Moonbeam Asks Trump For Help. Would You?

Sorry bout that,

  1. So President Trump isn't holding California responsible for his Star getting the axe?
  2. I sure would have.
  3. So Gov. Moonbeam allows a Trump stronghold to burn down and the the President fogives him.
  4. Can the people forgive?
  5. I doubt it!

What does the vandalism of The Donald's Hollyweird Star have to do with the wild fires in North California?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Because of all the fires, most home owners carry insurance, they will have to make a claim.
  2. Moonbeam wants money to cover expense loses, pay to fight the fires, infrastructure etc.
  3. The people and voters are left to themselves as usual.
Only the insane would refuse help in a Natural Disaster situation and/or this wild fire type situation, how are they expected to help themselves in these scenarios?

"Sorry I am a Conservative, I cannot accept help so I am prepared to die in the inferno, if I do not die in the inferno all my friends who I leave behind might think I'm a Leftist"

^^^^ Huh?

A true Conservative is either prepared for the emergencies possible in their area or gets out as soon as the disaster begins. They have appropriate insurance and family/friends to offset the losses.
What a pathetic post. Fellow Americans need our help and you post this garbage. Putrid piece of trash.
Hate filled trump scum re pretty evil. They hate this country and everyone in it
I think we should help, but with the term you get illegals out of california. You hate filled liberals on here need to chill. I remember y'all saying let Texas drown during the floods. Also get the extreme enviromentalist out, take the under brush out of their forest. Damn that would help 100%, use your head.
Calling liberals hated filled after reading the posts in this thread takes a special kind of obliviousness.
Yet we see examples of hate filled liberals everyday and nearly all the responses here from individuals have been for helping them. Hate filled liars like you create hate.
Only the insane would refuse help in a Natural Disaster situation and/or this wild fire type situation, how are they expected to help themselves in these scenarios?

"Sorry I am a Conservative, I cannot accept help so I am prepared to die in the inferno, if I do not die in the inferno all my friends who I leave behind might think I'm a Leftist"

^^^^ Huh?

A true Conservative is either prepared for the emergencies possible in their area or gets out as soon as the disaster begins. They have appropriate insurance and family/friends to offset the losses.

Well yes I agree on those points, however some need help to get out eg. the elderly and the infirm and not ALL peoples have family and friends to help them offset losses, what if a person has no living relatives and/or their family doesn't get along with them and/or they don't have close enough friends to help them with some finances etc

Or at the very least, make him sweat a little bit. Or a lot. Or just tell him to pound sand up his ass.

Thousands flee new California blaze, governor asks aid

And no, they're not "Americans, too"

Not in the traditional sense anyway. They constantly thumb their noses at everything Patriotic and they delight in making fun of everybody in "Flyover Country"

Let 'em burn
Let 'em burn? No, encourage folks to voluntarily donate to help.
Of course the country will help them out.

As already stated............this area is hardly blue..........

Even if blue the aid would come...............

Doesn't change my opinion of the leftist vermin in other parts of the State.
Well yes I agree on those points, however some need help to get out eg. the elderly and the infirm and not ALL peoples have family and friends to help them offset losses, what if a person has no living relatives and/or their family doesn't get along with them and/or they don't have close enough friends to help them with some finances etc

Those who cannot provide for themselves or find others to help them should exit society lest they become a burden on society.
so to you the govt has the last if they told you pot is what you need for what ails would have to do it,right?....

To be valid, ANY Government must be based on Morality. Especially an Authoritarian one. Any Government promoting marijuana usage is inherently Immoral.
so to you the govt has the last if they told you pot is what you need for what ails would have to do it,right?....

To be valid, ANY Government must be based on Morality. Especially an Authoritarian one. Any Government promoting marijuana usage is inherently Immoral.
bullshit....just like many here who say they are this or that you guys all have your own meaning of what you claim....
Authoritarian ..... favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal a dictatorship,an oppressive and repressive society....whose morality,the guy in charge?...morality my ass.....

Or at the very least, make him sweat a little bit. Or a lot. Or just tell him to pound sand up his ass.

Thousands flee new California blaze, governor asks aid

And no, they're not "Americans, too"

Not in the traditional sense anyway. They constantly thumb their noses at everything Patriotic and they delight in making fun of everybody in "Flyover Country"

Let 'em burn
Fuck em. Let him get the help he needs from his buddies in Mexicao


Or at the very least, make him sweat a little bit. Or a lot. Or just tell him to pound sand up his ass.

Thousands flee new California blaze, governor asks aid

And no, they're not "Americans, too"

Not in the traditional sense anyway. They constantly thumb their noses at everything Patriotic and they delight in making fun of everybody in "Flyover Country"

Let 'em burn

Eh, Jerry and his liberal loons nuzzling Trump's butt cheeks (yearly) to solve their problems is the vision America sees.

Trump has to help out, regardless of the fascist traitors in California government and the freeloading/illegal lefty loon voters.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Government guidelines suggest federal help be given.
2. I would not waste any effort.
3. The President has enough on his plate.


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