Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

Give it Time? Ya mean like, give it time and Paula Jones will accuse Bill Clinton of raping her?


She has been well paid for her abuse at the hands of Clinton the rapist. I doubt she will revisit it.
Define well paid....

After she paid off her attorneys...

After she paid the taxes on her share....

What was left other than buying a new nose?

Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Surprise surprise.
Even the gov said she would rather have a pedophile than a dem.
Nothing like a Christian attitude
Alabama is for Child Molesters.....a winning bumper sticker.

What would that make Planned Parenthood and their supporters?
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean like you, right?
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean like you, right?
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.

She has been well paid for her abuse at the hands of Clinton the rapist. I doubt she will revisit it.
Define well paid....

After she paid off her attorneys...

After she paid the taxes on her share....

What was left other than buying a new nose?

Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?

What is it you hope to gain here? First you screamed and sucked your thumb over me noticing his payment. Now you admit he paid off his victim but it wasn't a big payment so it was still "fucking nuts"? LOL..
OK. So big or small...lets restate it with some clarity. The several times accused rapist Bill Clinton, the disbarred perjurer, self admitted by surrender of his law license over lying in court about another of his victims, paid one of his victims 800,000 to settle her abuse claim.
if he had paid her 2,000, THAT would be something right? Or is arguing the amount just a part of "argument ad nauseam"?
Just how much of a figure does a rapist have to pay in order for you not to scream and rant when you hear about it?
And it must be very important. Arguing over whether 8000,000 is a lot or a little is third only to your arguments over what you did or did not say and what the meaning of words are.
Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean like you, right?
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.


Good then it should happen for everyone.

See how fucking easy it is to not be a hypocrite?
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean like you, right?
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.


Good then it should happen for everyone.

See how fucking easy it is to not be a hypocrite?
Too bad you’re incapable of learning from your own example.

Hypocrite, you accused Bill Clinton of rape — where was his due process?
Define well paid....

After she paid off her attorneys...

After she paid the taxes on her share....

What was left other than buying a new nose?

Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?

What is it you hope to gain here? First you screamed and sucked your thumb over me noticing his payment. Now you admit he paid off his victim but it wasn't a big payment so it was still "fucking nuts"? LOL..
OK. So big or small...lets restate it with some clarity. The several times accused rapist Bill Clinton, the disbarred perjurer, self admitted by surrender of his law license over lying in court about another of his victims, paid one of his victims 800,000 to settle her abuse claim.
if he had paid her 2,000, THAT would be something right? Or is arguing the amount just a part of "argument ad nauseam"?
Just how much of a figure does a rapist have to pay in order for you not to scream and rant when you hear about it?
And it must be very important. Arguing over whether 8000,000 is a lot or a little is third only to your arguments over what you did or did not say and what the meaning of words are.

Faun's speciality is picking some small inconsequential part of your argument and hammering on that until he can get you to concede out of shear boredom. Ne never addresses the main issue.
Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean like you, right?
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.


Good then it should happen for everyone.

See how fucking easy it is to not be a hypocrite?
Too bad you’re incapable of learning from your own example.

Hypocrite, you accused Bill Clinton of rape — where was his due process?

Clinton got due process for blowing jizz on interns and then lying about it.

Where is Juanita Broderick’s due process?

What the fuck are you arguing? Do you even know?
It's official. Roy Moore defending has hit rock bottom. Really? Ringo Starr?

I can't believe that I'm actually going to type what comes next, but it's true what they say, "You just can't make this shit up!"

The Roy Moore defenders have now officially sunk so low that they're starting to bring up trinkets from sunken Spanish galleons. Breitbart senior editor Joel Pollak appeared on CNN's New Day with Chris Cuomo this morning, and of course the topic of Roy Moore being a filthy child molester came up. But, if you haven't already read this, you're not gonna believe me.

Pollak used Ringo Fucking Starr to defend the allegations against Moore! I know, say wha?!? Here's how he explained it. Moore is no worse than Ringo Starr because Ringo recorded and released a song titled "She's sixteen, she's beautiful, and she's mine." The song hit #1 on the billboard charts, and Pollak reminded all and sundry that Starr was 33 years old, singig about loving a 16 year old girl.

Are we straight on this? Why in the hell didn't Pollak take umbrage with singer Jerry Lee Jones, who actually married his 13 year old cousin? No, instead he hauls off on Ringo Starr for recording a song he didn't even write, about an anonymous singer professing love for a 16 year old girl. For all he knows the song could have been referring to a teenage boy talking about his girl. And one little detail Pollak manages to forget. Ringo Starr recorded a goddamn song, a work of fiction. Roy Moore is accused inappropriate sexual onduct with teenage girls, including one who was only 14. When he finds a Starr hit titled, "She's fourteen, she's beautiful, and she's mine", then mebbe we can talk. But probably not.

Welcome to GOP politics, 2017 sleaze edition. If you're a Republican, Roy Moore bears no responsibility for, nor censure for his actual physical actions cuz, like Ringo Starr and stuff. Like I said, you can't make this shit up.
Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?

What is it you hope to gain here? First you screamed and sucked your thumb over me noticing his payment. Now you admit he paid off his victim but it wasn't a big payment so it was still "fucking nuts"? LOL..
OK. So big or small...lets restate it with some clarity. The several times accused rapist Bill Clinton, the disbarred perjurer, self admitted by surrender of his law license over lying in court about another of his victims, paid one of his victims 800,000 to settle her abuse claim.
if he had paid her 2,000, THAT would be something right? Or is arguing the amount just a part of "argument ad nauseam"?
Just how much of a figure does a rapist have to pay in order for you not to scream and rant when you hear about it?
And it must be very important. Arguing over whether 8000,000 is a lot or a little is third only to your arguments over what you did or did not say and what the meaning of words are.

Faun's speciality is picking some small inconsequential part of your argument and hammering on that until he can get you to concede out of shear boredom. Ne never addresses the main issue.
^^^ another bitter bitch-slapped conservative

They elected a man with a known history of sexually assaulting women president. Thst man is now stumping for another sexual predator. If they elect a man with a well sourced history of molesting underage girls (not to mention breaking the law..) Into congress...that is going to look pretty bad.

This represents a new low.

Since everyone knows you are a dim-wit radical liberal, a budding Bolshevik....people know who you are talking about....but you could just as easily be talking about Bill Clinton and Al Franken.

The double standard of you dumb-ass hypocrites is sickening.
You mean like you, right?

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.


Good then it should happen for everyone.

See how fucking easy it is to not be a hypocrite?
Too bad you’re incapable of learning from your own example.

Hypocrite, you accused Bill Clinton of rape — where was his due process?

Clinton got due process for blowing jizz on interns and then lying about it.

Where is Juanita Broderick’s due process?

What the fuck are you arguing? Do you even know?
That’s not rape. You said he was a rapist.
It's official. Roy Moore defending has hit rock bottom. Really? Ringo Starr?

I can't believe that I'm actually going to type what comes next, but it's true what they say, "You just can't make this shit up!"

The Roy Moore defenders have now officially sunk so low that they're starting to bring up trinkets from sunken Spanish galleons. Breitbart senior editor Joel Pollak appeared on CNN's New Day with Chris Cuomo this morning, and of course the topic of Roy Moore being a filthy child molester came up. But, if you haven't already read this, you're not gonna believe me.

Pollak used Ringo Fucking Starr to defend the allegations against Moore! I know, say wha?!? Here's how he explained it. Moore is no worse than Ringo Starr because Ringo recorded and released a song titled "She's sixteen, she's beautiful, and she's mine." The song hit #1 on the billboard charts, and Pollak reminded all and sundry that Starr was 33 years old, singig about loving a 16 year old girl.

Are we straight on this? Why in the hell didn't Pollak take umbrage with singer Jerry Lee Jones, who actually married his 13 year old cousin? No, instead he hauls off on Ringo Starr for recording a song he didn't even write, about an anonymous singer professing love for a 16 year old girl. For all he knows the song could have been referring to a teenage boy talking about his girl. And one little detail Pollak manages to forget. Ringo Starr recorded a goddamn song, a work of fiction. Roy Moore is accused inappropriate sexual onduct with teenage girls, including one who was only 14. When he finds a Starr hit titled, "She's fourteen, she's beautiful, and she's mine", then mebbe we can talk. But probably not.

Welcome to GOP politics, 2017 sleaze edition. If you're a Republican, Roy Moore bears no responsibility for, nor censure for his actual physical actions cuz, like Ringo Starr and stuff. Like I said, you can't make this shit up.

Why no link to the article?
Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?

What is it you hope to gain here? First you screamed and sucked your thumb over me noticing his payment. Now you admit he paid off his victim but it wasn't a big payment so it was still "fucking nuts"? LOL..
OK. So big or small...lets restate it with some clarity. The several times accused rapist Bill Clinton, the disbarred perjurer, self admitted by surrender of his law license over lying in court about another of his victims, paid one of his victims 800,000 to settle her abuse claim.
if he had paid her 2,000, THAT would be something right? Or is arguing the amount just a part of "argument ad nauseam"?
Just how much of a figure does a rapist have to pay in order for you not to scream and rant when you hear about it?
And it must be very important. Arguing over whether 8000,000 is a lot or a little is third only to your arguments over what you did or did not say and what the meaning of words are.

Faun's speciality is picking some small inconsequential part of your argument and hammering on that until he can get you to concede out of shear boredom. Ne never addresses the main issue.

Classic dodge
It's official. Roy Moore defending has hit rock bottom. Really? Ringo Starr?

I can't believe that I'm actually going to type what comes next, but it's true what they say, "You just can't make this shit up!"

The Roy Moore defenders have now officially sunk so low that they're starting to bring up trinkets from sunken Spanish galleons. Breitbart senior editor Joel Pollak appeared on CNN's New Day with Chris Cuomo this morning, and of course the topic of Roy Moore being a filthy child molester came up. But, if you haven't already read this, you're not gonna believe me.

Pollak used Ringo Fucking Starr to defend the allegations against Moore! I know, say wha?!? Here's how he explained it. Moore is no worse than Ringo Starr because Ringo recorded and released a song titled "She's sixteen, she's beautiful, and she's mine." The song hit #1 on the billboard charts, and Pollak reminded all and sundry that Starr was 33 years old, singig about loving a 16 year old girl.

Are we straight on this? Why in the hell didn't Pollak take umbrage with singer Jerry Lee Jones, who actually married his 13 year old cousin? No, instead he hauls off on Ringo Starr for recording a song he didn't even write, about an anonymous singer professing love for a 16 year old girl. For all he knows the song could have been referring to a teenage boy talking about his girl. And one little detail Pollak manages to forget. Ringo Starr recorded a goddamn song, a work of fiction. Roy Moore is accused inappropriate sexual onduct with teenage girls, including one who was only 14. When he finds a Starr hit titled, "She's fourteen, she's beautiful, and she's mine", then mebbe we can talk. But probably not.

Welcome to GOP politics, 2017 sleaze edition. If you're a Republican, Roy Moore bears no responsibility for, nor censure for his actual physical actions cuz, like Ringo Starr and stuff. Like I said, you can't make this shit up.

Maybe because it happens? And happens enough that people have actually written songs about it? And made boatloads of cash writing songs about it?

Let's see?

Young girl by Gary Puckett
Go away little girl by Steve Lawence
Caught up in you (little girl) 38 special
Christine Sixteen by Kiss

I could go on and on, but I don't wan't Jailbait by Eric Clapton stuck in my head all day.........

RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

So what. You seemed shocked. Are you that naive? That type of thinking is not the exclusive purview of people in Alabama. The largely democratic city of Washington DC elected the crack smoker Marion Barry after he got out of jail on drug charges. Only big difference, Barry was found guilty, Moore has only been accused. For the record, I think Moore should step aside and allow another person to run in his place.
Define well paid....

After she paid off her attorneys...

After she paid the taxes on her share....

What was left other than buying a new nose?

Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?

What is it you hope to gain here? First you screamed and sucked your thumb over me noticing his payment. Now you admit he paid off his victim but it wasn't a big payment so it was still "fucking nuts"? LOL..
OK. So big or small...lets restate it with some clarity. The several times accused rapist Bill Clinton, the disbarred perjurer, self admitted by surrender of his law license over lying in court about another of his victims, paid one of his victims 800,000 to settle her abuse claim.
if he had paid her 2,000, THAT would be something right? Or is arguing the amount just a part of "argument ad nauseam"?
Just how much of a figure does a rapist have to pay in order for you not to scream and rant when you hear about it?
And it must be very important. Arguing over whether 8000,000 is a lot or a little is third only to your arguments over what you did or did not say and what the meaning of words are.
Fucking loser. I never argued over whether $800,000 is a lot or not. Sadly, you’re too brain-dead to comprehend that.

Again, your claim was that Paula Jones was “well paid.” Since I pointed out her lawyers took the vast majority of that, her lawyers were well paid. She got a nose job.

I asked you how she was “well paid” when her lawyers and taxes took most of her settlement — no answer.

I asked you what I said, then later denied saying, as you claimed — no answer.

Your refusal to answer those questions answers for you.


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