Zone1 Morale Universalism vs. White Supremacy


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Opening Post
The young people in China are increasingly defying the Communist Party. Among those born in the late 90s, half have already decided not to have children. In those born after the year 2000, there could be an astonishing 60-70% choosing not to have children. Among couples who registered their marriages last year, 40% do not intend to have children. As for the newborns last year, 40-45% were the second child of couples who already had one. As the post-2000 and post-2010 generations come of age, the low fertility level will be more pronounced, and the fertility rate could plummet.#populationcrisis #marriage #birthrate #chinacollapse #chinaobserverAll rights reserved.

Comments from White Nationalists
That's great, the same should be applied to India.

Mortimers Comment

As morale universalist, and christian that doesnt sit well with me, jesus said "do everyone as you wish he does to you" now you wish different for you and wish them what you dont wish for yourself. as morale universalist i consider that "evil" sorry. Now I think that generally china and india and some parts of the world, like some parts of africa, do indeed need demographics controll, and generally the world or humanity needs population controll. But that is another topic, and different what you say. You probably want that whites have 12 children, and are not gay, and trannies etc. but degenerate but you want that for third world and all non-white populations. That i consider "evil" sorry man. Those are the people who are happy when blacks have abortions. For them it is not about morales or that it is already a human being or murder, for them it is that non-whites should not exist, or be very few in numbers and subordinate to whites.
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