Morality of Wealth Redistribution

How about if we make everybody pay the exact same tax rate (percentage) and see what happens.
Or do you think some people should be fucked over simply because they make more money than you?


Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Total U.S. taxes are barely progressive, as shown in this table and chart from Citizens for Tax Justice. The bottom 99 percent pays a 27.5 percent total tax rate on average, while the top 1 percent pays an average 29 percent tax rate, according to 2011 data from Citizens for Tax Justice.

The share of total taxes paid by each income group is similar to that group’s share of total income.

• The share of total taxes paid by the richest one percent (21.6 percent) is almost identical to that group’s share of total income (21.0 percent).

• The total effective tax rate for the richest one percent (29.0 percent) is only about four percentage points higher than the total effective tax rate for the middle fifth of taxpayers (25.2 percent)

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

Like I said, make everybody pay the exact same tax rate, that is fair.
No write offs, no exclusions. If somebody makes 5 hundred dollars or 5 million dollars, pay the same percentage. I don't care if you have kids, a mortgage or a disease, pay the same rate. I don't care if your income is from blue collar work, white collar work or investments, pay the same rate.
I'm being fair.

FAIR and other 'flat taxes' are the most regressive types of taxes, say economists!


Weird, you mean Gov't policy rewards the 'job creators' who make MOST of their money in the US to offshore US jobs WHILE they TAKE much more of the pie AND pay a smaller tax burden on that piece of pie? GOV'T POLICY

dear, the world shrank thanks to technology not govt policy!! Slow??
Weird, you mean Gov't policy rewards the 'job creators' who make MOST of their money in the US to offshore US jobs WHILE they TAKE much more of the pie AND pay a smaller tax burden on that piece of pie? GOV'T POLICY

dear, the world shrank thanks to technology not govt policy!! Slow??

Yes, you are, and your [you're]not honest either....

changing subject because as a liberal you lack IQ for subject? Lets get you back on track. are you afriad to try?
top 1/10th of 1% get over 50% of ALL dividends)

This error was funny the last time you said it. Or is it a lie?

Marginal rates, heck even that socialist Reagan had the top rate at 50% for 6 years

There were a lot more loopholes and tax shelters as well.

Look at Clinton's 1993 tax increases

Now explain why taking more money from taxpayers creates jobs or increases growth.

Dubya's tax cuts benefited the RICHEST ($1+ MILLION ) the most

And benefited the middle class more than the SocSec "holiday".


Makes you wonder why his misery index was so high?

Once it is a mistake. Repeated after correction, it is a lie.

In all fairness, dumb2three doesn't grasp the shit he posts. He is a feral baboon, flinging shit from the hate sites. He has no actual grasp of the idiotic nonsense he posts, and he cannot debate or discuss them. He cuts & pastes from the leftist whackadoodle sites - period.

Only did it once dummy. Corrected it. You wing nutters are NEVER honest

You did it at least twice.
Defend what? False premises distortions and lies from right wingers? lol

dear if liberals did not attack and destroy the black family who did? Are you afriad to say??

Let me guess? LBJ the guy who gave them the civil rights movement that conservatives (not GOPers of yester year), conservatives hated then and now

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on

When the rich white far left elitists show that they truly care by donating their entire fortunes to help the people and live with those in the slums that they claim they want to help, then I may take the far left at their word on this subject..
Once it is a mistake. Repeated after correction, it is a lie.

In all fairness, dumb2three doesn't grasp the shit he posts. He is a feral baboon, flinging shit from the hate sites. He has no actual grasp of the idiotic nonsense he posts, and he cannot debate or discuss them. He cuts & pastes from the leftist whackadoodle sites - period.

Only did it once dummy. Corrected it. You wing nutters are NEVER honest

You did it at least twice.

dear if liberals did not attack and destroy the black family who did? Are you afriad to say??

Let me guess? LBJ the guy who gave them the civil rights movement that conservatives (not GOPers of yester year), conservatives hated then and now

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on


True since most of Obamacares are conservative/GOP ideas, but why is the GOP trying to get rid of it then?
dear if liberals did not attack and destroy the black family who did? Are you afriad to say??

Let me guess? LBJ the guy who gave them the civil rights movement that conservatives (not GOPers of yester year), conservatives hated then and now

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on


Well it did ask for one, but I am sure that there is a lot more that the far left will deny as part of their religious beliefs.
Let me guess? LBJ the guy who gave them the civil rights movement that conservatives (not GOPers of yester year), conservatives hated then and now

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on


True since most of Obamacares are conservative/GOP ideas, but why is the GOP trying to get rid of it then?

It's really all about the left/right crap with you, isn't it?

What do you think about the moral justification for wealth redistribution?

er, wait. Nevermind.
I'm pretty sure that how much I earn is in no way related to the morals of my adult offspring.

Just saying.

Considering how you earned your living, and/or how your father earned his. How does one go about "earning" fifty billion dollars?

Simple: produce a product that people are willing to exchange $50 billion plus your expenses for.

Just ask Bill Gates.
Let me guess? LBJ the guy who gave them the civil rights movement that conservatives (not GOPers of yester year), conservatives hated then and now

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on


True since most of Obamacares are conservative/GOP ideas, but why is the GOP trying to get rid of it then?

True since most of Obamacares are conservative/GOP ideas

LOL! Not even close.

but why is the GOP trying to get rid of it then?

Because Obamacare sucks and is hurting the economy.

True since most of Obamacares are conservative/GOP ideas, but why is the GOP trying to get rid of it then?

True since most of Obamacares are conservative/GOP ideas

LOL! Not even close.

but why is the GOP trying to get rid of it then?

Because Obamacare sucks and is hurting the economy.

Not a single Republican voted for it, yet the entire population of America is now choking on it. Choking on fetid putrid senseless legislation. Are you fuckers happy now?
PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on

that is way beyond dumb of course!! Conservatives like Aristotle and our Founders are/were for freedom from govt. Liberals are 100% opposed and so spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Now they have elected Obama, a guy with 3 communist parents who voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open lib commie in Congress!!!

Wrong side of history?? Do you understand now?

Founder were the most radical liberals of the day, who WANTED a stronger fed Gov't via the CONSTITUTION over the states rights Articles. TRY ONE POLICY, YOU KNOW WHAT A POLICY IS RIGHT BUBBA? THAT CONSERVATIVES HAVE EVER BEEN ON THE CORRECT SIDE OF HISTORY ON!
Who wrote the 9th and the 10th amendments? Try that one on for size.
Let me guess? LBJ the guy who gave them the civil rights movement that conservatives (not GOPers of yester year), conservatives hated then and now

PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on


Well it did ask for one, but I am sure that there is a lot more that the far left will deny as part of their religious beliefs.

Good, you agree, Obamacares WAS a conservative idea originally, that's how far right you wingers have gone!
that is way beyond dumb of course!! Conservatives like Aristotle and our Founders are/were for freedom from govt. Liberals are 100% opposed and so spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Now they have elected Obama, a guy with 3 communist parents who voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open lib commie in Congress!!!

Wrong side of history?? Do you understand now?

Founder were the most radical liberals of the day, who WANTED a stronger fed Gov't via the CONSTITUTION over the states rights Articles. TRY ONE POLICY, YOU KNOW WHAT A POLICY IS RIGHT BUBBA? THAT CONSERVATIVES HAVE EVER BEEN ON THE CORRECT SIDE OF HISTORY ON!
Who wrote the 9th and the 10th amendments? Try that one on for size.

The STRONG federal rights guys? Or you mean the guy who wanted fed laws to have veto rights over states rights, Mr Madison?
Founder were the most radical liberals of the day, who WANTED a stronger fed Gov't via the CONSTITUTION over the states rights Articles. TRY ONE POLICY, YOU KNOW WHAT A POLICY IS RIGHT BUBBA? THAT CONSERVATIVES HAVE EVER BEEN ON THE CORRECT SIDE OF HISTORY ON!
Who wrote the 9th and the 10th amendments? Try that one on for size.

The STRONG federal rights guys? Or you mean the guy who wanted fed laws to have veto rights over states rights, Mr Madison?

Madison had nothing to do with the 9th and 10th Amendments, moron. They were added after the Constitution was adopted at the insistence of the states.

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