Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


There's no proof that you haven't robbed a bank or cheated on your taxes. Apparently we should just assume you are a criminal.

There are no credible accusations that Siete robbed a bank or cheated on his taxes either, but you know that.

There are know credible accusations that Moore had sex with a 14-year-old girl. but you know that.
Yes....we KNOW there are credible accusations. And we also KNOW that trumpanzees have NO problem voting for Moore anyways. We KNOW all that.
Judge More dinna turn annah one ah these womens gay. Thay're good wit there Lord. If'n there was annah sin, it's long gone. We all'un be sinners. But a demorat sins wit ever breath.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Says the asshole.
Doesn't change the reality he's being shown to be true more and more as this election gets ever closer.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.
The moooslims are just the other side of the coin from fundie christers (Not all christians, mind you)
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Of course. Alabama is for Child Molesters.

There are quite a few progressives in Alabama. So yes, there are probably quite a few child molesters in that state, but most are good moral conservatives.
Voting eagerly....gladly.....joyfully.....for a child molester.

Or they find the idea that this was "common Knowledge" for nearly forty years and not a SINGLE media outlet picked up on it until a few weeks before this election. And equally troublesome was that not a single opposition group picked up on it?

Lets review shall we?

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times
Detroit Free Press
Boston Globe
Rolling Stone
National Enquirer
Sacramento Bee
Hustler Magazine
Wall Street Journal
The local Democratic Commitee
The Alabama Democratic Commitee
LGBT Organizations (too many to list)
The RNC (Trump backed Luther Strange)
The committee to elect Luther Strange

All somehow missed something so well known that it is classified as "common knowledge"?

Folks, You can't make this kind of shit up!

Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners than putting a filthy ass Democrat in the Senate.

Of course the shithead Liberals think being a sexual predator Democrat is acceptable, don't they? None of them are condemning Slick Willy, his wife that attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy or calling for the resignation of Conyers or Franken, are they?

Don't bitch about the Republicans doing the making the same kind of political choices that the filthy Democrats make. It is hypocritical.
"Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners........"

And, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.
Conyers and Franken with confirmed sexual harassment problems probably help a bit. Pelosi and other Democrats acting like its no big deal when its a Democrat open the door too. Then there's the obviously false accusation by one alleged victim. Way to squander a rumor guys.
This Democrat says that Conyers is a pig and needs to resign. Franken needs to go thru the investigation process that has been started by the Senate.
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
it's what i've told a lot on the left since i got here.

you claim EVERYTHING is:

and every other extreme word they think fits the situation and in time, people simply tune you out cause that's all you see and it's impossible for someone to be that bad 100% of the time. even the cleveland browns win a game from time to time. but when people eddie and others i've talked with in here just take EVERYTHING trump does to max hate right off the bat, it's crying wolf.

in time i have also said something *will* come up that deserves that type of look/critique but it will slide by because the screaming against trump is just one more in a long line of all you know how to do. so *IF* this is really a bad moore getting through, then maybe the left will save their tears for something that really warrants it.
Moore isn’t getting through because the Right doesn’t believe the crying Left. He is getting through simply because he is a Republican in Alabama and people will ignore his past to get somebody who will progress their political agenda. The Fake News cry’s are just a lazy scapegoat. Deep down most people know the truth. All but the wingnuts and conspiracy theorists

Hmmmmmmm, think about that, how weak is the left if an accusation like those made about Moore doesn't zoom the lefts candidate to an incredible lead?

Just the thought of that makes me laugh my ass off!

Of course it might be that the accusations are simply so outlandish (having somehow been "common knowledge", yet no press coverage FOR NEARLY 40 YEARS) that they are simply laughed off.
That’s gotta be the most idiotic spin I’ve seen thrown into this situation. Keep laughing though, just hope no ladies in your life go through anything like this.

One has, and worse, she finds the whole thing as outlandish as I do.
Gloria dragging out her victim du jour really hurt the credibility of the two other accusers right from the get go. And because the establishment and the D's blew their load so early it's given time to begin to discredit the three accusers. More info is coming out daily.

And the biggie of course is Allred won't release the yearbook for an independent analysis by a handwriting expert or experts. So serious doubt exists that any of the allegations are true.
Yeah all nine women are lying... just like all 17 of Trump’s victims are lying .. just like all 60 of Cosby’s victims are lying.
You and your kind are male chauvinist pigs who have zero empathy for women who’s been victimized by male predators.
You need to face the facts, you are going to lose. Simple as that.

And so add to Trump Derangement Syndrome a new illness...Senator Roy Moore Insanity.
Never underestimate their capability for denial however. Right now the elites are thinking "just a few more media smears...a few more celebrities attacking him...a little more degrading the citizens of Alabama as backwards...and we got this!". Kind of like their Trump strategy.
They never our advantage.
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Of course. Alabama is for Child Molesters.

There are quite a few progressives in Alabama. So yes, there are probably quite a few child molesters in that state, but most are good moral conservatives.
Voting eagerly....gladly.....joyfully.....for a child molester.

Or they find the idea that this was "common Knowledge" for nearly forty years and not a SINGLE media outlet picked up on it until a few weeks before this election. And equally troublesome was that not a single opposition group picked up on it?

Lets review shall we?

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times
Detroit Free Press
Boston Globe
Rolling Stone
National Enquirer
Sacramento Bee
Hustler Magazine
Wall Street Journal
The local Democratic Commitee
The Alabama Democratic Commitee
LGBT Organizations (too many to list)
The RNC (Trump backed Luther Strange)
The committee to elect Luther Strange

All somehow missed something so well known that it is classified as "common knowledge"?

Folks, You can't make this kind of shit up!

And how did they "pick up on it"? Do you even know? Because it was common knowledge in Alabama, particularly in the county where Pervert Moore was an Asst. District Attorney. And this.......shows what Alabama is really like.....nothing was done to stop fire him....everyone kept his perversions on the down low and did "little things" to try to protect girls while doing nothing to the source of perversion.......Moore.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners than putting a filthy ass Democrat in the Senate.

Of course the shithead Liberals think being a sexual predator Democrat is acceptable, don't they? None of them are condemning Slick Willy, his wife that attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy or calling for the resignation of Conyers or Franken, are they?

Don't bitch about the Republicans doing the making the same kind of political choices that the filthy Democrats make. It is hypocritical.
"Electing a guy that went after a little jailbait 40 years ago is much more acceptable to Southerners........"

And, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.

Not at all. It is electing a decent chap who has been slimed by a political hit piece and recognising it as such. He married a 24 yo and has been happily married for 35 years; someone slimes him without any proof and we're supposed to condemn him??

Nope. Better luck next time.

"Change Research" (a company nobody ever heard of) does ONLINE POLLS.

Link it on conservative websites - vote for Roy/ Dump cookies/ vote for Roy again/ Dump cookies/ vote for Roy again/ Dump cookies ... etc etc etc


Gravis 11/14 - 11/15 628 LV 3.5 47 42 Jones +5
FOX News 11/13 - 11/15 649 LV 3.5 50 42 Jones +8
JMC Analytics* 11/9 - 11/11 575 LV 4.1 48 44 Jones +4
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It's odd how every single Moore accuser is a Progressive. What are the odds?


Every one is a progressive?. Do you have evidence of that? I heard some were Trump supporters
Gloria dragging out her victim du jour really hurt the credibility of the two other accusers right from the get go. And because the establishment and the D's blew their load so early it's given time to begin to discredit the three accusers. More info is coming out daily.

And the biggie of course is Allred won't release the yearbook for an independent analysis by a handwriting expert or experts. So serious doubt exists that any of the allegations are true.
Yeah all nine women are lying... just like all 17 of Trump’s victims are lying .. just like all 60 of Cosby’s victims are lying.
You and your kind are male chauvinist pigs who have zero empathy for women who’s been victimized by male predators.
You need to face the facts, you are going to lose. Simple as that.

And so add to Trump Derangement Syndrome a new illness...Senator Roy Moore Insanity.
Never underestimate their capability for denial however. Right now the elites are thinking "just a few more media smears...a few more celebrities attacking him...a little more degrading the citizens of Alabama as backwards...and we got this!". Kind of like their Trump strategy.
They never our advantage.
Yes....trumpanzees believe that those against child molesters gaining political power are "insane"......trumpanzees believe it's totally acceptable to support child molesters. Ipso Facto.
A false accuser against Moore has been exposed, and it turns out she works for Moore and O'Keefe!

It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
it's what i've told a lot on the left since i got here.

you claim EVERYTHING is:

and every other extreme word they think fits the situation and in time, people simply tune you out cause that's all you see and it's impossible for someone to be that bad 100% of the time. even the cleveland browns win a game from time to time. but when people eddie and others i've talked with in here just take EVERYTHING trump does to max hate right off the bat, it's crying wolf.

in time i have also said something *will* come up that deserves that type of look/critique but it will slide by because the screaming against trump is just one more in a long line of all you know how to do. so *IF* this is really a bad moore getting through, then maybe the left will save their tears for something that really warrants it.
Moore isn’t getting through because the Right doesn’t believe the crying Left. He is getting through simply because he is a Republican in Alabama and people will ignore his past to get somebody who will progress their political agenda. The Fake News cry’s are just a lazy scapegoat. Deep down most people know the truth. All but the wingnuts and conspiracy theorists

Hmmmmmmm, think about that, how weak is the left if an accusation like those made about Moore doesn't zoom the lefts candidate to an incredible lead?

Just the thought of that makes me laugh my ass off!

Of course it might be that the accusations are simply so outlandish (having somehow been "common knowledge", yet no press coverage FOR NEARLY 40 YEARS) that they are simply laughed off.
That’s gotta be the most idiotic spin I’ve seen thrown into this situation. Keep laughing though, just hope no ladies in your life go through anything like this.

One has, and worse, she finds the whole thing as outlandish as I do.
Then your partisan blinders are thicker than I thought. Have you read the post article? Have you thought through the logistics of actually organizing and executing a conspiracy like this involving dozens and dozens of people? The conspiracy and coordinated lies are the outlandish and extremely improbable element here. Think about it...
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Of course. Alabama is for Child Molesters.

There are quite a few progressives in Alabama. So yes, there are probably quite a few child molesters in that state, but most are good moral conservatives.
Voting eagerly....gladly.....joyfully.....for a child molester.

Or they find the idea that this was "common Knowledge" for nearly forty years and not a SINGLE media outlet picked up on it until a few weeks before this election. And equally troublesome was that not a single opposition group picked up on it?

Lets review shall we?

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times
Detroit Free Press
Boston Globe
Rolling Stone
National Enquirer
Sacramento Bee
Hustler Magazine
Wall Street Journal
The local Democratic Commitee
The Alabama Democratic Commitee
LGBT Organizations (too many to list)
The RNC (Trump backed Luther Strange)
The committee to elect Luther Strange

All somehow missed something so well known that it is classified as "common knowledge"?

Folks, You can't make this kind of shit up!

And how did they "pick up on it"? Do you even know? Because it was common knowledge in Alabama, particularly in the county where Pervert Moore was an Asst. District Attorney. And this.......shows what Alabama is really like.....nothing was done to stop fire him....everyone kept his perversions on the down low and did "little things" to try to protect girls while doing nothing to the source of perversion.......Moore.

You maintain idiocy.

It was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, which, by default meant that the local democratic party MUST HAVE KNOWN. They never used it or leaked the info to any of the Media Outlets, Progressive groups or a single reporter to keep Moore from winning over their own candidate? IN NEARLY FORTY YEARS?

How stupid are you? The reality is, this whole thing is as phony as it comes. And the proof is that the info never came up in 40 years of his public service.

get over it bodey, no matter how much you relish the thought that the kid got molested, it just an idiotic attempt by the left to derail an election.

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