Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

First off. You are comparing apples to oranges. Grabbing an ass is far from molesting children. Second, Franken owned it like a man, apologized to his accusers, sought and was awarded forgiveness from his accusers, and has said that he will accept the consequences that his peers deem justified. Moore is denying the allegations and spreading lies trying to smear his accusers. Big difference there

No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Don't do the deed while that someone is sleeping?

Did you really need to be told that?

No, he doesn’t. He’s just a lying lefty hypocrite.
You are seriously demented.

Now round these parts, women don’t take kindly to sexual humiliation. Maybe where a rat like you lives, but here.........

Not so much.

Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.


And you never posted the picture of Trump groping an accuser Rat Boy. Damn, lefties can dish out the requests, but can never fulfill any.

Get the photo to back up the tape, We've all got the photo to back up the accuser of Franken.

Proceed Rat Boy.

We have two photos, actually.
First off. You are comparing apples to oranges. Grabbing an ass is far from molesting children. Second, Franken owned it like a man, apologized to his accusers, sought and was awarded forgiveness from his accusers, and has said that he will accept the consequences that his peers deem justified. Moore is denying the allegations and spreading lies trying to smear his accusers. Big difference there

No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?
"Locker room talk?" You actually fell for that bullshit line?

He was getting ready to be interviewed and was on a bus with a TV show host, cameramen and a sound crew. That's what went on in your "locker room?"

To a snowflake that makes it not "locker room talk"?

Then you have proof of this groping, show the photos

Shits the hypocrite who voted for the candidate who admitted to groping women.

You've never grabbed a woman? I wouldn't doubt that for a single minute
You poor thing, bless your heart. I'm married and grab one all the time.

Sorry, you were actually acting like someone who hasn't got any for yearsssssssssssss.

Does she know that you consider simulating sexual assault on sleeping women, in an effort to humiliate them as only a prank?
"Sleeping women??" That's plural. Let's see your evidence Franken ever pretended to grab another sleeping woman's boobs.....
Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:


No worries, your reluctance to answer actually answered for you. Why are you so embarrassed to just admit you voted for a groper? Is it because that reveals you're actually the "groper apologist?" Is it because, using your words, "it floats your boat?"


Better than a photo....

HOLY SHIT....that video absolutely disgusts me.
Men that love vagina talking like men that love vagina do...fucking sickos!
I wonder if the twisted Left would be championing the shit out of this video if they were faggots and talking about gargling ballsacks? who are insecure in their sexuality..trying to prove to each other that they love vagina..when secretly..they fear they may well want to maybe lick a ball-sack or two...

Or they simply love vagina.

Are you trying to come out?

It's OK, we're all friends here.

I suspect my idea of what makes a man..and yours..are very far apart indeed. I honor women..I think it's my a man.. to cherish and protect them. I know that it's not fashionable, in some circles..but that is part of what forms my personal ethos. I'm a sheepdog...and I hate wolves. When I was 13, 14 years old...I talked like that..but I soon grew out of it. Some don't. Those cases of arrested development are to be pitied..and watched--because their objectification of women into walking vaginas leads to criminal abuse.

If you find this a gay attitude...I applaud those gay men who share it.

You seemed flattered

you're welcome then

Oh, I respect and honor women, even when asleep. Which is something I can't say about a well known Democratic Leader.

But see, while others talk a good game, I produce.

Sue me.
No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
So, why are all those Alabama fundie ministers excusing Moore by saying he was going for teens because of their purity....that he was going for teens because it's biblical?

“All these ministers”? Got a link liar?

Stunt double:

One Far-Right idiot who claims to represent God weighed in with the purity defense.

Roy Moore Dated 'Younger Ladies' For Their 'Purity,' His Pastor Friend Says

While there was a letter that Moore's wife posted on which she claimed 50 ministers supported her husband....there was no 'purity' defense--a number of ministers have since asked that their names be removed because permission was not granted---There is some question as to the veracity of the letter.

Kayla Moore posts support from 50 pastors; 4 ask for their names to be removed

You may now all return to your poo-slinging.


So there’s 46 now. Quite a lot actually.

From a list compiled before anyone accused Moore of sexual improprieties.

Then, moron, why was it important to you just a moment ago?
To a snowflake that makes it not "locker room talk"?

Then you have proof of this groping, show the photos

Shits the hypocrite who voted for the candidate who admitted to groping women.

You've never grabbed a woman? I wouldn't doubt that for a single minute
You poor thing, bless your heart. I'm married and grab one all the time.

Sorry, you were actually acting like someone who hasn't got any for yearsssssssssssss.

Does she know that you consider simulating sexual assault on sleeping women, in an effort to humiliate them as only a prank?
"Sleeping women??" That's plural. Let's see your evidence Franken ever pretended to grab another sleeping woman's boobs.....


No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Ok, you have proven yourself too stupid to talk to. Dismissed.
No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Why do you keep defending sexual humiliation of women?

There you go looking all creepy again
No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Don't do the deed while that someone is sleeping?

Did you really need to be told that?

No, he doesn’t. He’s just a lying lefty hypocrite.
Speaking of hypocrisy... why are you so afraid to answer ... ?

Did you vote for trump? :lol:
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Ok, you have proven yourself too stupid to talk to. Dismissed.

I think he's trying to:

It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

I thought you hate polls, nutter butter.

reality: Realclearpolitics average is moore +2... within the margin of error. you should be ahead by 20 in a normal race

RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones.

but I never underestimate how disgusting you deplorables are. I think being the party of child molesters suits you.
How did they do on the Presidential election?
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Don't do the deed while that someone is sleeping?

Did you really need to be told that?

No, he doesn’t. He’s just a lying lefty hypocrite.
Speaking of hypocrisy... why are you so afraid to answer ... ?

Did you vote for trump? :lol:

You do understand what hypocrisy is, right? I've never asked you who you voted for, right? If I had, then you could claim as much, but since I had not............

you look stoopid
So, why are all those Alabama fundie ministers excusing Moore by saying he was going for teens because of their purity....that he was going for teens because it's biblical?

“All these ministers”? Got a link liar?

Stunt double:

One Far-Right idiot who claims to represent God weighed in with the purity defense.

Roy Moore Dated 'Younger Ladies' For Their 'Purity,' His Pastor Friend Says

While there was a letter that Moore's wife posted on which she claimed 50 ministers supported her husband....there was no 'purity' defense--a number of ministers have since asked that their names be removed because permission was not granted---There is some question as to the veracity of the letter.

Kayla Moore posts support from 50 pastors; 4 ask for their names to be removed

You may now all return to your poo-slinging.


So there’s 46 now. Quite a lot actually.

From a list compiled before anyone accused Moore of sexual improprieties.

Then, moron, why was it important to you just a moment ago?
When was it ever important to me? When did I ever say anything about it before replying to your post?

I'm merely pointing out -- that list was compiled before Moore was accused of sexual improprieties.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Why do you keep defending sexual humiliation of women?

There you go looking all creepy again
Asks the hypocrite who voted for the man who confessed to multiple sexual assaults.

Sexual assault apologist, the woman in question accepted Franken's apology. If that's good enough for her, it's good enough for me.
You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Why do you keep defending sexual humiliation of women?

There you go looking all creepy again
Asks the hypocrite who voted for the man who confessed to multiple sexual assaults.

Sexual assault apologist, the woman in question accepted Franken's apology. If that's good enough for her, it's good enough for me.

Do I have to post Gene Gene the dancing machine again?

You can dance all you want, but as Billy Idol once so famously sang, all your doing is............

Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Ok, you have proven yourself too stupid to talk to. Dismissed.
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:


You're not man enough to dismiss me.

Especially given at how scared you are to answer either the question of, did you vote for Trump? Or, how was Franken supposed to know he offended Tweeden unless she told him his goofing around was offensive to her?
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

If you have to be told that you are doing something wrong, then you are pretty stupid. Too stupid even for a democrat politician. Really, you should stop.
Why are you so afraid to answer the question?

If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Franken didn't touch her in that photo. They were working together and he was goofing around. How was he supposed to know she was offended?

Why do you keep defending sexual humiliation of women?

There you go looking all creepy again
Spits the hypocrite who voted for the man who confessed to groping women.

When do you stop projecting?
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

I thought you hate polls, nutter butter.

reality: Realclearpolitics average is moore +2... within the margin of error. you should be ahead by 20 in a normal race

RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones.

but I never underestimate how disgusting you deplorables are. I think being the party of child molesters suits you.
How did they do on the Presidential election?
Pretty well, actually. They predicted Hillary would get 3.2 percentage points more than trump in the popular vote and she actually beat him by 2.1 points.

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