Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

Could you Trump lemmings be any more dishonest...I mean what the fuck?

She admitted to writing the note at the bottom of the inscription, something she has never denied, not even once. Something that everyone knew she had done.

But what is the headline form you fucking partisan hacks...

Accuser Admits Forging Moore Yearbook Inscription

Total fucking bullshit, that is not what she said.
Grab some liberal or CNN headlines n lets check their honesty.

That is where we are now, since CNN lies it is cool for you to also? Whatever
i didn't say it was cool at all. i think *any news website* that slants and tilts is full of shit and miss the days journalists at least TRIED to be credible.

my only real point is almost ALL headlines are inflammatory and mostly out to get clicks and/or people riled up. looks like it worked, huh?
Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

To tell a lie 40 years later. But stick with the fantasy if you must, but be ready to cry and color in the cup cake zone.

Haha, sure. Same with all the other accusers and all the other people confirming his pedo habits, right? Listen dummy, we all know why you are defending the molester. Not sure who you think you are fooling....

Oh, so here were more then? New ones? Please link that shit!
Of course they are children. You just failed to provide one that accused Slick Willy of molesting them
In due time...I'm sure it's just around the corner the way things are going...
Not if you are talking about the FBI handwriting dude. Maybe you need to gather more fact. Far as catching up gos, I don’t live at my moms house. What me my work is easy it’s still work and I have to do that for money. But no one is saying much. But don’t stop believing!

Screwy? You are quoting huff puff and TMZ you dumbass. Further proof you still live at your moms and don’t work. So far all the stupid sluts are not proving their case. Deal with it or go color.
Wow. You're really off your rocker.

Seriously off.

Say, who was the hand writing expert? What’s their name. Let’s begin there.
You don't know?

Arthur Anthony | Forensic Document Examiner |

Nice try. But no love for you slave. Such a week statement that no news agency except TMZ will pick it up. Keep trying Bucky, cause if it was a sure thing it would be in court.
Like I said. We need to know WHO added it. WHEN it was added. And WHY the D.A. notation was added. THis is what would happen in legal discovery if the document is a key piece of evidence. If it's found that the notation was done RECENTLY and/or by her camera whoring lawyer, and/or whomever did it used a COURT DOCUMENT to MAKE it look official with the D.A. annotation -- then the evidence would be tossed out. Labeled as "tampering with evidence" and the case MIGHT BE DISMISSED..
SHE added it, at the time. Der. She said so, and clarified that.

No, it wasn't "tampering with evidence." Geeze louise.

Couldn't have added it "at the time". That D.A. annotation is on all his court documents as a judge. The date is WAY BEFORE he WAS a D.A. or had an office mgr with the initiials D.A. That's why the only way to KNOW would be putting her and her camera whoring attorney under oath...
She has no problem going under oath. She even dared Moore to join her.
Of course they are children. You just failed to provide one that accused Slick Willy of molesting them
In due time...I'm sure it's just around the corner the way things are going...
"In due time" doesnt cover your claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.
Memo to the abused female...stay the fuck away from Gloria Allred....
Not if you are talking about the FBI handwriting dude. Maybe you need to gather more fact. Far as catching up gos, I don’t live at my moms house. What me my work is easy it’s still work and I have to do that for money. But no one is saying much. But don’t stop believing!

Screwy? You are quoting huff puff and TMZ you dumbass. Further proof you still live at your moms and don’t work. So far all the stupid sluts are not proving their case. Deal with it or go color.
Wow. You're really off your rocker.

Seriously off.

Say, who was the hand writing expert? What’s their name. Let’s begin there.
You don't know?

Arthur Anthony | Forensic Document Examiner |

You will need to remember that there name. I have a feeling Gloria will be in the news again in a year or so.

Exclusive: Gloria Allred Now Faces Two Bar Investigations for Alleged Misconduct
Of course they are children. You just failed to provide one that accused Slick Willy of molesting them
In due time...I'm sure it's just around the corner the way things are going...
"In due time" doesnt cover your claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.

Yet, you do?
"In due time" doesnt cover you claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.
No I never lie you just won't except my response...we all know what Bill Clinton would do a on a jet of ill repute with under age naked girls running around......give me a break
Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

To tell a lie 40 years later. But stick with the fantasy if you must, but be ready to cry and color in the cup cake zone.

Haha, sure. Same with all the other accusers and all the other people confirming his pedo habits, right? Listen dummy, we all know why you are defending the molester. Not sure who you think you are fooling....

Oh, so here were more then? New ones? Please link that shit!
Such a week statement that no news agency except TMZ will pick it up.

And Newsweek, WaPo, CBS, Slate, NBC, and many others...

You will just say ANYTHING, won't you? Defending molesters does tend to lead to that.
"In due time" doesnt cover you claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.
No I never lie you just won't except my response...we all know what Bill Clinton would do a on a jet of ill repute with under age naked girls running around......give me a break

And we all know you would be here vociferously defending Clinton for that, given your penchant for defending molesters.
"In due time" doesnt cover you claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.
No I never lie you just won't except my response...we all know what Bill Clinton would do a on a jet of ill repute with under age naked girls running around......give me a break
Its accept not except. Why would I accept your response if it didnt provide the information to make your claim credible?
And we all know you would be here vociferously defending Clinton for that, given your penchant for defending molesters
I didn't defend any molesters...I didn't defend Moore...I just am tied of the savage political games played by the left and this is my way of pushing back...just like voting for Trump was a push back at the swamp...Still can't believe so many liberals want to sidle up to big daddy the 60's were a long time ago I guess...
Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

To tell a lie 40 years later. But stick with the fantasy if you must, but be ready to cry and color in the cup cake zone.

Haha, sure. Same with all the other accusers and all the other people confirming his pedo habits, right? Listen dummy, we all know why you are defending the molester. Not sure who you think you are fooling....

Oh, so here were more then? New ones? Please link that shit!
Such a week statement that no news agency except TMZ will pick it up.

And Newsweek, WaPo, CBS, Slate, NBC, and many others...

You will just say ANYTHING, won't you? Defending molesters does tend to lead to that.

Na, but I grew up around this shit. I saw it allot as my Ma does this type of law. Only TV assholes that you slaves listen to believe this crap. If this shit was credible it would be going to court to be made right. It won’t. All these women are is what James Carvell describes when he talks about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park. As for defending molesters, I do believe it was you who said they hoped Bill Clinton molests kids. Would that make you an enabler?
"In due time" doesnt cover you claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.
No I never lie you just won't except my response...we all know what Bill Clinton would do a on a jet of ill repute with under age naked girls running around......give me a break
What are ya trying to do, give Trump a run for his money? You are LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH.

Bill Clinton never touched the girls on the lolita express or on the island, the girls singing like a bird against Jeffrey Epstein, ALL have said, he never touched them and was never with any of the girls, so much so that Jeffrey's girlfriend, Virginia....actually asked Jeffrey, Why was Bill Clinton there, since it was not for the "girls"?

He definitely fooled around on his wife among other things, but Bill Clinton has never had an attraction to young teens or older teens (or any pretty woman for that matter....)

His affairs have always been with adults.

so YES, you are a LIAR who promotes fake propaganda, simply for partisan reasons....
Did you see she made it up? She admitted it. I gave you the link.

Your link made a presumption, not stated a fact.
She had claimed her motivation was to tell her story was to expose Donald Trump to stop him from becoming president

The revelation slaps down any suggestion that Johnson dropped the case thanks to a secret financial settlement with Trump,

'But new information emerged that suggested she had not been telling the truth.

She acknowledged in the interview that she had no idea who Donald Trump was at the time.

But she claims that she would never forget his face and it was only years later when Trump starred in The Apprentice that she recognized the man she says sexually assaulted her.

That may be the crucial flaw in her story.
What are ya trying to do, give Trump a run for his money? You are LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH.

Bill Clinton never touched the girls on the lolita express or on the island
You don't know that..he is a known liar you know?
Remember Lewinsky was only 20 when he boxed her into the closet...
just like voting for Trump was a push back at the swamp
What a fucking joke. Trump didnt even attenpt to drain anything. He installed the swamp creatures in charge of the very institutions that were designed to monitor them. Get out of here with that stupid shit.
"In due time" doesnt cover you claim or make it credible. You lied and said Slick Willy was accused of molesting children. Honestly I would be glad if he was because I hate the fucker but I dont make up bullshit like you do just because I dont like someone.
No I never lie you just won't except my response...we all know what Bill Clinton would do a on a jet of ill repute with under age naked girls running around......give me a break
What are ya trying to do, give Trump a run for his money? You are LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH.

Bill Clinton never touched the girls on the lolita express or on the island, the girls singing like a bird against Jeffrey Epstein, ALL have said, he never touched them and was never with any of the girls, so much so that Jeffrey's girlfriend, Virginia....actually asked Jeffrey, Why was Bill Clinton there, since it was not for the "girls"?

He definitely fooled around on his wife among other things, but Bill Clinton has never had an attraction to young teens or older teens (or any pretty woman for that matter....)

His affairs have always been with adults.

so YES, you are a LIAR who promotes fake propaganda, simply for partisan reasons....

Lol, the fake propaganda remark from the one who says the Trump Dossier is real, lol yup you guys you your shit together,lol.

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