Morality of Wealth Redistribution

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on

that is way beyond dumb of course!! Conservatives like Aristotle and our Founders are/were for freedom from govt. Liberals are 100% opposed and so spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Now they have elected Obama, a guy with 3 communist parents who voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open lib commie in Congress!!!

Wrong side of history?? Do you understand now?

Founder were the most radical liberals of the day, who WANTED a stronger fed Gov't via the CONSTITUTION over the states rights Articles. TRY ONE POLICY, YOU KNOW WHAT A POLICY IS RIGHT BUBBA? THAT CONSERVATIVES HAVE EVER BEEN ON THE CORRECT SIDE OF HISTORY ON!
can dumbto3 tell us how the massive liberal interference designed to get folks into homes the free market said they could not afford did not cause the crisis?? Afraid to try?


The historical "originate and hold" mortgage model was replaced with the "originate and distribute" model. Incentives were such that you could get paid just to originate and sell the mortgages down the pipeline, passing the risk along.


Typing it in all caps doesn't make it true, bub.

Ad homs don't make it false

I'm pretty sure that how much I earn is in no way related to the morals of my adult offspring.

Just saying.
That part is true. But how about the third question, which you've ignored.

Considering how you earned your living, and/or how your father earned his. How does one go about "earning" fifty billion dollars?

When we consider the emergence of the 1% vs the 99% within the past three decades of "Reaganomics," would you argue the concept of morality does not arise?

For one thing, consider one's motivation to acquire that much money. How would you define it?

I would argue that simply amassing large amounts of wealth or income do not indicate anything immoral has occurred. Your approach from that angle seems more like jealousy than honesty.

In reality, there has always been a 1% richest and and a 99% poorer. There has also always existed a 1% healthiest and 99% less healthy. It is even factual that there has always existed a 1% smartest and a 99% less intelligent. That's just the way math and percentages work. That doesn't make it evil, it just is.

Weird, so from 1945-1980 the top 1% (yes ALWAYS 1%) received 6%-9% of ALL US income, but by 2007 they TOOK 23%. What changed?
Just because you linked to something on the interwebs, doesn't make it true.

And, I have a policy of not performing clickage on links for which the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor the intelligence to provide an explanation in his own words as to why they are relevant to the discussion.

Thank you for sharing!
How does one go about "earning" fifty billion dollars?

By convincing people that they'll do good things with that much money.

Mike, if someone acquires that much money honestly, via voluntary trade and investment from others, would you say they've 'earned' it?
I would argue that simply amassing large amounts of wealth or income do not indicate anything immoral has occurred.

quite the contrary actually. under capitalism you are free to buy an iphone or not. If you buy it it is because you are better off with the phone than the money. free people deciding whether they are better off, based on their own judgements, is how we got from the stone to here. THe more money you have the more people you have helped!

If you want to have money under capitalism you've got to invent a product that people prefer over all others available in the world. Its a saintly pursuit if ever there was one!!!
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Monkey boi, isn't it true that in 1978, the Department of Labor amended labor reporting to include part-time workers under 32 hours a week in reporting? Isn't it true that this instantly and artificially added 6 million people to the employed category?

Oh, your handlers at the hate sites didn't tell you this? Well, why would they?

Should be in the data then right? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


You are an historic ignoramous. Carter was President when women started entering the workforce in large number (many families needed two incomes to deal with double digit inflation, and boomer women who went to college started careers).

The Labor Force Participation rate, as a result, increased from 61.6% in January 1977, to 63.9% four years later..a gain of 3.3%. By the end of Reagan's two terms, it had increased to 66.5%...a gain of 2.6%. Population growth and demographic shifts benefited them both, but Carter got the bigger hit of women flowing into the workforce.

Btw, under Obama, the Labor Force Participation rate is back down to 62.8%.

Just because you linked to something on the interwebs, doesn't make it true.

And, I have a policy of not performing clickage on links for which the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor the intelligence to provide an explanation in his own words as to why they are relevant to the discussion.

Thank you for sharing!

Nope, what make it true are the FACTS

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

•The boom and bust was global. Proponents of the Big Lie ignore the worldwide nature of the housing boom and bust.


Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards.

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up | The Big Picture
Are you married to Truthmattersnot?

Or are you a Truthmattersnot sock?
You CLAIM Rushblo follows Uncle Milties economic theory, though Uncle Miltie doesn't claim tax cuts create more revenues (nor ANY credible economists).. Go figure you are ALWAYS wrong

total illiterate!!! they are both huge advocates of free markets and both are/were for cuting taxes all the time and for any reason!

The most recent supply-side proposal, riding a boomlet of popu-
]arity, is a fiat rate income tax.6 Properly termed a degressive tax, it
would apply a fiat rate to all income above some exemption level.
The virtue of this scheme, ]ong advocated by Milton Friedman, is
that it could raise revenue in amounts comparahle to the present
system yet with a rate below 15 percent. This would drastically
reduce marginal tax rates, simplify the tax system, eliminate the tax
shelter game, and improve resource allocation


You CLAIM Rushblo follows Uncle Milties economic theory, though Uncle Miltie doesn't claim tax cuts create more revenues (nor ANY credible economists).. Go figure you are ALWAYS wrong

OMG!! our corporations are moving to China because wages are lower and so they can afford to employ people!! Our corporations are moving off shore, (Walgreen just announced yesterday) to escape the highest taxes in the world.

Labor cost and tax cost obviously matter 100%. We see it every day!! Do you know how slow you have to be not to see it? What is wrong with you?
I haz a sad that I haz no mo rep an cannot neg D23.

OMG!! our corporations are moving to China because wages are lower and so they can afford to employ people!! Our corporations are moving off shore, (Walgreen just announced yesterday) to escape the highest taxes in the world.

Labor cost and tax cost obviously matter 100%. We see it every day!! Do you know how slow you have to be not to see it? What is wrong with you?

He was born with only half a brain, and that half has been thoroughly Progasized.
Welfare is a form of slavery for those who are dependent upon the government.

And DEBT is a slavery for those who have to work for a living...especially high interest credit card debt for which the debtor only makes minimum payments.

Lincoln wanted to end slavery, welfare/ entitlement slavery and dependency we all want to end, but credit card debt is really an individual choice to end or not so not of concern here really.

1. Lincoln wasn’t an abolitionist.
Lincoln did believe that slavery was morally wrong, but there was one big problem: It was sanctioned by the highest law in the land, the Constitution.
The nation’s founding fathers, who also struggled with how to address slavery, did not explicitly write the word “slavery” in the Constitution, but they did include key clauses protecting the institution, including a fugitive slave clause and the three-fifths clause, which allowed Southern states to count slaves for the purposes of representation in the federal government. In a three-hour speech in Peoria, Illinois, in the fall of 1854, Lincoln presented more clearly than ever his moral, legal and economic opposition to slavery—and then admitted he didn’t know exactly what should be done about it within the current political system.

5 Things You May Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation ? History in the Headlines
That part is true. But how about the third question, which you've ignored.

Considering how you earned your living, and/or how your father earned his. How does one go about "earning" fifty billion dollars?

When we consider the emergence of the 1% vs the 99% within the past three decades of "Reaganomics," would you argue the concept of morality does not arise?

For one thing, consider one's motivation to acquire that much money. How would you define it?

I would argue that simply amassing large amounts of wealth or income do not indicate anything immoral has occurred. Your approach from that angle seems more like jealousy than honesty.

In reality, there has always been a 1% richest and and a 99% poorer. There has also always existed a 1% healthiest and 99% less healthy. It is even factual that there has always existed a 1% smartest and a 99% less intelligent. That's just the way math and percentages work. That doesn't make it evil, it just is.

Weird, so from 1945-1980 the top 1% (yes ALWAYS 1%) received 6%-9% of ALL US income, but by 2007 they TOOK 23%. What changed?

TOOK? Your bias is evident in your word choice.
We changed from a highly agrarian society to a society of technology. That was the change. Knowledge of history helps me.

OMG!! our corporations are moving to China because wages are lower and so they can afford to employ people!! Our corporations are moving off shore, (Walgreen just announced yesterday) to escape the highest taxes in the world.

Labor cost and tax cost obviously matter 100%. We see it every day!! Do you know how slow you have to be not to see it? What is wrong with you?

Got it you agree, tax rates don't effect US jobs. Yes, low tax US rates create jobs in China . Corps have RECORD US profits (where most of their income is from, by far) and yet lowest EFFECTIVE tax burden in 40 years, only lower in the industrialized world by Mexico and Chile. HIGH TAXES? lol

Learn the difference on marg v effective Bubba, grow a brain!
I would argue that simply amassing large amounts of wealth or income do not indicate anything immoral has occurred. Your approach from that angle seems more like jealousy than honesty.

In reality, there has always been a 1% richest and and a 99% poorer. There has also always existed a 1% healthiest and 99% less healthy. It is even factual that there has always existed a 1% smartest and a 99% less intelligent. That's just the way math and percentages work. That doesn't make it evil, it just is.

Weird, so from 1945-1980 the top 1% (yes ALWAYS 1%) received 6%-9% of ALL US income, but by 2007 they TOOK 23%. What changed?

TOOK? Your bias is evident in your word choice.
We changed from a highly agrarian society to a society of technology. That was the change. Knowledge of history helps me.

SURE, THAT was it *shaking head*

That part is true. But how about the third question, which you've ignored.

Considering how you earned your living, and/or how your father earned his. How does one go about "earning" fifty billion dollars?

When we consider the emergence of the 1% vs the 99% within the past three decades of "Reaganomics," would you argue the concept of morality does not arise?

For one thing, consider one's motivation to acquire that much money. How would you define it?

I would argue that simply amassing large amounts of wealth or income do not indicate anything immoral has occurred. Your approach from that angle seems more like jealousy than honesty.

In reality, there has always been a 1% richest and and a 99% poorer. There has also always existed a 1% healthiest and 99% less healthy. It is even factual that there has always existed a 1% smartest and a 99% less intelligent. That's just the way math and percentages work. That doesn't make it evil, it just is.

Weird, so from 1945-1980 the top 1% (yes ALWAYS 1%) received 6%-9% of ALL US income, but by 2007 they TOOK 23%. What changed?

the world shrank. The CEO now sells to the entire world rather than just his own country so he manages a far bigger business and is worth far more on the free market. If baseball spreads to the entire world salaries will go up because there will be more customers to bid up wages. Over your head? Any more quesrions?
Monkey boi, isn't it true that in 1978, the Department of Labor amended labor reporting to include part-time workers under 32 hours a week in reporting? Isn't it true that this instantly and artificially added 6 million people to the employed category?

Oh, your handlers at the hate sites didn't tell you this? Well, why would they?

Should be in the data then right? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


You are an historic ignoramous. Carter was President when women started entering the workforce in large number (many families needed two incomes to deal with double digit inflation, and boomer women who went to college started careers).

The Labor Force Participation rate, as a result, increased from 61.6% in January 1977, to 63.9% four years later..a gain of 3.3%. By the end of Reagan's two terms, it had increased to 66.5%...a gain of 2.6%. Population growth and demographic shifts benefited them both, but Carter got the bigger hit of women flowing into the workforce.

Btw, under Obama, the Labor Force Participation rate is back down to 62.8%.


But yes, Dubya/GOP recession is deep AND wide
I would argue that simply amassing large amounts of wealth or income do not indicate anything immoral has occurred. Your approach from that angle seems more like jealousy than honesty.

In reality, there has always been a 1% richest and and a 99% poorer. There has also always existed a 1% healthiest and 99% less healthy. It is even factual that there has always existed a 1% smartest and a 99% less intelligent. That's just the way math and percentages work. That doesn't make it evil, it just is.

Weird, so from 1945-1980 the top 1% (yes ALWAYS 1%) received 6%-9% of ALL US income, but by 2007 they TOOK 23%. What changed?

the world shrank. The CEO now sells to the entire world rather than just his own country so he manages a far bigger business and is worth far more on the free market. If baseball spreads to the entire world salaries will go up because there will be more customers to bid up wages. Over your head? Any more quesrions?

Weird, you mean Gov't policy rewards the 'job creators' who make MOST of their money in the US to offshore US jobs WHILE they TAKE much more of the pie AND pay a smaller tax burden on that piece of pie? GOV'T POLICY

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