Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate
That is a flat out lie
Here is what Fox news was forced to do ISSUE A RETRACTION

You catch that "Rather than Forging part of it...
Wrote it herself, rather than forged it? That's a distinction without a difference... Jesus Christ! Are you fuckers even trying?
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Its so sad and shocking observing what the Democrats have done to Moore. All they have for 'evidence', is a forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago. Yet somehow that = 'Moore is a Child Rapist.'

Democrats have sunk as low as one can go to get power. They've hit rock-bottom. Accusing a man of being a 'Child Rapist' is definitely as low as you can go. I truly hope this comes back around to haunt them in the future. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate

One of the women who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making advances on her when she was a teen and he a local prosecutor admitted Friday to forging part of the yearbook inscription she offered as proof.


Beverly Young Nelson told ABC News she wrote part of the disputed note in her high school yearbook that she and famed attorney Gloria Allred presented as proof the then-30-something Moore sought an inappropriate relationship with her in the late 1970s. Nelson still insisted that Moore wrote most of the message and signed the inscription, but said she made “notes” to it.

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate
This is the kind of shit the Democrats, and left have been reduced to... If fact; they've flat out given up on running a better candidate, or better position on issues. What's left of the Democrat party is little more than a troupe of shit flinging monkeys.

It's the lazy evil way out. But i think this will blow up in their faces at some point. So stay tuned.
Private lives. O.K. then you don't have a problem with Roe V Wade.
Roe vs Wade is bad law and unconstitutional but I'm not a 100% pro life if that is what you mean. I do hold out certain situations like rape incest and health that a women can find herself in...
:banana:Rambunctious wins again:banana: Now I know how Trump feels!!!
Its so sad and shocking observing what the Democrats have done to Moore. All they have for 'evidence', is a forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago. Yet somehow that = 'Moore is a Child Rapist.'

Democrats have sunk as low as one can go to get power. They've hit rock-bottom. Accusing a man of being a 'Child Rapist' is definitely as low as you can go. I truly hope this comes back around to haunt them in the future. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate

One of the women who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making advances on her when she was a teen and he a local prosecutor admitted Friday to forging part of the yearbook inscription she offered as proof.


Beverly Young Nelson told ABC News she wrote part of the disputed note in her high school yearbook that she and famed attorney Gloria Allred presented as proof the then-30-something Moore sought an inappropriate relationship with her in the late 1970s. Nelson still insisted that Moore wrote most of the message and signed the inscription, but said she made “notes” to it.

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate
That was so she could be sure who accosted her. No big deal!
why'd she wait 38 years to post it then?

He ruled against her in a case. So this is her opportunity for revenge. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was paid by folks connected to the DNC. The whole thing was timed way too well.
Did you see she made it up? She admitted it. I gave you the link.

Your link made a presumption, not stated a fact.
She had claimed her motivation was to tell her story was to expose Donald Trump to stop him from becoming president

The revelation slaps down any suggestion that Johnson dropped the case thanks to a secret financial settlement with Trump,

'But new information emerged that suggested she had not been telling the truth.

She acknowledged in the interview that she had no idea who Donald Trump was at the time.

But she claims that she would never forget his face and it was only years later when Trump starred in The Apprentice that she recognized the man she says sexually assaulted her.

That may be the crucial flaw in her story.
Yes I told you to provide information. You couldnt. Thanks for playing.
You told me.....:badgrin: Okay massa....I provided it for you but you just didn't except it...nothing I can do to change that...but who died and made you boss anyway? "I told you"....what a child you are...
You failed to provide the information. Your excuse? Sex slaves have their vocal cords cut. Sorry but that kind of slovenliness wont cut it.
You failed to provide the information. Your excuse? Sex slaves have their vocal cords cut. Sorry but that kind of slovenliness wont cut it
230000 jobs created last month!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't fail...I voted for the right are the failure...your ideology is a total fail...your political ideas fail...your big government fails...your Obama care fails...everything about you is a fail. So you saying I failed is music to my ears ...when you get tired of failing we will be right here with open arms to welcome you to the bright side...In the meantime turn off CNN and MSNBC they are warping your world see the world through the eyes of over paid under informed liberal arts majors....
Its so sad and shocking observing what the Democrats have done to Moore. All they have for 'evidence', is a forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago. Yet somehow that = 'Moore is a Child Rapist.'

Democrats have sunk as low as one can go to get power. They've hit rock-bottom. Accusing a man of being a 'Child Rapist' is definitely as low as you can go. I truly hope this comes back around to haunt them in the future. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate

One of the women who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making advances on her when she was a teen and he a local prosecutor admitted Friday to forging part of the yearbook inscription she offered as proof.


Beverly Young Nelson told ABC News she wrote part of the disputed note in her high school yearbook that she and famed attorney Gloria Allred presented as proof the then-30-something Moore sought an inappropriate relationship with her in the late 1970s. Nelson still insisted that Moore wrote most of the message and signed the inscription, but said she made “notes” to it.

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate
That was so she could be sure who accosted her. No big deal!
why'd she wait 38 years to post it then?

He ruled against her in a case. So this is her opportunity for revenge. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she was paid by folks connected to the DNC. The whole thing was timed way too well.
No, he didn't. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
This idiot just handed Moore the election. SMH........
You failed to provide the information. Your excuse? Sex slaves have their vocal cords cut. Sorry but that kind of slovenliness wont cut it
230000 jobs created last month!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't fail...I voted for the right are the failure...your ideology is a total fail...your political ideas fail...your big government fails...your Obama care fails...everything about you is a fail. So you saying I failed is music to my ears ...when you get tired of failing we will be right here with open arms to welcome you to the bright side...In the meantime turn off CNN and MSNBC they are warping your world see the world through the eyes of over paid under informed liberal arts majors....
You failed and now youre failing with the added attempt to deflect. Show us these accusations by underaged girls that Slick Willy molested them.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate
That is a flat out lie
Here is what Fox news was forced to do ISSUE A RETRACTION

You catch that "Rather than Forging part of it...
The whole thing was fake...come on admit it...

They never will. Their Democrats and Fake News told them Moore is a 'Child Rapist.' So that's that as far as they're concerned. They've presented no credible evidence whatsoever Moore ever raped a child. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history. I truly hope it all comes back around on Democrats. That would be justice.
You failed and now youre failing with the added attempt to deflect. Show us these accusations by underaged girls that Slick Willy molested them
The accusations about Bill on Ebstiens kid toucher plane come from Fox and Washington Post news outlets... as well as others. Look back and see my links...
You failed and now youre failing with the added attempt to deflect. Show us these accusations by underaged girls that Slick Willy molested them
The accusations about Bill on Ebstiens kid toucher plane come from Fox and Washington Post news outlets... as well as others. Look back and see my links...
None of the accusations about Slick Willy have anything to do with molesting children. You just hoped I was as dumb as you were and could be duped into believing your wild claim. I am guessing you feel pretty embarrassed now that you failed to provide the required information.
None of the accusations about Slick Willy have anything to do with molesting children. You just hoped I was as dumb as you were and could be duped into believing your wild claim. I am guessing you feel pretty embarrassed now that you failed to provide the required information
So an under age sex slave prostitute is not a child? I beg to differ....

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