Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

To tell a lie 40 years later. But stick with the fantasy if you must, but be ready to cry and color in the cup cake zone.

Haha, sure. Same with all the other accusers and all the other people confirming his pedo habits, right? Listen dummy, we all know why you are defending the molester. Not sure who you think you are fooling....

Oh, so here were more then? New ones? Please link that shit!
Such a week statement that no news agency except TMZ will pick it up.

And Newsweek, WaPo, CBS, Slate, NBC, and many others...

You will just say ANYTHING, won't you? Defending molesters does tend to lead to that.

Na, but I grew up around this shit. I saw it allot as my Ma does this type of law. Only TV assholes that you slaves listen to believe this crap. If this shit was credible it would be going to court to be made right. It won’t. All these women are is what James Carvell describes when he talks about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park. As for defending molesters, I do believe it was you who said they hoped Bill Clinton molests kids. Would that make you an enabler?

They cant go to court because of evidence and limitations. But sorry Cletus,this aint a court of law. And you are shameless little liar to pretend you are defending Moore for any of the bullshit reasons you are pulling out of your ass. You fool nobody.
What a fucking joke. Trump didnt even attenpt to drain anything. He installed the swamp creatures in charge of the very institutions that were designed to monitor them. Get out of here with that stupid shit.
The swamp is draining as we speak...Flake and McCain and Corker are on their way out and liberals are falling like dominoes over their sexual misdeeds...Yep Id say Trump is right on schedule for draining the swamp...
They cant go to court because of evidence and limitations. But sorry Cletus,this aint a court of law. And you are shameless little liar to pretend you are defending Moore for any of the bullshit reasons you are pulling out of your ass. You fool nobody
They can't go to court because of what? "of evidence and limitations"? you mean a lack of evidence don't you Mr. Lawyer speak?
Document Expert: Roy Moore Signed Yearbook of Accuser
Source: Newsweek Magazine


Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore signed the yearbook of a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager, according to a report from a forensic document expert obtained by Newsweek from the woman's attorney.

The expert, Arthur T. Anthony, compared public documents with Moore's handwriting and signature to the yearbook inscription as well as a graduation card Moore sent to another woman recently reported by The Washington Post. In the report, Anthony wrote, "It is my professional opinion...that the signature and handwritten notation above the signature...were prepared by Roy Moore."

Below are images of the yearbook inscription allegedly signed by Moore and one of the public documents featured in Anthony's report. The inscription states: "To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, DA. 12-22-77 Olde Hickory House."



In November, Beverly Young Nelson accused Moore of assaulting her in the 1970s when she was a teen and he was in his 30s. Nelson and her lawyer, Gloria Allred, pointed to the yearbook inscription to bolster the allegation.

Read more: Roy Moore signed a yearbook of the woman he allegedly sexually assaulted as a teen, document expert says
To tell a lie 40 years later. But stick with the fantasy if you must, but be ready to cry and color in the cup cake zone.

Haha, sure. Same with all the other accusers and all the other people confirming his pedo habits, right? Listen dummy, we all know why you are defending the molester. Not sure who you think you are fooling....

Oh, so here were more then? New ones? Please link that shit!
Such a week statement that no news agency except TMZ will pick it up.

And Newsweek, WaPo, CBS, Slate, NBC, and many others...

You will just say ANYTHING, won't you? Defending molesters does tend to lead to that.

Na, but I grew up around this shit. I saw it allot as my Ma does this type of law. Only TV assholes that you slaves listen to believe this crap. If this shit was credible it would be going to court to be made right. It won’t. All these women are is what James Carvell describes when he talks about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park. As for defending molesters, I do believe it was you who said they hoped Bill Clinton molests kids. Would that make you an enabler?

They cant go to court because of evidence and limitations. But sorry Cletus,this aint a court of law. And you are shameless little liar to pretend you are defending Moore for any of the bullshit reasons you are pulling out of your ass. You fool nobody.

Oh? Then Roy Moore is cleared of all charges as he looks like he is going to win his election unlike weird al and the old black guy. I posted an opinion on a message board . You get way to bent about his shit. I mean, who the fuck are you and why do you matter? Continue getting your stories from TMZ and huffpuff. Calm down man you are going to have an infarction.
They cant go to court because of evidence and limitations. But sorry Cletus,this aint a court of law. And you are shameless little liar to pretend you are defending Moore for any of the bullshit reasons you are pulling out of your ass. You fool nobody
They can't go to court because of what? "of evidence and limitations"? you mean a lack of evidence don't you Mr. Lawyer speak?

Correct, a lack of evidence. Exactly what I said. But again, this is not a court of law. The allegations are believable , mutually supportive, and suported by corroborating anecdotes from others.

By the way, you are ccomlketely full of shit. You're just pushing back because you hate the "team match politics"? Bullshit, shameless lie, as evidenced by your complete lack of similar threads and posts about other accused people. You pathetic little liars have been lying so long that you started to think you actually fool people. You don't.

Here's the truth: You are an ignorant little Trumpkin who hitched your wagons to a global embarrassment. And being the person of low integrity that you are, you will embarrass yourself any way possible before admitting your mistakes or admitting that Trump is a classless, amoral, unethical asshole who knows less than nothing about anything.

Have a nice night!
They cant go to court because of evidence and limitations. But sorry Cletus,this aint a court of law. And you are shameless little liar to pretend you are defending Moore for any of the bullshit reasons you are pulling out of your ass. You fool nobody
They can't go to court because of what? "of evidence and limitations"? you mean a lack of evidence don't you Mr. Lawyer speak?

Correct, a lack of evidence. Exactly what I said. But again, this is not a court of law. The allegations are believable , mutually supportive, and suported by corroborating anecdotes from others.

By the way, you are ccomlketely full of shit. You're just pushing back because you hate the "team match politics"? Bullshit, shameless lie, as evidenced by your complete lack of similar threads and posts about other accused people. You pathetic little liars have been lying so long that you started to think you actually fool people. You don't.

Here's the truth: You are an ignorant little Trumpkin who hitched your wagons to a global embarrassment. And being the person of low integrity that you are, you will embarrass yourself any way possible before admitting your mistakes or admitting that Trump is a classless, amoral, unethical asshole who knows less than nothing about anything.

Have a nice night!
They cant go to court because of evidence and limitations. But sorry Cletus,this aint a court of law. And you are shameless little liar to pretend you are defending Moore for any of the bullshit reasons you are pulling out of your ass. You fool nobody
They can't go to court because of what? "of evidence and limitations"? you mean a lack of evidence don't you Mr. Lawyer speak?

Correct, a lack of evidence. Exactly what I said. But again, this is not a court of law. The allegations are believable , mutually supportive, and suported by corroborating anecdotes from others.

By the way, you are ccomlketely full of shit. You're just pushing back because you hate the "team match politics"? Bullshit, shameless lie, as evidenced by your complete lack of similar threads and posts about other accused people. You pathetic little liars have been lying so long that you started to think you actually fool people. You don't.

Here's the truth: You are an ignorant little Trumpkin who hitched your wagons to a global embarrassment. And being the person of low integrity that you are, you will embarrass yourself any way possible before admitting your mistakes or admitting that Trump is a classless, amoral, unethical asshole who knows less than nothing about anything.

Have a nice night!
Rambunctious wins again!!!! Take a pill and go to bed...:badgrin:
Seriously, how pathetic and desperate are the Dems that they have to go back 40 fucking years in a man's past to dig up dirt and false allegations. This, combined with Frankenstein's resignation is yet another attempt by hypocritic Dems to continue dividing Americans and harping about social justice issues that they themselves are to blame.

There will be a total reckoning of their failed strategy when they fail to gain control of the House or Senate as a result of the 2018 elections.

Democrats are running away from the truth, their party doesn't stand for anything concrete but diving people along racial, economic, and ethnic lines, and demonization. The Democrat party has now become a party of misfits.

The woman came foraward herself. You are a nauseating human being to defend a child molester.

Allegations from 40 years ago do not constitute fact, moron.

Have you heard of presumption of innocence?
Document Expert: Roy Moore Signed Yearbook of Accuser
Source: Newsweek Magazine


Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore signed the yearbook of a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager, according to a report from a forensic document expert obtained by Newsweek from the woman's attorney.

The expert, Arthur T. Anthony, compared public documents with Moore's handwriting and signature to the yearbook inscription as well as a graduation card Moore sent to another woman recently reported by The Washington Post. In the report, Anthony wrote, "It is my professional opinion...that the signature and handwritten notation above the signature...were prepared by Roy Moore."

Below are images of the yearbook inscription allegedly signed by Moore and one of the public documents featured in Anthony's report. The inscription states: "To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, DA. 12-22-77 Olde Hickory House."



In November, Beverly Young Nelson accused Moore of assaulting her in the 1970s when she was a teen and he was in his 30s. Nelson and her lawyer, Gloria Allred, pointed to the yearbook inscription to bolster the allegation.

Read more: Roy Moore signed a yearbook of the woman he allegedly sexually assaulted as a teen, document expert says
Experts are like assholes, every lawyer has them.
Did you read the article? She admitted to adding comments after his message and signature
The part she claims not to have changed is his sig and the letters DA...he was not a DA back then. She is lying... her whole story must be tossed out as BS...

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