MORE American Blood on Barry's Hands Part IX

keep flooding the forum w/ your nativist hate threads old man ZZZzzzz
I will keep posting news articles, and you libs keep personally attacking's a sign of 'surrender'.

they aren't "news" they're rightwingnut blogosphere lunacy.

you really should find a way to create a useful existence.
that 'tard needs to go outside one in a while instead of spazzing on here all day long

yep. but probably he's as hateful in real life as he is here. so i get why trolling here is all he's got.
Why do you call ME hatefull, Jill. It is angry, bitter, hatefull libs like you, dot, cc, etc who constantly personally attack me while providing nothing to the actual discussions?

You have reduced the board to a liberal hangout to bully, bash, attack, and insult anyone who says anything that does not agree with your liberal ideology or says anything negative about liberals.

Its a shame and pathetic.
keep flooding the forum w/ your nativist hate threads old man ZZZzzzz
I will keep posting news articles, and you libs keep personally attacking's a sign of 'surrender'.

they aren't "news" they're rightwingnut blogosphere lunacy.

you really should find a way to create a useful existence.
that 'tard needs to go outside one in a while instead of spazzing on here all day long
So nothing if substance from you either, just another personal attack?

You guys are boring? Pardin me while I ignore you ...
are you denying that all you do here is flood the forum w/ rw alarmist threads?


You are predictable and boring
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"Oregon triple murder suspect had been deported SIX TIMES"

After conviction and he's put to death, hang his body on the border fence as a warning...

Oregon triple murder suspect had been deported six times | Fox News

poor lying troll.

get a job make yourself useful to society.

earn money, pay taxes. loon

Poor little '3rd testicle', still hanging around with nothing to contribute.

...dangle, dangle, dangle...

You do realize calling me a liar when I did not write the news story make YOU look like an idiot, right?!

Dangle, dangle, dangle...

...and you make false assumptions about people you don't know. As usual, your posts are not based on fact.

you're a compulsive liar and a troll who spends all day every day spreading lies

false assumptions? not based on what we can see....

near as i can tell you're useless as boobs on a bull.

You can blame FOX news for reporting an Associated Press release if you want too, but it makes you look really stupid.
The only thing obvious is that I post news reports and articles...and libs like Jill and Dot have nothing to counter with / offer except personal attacks on me.

'Nuff said.

Yesterday you attacked Obama for civilian deaths in drone attacks and then I proved you support attacks even if they result in civilian deaths.

You are a worn out joke.
Obama's drone program is designed to create more terrorists, not end the threat.

He talks about GITMO being a recruiting tool. Killing terrorists from the air just pisses them off more.

Here's an effective means of fighting terror:

  1. Find out where they live
  2. Kill them and anyone with them
  3. Leave nothing but smoldering ruins
  4. Repeat
  5. Tell the wannabes the same thing is in store for them if the get any ideas
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