Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

She didn’t get much.

How much of that money Mrs. Jones will see is still at issue. As the settlement was reached in November, Mrs. Jones faced an outstanding claim by Joseph Cammarata and Gilbert Davis, the two lawyers who quit her case last year and filed an $800,000 lien against any settlement in order to collect legal fees.

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Plus her final team of lawyers ... plus her appeal ... plus taxes ... all she got was a new nose.

I guess to idiot conservatives like you, a nose job is ‘well paid.’ :dunno:

edit: what have I said that I later denied saying?

But he paid much.
Fucking moron.... you said she was “well paid.” How was she well paid when lawyers and taxes took almost all of her settlement?

And again, you said I deny saying things I said.... can’t you post even one example?

What is it you hope to gain here? First you screamed and sucked your thumb over me noticing his payment. Now you admit he paid off his victim but it wasn't a big payment so it was still "fucking nuts"? LOL..
OK. So big or small...lets restate it with some clarity. The several times accused rapist Bill Clinton, the disbarred perjurer, self admitted by surrender of his law license over lying in court about another of his victims, paid one of his victims 800,000 to settle her abuse claim.
if he had paid her 2,000, THAT would be something right? Or is arguing the amount just a part of "argument ad nauseam"?
Just how much of a figure does a rapist have to pay in order for you not to scream and rant when you hear about it?
And it must be very important. Arguing over whether 8000,000 is a lot or a little is third only to your arguments over what you did or did not say and what the meaning of words are.

Faun's speciality is picking some small inconsequential part of your argument and hammering on that until he can get you to concede out of shear boredom. Ne never addresses the main issue.

Classic dodge
Oh? What did I dodge?
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.

Hey Colonel, that’s enough of your sound logic and reasoning. If people like Bodecea were ruled by logic and reason, Slick Willie would have been tossed out after one of the many women he abused came forward.
I would be shocked if Moore didn’t win, its Alabama. It will be a sad day for Alabamians as this will define them for a long time as people who elected a child molester. It will also spill over to lesser of a degree to the Republican Party.

That's would sleazy lying douche bags like you are trying to accomplish, but it isn't going to work. This proves that Alabamiams aren't suckers. They know a con when they see one.
It’s easy to call it a con... lazy to. If you really looked at the situation objectively then common sense would give you the answer. This is why you see so many on the right condemning Moore. He is toxic and is going to stain the Republican Party for years to come

Only ones that have condemned him are never Trumpers and those who have backed Luther Strange. And one must remember that those condemning Moore over 40 year old allegations from two women of sexual misconduct those Senators had no problem embracing and respecting Senator "I can swim better than my date TED 'you should see how I make a waitress sandwich" KENNEDY.
I don't know if Roy Moore is guilty of going after some jailbait or not. I would be inclined to believe the women but this smells of typical Democrat fake news and lies. The fact that the one woman won't release the documentation is highly suspicious of the Democrats fabricating a false story in order to steal a Senate seat from the good people of Alabama that they could never get on the issues. The people of Alabama are too smart to ever elect a dumbass Libtard Moon Bat to the Senate.

If I was a citizen of the great state of Alabama I would vote for Moore by using the same criteria that the filthy Democrats used with Slick Willy being a sexual predator and his asshole wife attacking the women that exposed Slick Willy and they are now using with the scumbags Conyers and Franken. They support these Democrat pieces of shit because they feel their Moon Bat candidates morals were a less of a concern than their despicable Left Wing agenda. Supporting Trump's agenda to make America great again is more important than Moore chasing after jailbait 40 years ago. After all what is good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers

Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
It appears to me this is doing nothing but pissing off his base and energizing them. Doug Jones might have had a chance... last week. Lol.
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.

It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

I'm hoping for a 8-10 point Moore win....that's my prediction
Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean like you, right?
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.


Good then it should happen for everyone.

See how fucking easy it is to not be a hypocrite?
Too bad you’re incapable of learning from your own example.

Hypocrite, you accused Bill Clinton of rape — where was his due process?

Why does he need due process? After all it wasnt "much" of a payoff was it?
They need some kind of credible proof because their accusations just are not cutting it.
The accusers and corroborating witnesses are over 50 people. How do you fake that? Think about it... This isn't a criminal trail it is an election so nothing is necessary. Given the fact that the RNC pulled funding and republican leadership (minus our child emperor) has called for Moore to step down, I think its pretty obvious. Just wingnutters left defending Moore... Why you would want to do that I'll never understand.
Think about what you are saying. That in order to ruin anyone's life, we need only make an accusation. I have no idea where you get the 50 number, but I don't believe it.

What I will believe is some concrete proof of the accusations. If none are provided, then those who are making accusations of a child rapist, molester, or predator are dishonest and doing so for one purpose only. To aid in getting a Democrat in office. That reduces their credibility to zero as well, as we have seen, if the accusations are against Democrats, they remain silent or make excuses. I have not piled on the accusations of these Democrats because I am applying the very same standard.

I want concrete proof or it never happened.
You are wrong again. A spy from Project
Veritas just tried to expose the wa post by reporting that Moore impregnated her when she was 16 and had her get an abortion. Before I explain it to you let’s see if you can answer a simple question honestly.... Why did the post not run the story?
Why are you trying to change the subject? I don't care about what Veritas did. It was stupid and I'm glad they were caught.

You may want to reconsider trying to explain anything to Me until you can learn to stay on one subject.
This is exactly on the subject. You just said in your previous post
"Think about what you are saying. That in order to ruin anyone's life, we need only make an accusation."
I was addressing that statement by showing that somebody did simply make an accusation but it didn't pass the vetting and credibility test so it was exposed.

That shows that there are some standards held by the MSM as far as sourcing goes. You have a point that it can be dangerous for our press to play judge and jury, but they have a job to vet sources and print credible stories and then let the public decide. Some stories they get wrong and we have every right to be skeptical and question everything we hear. In this case, after reviewing both sides it is obvious to me whats going on.
I see. Well, simply because they caught a deliberate attempt to trip them up (which never would have happened if the Post had not goine out recruiting people to get dirt on Moore), does not mean that the information by the accusers of Moore is correct, viable, or even truthful. That just means they either a. Did not look that deeply into the stories, or b: decided that they would look worse if they did dig and find out that their recruiter was wrong.

Either way, until such time as I see concrete evidence, I'll stick to the "innocent until proven guilty" moral standard.
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Hey all, someone told me Siete robbed a bank! What do you mean there is no evidence he did? There is no evidence he didn't either-)
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.

Hey, why don't you ask all these nice leftists which political party MAMBLA belongs to-) That is correct, FAR LEFTISTS! If you do not know what MAMBLA is, look it up! Trust me, you will be using it to hit the left over the head for years..........correct LEFTIES, lolololol!
Franken gropes and molests women and there is proof of it, the left is fine with it.

Moore is accused of all kinds of things with absolutely zero proof and the left says he’s guilty.

The left has no moral or logical authority to even open their ignorant mouths.
First off. You are comparing apples to oranges. Grabbing an ass is far from molesting children. Second, Franken owned it like a man, apologized to his accusers, sought and was awarded forgiveness from his accusers, and has said that he will accept the consequences that his peers deem justified. Moore is denying the allegations and spreading lies trying to smear his accusers. Big difference there

Well, would YOU admit something if you didn't do it? Hey, I heard SLADE robbed a bank. Every time he denies it, just give him the Roy Moore example and tell him if he owns up to it, we will forgive him-)
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.
The moooslims are just the other side of the coin from fundie christers (Not all christians, mind you)

Explain far left MAMBLA to all of us-)
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Hey all, someone told me Siete robbed a bank! What do you mean there is no evidence he did? There is no evidence he didn't either-)

He kinda forgot the point that, if there isn't any proof he did, then the last part of the post makes him look like a sixth grader. A sixth grader that is pretty dumb, but a sixth grader still.

But, those of us that have been here long enough already knew that.
You mean like you, right?

What do you have against due process? Do you think people should be guilty until proven innocent?

If Roy Moore fucked children, he should be arrested and tried by his peers.
I have nothing against due process.


Good then it should happen for everyone.

See how fucking easy it is to not be a hypocrite?
Too bad you’re incapable of learning from your own example.

Hypocrite, you accused Bill Clinton of rape — where was his due process?

Why does he need due process? After all it wasnt "much" of a payoff was it?
Of course it was.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.

Hey, why don't you ask all these nice leftists which political party MAMBLA belongs to-) That is correct, FAR LEFTISTS! If you do not know what MAMBLA is, look it up! Trust me, you will be using it to hit the left over the head for years..........correct LEFTIES, lolololol!
Ok, so I Googled it. It says nothing about political party affiliation.
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.

Hey, why don't you ask all these nice leftists which political party MAMBLA belongs to-) That is correct, FAR LEFTISTS! If you do not know what MAMBLA is, look it up! Trust me, you will be using it to hit the left over the head for years..........correct LEFTIES, lolololol!
Ok, so I Googled it. It says nothing about political party affiliation.

oh really? Democrats’ cozy dealings with NAMBLA

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