Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

Gloria dragging out her victim du jour really hurt the credibility of the two other accusers right from the get go. And because the establishment and the D's blew their load so early it's given time to begin to discredit the three accusers. More info is coming out daily.

And the biggie of course is Allred won't release the yearbook for an independent analysis by a handwriting expert or experts. So serious doubt exists that any of the allegations are true.
Did you hear about the scammer that tried to tell the wa post that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion? Turns out she was a plant from Project Varitas who was trying to discredit the story and the other accusers.
If this whole thing is a scam then why wasn’t her story printed?
What does that have to do with Allred and her refusal to provide any proof of her accusations?
Is it any surprise that the party that embraces Nazis also embraces pedophile child abusers?

Abortions are the ultimate in child abuse. . .

So, you were saying?

Fetuses aren't children but since you are easily duped by fake news it's no surprise that you would want to change the definition of words too.

If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a child. . . you need to explain our more than 30 State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws and maybe try to sell your denials to any of those who have already been arrested under one of them.

You just called it fetal homicide. Not murder. Obviously there is a difference between a child and a fetus according to even you.

Do you need to see/ read the exact language of the law to know the charges include MURDER?

Have you really not ever seen a headline for where anyone has been charged with MURDER for killing a child in the womb?

When choice is taken away from the mother that is wrong and why it should be a criminal activity. The focus should be on the choice of the mother not your archaic religious beliefs.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners than putting a filthy ass Democrat in the Senate.

Of course the shithead Liberals think being a sexual predator Democrat is acceptable, don't they? None of them are condemning Slick Willy, his wife that attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy or calling for the resignation of Conyers or Franken, are they?

Don't bitch about the Republicans doing the making the same kind of political choices that the filthy Democrats make. It is hypocritical.
Look at you openly supporting child molestation. Fucking disgusting. Burn in hell.
Franken gropes and molests women and there is proof of it, the left is fine with it.

Moore is accused of all kinds of things with absolutely zero proof and the left says he’s guilty.

The left has no moral or logical authority to even open their ignorant mouths.
"the Left is fine with it"? Really? Show where any of us are "fine with it". Just about everyone here has said it was wrong and he needs to be investigated for it (he is) and/or resign. None of us here have thrown our support towards him anywhere near as enthusiastically as the RW Moore supporters have excused his child molesting ways.
Please. Until they prove he is a child molester, you and the rest of you simply saying it does not make it true. The accusers simply saying it does not make it true.

In truth, no one here is defending child abusers or child molesters. They are, in fact, standing up for a principle of law, not defending Moore or anyone else.
Abortions are the ultimate in child abuse. . .

So, you were saying?

Fetuses aren't children but since you are easily duped by fake news it's no surprise that you would want to change the definition of words too.

If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a child. . . you need to explain our more than 30 State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws and maybe try to sell your denials to any of those who have already been arrested under one of them.

You just called it fetal homicide. Not murder. Obviously there is a difference between a child and a fetus according to even you.

Do you need to see/ read the exact language of the law to know the charges include MURDER?

Have you really not ever seen a headline for where anyone has been charged with MURDER for killing a child in the womb?

When choice is taken away from the mother that is wrong and why it should be a criminal activity. The focus should be on the choice of the mother not your archaic religious beliefs.

Religion doesn't have shit to do with my beliefs on abortion.

Try again.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners than putting a filthy ass Democrat in the Senate.

Of course the shithead Liberals think being a sexual predator Democrat is acceptable, don't they? None of them are condemning Slick Willy, his wife that attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy or calling for the resignation of Conyers or Franken, are they?

Don't bitch about the Republicans doing the making the same kind of political choices that the filthy Democrats make. It is hypocritical.
Look at you openly supporting child molestation. Fucking disgusting. Burn in hell.
Do you come here to lie exclusively, or do you spread it around?
Fetuses aren't children but since you are easily duped by fake news it's no surprise that you would want to change the definition of words too.

If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a child. . . you need to explain our more than 30 State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws and maybe try to sell your denials to any of those who have already been arrested under one of them.

You just called it fetal homicide. Not murder. Obviously there is a difference between a child and a fetus according to even you.

Do you need to see/ read the exact language of the law to know the charges include MURDER?

Have you really not ever seen a headline for where anyone has been charged with MURDER for killing a child in the womb?

When choice is taken away from the mother that is wrong and why it should be a criminal activity. The focus should be on the choice of the mother not your archaic religious beliefs.

Religion doesn't have shit to do with my beliefs on abortion.

Try again.

Oh so you came up with your closed minded views all on your own. Good for you.
Bill Clinton did as well...over 800,000 to one rape victim alone. She said Hillary was more vicious to her than her rapist Bill Clinton.
Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones for exposing himself to her when he was governor.

He didn't rape her, asshole.
And she failed to prove he exposed himself when she had her day in court. Her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

In 2002, I was offered a job, which offered a significate increase in my salary.
I turned it down.
Having traveled quite a few times to Alabama for the company I worked for then (and still do), I knew that even with a larger expendable income, I didn't want to live there. It would have been a step backwards in time.
Seeing the current mentality of many folks who currently live in Alabama, I made a wise decision.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners than putting a filthy ass Democrat in the Senate.

Of course the shithead Liberals think being a sexual predator Democrat is acceptable, don't they? None of them are condemning Slick Willy, his wife that attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy or calling for the resignation of Conyers or Franken, are they?

Don't bitch about the Republicans doing the making the same kind of political choices that the filthy Democrats make. It is hypocritical.
Look at you openly supporting child molestation. Fucking disgusting. Burn in hell.
Do you come here to lie exclusively, or do you spread it around?
The inbred trash just said that going after jailbait is fine. Now go fuck yourself.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners than putting a filthy ass Democrat in the Senate.

Of course the shithead Liberals think being a sexual predator Democrat is acceptable, don't they? None of them are condemning Slick Willy, his wife that attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy or calling for the resignation of Conyers or Franken, are they?

Don't bitch about the Republicans doing the making the same kind of political choices that the filthy Democrats make. It is hypocritical.
Look at you openly supporting child molestation. Fucking disgusting. Burn in hell.
Do you come here to lie exclusively, or do you spread it around?

It is called Democrat Denial.
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

In 2002, I was offered a job, which offered a significate increase in my salary.
I turned it down.
Having traveled quite a few times to Alabama for the company I worked for then (and still do), I knew that even with a larger expendable income, I didn't want to live there. It would have been a step backwards in time.
Seeing the current mentality of many folks who currently live in Alabama, I made a wise decision.
I've often told this joke to friends. "You can buy a house in Alabama really cheap. The only problem have to live in Alabama."
Fear not, the good news is that these assholes who support pedophiles and child abusers are getting older and dying off. Our country is becoming more ethnically diverse and progressive. These people are going the way of the dodo and as long as younger people continue to engage in politics we will breed out these assholes from our country.
Gloria dragging out her victim du jour really hurt the credibility of the two other accusers right from the get go. And because the establishment and the D's blew their load so early it's given time to begin to discredit the three accusers. More info is coming out daily.

And the biggie of course is Allred won't release the yearbook for an independent analysis by a handwriting expert or experts. So serious doubt exists that any of the allegations are true.
Did you hear about the scammer that tried to tell the wa post that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion? Turns out she was a plant from Project Varitas who was trying to discredit the story and the other accusers.
If this whole thing is a scam then why wasn’t her story printed?
What does that have to do with Allred and her refusal to provide any proof of her accusations?
Allred is a media junky, she annoys me as she plays lawyer. The real issue is with these women and a yearbook isn't needed to verify the seriousness and credibility of the claims against Moore
What are you asking? Why this hasn’t come out sooner? That’s not too hard to figure out... the women didn’t want to go public against a Judge. This congressional election brought out the reporters who dug and convinced multiple victims to go on record. I bet you didn’t even read the WAPO article.


Do you need a dictionary?
So was Weinstein, does that man he didn’t do what his accusers said... your logic doesn’t make sense

Oh really?

Weinstein paid off his accusers:

Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades

In settlements, the accuser loses the payments if they open their mouths, plus are you equating a Hollywood Producer with a Chief Justice of a Supreme Court? The hint of scandal of a Hollywood Producer gets a big ol yawn, a Justice on the other hand, IMPEACHMENT. Get real.

You got info that Moore paid of anyone?

Bill Clinton did as well...over 800,000 to one rape victim alone. She said Hillary was more vicious to her than her rapist Bill Clinton.
you freaks are truly fucking nuts. What “rape victim” was paid $800,000? Jones v. Clinton Special Report

This is truly a learning experience for you. As a liberal you screeched "fucking nuts" because you have been brainwashed. You couldn't check and see if it was true. Abused women are "fucking nuts" if they get in the way of the party of feminism arent they?
But you know better now dont you? Will it change your behavior towards truth? I doubt it.

By the way Clinton also gave up his law license and paid a huge fine for lying under oath on his last day in office. Yep. Disbarred basically. When it was too late for anyone to call him on it. Before that you were screaming "fucking nuts" and "right wing conspiracy" though weren't you?
Bill Clinton did as well...over 800,000 to one rape victim alone. She said Hillary was more vicious to her than her rapist Bill Clinton.
Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones for exposing himself to her when he was governor.

He didn't rape her, asshole.
And she failed to prove he exposed himself when she had her day in court. Her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.


No eyewitnesses. So accusations alone should not win the day.

It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

In 2002, I was offered a job, which offered a significate increase in my salary.
I turned it down.
Having traveled quite a few times to Alabama for the company I worked for then (and still do), I knew that even with a larger expendable income, I didn't want to live there. It would have been a step backwards in time.
Seeing the current mentality of many folks who currently live in Alabama, I made a wise decision.
I've often told this joke to friends. "You can buy a house in Alabama really cheap. The only problem have to live in Alabama."

I've heard the same, then responded, you can buy an expensive home in LA, problem is, you have to live there.

Do you need a dictionary?
So was Weinstein, does that man he didn’t do what his accusers said... your logic doesn’t make sense

Oh really?

Weinstein paid off his accusers:

Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades

In settlements, the accuser loses the payments if they open their mouths, plus are you equating a Hollywood Producer with a Chief Justice of a Supreme Court? The hint of scandal of a Hollywood Producer gets a big ol yawn, a Justice on the other hand, IMPEACHMENT. Get real.

You got info that Moore paid of anyone?

Bill Clinton did as well...over 800,000 to one rape victim alone. She said Hillary was more vicious to her than her rapist Bill Clinton.
you freaks are truly fucking nuts. What “rape victim” was paid $800,000? Jones v. Clinton Special Report

This is truly a learning experience for you. As a liberal you screeched "fucking nuts" because you have been brainwashed. You couldn't check and see if it was true. Abused women are "fucking nuts" if they get in the way of the party of feminism arent they?
But you know better now dont you? Will it change your behavior towards truth? I doubt it.

By the way Clinton also gave up his law license and paid a huge fine for lying under oath on his last day in office. Yep. Disbarred basically. When it was too late for anyone to call him on it. Before that you were screaming "fucking nuts" and "right wing conspiracy" though weren't you?
Fucking imbecile, speaking of learning....

The word, “rape,” appears nowhere in the article you linked. If you’re going to prove you’re not batshit insane, don’t you think it would behoove you to at least link an article which attempts to corroborate your delusions?
And she failed to prove he exposed himself when she had her day in court. Her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

So you are moving from "fucking nuts" to "it never happened"? happened. I cited the Washington Post story. Bill Clinton settled with her for over 800,000.00 for his sexual abuse of her in a hotel room.
If a child in the fetal stage of their life is not a child. . . you need to explain our more than 30 State and Federal fetal HOMICIDE laws and maybe try to sell your denials to any of those who have already been arrested under one of them.

You just called it fetal homicide. Not murder. Obviously there is a difference between a child and a fetus according to even you.

Do you need to see/ read the exact language of the law to know the charges include MURDER?

Have you really not ever seen a headline for where anyone has been charged with MURDER for killing a child in the womb?

When choice is taken away from the mother that is wrong and why it should be a criminal activity. The focus should be on the choice of the mother not your archaic religious beliefs.

Religion doesn't have shit to do with my beliefs on abortion.

Try again.

Oh so you came up with your closed minded views all on your own. Good for you.

Let me see if I have this right. I recognize all the traits, forms, physical characteristics, lawsn etc. that prove that a child in the womb is a child. . . And YOU dont. . . And somehow in your feeble mind that makes me the one who is "closed minded?"

Too fucking funny

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