Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.


I'm starting to hear more and more, people questioning the timing, how in forty years no one dug this up. Morning DJ told about Hustler Magazine offering millions of dollars over the years to get juicy shit on Conservatives, and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, stepped forward to collect this pay day? It supposedly was "common knowledge" about one of the MOST Conservative politicians in the entire country, and nobody in Gadsen Alabama needed a million large? Hustler would have paid Bigly!
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.


I'm starting to hear more and more, people questioning the timing, how in forty years no one dug this up. Morning DJ told about Hustler Magazine offering millions of dollars over the years to get juicy shit on Conservatives, and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, stepped forward to collect this pay day? It supposedly was "common knowledge" about one of the MOST Conservative politicians in the entire country, and nobody in Gadsen Alabama needed a million large? Hustler would have paid Bigly!

On the bright side in the comment sections of media in Alabama the posters overwhelmingly are questioning the timing. The timing and most certainly Allred's involvement has led to mega skepticism of the accusations.

Thank heavens!
Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.

Hey, why don't you ask all these nice leftists which political party MAMBLA belongs to-) That is correct, FAR LEFTISTS! If you do not know what MAMBLA is, look it up! Trust me, you will be using it to hit the left over the head for years..........correct LEFTIES, lolololol!
Ok, so I Googled it. It says nothing about political party affiliation.

oh really? Democrats’ cozy dealings with NAMBLA
First of all, you said “MAMBLA,” not “NAMBLA.” The Moronic Altright Man-Boy Love Association.

Secondly, even if the letter you posted is taken at face value, there’s no connection between the Democrat Party and NAMBLA. Jennings expressing praise for Hay with zero context does not in any way establish NAMBLA as belonging to the Democrat Party. :cuckoo:
Actually, Conyers is guilty. There is a pay out. And Franken, we have pics.
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
What pisses me off, is the Dems are known for this, and therefore it is easy to question whether it is true or not. They've cried wolf so often, no one knows what to believe anymore. And when it is false, it is a slap in the face to women that have been real victims of sexual assault, that they could do anything so egregious.
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.


I'm starting to hear more and more, people questioning the timing, how in forty years no one dug this up. Morning DJ told about Hustler Magazine offering millions of dollars over the years to get juicy shit on Conservatives, and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, stepped forward to collect this pay day? It supposedly was "common knowledge" about one of the MOST Conservative politicians in the entire country, and nobody in Gadsen Alabama needed a million large? Hustler would have paid Bigly!
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Moore (R) Jones (D) Spread
RCP Average 11/14 - 11/27 -- -- 47.3 46.3 Moore +1.0
Emerson 11/25 - 11/27 500 LV 4.3 53 47 Moore +6
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 11/20 - 11/20 3000 LV 2.0 47 45 Moore +2
Gravis 11/14 - 11/15 628 LV 3.5 42 47 Jones +5
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones

Still a horse race. However, the GOP is now branded as the party of Grand Old Perverts, whichever way the race goes.
The so called Christians in Alabama will decide. So let them. Their rendition of the bible is different from others. But their rendition is decided by them. Sin is good I guess.
Actually, Conyers is guilty. There is a pay out. And Franken, we have pics.
RW idiots like you keep yammering there is no proof he is guilty of molesting young girls..

well, let me tell you something dipshit - if there is no proof he did there DAMN sure isn't any proof he didn't.


Ahhh, the ole prove your innocent ploy. So in your little confused mind, it is now the responsibility of the accused to prove they are innocent? You must be with the IRS or the mob.
You DO know the Governor of Alabama said she'd rather have a child molester than a DO know that many here have said they'd rather have a child molester than a Democrat. That goes completely beyond guilt or innocence. Alabamians don't care. They would vote for Moore regardless.

Shouldn’t Moore be innocent until proven guilty, like Franken and Conyers?

If you dont think Moore should serve because of allegations,you must clearly want Franken and Conyers to resign immediately....because otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
You mean the picture where Franken is pretending to grab a sleeping woman’s breasts?
All the allegations against the left has Made Moores alleged activities less newsworthy
They are all guilty....and I mean ALL.....but each side will protect their own and they are cowardly....did you read this?......COWARDLY....protecting these perverts. A snapshot of american politics....SLEEZY. But when you decide uber wealthy call the shots this is expected. This FACT is unarguable.
What pisses me off, is the Dems are known for this, and therefore it is easy to question whether it is true or not. They've cried wolf so often, no one knows what to believe anymore. And when it is false, it is a slap in the face to women that have been real victims of sexual assault, that they could do anything so egregious.
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.


I'm starting to hear more and more, people questioning the timing, how in forty years no one dug this up. Morning DJ told about Hustler Magazine offering millions of dollars over the years to get juicy shit on Conservatives, and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, stepped forward to collect this pay day? It supposedly was "common knowledge" about one of the MOST Conservative politicians in the entire country, and nobody in Gadsen Alabama needed a million large? Hustler would have paid Bigly!

I could not have said it better
Didn't Ted Kennedy let a woman drown in his car on July 8th, 1969?

Yes...he sure did....and he served as a US SENATOR FOR ANOTHER 40 YEARS.

Dems are misogynist as fuck.


What pisses me off, is the Dems are known for this, and therefore it is easy to question whether it is true or not. They've cried wolf so often, no one knows what to believe anymore. And when it is false, it is a slap in the face to women that have been real victims of sexual assault, that they could do anything so egregious.
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.


I'm starting to hear more and more, people questioning the timing, how in forty years no one dug this up. Morning DJ told about Hustler Magazine offering millions of dollars over the years to get juicy shit on Conservatives, and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, stepped forward to collect this pay day? It supposedly was "common knowledge" about one of the MOST Conservative politicians in the entire country, and nobody in Gadsen Alabama needed a million large? Hustler would have paid Bigly!

Umm... the women are not Democrats.
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.
Interestin' source you quote there--did a bit of research..calling these folks 'outliers' is about the best you can do:

Change Research – Medium

96 followers?? does that not strike you as odd. Along with their 'patent pending' methodology?

The better story might be all these posts on alt/right media attributing these figures to a 'Sky Research Company'--a non-existent entity.

The only organization named “Sky Research” that emerges from a Google Search are “an unexploded ordnance detection company” that pled guilty in 2016 to federal conspiracy charges for efforts to bribe federal employees in the effort to win government contracts.

Probably also bears repeating that the simultaneous and exclusive reports of this poll from a slew of right-wing media platforms raises at least one eyebrow. We’ll just have to continue to plot these polls in relation to each (and in relation to their past iterations). The results of almost no poll should be assigned much importance on their own terms.
His bible reads different than the real version.

Oh so for you he is guilty until proven innocent. Got it. These allegations are from 40 years ago. 2 accusers. Losing credibility very quickly with all the information coming out about them.

40 year old allegations coming out weeks before a crucial election. One accuser found by the WP who have endorsed Moore's opponent and Gloria Allred dragging out another victim. You know the same Allred who like clockwork finds someone to come out and smear a Republican.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. This is just a rerun. I've seen this show one too many times.
What pisses me off, is the Dems are known for this, and therefore it is easy to question whether it is true or not. They've cried wolf so often, no one knows what to believe anymore. And when it is false, it is a slap in the face to women that have been real victims of sexual assault, that they could do anything so egregious.
A huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FYI Daily Mail has finally admitted that there are only two accusers of sexual assault. Third woman has been completely discredited. Crap I've been hammering them in comment sections and emails about them putting out that all the women are accusing him of sexual misconduct. Others too. We've been swarming them for days and they finally did a turn around. YAYAYAYAY!

Persistence pays off. Check this out. Finally!

  • Moore is accused of sexually assaulting or molesting two women decades ago
  • Five others say he pursued romantic relationships when they were teenagers
Read more: Roy Moore says 'dirty politics' is behind allegations | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The stories are starting to............

You know what kills me is that when the media went on the pile on with the "9 accusers" I don't think they expected the backlash from people who were quite willing to spend extra time hammering away to get them to only post the truth.

Now I have the benefit of being in the position of living where there's 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating, sooooooo I have mega time on my hands but other people that don't really helped swarm the DM and get them to finally make this correction.


I'm starting to hear more and more, people questioning the timing, how in forty years no one dug this up. Morning DJ told about Hustler Magazine offering millions of dollars over the years to get juicy shit on Conservatives, and no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, stepped forward to collect this pay day? It supposedly was "common knowledge" about one of the MOST Conservative politicians in the entire country, and nobody in Gadsen Alabama needed a million large? Hustler would have paid Bigly!

Umm... the women are not Democrats.

They claim they are Republican. But then so does John McCain.

Child rape is acceptable in the deep south. A common defense is that Mary was a child when she and a middle aged Joseph had Jesus. Another common defense in the deep south is that 30+ year old men can fondle 14 year old girls because the children might dress "suggestively (according to religious perverts)" or give "consent."

Roy Moore will win. There's a reason Alabama has earned their stereotypes.

Child rape is acceptable only in the hard left ideology and its Islamic chronicles. Remember, Muhammed's wife was 13 years old.

Besides that judging someone guilty without any evidence is also completely possible in this completely evil ideology.

Go Moore! No more nonsense.

Hey, why don't you ask all these nice leftists which political party MAMBLA belongs to-) That is correct, FAR LEFTISTS! If you do not know what MAMBLA is, look it up! Trust me, you will be using it to hit the left over the head for years..........correct LEFTIES, lolololol!
Ok, so I Googled it. It says nothing about political party affiliation.

oh really? Democrats’ cozy dealings with NAMBLA
First of all, you said “MAMBLA,” not “NAMBLA.” The Moronic Altright Man-Boy Love Association.

Secondly, even if the letter you posted is taken at face value, there’s no connection between the Democrat Party and NAMBLA. Jennings expressing praise for Hay with zero context does not in any way establish NAMBLA as belonging to the Democrat Party. :cuckoo:

I didn't say Democratic party, and if I did, I mis-spoke. What I meant was------->far leftists-) And which party do the far leftists belong to? It sure as hell isn't any part of the Repubes, lol!

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