Moore allegations prompt reflections on fundamentalist culture in which some Christian men date teen


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Moore allegations prompt reflections on fundamentalist culture in which some Christian men date teens

"We should probably talk about how there is a segment of evangelicalism and homeschool culture where the only thing Roy Moore did wrong was initiating sexual contact outside of marriage. 14-year-old girls courting adult men isn't entirely uncommon," Kathryn Brightbill, who works for the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, tweeted Friday, prompting a flurry of responses from other people who also had watched teenagers date much older Christian men.

Ashley Easter, who grew up in a fundamentalist Baptist church where courting was the norm for teenagers, said, "That was the first thing I thought of with Roy Moore." In her church community in Lynchburg, Va., Easter said, fathers had complete control over whom their daughters were allowed to date, and she could see how a father might set his teen daughter up with a much older man.

"A woman's role is to be a wife, a homemaker and someone who births children. The man's role is generally to be established and someone who provides the full income," said Easter, who runs the Courage Conference for survivors of church sexual abuse. "It may take longer for a man to reach stability. While a woman of 15 or 16, if she's been trained for a long time looking after her younger siblings, in their eyes she might be ready for marriage."

For most of them, a relationship such as the ones Moore is reported to have pursued with teens is far beyond the norm. But the idea recurs frequently. Even "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, a conservative Christian who married his wife when he was 20 and she was 16, caused a firestorm years ago for advising men, "You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16."

Well, people, thoughts?
It's called predatory behavior. We even have a dept. in our local police dept. dealing with adult men going after underage teenagers....Apparently, in Alabama, they embrace it.
The other side of the coin: Same article--

"In the South, in general, younger marriages would have been more common. But we're talking here about ... teenagers going steady in high school — maybe a year or two or three between him and her," Wilcox said. "You don't have 30-year-old guys dating a 14-year-old. It may have happened in some occasional context, but it would not have been a cultural norm."

He said the reaction of most Southern evangelical communities would be "extraordinarily negative. ... I would imagine a shotgun involved."
Using scripture as an aegis to defend reprehensible behavior. Where have we seen this before? Oh! Right! Discriminating against paying customers! And now the pursuit of teenage girls.

Fundamentalism! A morality as flexible as it gets!
Is Moore a good Christian? I'm not really--although i try...but is Moore? Is Christianity an inclusive religion..or exclusive? It seems Moore was all about the 10 commandments..but I've never heard him quote Matthew 25:45?

King James Bible
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
The above information correlates well with this report
Roy Moore challenged Alabama law that protects rape victims, documents reveal

As chief justice of Alabama’s supreme court, Moore twice argued that the state’s “rape shield” law should not prevent alleged sex offenders from using certain evidence about their underage accusers’ personal lives to discredit them.
The cases were among 10 between 2013 and 2016 where Moore dissented from the court’s majority and sided with alleged offenders who were appealing to the court as part of their efforts to overturn convictions or punishments for sexual crimes.


A review by the Guardian of all decisions issued by the Alabama supreme court during Moore’s second stint found decisions on 16 criminal cases that involved alleged sexual crimes. Moore sided with the offender over state prosecutors in 13 of those cases.
On 10 occasions, this meant dissenting from the majority view of the court’s nine judges. Moore sided with the state in the other three cases.


The rape-shield law also arose in the case of Sherman Tate, a school mentor who was convicted of coercing two 15-year-old female students to touch him sexually. Moore argued in June 2014 that attorneys for Tate should have been allowed to tell jurors that he believed the girls were bisexual and in a relationship together.
Libtards complaining about Moore is an example of the pot calling the kettle black. But, libtards see nothing wrong with their perverted morality. Moore a moral a Christian sort of way?
It's called predatory behavior. We even have a dept. in our local police dept. dealing with adult men going after underage teenagers....Apparently, in Alabama, they embrace it.

As apparently you do as I’ve never met anyone who sooooo wants it to happen.

Really creepy
Using scripture as an aegis to defend reprehensible behavior. Where have we seen this before? Oh! Right! Discriminating against paying customers! And now the pursuit of teenage girls.

Fundamentalism! A morality as flexible as it gets!

It's like Islamic fundamentalism. Patriarchal religions taken to the extreme to justify older men marrying and abusing young girls.
Libtards complaining about Moore is an example of the pot calling the kettle black. But, libtards see nothing wrong with their perverted morality.
They also like to pretend that "Christian fundametalist culture" is a huge swath of Christian society.

Christian *fundamentalists* are a tiny fraction of the Christian community...and of those fundamentalists, those who encourage or tolerate super young marriage are a tiny fraction.

Anti christian perverts like to paint all American Christians who aren't progressive episcopalians as *fundamentalists*.

It's just more shell game with them.
Using scripture as an aegis to defend reprehensible behavior. Where have we seen this before? Oh! Right! Discriminating against paying customers! And now the pursuit of teenage girls.

Fundamentalism! A morality as flexible as it gets!

It's like Islamic fundamentalism. Patriarchal religions taken to the extreme to justify older men marrying and abusing young girls.

Nonsense. It happens in a couple of tiny little cults and that is it.

Define fundamentalism. I bet you can't. Also give me some examples of fundamentalist churches and the widespread nature of Christian "religions tke to the extreme to justify older men marrying and abusing young girls".

You refuse to protect young girls from the state and Islam..but you'll pretend that Christianity is a *threat*. Disgusting.
People bitch about American education. It isn't that bad. In particular - our higher education rates very well. We have a lot of international students who come to the US for higher education.

In the rankings - many US institutions are at the top: World University Rankings

Let me rephrase that - MOST of the top ranked U's are U.S.
People bitch about American education. It isn't that bad. In particular - our higher education rates very well. We have a lot of international students who come to the US for higher education.

In the rankings - many US institutions are at the top: World University Rankings

And that proves what, exactly?

Yes international students come to the US for education. It's the best way to get a pass into our country if you're a communist or a jihadist.
People bitch about American education. It isn't that bad. In particular - our higher education rates very well. We have a lot of international students who come to the US for higher education.

In the rankings - many US institutions are at the top: World University Rankings

And that proves what, exactly?

Yes international students come to the US for education. It's the best way to get a pass into our country if you're a communist or a jihadist.

Going beyond that, which is an opinon - we rank VERY high around the world in higher education.
“A woman's role is to be a wife, a homemaker and someone who births children.”

This is further confirmation of the fact that evangelicalism and homeschool culture is in essence misogynistic and promotes a reactionary third world paradigm hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women.

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