Moral Confusion of the Left

The right thinks humans are NOT GOOD and should seek revenge at every turn.

that is what the Op is teaching me when she posts

I'm not sure the OP means that "the right" thinks humans are NOT good and should seek revenge.

I get more of the idea that the right thinks the left isn't as moral as they are. It's a superiority trip.

My God is better than your God.
The right thinks humans are NOT GOOD and should seek revenge at every turn.

that is what the Op is teaching me when she posts

I'm not sure the OP means that "the right" thinks humans are NOT good and should seek revenge.

I get more of the idea that the right thinks the left isn't as moral as they are. It's a superiority trip.

My God is better than your God.

I linked to a post of hers SAYING that one of the differances between the left and the right is the left sees people as good and the right sees them as NOT GOOD
Turn the other cheek if someone slaps you.

It means don't return negativity with negativity.

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Yes, that certainly explains your neg rep practice. Tossing that sword around again, LOL.

Are you at war with non-christians?

Far from it. I have many non-Christian friends. I don't particularly care for stupid people or hypocritical people who try to twist Christianity into something it is not.
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Yes, that certainly explains your neg rep practice. Tossing that sword around again, LOL.

Are you at war with non-christians?

Far from it. I have many non-Christian friends. I don't particularly care for stupid people or hypocritical people who try to twist Christianity into something it is not.

So you believe christ wanted man to seek revenge?
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Yes, that certainly explains your neg rep practice. Tossing that sword around again, LOL.

Are you at war with non-christians?

Far from it. I have many non-Christian friends. I don't particularly care for stupid people or hypocritical people who try to twist Christianity into something it is not.

No one is trying to twist Christianity into something it isn't. How Christianity is raises questions for some of us and we ask them.
Yes, that certainly explains your neg rep practice. Tossing that sword around again, LOL.

Are you at war with non-christians?

Far from it. I have many non-Christian friends. I don't particularly care for stupid people or hypocritical people who try to twist Christianity into something it is not.

So you believe christ wanted man to seek revenge?

No, I believe Christ said that it would have been better for some men to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around their neck.
What I notice PC does is starts a thread with a ton of inflammatory claims and then she sits back and watches the thread burn to the ground.
Man I had always been taught in church that revenge was not a Jesus high point.
Man I had always been taught in church that revenge was not a Jesus high point.

Yes, I guess you figured you'd just take the Cliff notes version of Christianity. Tough.

Dude I gave the crazy shit up at about 5 when they told me the story of Abraham being told by god to kill his son.

I new in my 5 year old brain that the religion was shit right then and there.
Jesuss did say some very good things though and I still consider him a great philosopher
Man I had always been taught in church that revenge was not a Jesus high point.

Yes, I guess you figured you'd just take the Cliff notes version of Christianity. Tough.

Dude I gave the crazy shit up at about 5 when they told me the story of Abraham being told by god to kill his son.

I new in my 5 year old brain that the religion was shit right then and there.

Not to worry. Wouldn't have been a good fit for a pathetic liar like yourself.
The standing, the positions that the Left takes as morality is more often tied to sophistry and less to an adherence to a strict code. It is generally tied to the avoidance to identify, much less confront, evil...and the easy comfort of anti-America agendas.

1. Moral confusion of the Left is best exemplified by Michael Berg, a Green Party candidate from Delaware, whose son, Nick Berg, had his throat cut, and was decapitated by the terrorist Zarqawi. The incident became an infamous internet video. Immediately, Mr. Berg senior proclaimed that President George Bush was “more a terrorist than Zarqawi….Zarqawi felt my son’s breath on his hand as [he] held the knife against his throat. Zarqawi had to look in his eyes awhen he did it. George Bush sits there glassy-eyed in his office with pieces of paper and condemns people to death. That to me is a real terrorist.

a. Michael Berg is a self-proclaimed, committed pacifist and a veteran anti-war activist. Ibid.

b. Soledad O'BRIEN, interviewing Berg on CNN: “No, no. And we have spoken before, and I'm well aware of that. But at some point, one would think, is there a moment when you say, 'I'm glad he's dead, the man who killed my son'? BERG: No. How can a human being be glad that another human being is dead? Beheaded man's father: Revenge breeds revenge - CNN

2. Another example of Left-wing moral confusion was the reaction to a speech by Pope Benedict XVI on September 12, 2006, in which he cited some critical things that Byzantine emperor Manual II Paleologus (1350-1425) said about Islam, specifically about the relative unimportance of reason in Islam, and of the spread of Islam by the sword. There were riots in parts of the Islamic world, and intense criticism of the pope by the world’s Left. The NYTimes argued that Benedict was creating even more Muslim violence.

a. Yet, these same people had charged that Pope Pius XII was silent about the Nazi annihilation of European Jewry. If the same people who attack Pope Pius XII for his silence regarding the greatest evil of his time are largely the same people who attack Pope Benedict XVI for confronting the greatest evil of his time, maybe it isn't a pope's confronting evil that concerns Pius's critics, but simply defaming the Church. The argument is so illogical that only those who attended graduate school or Catholicism-bashers could find it persuasive. Pius attacked for not confronting evil, Benedict attacked for confronting evil - Dennis Prager - Townhall Conservative Columnists

3. More of the moral standards of the Left? Sure…In 2009, seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus – Reps. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., Melvin Watt, D-N.C., Michael Honda, D-Calif., Laura Richardson,, D-Calif., Bobby Rush, D-Ill., Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, and Emanuel Cleaver II, D-Mo. -- returned from a visit to Cuba where they met with the dictators of Cuba, Fidel and Raul Castro. CBC Chairwoman Rep. Barbara Lee: “Former President Fidel Castro is very engaging, very energetic.” Rep. Laura Richardson: “He looked right into my eyes and said, 'How can we help you? How can we help President Obama?’” Rep. Bobby Rush: “I think that what really surprised me, but also endeared me to him was his keen sense of humor, his sense of history and his basic human qualities.” “He drank water, we drank water, nothing else was served, but that was just fine! I was, after all, in the presence of history.” “In my household, I told Castro, he is known as the ultimate survivor.”

a. Columnist Mona Charen pithily noted: “Funny how easy it is to survive when you don't hold elections.”

b. The Miami Herald labeled the seven members of the CBC who went to Cuba, “The Clueless Seven” “If only the group had met with even one prisoner of conscience or one of the wives, mothers, daughters or sisters of the 75 independent journalists, librarians and human-rights advocates imprisoned in Cuba's ‘Black Spring’ of 2003. … Or the seven could have traveled three hours from Havana to see the hunger-striking dissidents led by Jorge Luis Garcia ‘Antunez’ Perez in Placetas. Or they could have asked to see Oscar Elias Biscet, a doctor serving 25 years in prison for following the peaceful resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. … Or what of the mothers of three young men who were tried in a day and killed the next by firing squad in 2003 for trying to hijack a ferry from Havana Harbor? No passenger was hurt, but that didn't stop the Cuban government from sending a swift and terrifying message to the country's Afro-Cuban masses.”

c. And as the Washington Post, another major liberal newspaper, editorialized: (Rep. Barbara Lee said that) “‘Cubans do want dialogue. They do want talks.’ Funny, then, that in five days on the island the Congress members found no time for dialogue with Afro-Cuban dissident Jorge Luis Garcia Perez. … Mr. Garcia, better known as ‘Antunez,’ is a renowned advocate of human rights who has often been singled out for harsh treatment because of his color. ‘The authorities in my country,’ he has said, ‘have never tolerated that a black person (could dare to) oppose the regime.’

d. And the CBC calls itself “the conscience of the Congress since 1971”! The Dennis Prager Show

Republican Morals​

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Republicans Cheer Texas Death Penalty at GOP Debate - YouTube[/ame]
Too bad this thread was hijacked by trolls, it was a good op, PC, as usual. ;)

And, as usual, went right over their heads. :lol:

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