Moral Degenerates vs Christian Values

There is nothing wrong with western civilization, and whatever 'values' there are, it doesn't matter if they are 'secular' or 'christian', as both serve society well.

People are trying to find fault where there is none, as if society can't adapt to new issues and philosophical points of view.

I would be more worried about societies that can't adapt, and just stew away till they explode into ethnic cleansing, genocide, persecution of minorities, and all those other terrible things that happen in closed societies where there is only one way to live, and only one way to do things.

If you don't like homosexuality, evolution, religion, communism, socialism, capitalism, government, taxes, cats, dogs, aliens, meat, spinach, flu shots, or secular teaching. You do have a choice, and that is teaching kids yourself.

Try doing that in closed societies like Russia, China, and parts of the Middle East - and you could get arrested, sent to prison, or shot.
Russia encourages home schooling. 1/3 of the children in Russia are home schooled. That's because Russia is a free country and we only say we are.

Why do you say things like this?

Drunker than usual?

Or do you have a link proving that "1/3 of the children in Russia are home schooled".
You've lived through it and you've made your rationalizations, don't bother trying to waste my time convincing you otherwise. Your choice is moral degeneracy is best for America in case you didn't know.
Translation: I'm going to believe what I believe regardless of the facts.

Check it out.

He says the same thing to everybody who shows his lies for what they are.

I'm not in the habit of wasting my time on lost causes and silly headed distractions or ...:laugh:
Just admit that the Christian right and the secular left can no longer coexist.
That's your bugaboo. Co-existence is possible if everyone just minds their own business. Otherwise, you sound no different than the mullahs.

I agree. MYOB. None ofour business what consenting adults are doing together or who they marry.

And yet, if everyone minds their own business, would we find out about the horrible abuses the fundies heap on their kids?

Duggars, the nutters in N or S Carolina whose kids don't have food and sleep under a tarp, the monsters who believe in beating their kids bloody and so many others.

Where do we draw the line so we don't end up hearing about some crazy killing their kid because they were possessed by the devil?
Activist Gays have no tolerance of religious faith, sheesh, isn't that obvious?


Lets compare tolerance shall we? Tolerance of 'religious faith' versus tolerance of 'sexual preference'

Conservative Christians: Have advocated that homosexuals be imprisoned or otherwise criminally prosecuted for most of the last 1000 years.

'Activist Gays': Have demanded that the laws that say do not discriminate against Christians, blacks or homosexuals be enforced even when Christians want to discriminate.

Conservative Christians: Have sent American ministers to Africa to advocate for criminal penalties against homosexuals, resulting in among other things, death penalties being passed for homosexuals.

'Activist Gays': Have advocated boycotts of business's for anti-gay messages- even when they are Christians

Conservative Christians: Have advocated boycotts of business's for pro-gay messages.

Is this thread all about Gays for you?

mmm.. Perhaps you just like to play the victim a tad to much.
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Your God kills babies!

Your secular humanism kills them before they are even born!

Your God starts wars against EVERYBODY!

Your atheism killed eleventy billion Chinese!

And so on.

But Secular Humanism murdered 150 million innocent people... over just a couple of decades in the mid 20th Century... which is people, taking the lives of other people absent any sense of moral justification, let alone a soundly reasoned moral justification; which if you're keeping score, that is a function of 'EVIL!
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
The left wants nothing to do with the concepts of right and wrong.
They believe everything is open for debate. That there is only grey. Nothing can ever be looked at in terms of black and white.
Your God kills babies!

Your secular humanism kills them before they are even born!

Your God starts wars against EVERYBODY!

Your atheism killed eleventy billion Chinese!

And so on.
Do you come here for the sole purpose of being contrary for any particular reason?
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.

Well I am going for the Liberal beliefs of right and wrong, versus the Conservative Christian philosophy of moral condemnation and government intrusion into adults personal lives while privately indulging in the behavior that they condemn.
No doubt myopic rationalizations but I appreciated the laugh, thanks.

Well I for one, am enjoying the great sense of victimhood by Christians like yourself- the poor martyrs- being asked to treat others as you would have them treat you.
Your God kills babies!

Your secular humanism kills them before they are even born!

Your God starts wars against EVERYBODY!

Your atheism killed eleventy billion Chinese!

And so on.

But Secular Humanism murdered 150 million innocent people..!

Your God supposedly murdered everyone on the planet except Noah and his family.

I mean if you believe in such a God.
Just admit that the Christian right and the secular left can no longer coexist.
That's your bugaboo. Co-existence is possible if everyone just minds their own business. Otherwise, you sound no different than the mullahs.

I agree. MYOB. None ofour business what consenting adults are doing together or who they marry.

And yet, if everyone minds their own business, would we find out about the horrible abuses the fundies heap on their kids?

Duggars, the nutters in N or S Carolina whose kids don't have food and sleep under a tarp, the monsters who believe in beating their kids bloody and so many others.

Where do we draw the line so we don't end up hearing about some crazy killing their kid because they were possessed by the devil?
Activist Gays have no tolerance of religious faith, sheesh, isn't that obvious?


Is this thread all about Gays for you?

mmm.. Perhaps you just like to play the victim a tad to much.

I was responding to a specific post about 'Gays'- if pointing out the intollerence of Conservative Christians towards homosexuals makes you uncomfortable.....well that is okay.


Lets compare tolerance shall we? Tolerance of 'religious faith' versus tolerance of 'sexual preference'

Conservative Christians: Have advocated that homosexuals be imprisoned or otherwise criminally prosecuted for most of the last 1000 years.

'Activist Gays': Have demanded that the laws that say do not discriminate against Christians, blacks or homosexuals be enforced even when Christians want to discriminate.

Conservative Christians: Have sent American ministers to Africa to advocate for criminal penalties against homosexuals, resulting in among other things, death penalties being passed for homosexuals.

'Activist Gays': Have advocated boycotts of business's for anti-gay messages- even when they are Christians

Conservative Christians: Have advocated boycotts of business's for pro-gay message
You've lived through it and you've made your rationalizations, don't bother trying to waste my time convincing you otherwise. Your choice is moral degeneracy is best for America in case you didn't know.
Translation: I'm going to believe what I believe regardless of the facts.

Check it out.

He says the same thing to everybody who shows his lies for what they are.

I'm not in the habit of wasting my time on lost causes and silly headed distractions or ...:laugh:

Why on earth are you posting at USMB then?
Just admit that the Christian right and the secular left can no longer coexist.

The Christian far right sure seem intent on making that so. don't believe your comment is one-sided at best?

Seriously...don't you see that your entire thread is your one sided partisan viewpoint?
Yup, I'm the only one that posted my perspective in this thread...
Hoo boy. Here's comes a shit slinging fest.

Well, an airing out couldn't hurt. When I see the Democratic Party coronation of a proven corrupt 1% er and proven liar I just have to admit, it worries me in regards to the future health and future of America.
We catch our perverts when they are 14.
They wait and elect theirs president.
You call that a "catch"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
There is nothing wrong with western civilization, and whatever 'values' there are, it doesn't matter if they are 'secular' or 'christian', as both serve society well.

People are trying to find fault where there is none, as if society can't adapt to new issues and philosophical points of view.

I would be more worried about societies that can't adapt, and just stew away till they explode into ethnic cleansing, genocide, persecution of minorities, and all those other terrible things that happen in closed societies where there is only one way to live, and only one way to do things.

If you don't like homosexuality, evolution, religion, communism, socialism, capitalism, government, taxes, cats, dogs, aliens, meat, spinach, flu shots, or secular teaching. You do have a choice, and that is teaching kids yourself.

Try doing that in closed societies like Russia, China, and parts of the Middle East - and you could get arrested, sent to prison, or shot.
Russia encourages home schooling. 1/3 of the children in Russia are home schooled. That's because Russia is a free country and we only say we are.
No...we can have lots more homeschooled...but most American parents want the government to do it for them because it's inconvenient to homeschool.
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Most Democrats are Christian too. Not sure where this meme of right wingers owning Christianity comes from. I'd take the Christian left golden rule philosophy over the Christian right moral busybody sanctimony any day.
That's your bugaboo. Co-existence is possible if everyone just minds their own business. Otherwise, you sound no different than the mullahs.

I agree. MYOB. None ofour business what consenting adults are doing together or who they marry.

And yet, if everyone minds their own business, would we find out about the horrible abuses the fundies heap on their kids?

Duggars, the nutters in N or S Carolina whose kids don't have food and sleep under a tarp, the monsters who believe in beating their kids bloody and so many others.

Where do we draw the line so we don't end up hearing about some crazy killing their kid because they were possessed by the devil?
Activist Gays have no tolerance of religious faith, sheesh, isn't that obvious?


Is this thread all about Gays for you?

mmm.. Perhaps you just like to play the victim a tad to much.

I was responding to a specific post about 'Gays'- if pointing out the intollerence of Conservative Christians towards homosexuals makes you uncomfortable.....well that is okay.


Lets compare tolerance shall we? Tolerance of 'religious faith' versus tolerance of 'sexual preference'

Conservative Christians: Have advocated that homosexuals be imprisoned or otherwise criminally prosecuted for most of the last 1000 years.

'Activist Gays': Have demanded that the laws that say do not discriminate against Christians, blacks or homosexuals be enforced even when Christians want to discriminate.

Conservative Christians: Have sent American ministers to Africa to advocate for criminal penalties against homosexuals, resulting in among other things, death penalties being passed for homosexuals.

'Activist Gays': Have advocated boycotts of business's for anti-gay messages- even when they are Christians

Conservative Christians: Have advocated boycotts of business's for pro-gay message
I think we can agree that there's intolerance on both sides. Even Hillary and Bill Clinton were intolerant of your wishes until it was politically advantageous.

download (3).png

What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Most Democrats are Christian too. Not sure where this meme of right wingers owning Christianity comes from. I'd take the Christian left golden rule philosophy over the Christian right moral busybody sanctimony any day.
Another left wing grocery store Christian, great.
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Most Democrats are Christian too. Not sure where this meme of right wingers owning Christianity comes from. I'd take the Christian left golden rule philosophy over the Christian right moral busybody sanctimony any day.
Another left wing grocery store Christian, great.
Old liberal rule..."Always defend the pervert".
New liberal rule...."Only defend the liberal pervert".

They call that thinking "progressive".
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Most Democrats are Christian too. Not sure where this meme of right wingers owning Christianity comes from. I'd take the Christian left golden rule philosophy over the Christian right moral busybody sanctimony any day.
Another left wing grocery store Christian, great.
Old liberal rule..."Always defend the pervert".
New liberal rule...."Only defend the liberal pervert".

They call that thinking "progressive".
who is defending perverts? I call your thinking "retarded".

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