Moore Smear Campaign:Truth has Come Out!

BREAKING! Roy Moore’s Accuser Worked for Democratic Leaders and Is Actively Campaigni
BREAKING! Roy Moore’s Accuser Worked for Democratic Leaders and Is Actively Campaigning for Moore’s Opponent Activist Mommy

We have just received information that one of the women accusing Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore of soliciting dates from her when she was a teenager and he was in his 30’s is not only a passionate progressive, but she has actually worked for the DNC and is actively campaigning for Moore’s opponent, Doug Jones.
Deborah Wesson Gibson, aka Debbie Gibson, was named in the Washington Post article accusing Moore, and social media evidence makes clear that she is a fervent supporter of Jones and Democrats in general, and has even worked for the DNC.

It keeps getting deeper: We have confirmation that Donna Wesson Smalley, a self-described friend of Democrat Senate Candidate Doug Jones, is in fact her sister.Donna Wesson Smalley is a divorce and family law attorney in Jasper, Alabama. Her Facebook page says Doug Jones is her “dear friend,” and has several posts that indicate support for Jones and a desire to “stop” Roy Moore.
BREAKING! Roy Moore’s Accuser Worked for Democratic Leaders and Is Actively Campaigni
BREAKING! Roy Moore’s Accuser Worked for Democratic Leaders and Is Actively Campaigning for Moore’s Opponent Activist Mommy

We have just received information that one of the women accusing Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore of soliciting dates from her when she was a teenager and he was in his 30’s is not only a passionate progressive, but she has actually worked for the DNC and is actively campaigning for Moore’s opponent, Doug Jones.
Deborah Wesson Gibson, aka Debbie Gibson, was named in the Washington Post article accusing Moore, and social media evidence makes clear that she is a fervent supporter of Jones and Democrats in general, and has even worked for the DNC.

It keeps getting deeper: We have confirmation that Donna Wesson Smalley, a self-described friend of Democrat Senate Candidate Doug Jones, is in fact her sister.Donna Wesson Smalley is a divorce and family law attorney in Jasper, Alabama. Her Facebook page says Doug Jones is her “dear friend,” and has several posts that indicate support for Jones and a desire to “stop” Roy Moore.
The truth just keeps coming out!
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.
Didn't know Clinton's friend Epstein owned a island huh?

Didn't you know the secret service keeps a list of everybody.

Was the secret service in the oval office when Bill abused his power then lied using a 19 year old to get a blowjob?

Monica Lewinsky was a political groupie who told friends she was packing up her kneepads and going to Washington. She kept the blue dress and didn’t get it cleaned, as a trophy.

Stop making out like she was some dewy eyed naïf Bill took advantage of.
one other way to find out if this woman is telling the truth or not is for Moore's family or friends describe his appt or house at the time, on deposition, separated when they describe it....and where it was....

and have the woman describe his home inside and out from when she was 14 and where it was.... and see if the lady is correct?.

She already discribed where Moores house was. Moore had to either give her the address or take her there.

Neither sounds like respectable behavior for a 32 year-old to a 14 year-old.
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s patents were also aware of his attentions. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.
He made no such confession. In fact, he stated to Hannity just tonight that he hadn't dated teenagers.

HANNITY: “Well, let me ask you a general question.”

MOORE: “Yes.”

HANNITY: “Let’s take you out of this for a second. Let’s say, if any Senate candidate who was 32 at the time had done this to a 14-year-old girl, to me it’s disgusting. To me, it would be despicable. To me, that is a predator.”

MOORE: “Yeah.”

HANNITY: “Do you agree with me, that no such person who ever does that should ever be in the United States Senate?”

MOORE: “Of course. Nobody who abuses a 14-year-old at age 32 or age 17—it doesn’t matter—if you abuse a 14-year-old you shouldn’t be a Senate candidate. I agree with that. But I did not do that.”

HANNITY: “Let’s go back to it one more question, because I didn’t understand this. If you were 32, and you do date a 17 or 18 year old—that’s a pretty big gap for a pretty young girl—is that something that you did when you were dating? I’m not talking about the 14-year-old in that specific allegation. Would it be normal behavior back in those days for you to date a girl that’s 17 or 18?”

MOORE: “No. Not normal.”

HANNITY: “My daughter is 16 years old. If she’s 17 or 18, I don’t want her dating a 32-year-old.”

MOORE: “I wouldn’t either.”

HANNITY: “And you can say unequivocally that you never dated anybody that was in their late teens like that when you were 32?”

MOORE: “It would have been out of my customary behavior, that’s right.”

HANNITY: “In other words, you don’t recall dating any girl that young when you were that old?”

MOORE: “I’ve said no.”

HANNITY: “And you think that’s inappropriate, too, that’s what you’re saying?”

MOORE: “Yes.”

Judge Roy Moore on Sean Hannity Show: ‘We Have Some Evidence of Some Collusion’ Against Me in WaPo Smear - Breitbart
This Moore business could be made-up in response to the very CORE of liberalism discovered as sex offenders, conspirators, in Russia's pockets, and other exposures of unethical activity.
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Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.
Ask Hillary. How Democrats always try to take the moral high ground is amazing.
Roy Moore went out with 4 teenage girls, one as young as 14 years-old, and republicans defend him saying dating teenagers half his age was o.k.
Proof is in the pudding.

Moore dating teenagers half his age has already been confirmed. Moore went out with girls as young as 14 years-old. The only thing in dispute is what he did on his dates.
Has not been confirmed. Has been fabricated.
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.

She's a lying piece of shit:

Roy Moore’s Accuser Did Work for Joe Biden, Other Democrats - Breitbart

Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.

She's a lying piece of shit:

Roy Moore’s Accuser Did Work for Joe Biden, Other Democrats - Breitbart

Must have been better looking when she was young, I hope.
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.

She's a lying piece of shit:

Roy Moore’s Accuser Did Work for Joe Biden, Other Democrats - Breitbart

Must have been better looking when she was young, I hope.

She's in her 50s. Notice that the pervert Biden has his arm around her, and she isn't complaining.
Things I know...
1). The dems are not innocent
2). The GOP is not innocent
3). Moore is no christian. He is anything but. That I am most confident and sure about. Fact. But I do consider it is Alabama. They deserve a fake christian like him. As a lifelong practicing christian he and I are not fellow Christians.
Moore gave an interview today. His answers have removed all doubt from my mind.

He did it. He molested that little girl.

He needs to step down and retire in well-deserved ignominy.

The first one is just some person coming out and saying they think she was 17 and not 14 at the time.

Also, someone who has had three divorces and financial problems etc doesn't mean she wasn't touched up by this guy. Or is it okay to touch up vulnerable people?

The second one doesn't man anything. She might work for the Dems because she hates this guy so much.
If 70 news says so it has to be true.
Couldn’t find anything at Infowars to report?
The pervert will step down. Count on it.
I don't think so. Odds are he'll still win, since it's Alabama. The only thing that can change an alt-righty's mind is a candidate displaying a sense of shame. A few acts of pedophilia are no problem for them.
What proof do you have? The word of a mentally ill woman?
4 women actually.

Fuck you on the four. Only one accused him of sexual misconduct and that was Marjorie. No one else did. Two women who claimed he dated them said nothing went beyond kissing and hugging. Third woman turned him down for a date allegedly.

HANG HIM HIGH! :lol: at best he dated two girls who said nothing happened.
Oh so some of his many acts of pedophilia didn't get to penetration. Just another Alabaman religious freak, kissing and hugging underaged girls. I guess, you being a republican, I should have expected you to see no problem.

Hey, Glass Door says that average Hillary Clinton PPP employees make roughly $53,000 a year
Salary: Digital Media Specialist | Glassdoor

However, given the rather extreme nature of your posts, I'd imagine you're getting at least 70k, am I right?
Confession of Hillary Shill from /r/SandersForPresident - thread is now gone but someone saved the content. • r/conspiracy
Inside Hillary Clinton's Digital operation - CNNPolitics
Hillary Clinton's Digital Team Is Hiring ... And Hiring, And Hiring | HuffPost
Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her super PAC

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