of the racial minority and he has no power. Just like that, he is no longer racist.
Of course their logic is bullshit. What makes a person racist is whats on the inside of them.
Harrell used nasty racial slurs against Doncic, and nobody cares. Watching Inside the NBA, Kenny Smith was telling people about how racism doesn't count unless you have power over somebody. I've heard this BS a lot over the last 4 years. Does this mean two kids on a playground can spout racist things at each other and it is just fine, because neither has any power? Can a black person say antisemitic things to a Jewish person? Are Asians fair game? What if the white person has no power, can he call someone the N-word? If you say no because the word has past history, guess what, racist stuff against other people doesn't have such a great history either. Making exceptions for racist behavior is idiotic. You can't qualify it until it is ok.
Nice post, thank you.
The idea that White people in today's world like Doncic have some sort of "power" over Black people is ridiculous. People like Kenny Smith are pretending that institutional Racism that was prevalent in the 60s still exists today which is complete nonsense.

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