Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

Sorry,’s going to be tough to win back the Senate.

Doug Jones is not going to win.

Would a Republican in New York City defeat a Democrat accused of impropriety from 40years ago?

Not a fucking chance in hell. New Yorkers would elect the Prog.

Alabamians are going to elect the Conservative.

You think I was going to vote for Hillary because Trump said “pussy”? Please.
Bill Clinton did as well...over 800,000 to one rape victim alone. She said Hillary was more vicious to her than her rapist Bill Clinton.
Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones for exposing himself to her when he was governor.

He didn't rape her, asshole.
And she failed to prove he exposed himself when she had her day in court. Her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.


No eyewitnesses. So accusations alone should not win the day.

When did I say they should?

I think it's pretty clear that you are holding Moore up to those standards.
Did you hear about the scammer that tried to tell the wa post that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion? Turns out she was a plant from Project Varitas who was trying to discredit the story and the other accusers.
If this whole thing is a scam then why wasn’t her story printed?
What does that have to do with Allred and her refusal to provide any proof of her accusations?
Allred is a media junky, she annoys me as she plays lawyer. The real issue is with these women and a yearbook isn't needed to verify the seriousness and credibility of the claims against Moore
They need some kind of credible proof because their accusations just are not cutting it.
The accusers and corroborating witnesses are over 50 people. How do you fake that? Think about it... This isn't a criminal trail it is an election so nothing is necessary. Given the fact that the RNC pulled funding and republican leadership (minus our child emperor) has called for Moore to step down, I think its pretty obvious. Just wingnutters left defending Moore... Why you would want to do that I'll never understand.
Think about what you are saying. That in order to ruin anyone's life, we need only make an accusation. I have no idea where you get the 50 number, but I don't believe it.

What I will believe is some concrete proof of the accusations. If none are provided, then those who are making accusations of a child rapist, molester, or predator are dishonest and doing so for one purpose only. To aid in getting a Democrat in office. That reduces their credibility to zero as well, as we have seen, if the accusations are against Democrats, they remain silent or make excuses. I have not piled on the accusations of these Democrats because I am applying the very same standard.

I want concrete proof or it never happened.
You are wrong again. A spy from Project
Veritas just tried to expose the wa post by reporting that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion. Before I explain it to you let’s see if you can answer a simple question honestly.... Why did the post not run the story?
Oh so you came up with your closed minded views all on your own. Good for you.

Let me see if I have this right. I recognize all the traits, forms, physical characteristics, lawsn etc. that prove that a child in the womb is a child. . . And YOU dont. . . And somehow in your feeble mind that makes me the one who is "closed minded?"

Too fucking funny
Why are you trying to turn this into an abortion discussion? Start another thread if you want to talk about that.

I'm not trying to start a discussion about anything other than the hypocrisy of proabort leftardz accusing anyone else of violating children's rights.

Abortion is the ultimate in child abuse and they (leftardz) own it.

Whats your address? I'm going to mail you a dictionary so that you can see for yourself that there is in fact two separate meanings for the term "child" and "fetus".

Definition of child
plural children play \ˈchil-drən, -dərn\
: an unborn or recently born person

Definition of CHILD
You are right, you’re totally not trying to derail the thread and talk about abortion :cuckoo:
Let me see if I have this right. I recognize all the traits, forms, physical characteristics, lawsn etc. that prove that a child in the womb is a child. . . And YOU dont. . . And somehow in your feeble mind that makes me the one who is "closed minded?"

Too fucking funny
Why are you trying to turn this into an abortion discussion? Start another thread if you want to talk about that.

I'm not trying to start a discussion about anything other than the hypocrisy of proabort leftardz accusing anyone else of violating children's rights.

Abortion is the ultimate in child abuse and they (leftardz) own it.
There is massive hypocrisy from partisans on both sides. We would be here all day if we were pointing out all the instances of hypocrisy. How about you just stick to the subject? If you believe Moore molested children you should be against Moore, regardless of your party and regardless of your stance on abortion. It sounds simple, yet it isn't reality, I guess politics plays a stronger factor than many assumed.

Have anything more than a 40 year old allegation that Moore molested any kids?

Last I read, pedophiles don't change. If anything, they typically get worse and molest more kids over time.
Wow, you broke the case!!!! Nice work. Gotta love idiot logic

My logic is "innocent until proven guilty"

What's yours
What does that have to do with Allred and her refusal to provide any proof of her accusations?
Allred is a media junky, she annoys me as she plays lawyer. The real issue is with these women and a yearbook isn't needed to verify the seriousness and credibility of the claims against Moore
They need some kind of credible proof because their accusations just are not cutting it.
The accusers and corroborating witnesses are over 50 people. How do you fake that? Think about it... This isn't a criminal trail it is an election so nothing is necessary. Given the fact that the RNC pulled funding and republican leadership (minus our child emperor) has called for Moore to step down, I think its pretty obvious. Just wingnutters left defending Moore... Why you would want to do that I'll never understand.
Think about what you are saying. That in order to ruin anyone's life, we need only make an accusation. I have no idea where you get the 50 number, but I don't believe it.

What I will believe is some concrete proof of the accusations. If none are provided, then those who are making accusations of a child rapist, molester, or predator are dishonest and doing so for one purpose only. To aid in getting a Democrat in office. That reduces their credibility to zero as well, as we have seen, if the accusations are against Democrats, they remain silent or make excuses. I have not piled on the accusations of these Democrats because I am applying the very same standard.

I want concrete proof or it never happened.
You are wrong again. A spy from Project
Veritas just tried to expose the wa post by reporting that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion. Before I explain it to you let’s see if you can answer a simple question honestly.... Why did the post not run the story?
Why are you trying to change the subject? I don't care about what Veritas did. It was stupid and I'm glad they were caught.

You may want to reconsider trying to explain anything to Me until you can learn to stay on one subject.
Bill Clinton did as well...over 800,000 to one rape victim alone. She said Hillary was more vicious to her than her rapist Bill Clinton.
Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones for exposing himself to her when he was governor.

He didn't rape her, asshole.
And she failed to prove he exposed himself when she had her day in court. Her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.


No eyewitnesses. So accusations alone should not win the day.

When did I say they should?

I think it's pretty clear that you are holding Moore up to those standards.
That I am holding Moore up to what standards?
Sorry,’s going to be tough to win back the Senate.

Doug Jones is not going to win.

Would a Republican in New York City defeat a Democrat accused of impropriety from 40years ago?

Not a fucking chance in hell. New Yorkers would elect the Prog.

Alabamians are going to elect the Conservative.

You think I was going to vote for Hillary because Trump said “pussy”? Please.

LOL. I work with a communist. An elderly one. He used to come in weekly and say "well Trump has had it" lol He was and is a huge devotee of his rulers in the media. Whatever the latest attack was he was sure we would all abandon him. Being a communist he was the only anti-trumper in our station. He suffered greatly for it. When trump backsassed a gold star Muslim mom he was almost fact I could tell he was starting to feel sorry for us :)
We worked election eve and he was ecstatic over the polls when we came on..but got quieter and quieter as the night wore on. I could see it in his mind.."but but he said pussy..he spoke back to a minority...the polls...the celebrities all hate him..."
Poor Glenn...I like him and remain friends with him..but he sold every stock he had when trump won...and missed out on the 28% gain I got this year. Not only that he didnt just go into bonds..he went into long term bonds! Ouch.
Sorry,’s going to be tough to win back the Senate.

Doug Jones is not going to win.

Would a Republican in New York City defeat a Democrat accused of impropriety from 40years ago?

Not a fucking chance in hell. New Yorkers would elect the Prog.

Alabamians are going to elect the Conservative.

You think I was going to vote for Hillary because Trump said “pussy”? Please.
It isn’t about the Progs and the Cons... those are hopeless cases. It’s about the independents who don’t pledge allegence to either corrupt party and can vote for the best qualified candidate. You are right, some states are lost, Alabama and Ny being two of them
He’s not been accused of pedophilia.

Give it time. Desperation will set in about December 9th. The Saturday before an election is when the media likes to release the smears they have been holding back for maximum effect.
Give it Time? Ya mean like, give it time and Paula Jones will accuse Bill Clinton of raping her?


She has been well paid for her abuse at the hands of Clinton the rapist. I doubt she will revisit it.
Why are you trying to turn this into an abortion discussion? Start another thread if you want to talk about that.

I'm not trying to start a discussion about anything other than the hypocrisy of proabort leftardz accusing anyone else of violating children's rights.

Abortion is the ultimate in child abuse and they (leftardz) own it.
There is massive hypocrisy from partisans on both sides. We would be here all day if we were pointing out all the instances of hypocrisy. How about you just stick to the subject? If you believe Moore molested children you should be against Moore, regardless of your party and regardless of your stance on abortion. It sounds simple, yet it isn't reality, I guess politics plays a stronger factor than many assumed.

Have anything more than a 40 year old allegation that Moore molested any kids?

Last I read, pedophiles don't change. If anything, they typically get worse and molest more kids over time.
Wow, you broke the case!!!! Nice work. Gotta love idiot logic

My logic is "innocent until proven guilty"

What's yours
Same... Which is why I wouldn't call on Moore to be prosecuted. In the absence of hard proof or a formal trial we are left with common sense and the so called "court of public opinion". We deal with cases like this all the time in school when there is a "he said / she said" situation. Any teacher or parent with multiple kids is well aware of this. In these cases you listen to the accounts of both sides and you draw your conclusion based on whose story is the most credible. Thats whats happening here. The accusers and the dozens of corroborating witnesses are overwhelmingly more credible than the weak defense that Moore put out. I really shouldn't have to explain all this to you.
Allred is a media junky, she annoys me as she plays lawyer. The real issue is with these women and a yearbook isn't needed to verify the seriousness and credibility of the claims against Moore
They need some kind of credible proof because their accusations just are not cutting it.
The accusers and corroborating witnesses are over 50 people. How do you fake that? Think about it... This isn't a criminal trail it is an election so nothing is necessary. Given the fact that the RNC pulled funding and republican leadership (minus our child emperor) has called for Moore to step down, I think its pretty obvious. Just wingnutters left defending Moore... Why you would want to do that I'll never understand.
Think about what you are saying. That in order to ruin anyone's life, we need only make an accusation. I have no idea where you get the 50 number, but I don't believe it.

What I will believe is some concrete proof of the accusations. If none are provided, then those who are making accusations of a child rapist, molester, or predator are dishonest and doing so for one purpose only. To aid in getting a Democrat in office. That reduces their credibility to zero as well, as we have seen, if the accusations are against Democrats, they remain silent or make excuses. I have not piled on the accusations of these Democrats because I am applying the very same standard.

I want concrete proof or it never happened.
You are wrong again. A spy from Project
Veritas just tried to expose the wa post by reporting that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion. Before I explain it to you let’s see if you can answer a simple question honestly.... Why did the post not run the story?
Why are you trying to change the subject? I don't care about what Veritas did. It was stupid and I'm glad they were caught.

You may want to reconsider trying to explain anything to Me until you can learn to stay on one subject.
This is exactly on the subject. You just said in your previous post
"Think about what you are saying. That in order to ruin anyone's life, we need only make an accusation."
I was addressing that statement by showing that somebody did simply make an accusation but it didn't pass the vetting and credibility test so it was exposed.

That shows that there are some standards held by the MSM as far as sourcing goes. You have a point that it can be dangerous for our press to play judge and jury, but they have a job to vet sources and print credible stories and then let the public decide. Some stories they get wrong and we have every right to be skeptical and question everything we hear. In this case, after reviewing both sides it is obvious to me whats going on.
He’s not been accused of pedophilia.

Give it time. Desperation will set in about December 9th. The Saturday before an election is when the media likes to release the smears they have been holding back for maximum effect.
Give it Time? Ya mean like, give it time and Paula Jones will accuse Bill Clinton of raping her?


She has been well paid for her abuse at the hands of Clinton the rapist. I doubt she will revisit it.
Define well paid....

After she paid off her attorneys...

After she paid for her appeal...

After she paid the taxes on her share....

What was left other than buying a new nose?
Last edited:
I'm not trying to start a discussion about anything other than the hypocrisy of proabort leftardz accusing anyone else of violating children's rights.

Abortion is the ultimate in child abuse and they (leftardz) own it.
There is massive hypocrisy from partisans on both sides. We would be here all day if we were pointing out all the instances of hypocrisy. How about you just stick to the subject? If you believe Moore molested children you should be against Moore, regardless of your party and regardless of your stance on abortion. It sounds simple, yet it isn't reality, I guess politics plays a stronger factor than many assumed.

Have anything more than a 40 year old allegation that Moore molested any kids?

Last I read, pedophiles don't change. If anything, they typically get worse and molest more kids over time.
Wow, you broke the case!!!! Nice work. Gotta love idiot logic

My logic is "innocent until proven guilty"

What's yours
Same... Which is why I wouldn't call on Moore to be prosecuted. In the absence of hard proof or a formal trial we are left with common sense and the so called "court of public opinion". We deal with cases like this all the time in school when there is a "he said / she said" situation. Any teacher or parent with multiple kids is well aware of this. In these cases you listen to the accounts of both sides and you draw your conclusion based on whose story is the most credible. Thats whats happening here. The accusers and the dozens of corroborating witnesses are overwhelmingly more credible than the weak defense that Moore put out. I really shouldn't have to explain all this to you.

Credibility in the absence of proof is not credible to me. Especially when the allegation is 40 years old.
He’s not been accused of pedophilia.

Give it time. Desperation will set in about December 9th. The Saturday before an election is when the media likes to release the smears they have been holding back for maximum effect.
Give it Time? Ya mean like, give it time and Paula Jones will accuse Bill Clinton of raping her?


She has been well paid for her abuse at the hands of Clinton the rapist. I doubt she will revisit it.
Define well paid....

After she paid off her attorneys...

After she paid the taxes on her share....

What was left other than buying a new nose?

Liberals...and their struggle with English. 800,000 is well paid. At least in my book.

Have you noticed how many of your posts are denials of what you said or demands for definitions of words? Such is the way of the drug addled, stroke victims and liberals.
Sorry,’s going to be tough to win back the Senate.

Doug Jones is not going to win.

Would a Republican in New York City defeat a Democrat accused of impropriety from 40years ago?

Not a fucking chance in hell. New Yorkers would elect the Prog.

Alabamians are going to elect the Conservative.

You think I was going to vote for Hillary because Trump said “pussy”? Please.
It isn’t about the Progs and the Cons... those are hopeless cases. It’s about the independents who don’t pledge allegence to either corrupt party and can vote for the best qualified candidate. You are right, some states are lost, Alabama and Ny being two of them

And nothing is going to change for a long long long time.
There is massive hypocrisy from partisans on both sides. We would be here all day if we were pointing out all the instances of hypocrisy. How about you just stick to the subject? If you believe Moore molested children you should be against Moore, regardless of your party and regardless of your stance on abortion. It sounds simple, yet it isn't reality, I guess politics plays a stronger factor than many assumed.

Have anything more than a 40 year old allegation that Moore molested any kids?

Last I read, pedophiles don't change. If anything, they typically get worse and molest more kids over time.
Wow, you broke the case!!!! Nice work. Gotta love idiot logic

My logic is "innocent until proven guilty"

What's yours
Same... Which is why I wouldn't call on Moore to be prosecuted. In the absence of hard proof or a formal trial we are left with common sense and the so called "court of public opinion". We deal with cases like this all the time in school when there is a "he said / she said" situation. Any teacher or parent with multiple kids is well aware of this. In these cases you listen to the accounts of both sides and you draw your conclusion based on whose story is the most credible. Thats whats happening here. The accusers and the dozens of corroborating witnesses are overwhelmingly more credible than the weak defense that Moore put out. I really shouldn't have to explain all this to you.

Credibility in the absence of proof is not credible to me. Especially when the allegation is 40 years old.
Thats fine. But don't pretend that 6 first hand accounts backed up by dozens of decade old corroborating witnesses who the accusers told about the incidents isn't evidence. It very much is and it is proof for most except the wingnuts like yourself that decide to defend a molester to promote your political agenda. Sick
Sorry,’s going to be tough to win back the Senate.

Doug Jones is not going to win.

Would a Republican in New York City defeat a Democrat accused of impropriety from 40years ago?

Not a fucking chance in hell. New Yorkers would elect the Prog.

Alabamians are going to elect the Conservative.

You think I was going to vote for Hillary because Trump said “pussy”? Please.
It isn’t about the Progs and the Cons... those are hopeless cases. It’s about the independents who don’t pledge allegence to either corrupt party and can vote for the best qualified candidate. You are right, some states are lost, Alabama and Ny being two of them

And nothing is going to change for a long long long time.
You act like that is a source of pride. You should be embarrassed because it is shameful... we should all be embarrassed.
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Didn't Hillary complain why Jones doesn't have a 50 phone lead?
Conyers and Franken with confirmed sexual harassment problems probably help a bit. Pelosi and other Democrats acting like its no big deal when its a Democrat open the door too. Then there's the obviously false accusation by one alleged victim. Way to squander a rumor guys.
This Democrat says that Conyers is a pig and needs to resign. Franken needs to go thru the investigation process that has been started by the Senate.

Serial sexual predators belong in jail.

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