Moore Opens Up 49–44 Lead in Alabama

Going for a plea bargain rat boy?

And with the testimony of others, it appears he liked groping women.

I’ll wait until Franken releases the video tape to prove his innosence since that’s the standard set by the left in the Moore case.

You keep waiting.

Will do, grope appologist!

Love it. Why do you think women should be forced to endure such pain?

Does it float your boat?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:


No worries, your reluctance to answer actually answered for you. Why are you so embarrassed to just admit you voted for a groper? Is it because that reveals you're actually the "groper apologist?" Is it because, using your words, "it floats your boat?"


Better than a photo....

Too fucking funny Ratboy. I have a photo to back up the allegations that Franken enjoys inappropriate, unwanted, sexual activities with unappreciative females, and you counter my request to produce the same with, what?


I'll mark you as a no show.
Possibly the worst case of an attempted-political lynching in US history. The 'evidence' against Moore is very weak. He may or may not have hugged a young girl 40yrs ago? That somehow = 'HE'S A PEDOPHILE!!!?'

There's no credible evidence supporting that despicable Democrat accusation. I truly hope this comes back around on all who participated in this attempted lynching. That will be true justice.
You have a photo where he’s not touching anyone.


At a minimum he’s simulating what he’s admitted doing to others.

Dodgeball player?

You never answered “what you got?”
Again, I don’t “need” anything as long as you have nothing. A photo of him not touching the sleeping woman is nothing in terms of sexual assault.

That's wrong. Putting your finger within an inch of someone who doesn't want it there is considered to be asault. It doesn't matter if you actually touch them. You're in their safety zone. Furthermore, the obvious intent of the photo is sexual humiliation. That would get you fired from any employer.
“Safety zone??”

WTF is that? Is that where you hide?

It's the zone around your body that you require to feel safe. When people intrude on you safety zone, you feel threatened. You know what it feels like when some asshole sticks his face within an inch of yours. Either he backs off or you want to take a swing at him.

To Ratboy Faun, women don't have the right to sexual safety.
No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You are seriously demented.

Now round these parts, women don’t take kindly to sexual humiliation. Maybe where a rat like you lives, but here.........

Not so much.

Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.

Franken gropes and molests women and there is proof of it, the left is fine with it.

Moore is accused of all kinds of things with absolutely zero proof and the left says he’s guilty.

The left has no moral or logical authority to even open their ignorant mouths.
First off. You are comparing apples to oranges. Grabbing an ass is far from molesting children. Second, Franken owned it like a man, apologized to his accusers, sought and was awarded forgiveness from his accusers, and has said that he will accept the consequences that his peers deem justified. Moore is denying the allegations and spreading lies trying to smear his accusers. Big difference there

No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Don't do the deed while that someone is sleeping?

Did you really need to be told that?

You keep waiting.

Will do, grope appologist!

Love it. Why do you think women should be forced to endure such pain?

Does it float your boat?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy don't believe trump's own words? You admit he's a liar?

What words, his locker room talk.

So you going to defend the sexual humiliation of women as well we have photo of Franken doing?

Is it because she’s straight you feel the humiliation was justified?
"Locker room talk?" You actually fell for that bullshit line?

He was getting ready to be interviewed and was on a bus with a TV show host, cameramen and a sound crew. That's what went on in your "locker room?"
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You are seriously demented.

Now round these parts, women don’t take kindly to sexual humiliation. Maybe where a rat like you lives, but here.........

Not so much.

Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.


And you never posted the picture of Trump groping an accuser Rat Boy. Damn, lefties can dish out the requests, but can never fulfill any.

Get the photo to back up the tape, We've all got the photo to back up the accuser of Franken.

Proceed Rat Boy.
Will do, grope appologist!

Love it. Why do you think women should be forced to endure such pain?

Does it float your boat?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy don't believe trump's own words? You admit he's a liar?

What words, his locker room talk.

So you going to defend the sexual humiliation of women as well we have photo of Franken doing?

Is it because she’s straight you feel the humiliation was justified?
"Locker room talk?" You actually fell for that bullshit line?

He was getting ready to be interviewed and was on a bus with a TV show host, cameramen and a sound crew. That's what went on in your "locker room?"

To a snowflake that makes it not "locker room talk"?

Then you have proof of this groping, show the photos
Theah's nuttin more prechus to meh than laf. Ah'm ganst 'brotion, an' mah commah upponent's fer it. Who denies the prechusness of a young'uns creamy white thighs.
You are seriously demented.

Now round these parts, women don’t take kindly to sexual humiliation. Maybe where a rat like you lives, but here.........

Not so much.

Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.


And you never posted the picture of Trump groping an accuser Rat Boy. Damn, lefties can dish out the requests, but can never fulfill any.

Get the photo to back up the tape, We've all got the photo to back up the accuser of Franken.

Proceed Rat Boy.

Ah don't bother, they're gonna stay on-message no matter what you say. They have their Democrat Fake News talking-points, and that's that. But they are pretty bummed their 2020 'Dream Team' Presidential Ticket is all done. They're desperate and scrambling at this point. So don't get angry, instead just laugh at em.


Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.


And you never posted the picture of Trump groping an accuser Rat Boy. Damn, lefties can dish out the requests, but can never fulfill any.

Get the photo to back up the tape, We've all got the photo to back up the accuser of Franken.

Proceed Rat Boy.

Ah don't bother, they're gonna stay on-message no matter what you say. They have their Democrat Fake News talking-points, and that's that. But they are pretty bummed their 2020 'Dream Team' Presidential Ticket is all done. They're desperate and scrambling at this point. So don't get angry, instead just laugh at em.


I can tell the photo's a fake,

She's awake
First off. You are comparing apples to oranges. Grabbing an ass is far from molesting children. Second, Franken owned it like a man, apologized to his accusers, sought and was awarded forgiveness from his accusers, and has said that he will accept the consequences that his peers deem justified. Moore is denying the allegations and spreading lies trying to smear his accusers. Big difference there

No, it is exactly like I said. There is zero proof that Moore did anything and there is ample proof that Franken did. Franken is only sorry because he was caught.

The only difference is that the left are blatant hypocrites.
Why would he have been sorry before she came out and said she was offended? How did he know he offended her until she said so?

You have to be told when you are doing something wrong? Please, just stop.
If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?

Don't do the deed while that someone is sleeping?

Did you really need to be told that?
What deed is that? That photo doesn't show him touching her. He was a comedian on tour with her and said he was goofing.

She came forward recently and said she was offended. Now that he learned she took offense to it, he apologized for acting inappropriately.

So try answering the question you run away from .... If you don't know you offended someone, how are you supposed to know unless they tell you?
You are seriously demented.

Now round these parts, women don’t take kindly to sexual humiliation. Maybe where a rat like you lives, but here.........

Not so much.

Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.


And you never posted the picture of Trump groping an accuser Rat Boy. Damn, lefties can dish out the requests, but can never fulfill any.

Get the photo to back up the tape, We've all got the photo to back up the accuser of Franken.

Proceed Rat Boy.
You poor thing, bless your heart. I posted a video of him bragging about how women let him grab their pussies. And we know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward to confirm he grabbed theirs, only that they didn't "let him," as he portrayed.
Going for a plea bargain rat boy?

And with the testimony of others, it appears he liked groping women.

I’ll wait until Franken releases the video tape to prove his innosence since that’s the standard set by the left in the Moore case.

You keep waiting.

Will do, grope appologist!

Love it. Why do you think women should be forced to endure such pain?

Does it float your boat?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:


No worries, your reluctance to answer actually answered for you. Why are you so embarrassed to just admit you voted for a groper? Is it because that reveals you're actually the "groper apologist?" Is it because, using your words, "it floats your boat?"


Better than a photo....

HOLY SHIT....that video absolutely disgusts me.
Men that love vagina talking like men that love vagina do...fucking sickos!
I wonder if the twisted Left would be championing the shit out of this video if they were faggots and talking about gargling ballsacks?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy don't believe trump's own words? You admit he's a liar?

What words, his locker room talk.

So you going to defend the sexual humiliation of women as well we have photo of Franken doing?

Is it because she’s straight you feel the humiliation was justified?
"Locker room talk?" You actually fell for that bullshit line?

He was getting ready to be interviewed and was on a bus with a TV show host, cameramen and a sound crew. That's what went on in your "locker room?"

To a snowflake that makes it not "locker room talk"?

Then you have proof of this groping, show the photos

Shits the hypocrite who voted for the candidate who admitted to groping women.

You keep waiting.

Will do, grope appologist!

Love it. Why do you think women should be forced to endure such pain?

Does it float your boat?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:


No worries, your reluctance to answer actually answered for you. Why are you so embarrassed to just admit you voted for a groper? Is it because that reveals you're actually the "groper apologist?" Is it because, using your words, "it floats your boat?"


Better than a photo....

HOLY SHIT....that video absolutely disgusts me.
Men that love vagina talking like men that love vagina do...fucking sickos!
I wonder if the twisted Left would be championing the shit out of this video if they were faggots and talking about gargling ballsacks?

Great, another apologist for sexual assault.

Did you vote for trump too?
It looks like the whole carefully constructed scam to smear more is collapsing

Alabama Republican Roy Moore has reopened a 49–44 lead over Democrat Doug Jones in the race for U.S. Senate. In Change Research’s third poll since the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced on November 9, we found that he has completely erased the 3-point lead Jones had opened up in mid-November. Moore’s lead is now just as large as it was just after the story broke.

I thought you hate polls, nutter butter.

reality: Realclearpolitics average is moore +2... within the margin of error. you should be ahead by 20 in a normal race

RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones.

but I never underestimate how disgusting you deplorables are. I think being the party of child molesters suits you.

You keep waiting.

Will do, grope appologist!

Love it. Why do you think women should be forced to endure such pain?

Does it float your boat?
Who did you vote for for president last year?

Before I answer, oh deflecting one, you got a photo of trump groping?

Thanks in advance ratboy
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:


No worries, your reluctance to answer actually answered for you. Why are you so embarrassed to just admit you voted for a groper? Is it because that reveals you're actually the "groper apologist?" Is it because, using your words, "it floats your boat?"


Better than a photo....

HOLY SHIT....that video absolutely disgusts me.
Men that love vagina talking like men that love vagina do...fucking sickos!
I wonder if the twisted Left would be championing the shit out of this video if they were faggots and talking about gargling ballsacks? who are insecure in their sexuality..trying to prove to each other that they love vagina..when secretly..they fear they may well want to maybe lick a ball-sack or two...

Now it’s “sexual humiliation??”

Can’t you make up your mind and stick with it?

A photo exist of him sexually humiliating a sleeping woman, and that ain’t bad enough.

Why do you insist on standing up for such a creep. You a creep as well? You sound kinda creepy.

No, it’s just that he’s a leftist and hypocrisy is part of their being.
Speaking of hypocrisy ... you also never answered .... did you vote for Trump?

Geez, based on the exuberance these yahoos express for Trump, you'd think they'd be so proud to proclaim they voted for him. Yet yet continuously run from that question.


And you never posted the picture of Trump groping an accuser Rat Boy. Damn, lefties can dish out the requests, but can never fulfill any.

Get the photo to back up the tape, We've all got the photo to back up the accuser of Franken.

Proceed Rat Boy.
You poor thing, bless your heart. I posted a video of him bragging about how women let him grab their pussies. And we know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward to confirm he grabbed theirs, only that they didn't "let him," as he portrayed.

You minimize what Franken did, even though there is a photo of him doing it (kinda creepy of you), so you must think it was, and accept it as a prank, yet you disbelieve Trump when he called what he said, locker room talk. Yet we have photographic proof about Franken, and you have none of Trump?

You do understand you've lost, and worse, you sound increasingly frustrated by your own ineptness.

Now back to the subject of the thread.

Moore has been accused of molesting young girls, of trying to date teens. It was also reported that this was all "Common Knowledge"


No wonder you're so frustrated by you're own ineptness, hell, look at how absurd your side is.

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