Zone1 The Great False Equivalence of Black Racism

Blacks don't often jam racism down your throat. Yet they love whining about Whites.
You are the perfect example of what I described in the OP.
I don't see any difference between black shopping habits and white shopping habits in that video. It's pretty condescending in tone, but I tend to buy name brands, look for quality merchandise and absolutely hate to have a salesman try to "bait and switch"" me or up sell me at time of purchase. I walked away from a Toyota dealer and bought a Buick because the Toyota dealer tried to "bait and switch" me at the last minute.
It's absolutely true about blacks preferring name brands. You never saw black kids of my era running around in K-Mart Traz tennis shoes. ;)
I'm black and the experience I give whites are due to what I have faced from whites. So what we see in your posts is the classic false equivalence. Blacks don't have a 404 year history of practicing racism against whites by using evey means to make certain whites were denied equal opportunity. So you're just trolling and really are not trying to contribute anything of substance to this discussion.
Sure, you say that to me precisely because you are a black racist.
A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. Colloquially, a false equivalence is often called "comparing apples and oranges."

This fallacy is committed when one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result. False equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence does not bear scrutiny because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors. The pattern of the fallacy is often as such:

I use this to debate the claims of black racism being argued primarily by the right, but it also applies to any other non white group.

When it comes to issues of race and racism the use of false equivalences are prevalent in modern American society. The right wing chattering class has convinced their listeners that if someone black calls a white person white, that it is equal to using the n word and the over 240 years of derogatory comments/actions/laws/policies made by whites to deny equal rights and opportunity not only blacks, but to people of color in general.

In 1954, Gordon Alpert developed a theory of prejudice based on what is called contact hypothesis. To paraphrase what I learned in a very simple way is that prejudice comes from applying a broad brush to describe or stereotype an entire group of people based on a lack of information about that particular group. In America, we have information that shows 400 years of white racism. Given the record of racism by whites, we just cannot assume there are no whites who are racists. Blacks get called racists because we recognize American history’s information. Are we supposed to instinctively know which white person is a racist and which one is not? How do we identify this?

Irwin Katz, (1991). Gordon Allport’s “The Nature of Prejudice.” Political Psychology, 12(1), 125–157.

The great false equivalence of black racism ignores the fact that you just can't substitute the word black for white and make things the same. The major problem with this opinion is that for the claim to be true or valid whites and blacks must have the same history. This has not been the case, whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. Therefore you can't just exchange the words white and black like everything has been the same. Then to expect that there will be no resentment from those who have faced white racism while whites can resent the fact that government made equal opportunity policies?
Can you explain why then, a disproportionate number of hate crimes are committed by blacks?

You are the perfect example of what I described in the OP.
Fortunately for America, damned few preach what you preach and blacks in general hate the talk you talk.
I'm black and the experience I give whites are due to what I have faced from whites. So what we see in your posts is the classic false equivalence. Blacks don't have a 404 year history of practicing racism against whites by using evey means to make certain whites were denied equal opportunity. So you're just trolling and really are not trying to contribute anything of substance to this discussion.
You see racism everywhere. It simply doesn't exist in most cases, but you judge other people by your standards, and you are utterly racist in your public life here.
Can you explain why then, a disproportionate number of hate crimes are committed by blacks?

Since the actual number of hate crimes committed are far higher by whites, you aren't going to get to distort percentages.
Fortunately for America, damned few preach what you preach and blacks in general hate the talk you talk.
Fortunately for America, you don't speak for blacks. I'm black. I know what blacks talk.
Since the actual number of hate crimes committed are far higher by whites, you aren't going to get to distort percentages.
Yeah, because there are more whites.

But blacks are more likely to commit violent crime. Simple statistics. If I’m waiting on a street corner, at 11 pm, alone, and five young men are walking toward me, I am exponentially more likely to be attacked if they are black than if they are white. grade math.
You present blacks as innocent and whites as evil. Clearly those are the words of a racist.
I prresent the facts of American history, you validate the opinion in the OP.
I prresent the facts of American history, you validate the opinion in the OP.
You don’t present facts. You present your own hatred under the cover of alleged “facts.” But they aren’t “facts.” They are generally false claims.

I wonder how you’d fare if you couldn’t be so willfully dishonest in such matters?
I prresent the facts of American history, you validate the opinion in the OP.
Again.... You present blacks as innocent and whites as evil. Clearly those are the words of a racist.
Fortunately for America, you don't speak for blacks. I'm black. I know what blacks talk.
You validated my very eloquent posts here. You prove how racist you really are.
Again.... You present blacks as innocent and whites as evil. Clearly those are the words of a racist.
Nope. I present the facts of history. It is a truth you cannot handle. Non racist whites do not have this pro.blem
You guys can disagree all you want but until you live facing the racism, you really have no basis on which to do so.
You’re confused.

Racism can exist. I’m sure it does. But your contentions are so much more far fetched. And worse, many of your contentions are simply and nrenrionally false.

If you want to discuss racism, you are going to have to grow as a human being.

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