Moral Degenerates vs Christian Values

There is nothing wrong with western civilization, and whatever 'values' there are, it doesn't matter if they are 'secular' or 'christian', as both serve society well.

People are trying to find fault where there is none, as if society can't adapt to new issues and philosophical points of view.

I would be more worried about societies that can't adapt, and just stew away till they explode into ethnic cleansing, genocide, persecution of minorities, and all those other terrible things that happen in closed societies where there is only one way to live, and only one way to do things.

If you don't like homosexuality, evolution, religion, communism, socialism, capitalism, government, taxes, cats, dogs, aliens, meat, spinach, flu shots, or secular teaching. You do have a choice, and that is teaching kids yourself.

Try doing that in closed societies like Russia, China, and parts of the Middle East - and you could get arrested, sent to prison, or shot.
Russia encourages home schooling. 1/3 of the children in Russia are home schooled. That's because Russia is a free country and we only say we are.
No...we can have lots more homeschooled...but most American parents want the government to do it for them because it's inconvenient to homeschool.

US Citizens want government to indoctrinate their children, because they're idiots.

Americans are home-schooling, specifically to educate their children, to prevent the government from destroying their children's future.
Well, an airing out couldn't hurt. When I see the Democratic Party coronation of a proven corrupt 1% er and proven liar I just have to admit, it worries me in regards to the future health and future of America.
Proven? How about posting this so-called proof? Like Whitewater and the death of Vince Foster, I'm sure it's all wishful thinking BS.
You've lived through it and you've made your rationalizations, don't bother trying to waste my time convincing you otherwise. Your choice is moral degeneracy is best for America in case you didn't know.

So when a Quaker for example expresses the belief that he ought not have to pay taxes that go to military spending, based on his Christian faith,

is that what you're talking about? Should he get an exemption?

I'd like to hear your answers on this first if you wouldn't mind.

Of course you would.


What about the Presbyterian acceptance of gay marriage? Is that a Christian belief you adhere to?
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I never voted for any
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I suppose we could play some nonsensical tit for tat but why. Yup, there's examples of unethical Republicans pushed out of office by their indiscretions. Would you vote for candidates that you know are unethical, accept bribes, sexually assault women, are proven compulsive liars .. of course you have and will continue to do so...
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I never voted for any
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I suppose we could play some nonsensical tit for tat but why. Yup, there's examples of unethical Republicans pushed out of office by their indiscretions. Would you vote for candidates that you know are unethical, accept bribes, sexually assault women, are proven compulsive liars .. of course you have and will continue to do so...
Well, no I wouldn't. I voted Libertarian rather than Bill Clinton for that reason. I may do so this year too if the choice is between Hillary (republican lite) and some far right nutjob.
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I never voted for any
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I suppose we could play some nonsensical tit for tat but why. Yup, there's examples of unethical Republicans pushed out of office by their indiscretions. Would you vote for candidates that you know are unethical, accept bribes, sexually assault women, are proven compulsive liars .. of course you have and will continue to do so...
Well, no I wouldn't. I voted Libertarian rather than Bill Clinton for that reason. I may do so this year too if the choice is between Hillary (republican lite) and some far right nutjob.
Hillary .. "republican lite" that's funny....:thup:

I do apologize if you feel I misjudged you. If you didn't vote for Obama, especially the second time around, I definitely misjudged you.
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What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I never voted for any
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I suppose we could play some nonsensical tit for tat but why. Yup, there's examples of unethical Republicans pushed out of office by their indiscretions. Would you vote for candidates that you know are unethical, accept bribes, sexually assault women, are proven compulsive liars .. of course you have and will continue to do so...
Well, no I wouldn't. I voted Libertarian rather than Bill Clinton for that reason. I may do so this year too if the choice is between Hillary (republican lite) and some far right nutjob.
Hillary .. "republican lite" that's funny....:thup:

I do apologize if you feel I misjudged you. If you didn't vote for Obama, especially the second time around, I definitely misjudged you.
It's all good. I do lean left on many if not most things. I did vote for Obama twice and have few regrets given who he was running against (McInsane and Caribou Barbie and then RobMoney and Eddie Munster). After W, I would have voted for the devil before another republican. But Hillary voted for the same right wing, police state, war monger policies as W and the republicans, so what's the difference between them? I would sooner vote for the Libertarians. Even if I disagree with them on most domestic issues, at least they aren't out to stick their noses in everybody's business around the world and start stupid wars. I am really hoping the Democrats have someone else to run because I don't think I can pull the lever for Hillary Clinton.
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I never voted for any
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.
Tell us all about Republican moral superiority. I'm sure you can point to some shining examples. Duggar, Hastert, Craig, etc?
I suppose we could play some nonsensical tit for tat but why. Yup, there's examples of unethical Republicans pushed out of office by their indiscretions. Would you vote for candidates that you know are unethical, accept bribes, sexually assault women, are proven compulsive liars .. of course you have and will continue to do so...
Well, no I wouldn't. I voted Libertarian rather than Bill Clinton for that reason. I may do so this year too if the choice is between Hillary (republican lite) and some far right nutjob.
Hillary .. "republican lite" that's funny....:thup:

I do apologize if you feel I misjudged you. If you didn't vote for Obama, especially the second time around, I definitely misjudged you.
It's all good. I do lean left on many if not most things. I did vote for Obama twice and have few regrets given who he was running against (McInsane and Caribou Barbie and then RobMoney and Eddie Munster). After W, I would have voted for the devil before another republican. But Hillary voted for the same right wing, police state, war monger policies as W and the republicans, so what's the difference between them? I would sooner vote for the Libertarians. Even if I disagree with them on most domestic issues, at least they aren't out to stick their noses in everybody's business around the world and start stupid wars. I am really hoping the Democrats have someone else to run because I don't think I can pull the lever for Hillary Clinton.
I think Bush receives far more blame than he actually deserves. Democrats like to believe that their political representatives didn't vote and had zero influence during the Bush years I guess, even when they fully controlled Congress. Granted, I believed Republicans way overspent and deserved to get their butts kicked at the time... in retrospect... sheesh.

I just heard that New York has finally (almost) finished the new trade center building after 14 years. I consider New York a national embarrassment, they let the country down.
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Conservative Christians: Have advocated that homosexuals be imprisoned or otherwise criminally prosecuted for most of the last 1000 years.

Hasty generalization. Christians no longer hold that view, and such a view is more common in Islam. Note your silence on that issue.

'Activist Gays': Have demanded that the laws that say do not discriminate against Christians, blacks or homosexuals be enforced even when Christians want to discriminate.

That's quite vague. Not only have gay activists demanded equality under the law, they themselves have engaged in a form of discrimination by singling out and targeting those Christians and businesses who deny service based on faith.

Conservative Christians: Have sent American ministers to Africa to advocate for criminal penalties against homosexuals, resulting in among other things, death penalties being passed for homosexuals.

That's the first I've heard of it. Yet again, you neglect to mention those predominantly Islamic middle eastern countries who by their own accord criminalized homosexuality and imposed death penalties on such behavior. Care to address that now?

'Activist Gays': Have advocated boycotts of business's for anti-gay messages- even when they are Christians

Totally untrue. You've obviously ignored Memories Pizza, the Photographer in Arizona, Sweet Cakes, Mozilla and etc, where instead of boycotting those people/establishments they specifically targeted them by law or by outrage, to have them shut down, fined, kicked out of a leadership position. Gay activists don't boycott, they attack. They seek and destroy. They want to put Christian business owners on the streets for not serving their every whim.

Conservative Christians: Have advocated boycotts of business's for pro-gay messages.

Wait what? I don't give a damn where I shop. And besides, Christians don't actively target pro gay businesses for destruction. They simply boycott, peacefully.
What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.


Dennis Hastert is a Christian. He just diddled High School boys against their will. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Mark Foley is a Christian. He just bent over House Pages. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Mark Sanford is a Christian. All he did was to leave he family to go fuck his secret lover's pussy in Argentina, meanwhile lying to his constituents that he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Newt Gingrich is a Christian. He only had affairs with the next wife while still fucking the current wife. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

David Vitter is a Christian. Why, all he did was to fuck the same DC madam as did Elliot Spitzer, also while wearing diapers and such. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Josh Duggar is a Christian. All he did was to abuse young girls sexually. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

George Rekers is a Christian. All he did was to use $$ from the firm that was supposed to be against homosexuality to hire a rent-boy to go on vacation with him and fuck him many times in the ass. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker are Christians... lol...

Ted Swaggart is a Christian and a preacher. All he did was to take crystal meth with a gay whore and get fucked by the whore many times. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Tell me, is there one single Christian out there who actually lives these beliefs of right and wrong?

And why were you so crazy as to compare a religion with a political party?

Do apples and pubic-hair shavers much?

What's best for America?

I'm going with the Christian philosophy/beliefs of right and wrong over the just anything goes chaos and consistant failures of liberal Democratic Party decadence.


Dennis Hastert is a Christian. He just diddled High School boys against their will. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Mark Foley is a Christian. He just bent over House Pages. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Mark Sanford is a Christian. All he did was to leave he family to go fuck his secret lover's pussy in Argentina, meanwhile lying to his constituents that he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

Newt Gingrich is a Christian. He only had affairs with the next wife while still fucking the current wife. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

David Vitter is a Christian. Why, all he did was to fuck the same DC madam as did Elliot Spitzer, also while wearing diapers and such. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Josh Duggar is a Christian. All he did was to abuse young girls sexually. But that's ok, he's a Christian.

George Rekers is a Christian. All he did was to use $$ from the firm that was supposed to be against homosexuality to hire a rent-boy to go on vacation with him and fuck him many times in the ass. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker are Christians... lol...

Ted Swaggart is a Christian and a preacher. All he did was to take crystal meth with a gay whore and get fucked by the whore many times. But it's ok, he's a Christian.

Tell me, is there one single Christian out there who actually lives these beliefs of right and wrong?

And why were you so crazy as to compare a religion with a political party?

Do apples and pubic-hair shavers much?

That's quite a list but mine is much longer .:disbelief:. it's the Democratic Party List.

I think we all agree that the political class has more than their share of closet liberals....:wink_2:
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There is nothing wrong with western civilization, and whatever 'values' there are, it doesn't matter if they are 'secular' or 'christian', as both serve society well.

People are trying to find fault where there is none, as if society can't adapt to new issues and philosophical points of view.

I would be more worried about societies that can't adapt, and just stew away till they explode into ethnic cleansing, genocide, persecution of minorities, and all those other terrible things that happen in closed societies where there is only one way to live, and only one way to do things.

If you don't like homosexuality, evolution, religion, communism, socialism, capitalism, government, taxes, cats, dogs, aliens, meat, spinach, flu shots, or secular teaching. You do have a choice, and that is teaching kids yourself.

Try doing that in closed societies like Russia, China, and parts of the Middle East - and you could get arrested, sent to prison, or shot.
Russia encourages home schooling. 1/3 of the children in Russia are home schooled. That's because Russia is a free country and we only say we are.

LOL.....oh my god.......really- can I encourage you to move immediately to Russia- 'land of the free' in your mind?
Dreams are free, even if Russia isn't for:
- Blacks (who are regularly targeted by Russians for assault even in Moscow - and Russians taunt them and dehumanize them, and people say things are bad here).
- Chinese (who complain of massive discrimination just when trading with Russians, let alone living with them).
- Gays (before the Marxist-Leninists came to power, there was discrimination, but that changed with the Soviet Union - and you know the rest i.e. gulags, torture, death).
- Jews (after WW2 Stalin began an anti-Semitic campaign, so naturally most Russians after all the state propaganda are rabid anti-Semites).
- Opponents of Putin (who are either barred from politics, assassinated by Putin or indirectly by his thugs, arrested on made up charges, or poisoned in case of Russian dissidents that flee abroad).
- Private Media (there is no free press freely operating freely in Russia, or at least any media source that isn't heavily pressured by the Russian government to conform to state propaganda lines).
- Human Rights/Advocacy organizations (which are barred from Russia for being 'foreign agents', basically shutting down any organization that isn't Russian government funded or kissing Putin's ass)
- Foreign businesses and investors (who make the mistake of thinking Russia is like other countries, and find their assets seized and the company shutdown overnight i.e. state nationalization, manufactured corruption charges, and so on).
- Average Russians (even those kissing Putin's ass, can't avoid rampant corruption and bribes to police, bad working conditions, bad wages, and a government too busy enriching themselves and their state mafia).
- Peace Activists/Dissidents (who are arrested for non-violent protests - whether over Ukraine or the repressive government in general, and in many cases even killed by Extreme Nationalists).

But it is paradise for:
- Russian politicians and tycoons in favor with Putin (who can appropriate state funds to enrich themselves, have plenty of prostitutes, and overall live it up).
- Neo Nazis (the head of Occupy Pedophilia that goes after gays, and assaults little kids to adults and tortures them, is a Neo Nazi, and gets official sanction from Putin, token prosecutions are launched occasionally though).
- Extreme Nationalists (who are actively used to crush dissent/peace activists, and can act with impunity, just like with Neo Nazis there are only token prosecutions).
- The Russian Orthodox Church (who get state favoritism and money, and act as the morality police of Russia, just like during Tzarist days).
- The Russian Mafia (who can easily bribe police and public officials, and carry out criminal activity like Al Capone could only dream of).
- FSB (really they only just changed the name from KGB, and they still get cozy benefits for going after people who Putin and his thugs don't like).

So which of the favored groups is Tipsy going to be, if she/he leaves the 'evil old USA' and our 'moral corruption'? Unless Tipsy can sell state secrets for entry like Snowden.
Why do these Christian conservatives think democracy is a Christian value?

Need I remind you that Heaven is a Kingdom?

They don't Gilligan. You're the one that think Democracy is sacrosanct, until it fails your subjective needs, then you run to Minority Rule.

Your Relativism is showing again, scamp. Now please, pull your knees together and sit it like a lady.
Why do Protestants allow birth control and Catholics don't?

Both claim to be Christian. They can't both be right, can they?


It's what's for sinnin'.

Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .
Why do Protestants allow birth control and Catholics don't?

Both claim to be Christian. They can't both be right, can they?


It's what's for sinnin'.

Which is the right answer, and how do you know which is the right answer? Which is the true Christian position to take on birth control?

You know, because of the responsibilities intrinsic to one's right...

Birth Control is a rationalization which seeks to control conception, despite the exercising of the right, not due to it.

Are you seriously this pitiful? I had hoped it was an act... .

Would you like Ranch or Blue Cheese with that salad?

Birth control is either in conflict with Christian teachings or it isn't. Which is it?

In case you missed the topic of this thread is Christian values.

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