Moore Smear Campaign:Truth has Come Out!

But if Bill Clinton got a blowjob from a 19 year old, it's the most obscene thing in history,

Lewinsky scandal. The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and 22-year-old White House internMonica Lewinsky. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1996 and came to light in 1998.

Dang. Monica keeps getting younger and younger every time somebody tells the story.
My bad. I thought she was 19. Still at age of consent though.
Do all the time. Would it kill you to come out of your “hate heterosexual white males Nazi behind every bush” fantasyland?
My take is that he was a lousy judge lost his judgeship twice, he acts like an idiot, & that would be reason enough to not vote for him. said before that it was a little creepy a guy in his 30s dating teens, if you live in Alabama & if he's your kinda guy vote for him. it will all shake out later. but please quit bashing the women. this is why so many women don't report. we need women, men, boys, children to report sexual misconduct.
Didn't know Clinton's friend Epstein owned a island huh?

Didn't you know the secret service keeps a list of everybody.

Was the secret service in the oval office when Bill abused his power then lied using a 19 year old to get a blowjob?
Lewinsky scandal. The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and 22-year-old White House internMonica Lewinsky. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1996 and came to light in 1998.
My take is that he was a lousy judge lost his judgeship twice, he acts like an idiot, & that would be reason enough to not vote for him. said before that it was a little creepy a guy in his 30s dating teens, if you live in Alabama & if he's your kinda guy vote for him. it will all shake out later. but please quit bashing the women. this is why so many women don't report. we need women, men, boys, children to report sexual misconduct.
Has nothing to do with bashing. But sometimes there are false accusations. Just like that Trump Russia hoax going on.
Didn't know Clinton's friend Epstein owned a island huh?

Didn't you know the secret service keeps a list of everybody.

Was the secret service in the oval office when Bill abused his power then lied using a 19 year old to get a blowjob?
Lewinsky scandal. The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and 22-year-old White House internMonica Lewinsky. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1996 and came to light in 1998.
So you do stay apologist for the Clinton's/DNC then.
the only person and people this LAST MINUTE breaking news helps.... are McConnell and Republicans...

Alabamians will NEVER vote for a Democrat, even if Moore is guilty, Moore wins, then if this accusation is true, he resigns and the republican governor of Alabama appoints a replacement for Moore, another Republican...maybe even Luther Strange again, which benefits Republicans and MCConnell.


THIS IS establishment republicans...

just think about it....

This is politics in our country in a nutshell. People will vote for someone from their party even if that person is a are a child molester. Nothing else matters but party.

And what is worse is that people are proud to be this way this and even brag about it.

No wonder our country is going down the shitter.
Trump supporters voted for a serial sex offender totally knowing what kind of slimeball he is.
But the emails!!!!!!!!

Stop lying about being a serial sex offender. Name the cases. Or shut the fuck up. Criminal cases against him.
None of Trump's victims ever pursued litigation against him. They know what a slimeball rich bastard he is and they don't have the money to keep up with him. The fact you believe a pathological liar over 16 housewives, journalists and grandmothers shows just how much koolaide you've drunk.
They were lying...they didn’t want to take stand under oath.
This Moore scandal is another stake in the heart of the Do nothing's party's chances in 2018.

Actually it is not, look at them circle the wagons behind him. Everyone needs to step off and let this play out
But regardless he will win his election in a landslide.
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You fuckers are nothing if not predictable.

If that puke was wronged, he would be filing the lawsuit yesterday. He is a fucking LAWYER!!!!

Eat shit, ya fucking pedo apologists.
Who is apologizing for Hollywood?
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
People believe what they want to believe. Its a law of nature. It has a compelling affect on all people, everybody knows it...except that most seem to think they are somehow exempt from it.

What are the facts on this case and are they believable?

I just read in this thread the transcript the man gave on Hannity. Everybody ought to listen to it and decide if it plausible...and they ought to do it as honestly as they can....because the man has a right to a fair hearing.

He remembers two of the older girls. He does not remember going on a date with one, but says it could have happened, and remembers that she was a great girl.. He does remember going out with the other, age 19, but denies he bought her a drink at the bar they were in because it was a dry county at the time.

Both girls said he behaved himself admirably, and their mothers approved of them going out with him!

So, as to these two, he stands accused of buying a 19 year old a drink 34 years ago.

You liberals ought to be ashamed to be pushing such nonsense.


He absolutely denies even knowing the one who was 14.

His two above accusers said he was a perfect gentleman, or similar remarks, yet his behavior with this one is made to be radically (unbelievably) different. Why is that?

They supposedly met in front of the Courthouse when this Candidate Moore volunteered to babysit her while her mother went to court. Is that plausible?

You can call the people of Alabama cretins if they still vote for this man, but that requires convicting him on the scantiest evidence.

From what I have seen, people in Alabama would be fully justified in NOT believing the smut the Washington Post has dug up in its capacity as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party--one owned by the Richest man in the world...a man who has fallen victim to that disease which people from places like Alabama hate so passionately---the disease of believing you are so smart, you must take on the duty of telling cretens in places like Alabama how to live and what to believe.

The honest, reasonable people from Alabama will, I believe see this as a sick scam and farce.
was he at the courthouse working, the day her mother went to court? That could help corroborate her story.... IF NOT, then this made up story by her, is over....

just him dating girls in their teens shows that he was unusually attracted to dating girls much much younger than him, when was in his 30's.... if there were no other teens coming forward, it would make the 14 yr old's case, less believable imo....but with them, it does make me wonder if she is honestly telling the truth....?

i did not hear that he was a gentleman with these other girls, but it was reported that when they insisted on 'NO' that he did abide and drove them home....which is a good thing...

one other way to find out if this woman is telling the truth or not is for Moore's family or friends describe his appt or house at the time, on deposition, separated when they describe it....and where it was....

and have the woman describe his home inside and out from when she was 14 and where it was.... and see if the lady is correct?

As it stands now, there really is a 'he said, she said' and just some corroborating evidence that he was attracted to teens when he was in his 30's....but that's it....
Was the secret service in the oval office when Bill abused his power then lied using a 19 year old to get a blowjob?
Lewinsky scandal. and 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
So you do stay apologist for the Clinton's/DNC then.
You lied claiming Lewinsky was a teenager.

Circling around with no context that Willy also has had teenagers? Wow!

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