Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

And why should any of us believe that?
Common sense? Moores lying?

Common sense dictates that if someone mislead about him writing it all and then says well I wrote part, and refuses to let a third party analyze the note, she is lying and nothing she says should believed on this.

Show where she ever claimed he wrote it all

She said he signed her yearbook and provided proof
From Asslips' link:
During her original press conference with Allred in November, in which she made her original accusation, Nelson read aloud and attributed the entire inscription to Moore, including the date and location.

"He wrote in my yearbook as follows: 'To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say Merry Christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love, Roy Moore, Olde Hickory House. Roy Moore, DA,'" she said.

At the time, Nelson did not admit to writing the date and name of the restaurant herself. The implication was that it had been written by Moore.

Earth shattering

What does it have to so with what Creepy Roy wrote and his siganture?
It has to do with this, stupid:
Show where she ever claimed he wrote it all
What are ya trying to do, give Trump a run for his money? You are LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH.

Bill Clinton never touched the girls on the lolita express or on the island
You don't know that..he is a known liar you know?
Remember Lewinsky was only 20 when he boxed her into the closet...
IT'S NOT HIM saying these things about him not ever being with the girls, it is the girls SAYING IT, Rambunctious...

And come on, not a single girl ever came out and said they got screwed by him, but they sang like canaries on Epstein and the Prince Andrew etc....even some, mentioned Trump and one accused him of rape.... you'd think at least 1 of these many girls you imagine bill slept with or even 1 wanting 15 minutes of fame would have made up that she slept with him, but nada, nothing came out, no girls sang....

And might I add, Epstein was a donor, big donor to the DNC, so there were political connections between him and Clinton that would not involve sex with girls....Al and Tipper Gore even flew to Epstein's Island to meet with him together....a few times...

and most importantly there were common philanthropy causes at the time that Clinton and a whole bunch of Hollywood artist on fighting AIDS and getting drugs to places like Africa.... Epstein was a big donor and also gave them all the use of his plane....for special events...

Sure, you can say Clinton certainly hung out with some scuzzy people just for their can even say that about Al Gore n wifey.....

BUT to accuse him of being with teens without 1 itty bitty bit of evidence or one itty bitty girl even accusing him....

THEN you are doing nothing but promoting a lie...

AND maybe I was harsh by calling you an intentional liar, but the fact is, you are promoting a lie....even if you didn't know it.
Breitbart :lmao:
CNN has had to clarify their stories left and right Brietbart has been laugh away...
Beverly Nelson can SUE the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of Fox News
Seth Abramson‏Verified account
7h7 hours ago
BREAKING: Forgery is a crime—as is fraud—which means Beverly Nelson can SUE the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of Fox News for FALSELY claiming she "forged" evidence in a civil case. In fact, Nelson did no more than add a date and place beneath "Judge" Roy Moore's creepy yearbook comments.
Breitbart :lmao:
CNN has had to clarify their stories left and right Brietbart has been laugh away...
Beverly Nelson can SUE the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of Fox News
Seth Abramson‏Verified account
7h7 hours ago
BREAKING: Forgery is a crime—as is fraud—which means Beverly Nelson can SUE the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of Fox News for FALSELY claiming she "forged" evidence in a civil case. In fact, Nelson did no more than add a date and place beneath "Judge" Roy Moore's creepy yearbook comments.
You don't know if she forged anything or not, hack.
Congress should pass a resolution that they have President Trump's back if he has Sessions fire Mueller and his band of Hillary Fan Club members. This interrogation is a sham and it needs to be shitcanned immediately.
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Ivanka’s ‘special place in hell’ comments about Roy Moore greet Trump in Pensacola
You can't do any worse than accuse someone of being a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats have hit rock-bottom. They have no credible evidence whatsoever, proving Moore ever 'raped a child.' This poor man now has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So Democrats could steal a Senate Seat? I truly hope this really comes back to haunt all who participated in this terrible attempted political lynching. That will be true justice.
Oh cut the faux outrage.

Accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist' is as bad as it gets. Democrats have reached rock-bottom. This poor man has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So y'all could steal a Senate Seat? I really do hope this comes back to haunt you bigtime. That would be some true justice.
You have done the same thing. Lolita express. So spare us the holier than thou bullshit.
What happened to the handwriting expert who was going to prove Moore's signature was fake?
Allred and she will not turn it over...
They turned it over to a hand writing expert and he said it was Moores signature.

Roy Moore accuser: Expert confirmed his 1977 yearbook signature
With the D.A. Following it, it shows it was a copied from Court papers Moore signed.

Could you Trump lemmings be any more dishonest...I mean what the fuck?

She admitted to writing the note at the bottom of the inscription, something she has never denied, not even once. Something that everyone knew she had done.

But what is the headline form you fucking partisan hacks...

Accuser Admits Forging Moore Yearbook Inscription

Total fucking bullshit, that is not what she said.
He even admitted he preferred underage preteens.

Do you have a link? Preteens are 12 and under.
As soon as you produce a link where she claims to forgery I will provide one.

The original link in this OP references an ABC News interview with the lady. It's all there. All Breitbart did was reprint parts of the interview.

Breitbart drew conclusions about "Forgery"
Just do what you do best; After Moore wins the election, cry until you put out the California fires.

View attachment 164972
Moore will win

This is Alabama........child brides, slavery, hating fags and throwing the bible in people's faces are virtues
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As soon as you produce a link where she claims to forgery I will provide one.

The original link in this OP references an ABC News interview with the lady. It's all there. All Breitbart did was reprint parts of the interview.
Yeah but the interview doesnt show her claiming she forged anything...hence my asking for a link. Do you have one?

She added the "D.A." in the notes. Found that on some court documents. The stupid ass press THOUGHT Moore was claiming to be a D.A. before he WAS D.A. ---- but those are just the initials of his office mgr who noted the filings. It's part of the deception. Biggest issue IS -- WHEN were those notes added.

She also very likely added his last name.

Moore accuser says she added notes to yearbook message
Who told you she added DA? Did she say she added it?

You need to start reading the stuff you're avoiding because you can't handle the dissonance with your preconceived verdict... She ADMITS -- NOTES WERE ADDED. Which had been SUSPECT by analysts who said earlier that everything below "ROY" was suspect.

The D.A. that was added was an attempt to make this look "more legit" than just a mere "Roy". But it was obviously wrong. He was not a D.A. at the time. Wouldn't have done that. It was COPIED from court docs that existed later on. D.A. was his office mgr while he WAS a D.A. And of course - would have been another hand writing it.

She probably copied it from her divorce court documents where she got ACTUALLY screwed in Roy Moore's court. Even if he wasn't presiding the day she was in court, his name would appear on the divorce decree.
Creepy Roy was trying to impress a young girl
The DA was to show how important he is
He even admitted he preferred underage preteens.

Do you have a link? Preteens are 12 and under.
As soon as you produce a link where she claims to forgery I will provide one.

The original link in this OP references an ABC News interview with the lady. It's all there. All Breitbart did was reprint parts of the interview.
Yeah but the interview doesnt show her claiming she forged anything...hence my asking for a link. Do you have one?

She added the "D.A." in the notes. Found that on some court documents. The stupid ass press THOUGHT Moore was claiming to be a D.A. before he WAS D.A. ---- but those are just the initials of his office mgr who noted the filings. It's part of the deception. Biggest issue IS -- WHEN were those notes added. We'll likely never know.

She also very likely added his last name.

Moore accuser says she added notes to yearbook message
did he write in her yearbook or not? Handwriting expert, professional in the utmost degree, said the handwriting was his....

the DA was HIS and not the initials of Dorothy Anderson his secretary a few years later, her DA initials were completely different PLUS she always did a slash before her initials

/ DA

if this were a forgery as the right wing fake news is claiming, the DA would have been copied precisely, and not in Moore's script.....

so, did he write the note to her or not in your head? IF NOT, why not and how do you think the proven Moore handwriting and comments from him, got in there?

let's see how good you are at gymnastics to explain it not being him..... :D
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Do you have a link? Preteens are 12 and under.
As soon as you produce a link where she claims to forgery I will provide one.

The original link in this OP references an ABC News interview with the lady. It's all there. All Breitbart did was reprint parts of the interview.
Yeah but the interview doesnt show her claiming she forged anything...hence my asking for a link. Do you have one?

She added the "D.A." in the notes. Found that on some court documents. The stupid ass press THOUGHT Moore was claiming to be a D.A. before he WAS D.A. ---- but those are just the initials of his office mgr who noted the filings. It's part of the deception. Biggest issue IS -- WHEN were those notes added. We'll likely never know.

She also very likely added his last name.

Moore accuser says she added notes to yearbook message
did he write in her yearbook or not? Handwriting expert, professional in the utmost degree, said the handwriting was his....

the DA was HIS and not the initials of Dorothy Anderson his secretary a few years later, her DA initials were completely different PLUS she always did a slash before her initials

/ DA

if this were a forgery as the right wing fake news is claiming, the DA would have been copied precisely, and not in Moore's script.....

so, did he write the note to her or not in your head? IF NOT, why not and how do you think the proven Moore handwriting and comments from him, get in there?

let's see how good you are at gymnastics to explain it not being him..... :D
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