Moral Confusion of the Left

Examine what you think "liberalism" is. Liberalism isn't a religion. Stop reading Ann Coulter. Pundits split the country into us and them. It's wrong.

My religion informs my politics, not the other way around. Buddhism informs my political choices.

1. Liberalism is one of the ersatz versions of Leftism that replaced Christianity for some folks. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, Liberalism fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.
Chapter two, Prager, "Still The Best Hope."
Examine what you think "liberalism" is. Liberalism isn't a religion. Stop reading Ann Coulter. Pundits split the country into us and them. It's wrong.

My religion informs my politics, not the other way around. Buddhism informs my political choices.

1. Liberalism is one of the ersatz versions of Leftism that replaced Christianity for some folks. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, Liberalism fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.
Chapter two, Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

Nonsense. My moral values don't arise from liberalism. They arise from my childhood training in the RCC, and currently in Buddhism.

John Lennnon's song is irrelevant. Your whole post is confused. Just a bunch of cut and paste from some gobbledgook book.

We get it. You don't like liberals, and you'd like our views on political issues to always agree to your formula. They don't.

It's in the best interests of those in power, that the country be split along imaginary ideological lines.
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No, your moral values certainly do come from liberalism. You've rejected just about everything you ever learned in the RCC.

And nothing makes a progressive so furious as to have the truth pointed out to them.
No, your moral values certainly do come from liberalism. You've rejected just about everything you ever learned in the RCC.

And nothing makes a progressive so furious as to have the truth pointed out to them.

I didn't reject EVERYTHING the RCC had to offer. I still hold a few things close to my heart from the RCC, one is the value of devotion and prayer.

Now, instead of praying to Mary, I pray to Tara, the female Buddha. Instead of being devoted to the RCC, I am devoted to Buddhism.

You might want to consider reading a book by China Galland, called, Longing for Darkness. It about her own personal journey of healing from addiction and her travels to investigate the "Black Madonna" in Europe and the connection to Tara, the female Buddha.

If you like travel journals, and biographies, you'll like this book.
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Too bad this thread was hijacked by trolls, it was a good op, PC, as usual. ;)

And, as usual, went right over their heads. :lol:

It's wrong for people who are morally bankrupt to preach morals to those who actually have morals. Republicans need to look inward before they judge people from other countries, no matter how bad those people are. Look at what they did in Iraq. It was never about freedom. Never about the people. It was greed, pure and simple.

Republicans can't face their own leadership. Can't face what their party stands for. Point anything out to them and they deflect.

Dems are going to teach us about morals now? That must be why the Dems don't want any kind of ID to be able to vote. Uh huh.

Yes, you and your little buddies have turned it into that... :lol:

Like I said, over your head.

The OP title is inflammatory. That appears to be over YOUR head.

Actually, it is based on reality.

Liberalism is destructive, and a large part of it's anomalous nature is the inability to provide a consistent moral code.

Consider this aspect: Liberal elites without said moral code.

Leftism is more than well-represented in the arts; it is dominated by same.
Leonard Bernstein, foremost musician of his time, witty and charming, but an prime example of the broken moral compass of the Leftist.

On January 14, 1970, Bernstein threw a fund-raising party for the violent, racist, America-hating Black Panther Party. Here is how Panther leader, “Field Marshall” Don Cox began the evening: “We call the [police] pigs… recognize that this country is the most oppressive country in the world, maybe in the history of the world. The pigs have the weapons and are ready to use them on the people…They are ready to commit genocide against those who stand up against them…” New York Magazine, June 8, 1970

Charles Murray's "Coming Apart" focuses on Liberal upper class folks who provide poor moral examples to the lower classes. They have children without benefit of marriage...and can get away with same because they have the wealth to provide a structure that paves over some of the rough spots that this behavior creates.

Lower class folks follow the example...but suffer the poverty and crime that the behavior engenders.

You left out the context:




1970? What is it in your life that left you bitter and broken? What made you awful? I really want to know.
Examine what you think "liberalism" is. Liberalism isn't a religion. Stop reading Ann Coulter. Pundits split the country into us and them. It's wrong.

My religion informs my politics, not the other way around. Buddhism informs my political choices.

1. Liberalism is one of the ersatz versions of Leftism that replaced Christianity for some folks. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, Liberalism fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.
Chapter two, Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

Liberalism is about discovery, invention and positive change.

Conservatism is fear of change. Fear of the future. "FEAR".
No, liberalism is about entitlement, joblessness, and depravity.

This is what she meant by moral confusion. You see those as GOOD things.
Examine what you think "liberalism" is. Liberalism isn't a religion. Stop reading Ann Coulter. Pundits split the country into us and them. It's wrong.

My religion informs my politics, not the other way around. Buddhism informs my political choices.

1. Liberalism is one of the ersatz versions of Leftism that replaced Christianity for some folks. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, Liberalism fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.
Chapter two, Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

Liberalism is about discovery, invention and positive change.

Conservatism is fear of change. Fear of the future. "FEAR".

Nope. Liberalism is the enemy of liberty every day, all day.

"Change" means nothing. There is good change and bad change. Wake up.
Examine what you think "liberalism" is. Liberalism isn't a religion. Stop reading Ann Coulter. Pundits split the country into us and them. It's wrong.

My religion informs my politics, not the other way around. Buddhism informs my political choices.

1. Liberalism is one of the ersatz versions of Leftism that replaced Christianity for some folks. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, Liberalism fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.
Chapter two, Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

Liberalism is about discovery, invention and positive change.

Conservatism is fear of change. Fear of the future. "FEAR".

I think I can help you out, here, deanie...

1. Liberalism refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.]

2. Conservatism is Americanism, and is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

Better now?

The government shoudn't tell me what kind of drugs to take or what kind of sex to have. What I put in my body is not the government's business.

The government needs to tell me how much soda to drink, whether or not I can salt my fries or if I should even have fries. What I put in my body is the government's business.
It's wrong for people who are morally bankrupt to preach morals to those who actually have morals. Republicans need to look inward before they judge people from other countries, no matter how bad those people are. Look at what they did in Iraq. It was never about freedom. Never about the people. It was greed, pure and simple.

Republicans can't face their own leadership. Can't face what their party stands for. Point anything out to them and they deflect.

Dems are going to teach us about morals now? That must be why the Dems don't want any kind of ID to be able to vote. Uh huh.


Bull. You want anyone and everyone to walk up there and vote Dem without any ID required whatsoever. Don't tell me "DEFLECT". You know it as well as everyone else does.
The OP title is inflammatory. That appears to be over YOUR head.

Actually, it is based on reality.

Liberalism is destructive, and a large part of it's anomalous nature is the inability to provide a consistent moral code.

Consider this aspect: Liberal elites without said moral code.

Leftism is more than well-represented in the arts; it is dominated by same.
Leonard Bernstein, foremost musician of his time, witty and charming, but an prime example of the broken moral compass of the Leftist.

On January 14, 1970, Bernstein threw a fund-raising party for the violent, racist, America-hating Black Panther Party. Here is how Panther leader, “Field Marshall” Don Cox began the evening: “We call the [police] pigs… recognize that this country is the most oppressive country in the world, maybe in the history of the world. The pigs have the weapons and are ready to use them on the people…They are ready to commit genocide against those who stand up against them…” New York Magazine, June 8, 1970

Charles Murray's "Coming Apart" focuses on Liberal upper class folks who provide poor moral examples to the lower classes. They have children without benefit of marriage...and can get away with same because they have the wealth to provide a structure that paves over some of the rough spots that this behavior creates.

Lower class folks follow the example...but suffer the poverty and crime that the behavior engenders.

You left out the context:




1970? What is it in your life that left you bitter and broken? What made you awful? I really want to know. that's why the Black Panthers formed in California, Brooklyn, Harlem......

...which of those pics were taken in California, Brooklyn, Harlem.....?
Examine what you think "liberalism" is. Liberalism isn't a religion. Stop reading Ann Coulter. Pundits split the country into us and them. It's wrong.

My religion informs my politics, not the other way around. Buddhism informs my political choices.

1. Liberalism is one of the ersatz versions of Leftism that replaced Christianity for some folks. Very few can live a life without meaning. For most, religion provides that meaning. But the fulcrum of history, the Enlightenment, and, subsequently, the French Revolution, weakened the influence of religion in Europe.

2. The collapse of Christianity in Europe opened the door for Leftism, Liberalism fascism, Nazism, and, ultimately, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, and the permutations of egalitarianism. Instructive, that so many versions were needed to fill the hole left by the decline of Christianity.

3. The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

4. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.
Chapter two, Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

Nonsense. My moral values don't arise from liberalism. They arise from my childhood training in the RCC, and currently in Buddhism.

John Lennnon's song is irrelevant. Your whole post is confused. Just a bunch of cut and paste from some gobbledgook book.

We get it. You don't like liberals, and you'd like our views on political issues to always agree to your formula. They don't.

It's in the best interests of those in power, that the country be split along imaginary ideological lines.

Speaking of those moral much of a citizens' earnings should the state be allowed to take?
What's a 'fair share'?

....according to those liberal values....does an individual have a right to private property?

'Fess up.....
Your premise is not holding up PC.

Just because you repeat yourself over and over, doesn't make your premise correct. My values don't come from being a liberal. I became a liberal based on my values as a RCC, early on, and then a Buddhist, subsequently.
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