Moral Degenerates vs Christian Values

Why do Protestants allow birth control and Catholics don't?

Both claim to be Christian. They can't both be right, can they?


It's what's for sinnin'.

Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?
Why do Protestants allow birth control and Catholics don't?

Both claim to be Christian. They can't both be right, can they?


It's what's for sinnin'.

Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?

That is a non sequitur since the ISSUE is,

is using birth control a violation of Christian values, beliefs, instruction?
Why do Protestants allow birth control and Catholics don't?

Both claim to be Christian. They can't both be right, can they?


It's what's for sinnin'.

Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?

So is controlling conception in conflict with Christian beliefs or not?
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.

If you ever get around to actually reading a Bible, let us know how you rationalize away all the screwed up things it says to do and permits as with rape, murder, child abuse, etc.

Evil Bible Home Page

Sums up all the messed up stuff in the Bible complete with chapter and verse.
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.


Dennis Hastert is a Christian. He just diddled High School boys against their will. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Mark Foley is a Christian. He just bent over House Pages. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Mark Sanford is a Christian. All he did was to leave he family to go fuck his secret lover's pussy in Argentina, meanwhile lying to his constituents that he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Newt Gingrich is a Christian. He only had affairs with the next wife while still fucking the current wife. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

David Vitter is a Christian. Why, all he did was to fuck the same DC madam as did Elliot Spitzer, also while wearing diapers and such. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Josh Duggar is a Christian. All he did was to abuse young girls sexually. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

George Rekers is a Christian. All he did was to use $$ from the firm that was supposed to be against homosexuality to hire a rent-boy to go on vacation with him and fuck him many times in the ass. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker are Christians... lol...

Ted Swaggart is a Christian and a preacher. All he did was to take crystal meth with a gay whore and get fucked by the whore many times. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Tell me, is there one single Christian out there who actually lives these beliefs of right and wrong?

And why were you so crazy as to compare a religion with a political party?

Do apples and pubic-hair shavers much?

That's quite a list but mine is much longer .:disbelief:. it's the Democratic Party List.

I think we all agree that the political class has more than their share of closet liberals....:wink_2:

Oh, so you are saying that all those fine Christians I specifically named, all of them Republicans, are actually closet Liberals?


If you really believe that, then you are beyond repair...

It's what's for sinnin'.

Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?

So is controlling conception in conflict with Christian beliefs or not?

Christ valued honesty... and the personal responsibility to be honest in one's private and public behavior.

When you stand before God in judgement, there will be no means to claim that you were not aware that conception is the natural consequence of intercourse... thus when you engaged in it, you were aware that you were doing that which was designed to promote conception and that you used conception to avoid the RESPONSIBILITIES which are intrinsic to the freedom to engage in intercourse.

Thus to you LIED...

You lied to yourself.

You lied to the person who trusted you when they engaged in such with you.

You lied to God.

This isn't complex Gilligan, yet you seem, incredibly, incapable of understanding.

(That's is because, you're animated by evil)
Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?

So is controlling conception in conflict with Christian beliefs or not?

Christ valued honesty... and the personal responsibility to be honest in one's private and public behavior.

When you stand before God in judgement, there will be no means to claim that you were not aware that conception is the natural consequence of intercourse... thus when you engaged in it, you were aware that you were doing that which was designed to promote conception and that you used conception to avoid the RESPONSIBILITIES which are intrinsic to the freedom to engage in intercourse.

Thus to you LIED...

You lied to yourself.

You lied to the person who trusted you when they engaged in such with you.

You lied to God.

This isn't complex Gilligan, yet you seem, incredibly, incapable of understanding.

(That's is because, you're animated by evil)

Where did Christ preach against birth control?
Sums up all the messed up stuff in the Bible complete with chapter and verse.

so, your religious book is the koran ? and it is as pure as the North Pole snow ?

Because I wouldn't use a Bible to wipe my ass fearing becomming infected by something dirty in it doesn't mean I'm for some other bs book. All religions are lies and nonsense, their books not fit for kindling or toilet paper.
You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?

So is controlling conception in conflict with Christian beliefs or not?

Christ valued honesty... and the personal responsibility to be honest in one's private and public behavior.

When you stand before God in judgement, there will be no means to claim that you were not aware that conception is the natural consequence of intercourse... thus when you engaged in it, you were aware that you were doing that which was designed to promote conception and that you used conception to avoid the RESPONSIBILITIES which are intrinsic to the freedom to engage in intercourse.

Thus to you LIED...

You lied to yourself.

You lied to the person who trusted you when they engaged in such with you.

You lied to God.

This isn't complex Gilligan, yet you seem, incredibly, incapable of understanding.

(That's is because, you're animated by evil)

Where did Christ preach against birth control?
Where he preached about the importance of being honest
Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

Again you come to restate your failed rationalization. Fine...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Feel better?

So is controlling conception in conflict with Christian beliefs or not?

Christ valued honesty... and the personal responsibility to be honest in one's private and public behavior.

When you stand before God in judgement, there will be no means to claim that you were not aware that conception is the natural consequence of intercourse... thus when you engaged in it, you were aware that you were doing that which was designed to promote conception and that you used conception to avoid the RESPONSIBILITIES which are intrinsic to the freedom to engage in intercourse.

Thus to you LIED...

You lied to yourself.

You lied to the person who trusted you when they engaged in such with you.

You lied to God.

This isn't complex Gilligan, yet you seem, incredibly, incapable of understanding.

(That's is because, you're animated by evil)

Where did Christ preach against birth control?
Where he preached about the importance of being honest


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