Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

She does not admit any forgery. She said she added her own notes under Moore's. Which is pretty obvious if you just look at it:


Which everyone already knew as it was addressed on this forum in at least a half a dozen threads. She never claimed Moore wrote that part.
This is where this ends...enough libs...we have had enough of your lies and political tricks...

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook - Breitbart
More fake right wing news. Making notes is not forging his signature.
Adding the last name Moore is faking the signature.
Where does she say she added the name Moore to the signature? Do you have a credible link?
In the pictures of the note in the yearbook the name Moore is in the same color ink as the rest of the added note.
This is where this ends...enough libs...we have had enough of your lies and political tricks...

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook - Breitbart
More fake right wing news. Making notes is not forging his signature.
Adding the last name Moore is faking the signature.
Where does she say she added the name Moore to the signature? Do you have a credible link?
In the pictures of the note in the yearbook the name Moore is in the same color ink as the rest of the added note.
What color is that and where did she admit she added Moore?
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Its so sad and shocking observing what the Democrats have done to Moore. All they have for 'evidence', is a forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago. Yet somehow that = 'Moore is a Child Rapist.'

Democrats have sunk as low as one can go to get power. They've hit rock-bottom. Accusing a man of being a 'Child Rapist' is definitely as low as you can go. I truly hope this comes back around to haunt them in the future. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate

One of the women who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making advances on her when she was a teen and he a local prosecutor admitted Friday to forging part of the yearbook inscription she offered as proof.


Beverly Young Nelson told ABC News she wrote part of the disputed note in her high school yearbook that she and famed attorney Gloria Allred presented as proof the then-30-something Moore sought an inappropriate relationship with her in the late 1970s. Nelson still insisted that Moore wrote most of the message and signed the inscription, but said she made “notes” to it.

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate
This is where this ends...enough libs...we have had enough of your lies and political tricks...

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook - Breitbart
More fake right wing news. Making notes is not forging his signature.
Bwaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. You are a prime example of the public education system...

View attachment 164935
Same failure of a public education system that has been run by Democratic Mafia?
She said she embellished what he did.

Which is pretty much the same result.
She admitted to writing the inscription which only leaves the name and date as his!
Can you feel the burn liberals?

No, even according to the Breitbart article all she admitted to doing "was adding notes to the inscription", which she never claimed otherwise.

Reading comprehension is hard, but if slow down and get your head out of Trump's ass it gets easier.
Neither does Moore given how his stories change.

I'm no fan of the man so keep barking. However it's suspicious how all these women suddenly come forward just before an election. Why it's almost like all those women coming forward before 2016 and Trump.

You gullible rubes fall for it everytime
And the women who came forward on Clinton....

What about them?
Politicslly convenient timing.

Bubba was in office when he never had sexual relations with that woman
So ?
Semantics. As pointed out during the news conference, they led the public to believe he wrote the entire thing, which we found out, was a hoax.

nuff said

You are right, her credibility is now shot.

I note Breitbart is carefully not saying what the note was.

Probably because the content messes up their slant, which is that she's a liar, liar, liar and Roy Moore is innocent as the driven snow.

On the OTHER hand, they are saying that Roy Moore ruled against this woman in a 1999 divorce case. Sounds like she's trying to ruin him in retribution.
This is where this ends...enough libs...we have had enough of your lies and political tricks...

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook - Breitbart
More fake right wing news. Making notes is not forging his signature.
Adding the last name Moore is faking the signature.
Where does she say she added the name Moore to the signature? Do you have a credible link?
In the pictures of the note in the yearbook the name Moore is in the same color ink as the rest of the added note.
So what? She admitted that she lied. You are defending an admitted liar. Why?
Could you Trump lemmings be any more dishonest...I mean what the fuck?
Wow - she added a DATE. Forgery? LoL

Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson on Friday admitted to ABC that she added the date and place to Moore’s signature in her 1977 yearbook. “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore... Roy Moore, DA. 12-22-77 Olde Hickory House,” the yearbook inscription read. Although Nelson’s lawyer Gloria Allred initially attributed the entire note to Moore, Nelson now says the date and restaurant annotations were hers. However, Nelson emphasized, the rest of the signature is authentic and she stands by her accusation that, when she was 16 years old, Moore groped and attempted to rape her. Her admission does not compromise the meat of her story.​
And now there are like 7 threads on this one forum passing off this same fucking lie.

The GOP has to have this shit on email blast so you all can know what talking points to push on the boards each day.
Here's real evidence....not 38 year old bullshit paid for by Gloria Allred.

View attachment 164941

Sorry that doesn't exonerate Roy Moore.

Nor does the supposed 38 year old "proof" thus far submitted come close to convicting him.

The people from Alabama can see through the motives of Jeff Besos' WaPo Gestapo and the lying shyster Gloria Allred.
Thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless someone can produce evidence she forged anything or admitted to forging anything.
She admitted to adding to it on ABC.
Show us. I dont mind being educated but no one has linked to where she admitted to forging anything.

Yeah, she's quoted on Breitbart and ABC. Look it up. Allred is trying to minimize it. I'd say this is pretty disgusting and her credibility is shot.
Thinking this is the 4th thread on this today?

That is what happens when multiple Trump lemmings all get the same email blast telling them what to post about today.

This is their desperate attempt to distract from Moore saying that the time of slavery was when our nation was the greatest.

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