Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

You can't do any worse than accuse someone of being a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats have hit rock-bottom. They have no credible evidence whatsoever, proving Moore ever 'raped a child.' This poor man now has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So Democrats could steal a Senate Seat? I truly hope this really comes back to haunt all who participated in this terrible attempted political lynching. That will be true justice.
Oh cut the faux outrage.
Adding the last name Moore is faking the signature.
Where does she say she added the name Moore to the signature? Do you have a credible link?
In the pictures of the note in the yearbook the name Moore is in the same color ink as the rest of the added note.
What color is that and where did she admit she added Moore?
Search and look at a pic that show's the different color ink. If you don't believe it, I don't care.
Most of the pix show the same color. The one that looks different looks odd and the color change cuts through one of the words. I think 2 different colors is so obvious it would hsve been immediately questioned upon viewing.
I'm guessing if such a color change exists its the result of photo shop. I remember when they were circulating a picture of an entirely different person when Mike Brown was murdered.
Did she originally claim the added note was his as well?

The added date and plkace, were in print, while the message from Moore was in script. It was obvious from day one, that it was a comment added to Moore's message. Not a forgery, a notation.
Could you Trump lemmings be any more dishonest...I mean what the fuck?

She admitted to writing the note at the bottom of the inscription, something she has never denied, not even once. Something that everyone knew she had done.

But what is the headline form you fucking partisan hacks...

Accuser Admits Forging Moore Yearbook Inscription

Total fucking bullshit, that is not what she said.
post one link with that admittance before today. tick tock tick tock
You can't do any worse than accuse someone of being a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats have hit rock-bottom. They have no credible evidence whatsoever, proving Moore ever 'raped a child.' This poor man now has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So Democrats could steal a Senate Seat? I truly hope this really comes back to haunt all who participated in this terrible attempted political lynching. That will be true justice.
They have plenty of evidence Moore is a child molester. His underage dates moms even recall him molesting their daughters. He even admits he dated teenagers when he was in his 30's. Such a sad impotent little guy.
This is where this ends...enough libs...we have had enough of your lies and political tricks...

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook - Breitbart
If I was Judge Moore I would go after her and her bitch lawyer for defamation of Character law suite. Gloria AlStupid would end up bankrupt and out of practicing law...

A Breitbart hatchet piece from The people who are financing Roy Moore’s campaign. There’s a reliable source.

Breitbart is preaching to those idiots who are still stupid enough to believe their lies.

Neither Allred nor her client are in any danger of being sued because they’re not lying, unlike the racist piece of shit that Breitbart is promoting as the next Senator from Alabama.

I hope Moore wins. The entertainment value and destruction of the Republican Party will be so worth it.
I honestly dont remember her saying anything about the added note until now.
She didn't think people would be dumb enough to think the printed section, was the same as the script section.

Why would Moore write the date TWICE?
You can't do any worse than accuse someone of being a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats have hit rock-bottom. They have no credible evidence whatsoever, proving Moore ever 'raped a child.' This poor man now has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So Democrats could steal a Senate Seat? I truly hope this really comes back to haunt all who participated in this terrible attempted political lynching. That will be true justice.
Oh cut the faux outrage.

Accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist' is as bad as it gets. Democrats have reached rock-bottom. This poor man has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So y'all could steal a Senate Seat? I really do hope this comes back to haunt you bigtime. That would be some true justice.
Thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless someone can produce evidence she forged anything or admitted to forging anything.

If you wish.

Roy Moore accuser 'scared to go anywhere' since her sexual assault allegation

Let me summarize. She admits to adding the date and the place, but swears that the rest is from Moore. Of course, yesterday she was still swearing that the entire thing was from Moore. But this time she’s totally believable, because, um. Fuck Roy Moore. Or Something.
So where is the part she says she forged anything? Are you saying that you think her saying she is scared means she forged something?

You can lead them to water, but if you don’t hold their hands they will fall in and drown.

Nelson has not done so but insists that Moore signed her yearbook, though saying she made notes underneath.

So to again summarize, she admits to adding the date and place. As I said before.
You can't do any worse than accuse someone of being a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats have hit rock-bottom. They have no credible evidence whatsoever, proving Moore ever 'raped a child.' This poor man now has to live with this heinous accusation the rest of his life. And for what? So Democrats could steal a Senate Seat? I truly hope this really comes back to haunt all who participated in this terrible attempted political lynching. That will be true justice.
They have plenty of evidence Moore is a child molester. His underage dates moms even recall him molesting their daughters. He even admits he dated teenagers when he was in his 30's. Such a sad impotent little guy.

Again, no credible evidence Moore ever 'raped a child.' You're disgusting people.
Writing Roy Moore's name in the book would be a forgery

Adding a note under his name is not is her book

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